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Show LEHI FREE PRESS. LEW. IT AH and Trim Who Wouldn't Be Slim They r TuaA U: AND THE THINGS MAKE HOWE CANNING RiOT ARE U.S. ROYAL PE K0T3gE Willetts. "And golf trousers to fit." JAR RUBBERS men smiled. NOTHING ELSE CERtt: IT CAN SEAL FLAVOR what a smile would do TAINLY IS IN SO TIGHT own broad grin undoubtedly ei WORTH DO...AND THEIR Bell plained the friendliness of the but HOME ING Barbara ta'n'D' 1 one lady I'd like to ler, and he himself had fallen vlctla Duke. "There TWO BIG LIPS 1. CANNING patterns easy MAKE IT CHILD'S tame." to the same upturning of a pair of RIGHT. 15 cents in coin for PLAY TO MAKE OR ready. S.nd Together, they strolled through the carmined lips. He had resented PaBREAK THE SEAL wide Colonial foyer of the club, ami tricia Uambldge whole heartedly un Oopyrlfte. Chxcn.rt Poll vk your copy. ar .sbbbsbbbbw WW BorrVce. Into Its white and deserted dining til she smiled. He still resented her Seud your order to The Sewing New Montroom. SYNOPSIS Circle Pattern Dept.. U'J but he knew exactly how many day Calif. Francisco. San gomery Ave.. "Early yet." commented the Judge. It was to Thursday. Service. -WNU Bell Syndicate To Puk, a pleasant. likaUe youth The case against Kvans was that b Southampton doesn't get going be Joblesa and broke, enf twenty-threfore end of the June. never Pleasant club, smiled. In ter an unoccupied summer home We're opening our house next "What's the matter with Evans?" Southampton, seeking shelter from a though. tarrtflc rain atorm. He makes himself week. Just ran down today to have asked the Duke, using his fork on a Real Enemies at borne. Six years ago his father had the water turned on, and all that sort morsel of sweetbread sous cloche. 4 led In China, leaving the lad, Harry of Still How's thing. your place? "Matter, sir?" Gilbert, to fight his way back to the nation of the world Is EVERY He seems morose," said the Duke. Slates. He did not recollect ever hav. got Willetts?" under the terrific IlYes." The fact is, Kvans' wife Is very 111, lng bad a mother. Oozing at the exist that Its enemies boun-Jarhe Is startled by the arrival of a lusion Good servant, Willetts. Your fa sir." some geographical butler. Willetts; a chauffeur, Kvans; a ther lays him off all winter, and goes across In Patchogue?" ook and a maid. He learns that the to We do nut slay our enelive in a hotel, but Willetts comes od of the owner of the huu.se. Jack "Yes, sir. We left her there. That's we slay our broth- when mies Kidder, whom the servants had never back every spring. How about a lit- what made us late last night. bluff w een. Is expected, lie decides to e mereijri.. n..iriiv thpm. ers ' tle salmon salad, Mr. Kidder?" '(Jo on." tt out. Ills supposed parents have left greed. fear, Hate, "Salmon salad with mayonnaise, 'That's about all, sir. Mrs. Evans for Germany. Next morning he Is given racial and norance, pride. a kind It's ill some letter for his "mother." Me opens it please." has been time. .io!ictir. hiffotrv these are and finds a message from the real Jack, He smiled, remembering yesterday's of anemia, sir. Kvans didn't want to and could not he come, returning aying real enemies of my country, and leave her. When he found he was at Huntington. Hundred-dollar bill. The boy s father counUNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY your country, and every 'Bather a coincidence, meeting you coming out here only yesterday, sir bad pensioned him Into obscurity. BarHarold Phillips. Dr. Wd SUM baa Fnfccts, be If could he Mr. try. he Bidder asked ry pockets the money. Intending to reseen he said. "I'd Just here," your 17M IrtMMf , Sot Tart, K. T, Ina 620 turn It later. lie orders Evans to take name In The Globe." a Mrs. Kvans. There's quite bring htm to Montauk, Intending to disappear Success doesn't "happen." It is And Mr. The Judge's brow clouded. big room over the garage. there. captured preempted, he's well, Kidder 'No.' organized, lie's "Yes. Your father's newspaper. said, common sense. by concentrated firm, Mr. Kidder Is. I guess you mow They say I'm a Tammany Judge, robCHAPTER I Continued Frances E. Wlllard. that, sir. And then Evans decided to bing the peepul." 'It's always easy to work up ei- put her up In the village for a few "Twin Bays Golf Club," replied the cltement about the underdog," I'u- - days. But she was taken bad at c gentleman. "Its only about three miles tricla cot In. "As though It really Patchogue, sir, anil we had to lave THE her at a hotel. Kvans was a good op this road." mattered what happened to the -deal upset. Thev've only been mar Well." the Duke susKested, "If 'You don't like rich men's sons," ried a few months." you're In a hurry, why don't you let me take you there? Then Kvans ami the Duke remarked, "and you don't "I see," said the Duke. I can come back, and have another like underdogs. He thought about the matter nil Just whom do you try at this. If Kvans can't do any- like. Miss Uambldge?" through dinner. thing, I'll send a mechanic from the As lie was quitting the table, Wil "People who make their way." "Can't you feel sorry for people who letts," he said, "I think you'd better village." "That's very kind of you, hut I've don't?" tell Kvans to go back to Patchogue, A better Idea. You say you're hun"Not very," she admitted, frankly. and get his wife. Tonight, if she's fit gry, too. Why don't you lunch with Nobody does. Most of us pretend to. to travel. Or tomorrow morning. My OS, and leuve your man to do the don't know why. They're merely father won't know anything about It, No. 1SSD-- B rest?" the brake on civilization. They don't and it seems a pity to waste that Mrs. J. H. Waters, Who Isn't excited about the new "Swell I" said the Duke. "Kvans, count. Civilization does." President room over the garage." to shoulder width that tends drive ua to the Twin Uaya Coif Club, The hard boiled minx! "Thank wider "Yes, sir," Raid Willetts. and then come buck to this job." "I suppose you'll be keeping bache you, sir. Anything else I can do ror slenderize the waistline? Note the unusual bodice lines, the "You know what to do, Bates," he lor's hall most of the summer," stig you, sir?" extending to the hem, and kick continued to bis man. "Come on; gested the Judge. "The Nauhelm treat panel He went on thinking about It be I Is ment believe. Well, fore the fire. pleats that contribute dash and ease. let'e get In!" eight weeks, The natty collar is Just right to take Barry turned round to look for the you'll have to make yourself at home "Houses without people, and people a I'm us. a whisand with was in the pin, clip or posy. The frock is away without houses." green dress. She widower, girl fashioned and costs so little quickly pering to Evans, the other side of the a good part of the time, so you and Funny world! to make. Patricia can fight things out on the stalled car. THE "If I belonged here " the Duke re He glanced at his tennis court." Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1SS9-- Is As they strolled tin the road : SINGLE to himself. pented 40 "You're Mr. Bidder, aren't you?" the watch. "We'll be down for good the The trouble with people like my available in sizes 14, 18, 18, 20; $2.00 to $4.00 measureof next week. How about din first bust 42. and Corresponding asked. Is DOUBLE "and he ruminated, Pat, girl W. E. SUTTON, General Manager father," And before Barry could reply, she ing with us Thursday?" $2.50tO$4.50 that they don't know what It Is not ments 32. 31. 30. 33. 40 and 42. Size CHAUNCEY W. WEST ma smiled "Please the do," 18 requires 4''g yards of girl. to have enough. They've never known, went on: "Your man told me. I 400 Rooms Assist. Gen. Manager "I be should said coin the In for cents fifteen Send delighted," terlal. or they've forgotten. We mnst've ex 400 Baths thought I recognized the car." Duke. "John Kidder's son!" exclaimed the perienced things to have any feeling the pattern. "At eight? Don't dress. We wear about them. If you see a man shot, white-haireThe Summer Pattern Book con gentleman. "Well, I am most of the time out here.' you're horrified. But if you read about flannels So made it with up you've surprised! "Flannels It Is," said the Duke. "T Ill fifty thousand men killed In battle, It your father, have you? You must have Purring softly, as though nothing doesn't mean much to you. heard him speak of me. I'm Judge bad ever been wrong with Its vitals. "My father" Uambldge." And, suddenly, he realized that, For a moment, Barry considered dis- the Judge's car drew up to the steps. "Until Thursday, then, and thank when he said "My father," be was claiming his bogus Identity. But what was the use? He could see Kvans' you for the lift. I m mighty glad to thinking of John Clarke RIdder. For the twentieth time since the be listening ears through the half open have met John Kidder's boy." "I'm glad, too," added Patricia, window between them and the driver's ginning of this astonishing adventure, STOP THTMU$lC! JEANNE, YEAH him her hand. "Maybe I'll learn his mouth spread Itself Into that broad seat, and he wanted to get to Mon --VOU NIT-WIHE WANTED NEW 5. THE BIG PRODUCER, TELL. 'EM to like rich men's sons." tank Point. grin. RUINED HE VouVe THE IS HERE. IF HE TAJ.ENT, PUT COULD VOU "Or underdogs." "Not Judge Curtis Uambldge?" he l4 If I stayed here a month," he re WHOLE SCENE; WOULDN'T COME LIKE? THE DRE X ON A BETTER "That sounds a little more Improb said, omitting to add that he had seen flected, "I'd be calling the old man AM AMATEUR THROUGH TO I'M REHEARSAL, HE able," said the girl. ( SHOW WITH DUMMIES the name In yesterday's newspaper. Dad.' Already, I'm calling the girl fTT WITH YOU SHOW MAY PUT VOU OH A STORE "The same," replied the Judge. They drove away. Pat.' Making myself at home that's t ma. FROM AW-- HE s si t .'.t BROADWAY , s i as T Qurr i Kvans' humor seemed to have Im W1NP0W "Your rather and 1 are well, we ve what 1 am. Better clear out after PROBABIY known each other since lie came down proved with luncheon. Or after dinner next Thursday. JUST CAME "Montauk Point?" he asked, holding breakfast Friday. I'm simply ruining to Southampton, three years nj;o. This HEPE TO MAKE Fl IM fiP VOll Is my daughter, Patrlcln. I'at, for open the car door. my appetite for baked beans!" "I've "No," the Duke answered. Willetts Interrupted his meditations. short, though It takes couruge to call "Kvans would like to know if you'd changed my mind about Montauk her that." Point. Some other day. I think we'll see him, sir." lie laughed. Patricia looked straight ahead. go home now." "Of course. Tell him to come up." "Where is your father?" He had an embarrassing ten mln- "On his way to Bad Naubeim." utes with the chauffeur embarrass- CHAPTER II "That heart of his, eh? Always The ing, but very heart - warming. told him It would cut up again some Well, of all the mad resolutions surly Kvans was transformed. Barry "I'm going to wind up In prison, never had seen anyone else so grate day." He leaned forward, and wound up the window behind Kvans' ears reflected the Duke. "And, as a good ful. "You must have thought I was "Well, I'm glad you two got together many wiser men have done, ou ac pretty grouchy this morning, sir, but I was worried sick. I kept .thinking at last. It's been killing your mother, count of a girl." "A snip of a girl, at that I" how the missis looked when I left She spoke to me about It privately He grinned at that Tat and I are the only people In South her last night. I didn't dare quit, Where was he going to get flan on her account. If It'd been Just me. ampton who know that John Bidder's YOUNG LADY YOU YOU'D IZ SOUNDS LIKE NONSENSE got a son. He wouldn't mention It, nels? Or even a clean shirt? How I'd've starved to be with her." WERE SPLENDID -- IF YOU COFFEE-NERVIRRITALE,T00, 1 1 STILL to else let mention could he hope and wouldn't anyone get away with this "There's likely to be an awful row UNTIL VOU PLEW IF YOU HAD MV MIGHT WMfcN ANY Or MY SAV M T It. I tried. 'I couldn't act that way for a whole week? "Let's think It when my fattier gets home," warned UP' I COULD USE HEADACHES AND TROUPE FEEL THAT COULD HELP- -1 I and Mama 'no of matter a are safe out to boy mine,' said; quietly. Papa the Duke. YOU IN MV SHO- WLUAV T hAAlC Fk INDIGESTION CAN'T TRY IX what he did. Flat on his uppers, In Bad Nauhelm. Probably for a -- AND COULDN'T 1F VOU WEREN'T "We can clear out before then." EvCUT OUT COFFEE FEEL. ANY I The months. Rid of real John somewhere In Florida, and you In I CCD CI couple SO MERVOU5 . ans hesitated, "lhe missis ought to WORSE I TO Ann iDBmme der Isn't coming to Southampton." big empty house on Long Island.' . be all right In a few weeks. It's wonTO POSTUM I II CURSES! OLD NUISANCE T I suppose you're going to spend the "Stop at the railway station," he derful, this sea air." TO PIPE DOWtf ' now." season here, Instructed the chauffeur. "I've got to "When do you want to go for her?" HIS CHATTER "I don't know yet," answered the see about my bag." WOULD 6NE ANY . "I telephoned from the village, and Duke. .OWE A headache: But, oddly enough, the bag hadn't the doctor thinks she'd be all right "Well, I would. This Is your chance. arrived. to make the trip in the morning, sir." r Wake good, and the old man'U be "A suit case?" big Tell you what we'll do," said the ashamed of himself when he comes echoed the baggage master. You're go Duke. "I've got to go to town to get back. Haven't got a Job, anywhere, lng to have a hard time locating It, some clothes and things. I'll ride with have you?" unless you can find your check." you to Patchogue, and take the train "I'll bet he dances wonderfully, "Must have dropped it rrom my there. You can bring Mrs. Kvans said the girl. pocket when I pulled out my railway home, and I'll take another train out She had been taking him In, out of ticket on the train," His Grace told from New York." the corner of her eye, and now she Willetts at dinner. Willetts had been Evans tried to speak, but without paid him this compliment with a quiet very apologetic about sending the mas success. scorn that was as subtle as her per ter away for lunch, "its cook, sir, "That's all now. You can figure what fume. She's new, and, what with the kitchen train I get from Patchogue, and tell "I bad a Job a few months ago," all Good night." Willetts. upside down" observed the Duke. "Don't worry," Interrupted Uie Duke, the door, Evans turned. At COURSE, children shouU never LATER "What happened?" with a disarm- "I had a VfyUJHV SHOULDN'T time. But what are capital with "I'll for coffee. And many grown-upsquare you get this drink ing smile. "Did they want you to we going to do about clothes, Wll some day," he said, and I BE GOOD NATURED? gulped hard, too, find that the caffein in coffee disHAVE 6LADTO work? TVE FELT TOO letts?" and left the room. VOU IN MV SHOW. agrees with them. If you are bothered WONDERFUL TO BE "You're being very rude, my dear," "Well." the butler responded, "there's mused the Duke; "I'd stay JEANME. You're "Gosh," by headaches or Indigestion or can't GROUCHY -5- 1AJCE the Judge admonished. "The truth your father's tailor, sir. Crowell, on I I If a do could POINS FINE a month, sleep soundly thought try Postum for 30 SWITCHED Is that Patricia's rather fed up on our Fifty-firs- t street. Just east of the Ave- few more things like that." -- AMD YOU'RE no caffein. It contains Postum THE days. POSTVM VTD young men. And she's heard a few nue. You could start an account and bran, wheat is whole BEST MATURED simply Mr. Crowell was most obliging, pretty wild stories about you." sweetened. Try there, sir. And Mr. RIdder Senior MEMBER OF THE roasted and slightly a bit at first. John suspicious at Bartlctt's, though They had reached the club now. gets his haberdashery CAST Postum. You may miss coffee at first, Clarke Kidder Senior's blue summer "Get Judge Hamhidge's car run- and his shoes at Kennedy's." but after 30 days youH love Postum suit clung to his bogus son almost "All that takes time," Barry object ning," the Duke Instructed Kvans, for its own rich, satisfying flavor. It find Clarke John Bidder Is "and then you and Bates get some- ed, "and I'm going out to dinner next comically, to delicious, economical, and may prove easy make, Senior's shirt was choking hlra. "You a real help. A product of General Poods. thing to eat, and bring both cars back Thursday. And Thursday's Ave days made these togs for my father," the off. I haven't a shirt to here." iy back F R E Ut Duke remarked, "and I put 'em on u Mnd you your flrt week's supply nt "Not later than two o'clock," said Willetts, or anything else but my fa 00"f O Poetumrccf Simply mall coupon. this morning because I've Just come the Judge. ther's purple pyjamas." from Florida, and lost my bagup WNO A moment afterward, he was writWilletts' face brightened. OsNtKAL Foods. Battle Creek. Mich. gage en route. I've got to have a suit Send me, without obligation, a week's supply of Potturo. "If you can wear those, sU I don'i by next Thursday. Can it be done?" ing "John Clarke 'Kidder, Jr., In the see why you cant wear Sir. Bidders guest-book- . "I'm afraid not." "You've got me all wrong," Barry liuen In an emergency, sir. There's Can you make a pair of flannel In of it your told the girl In the green dress. "I'm a whole highboy full trousers by then?" .State- City. closet, sir. And lie's got u Amen sum not exactly a rich man's son." Pill In oompatejr, print nam mnd so." think "I In chest." cedar nice!" that mer suits "No?" said the girl. "That's live in Canada, addreti: General Food'j you "Go to It," said the Duke. "Flannels, too?" cobourg. out. Offer expire Oec. Ji. Brie was md. And extremely beau (TO HE COMTIMLD) uiunvered of "llarf-bolled.- " flannels," the "Oh, plenty thought tiful, Synthetic Gentleman i in This Stunning Summer By Charming Pollock Frock.' e t e. fire-aid- e, v hot-do- g Jl ffi - i PeKo Ebge jar rubbers Distinctive Residence t An Abode. ..renowned Throughout the West Salt Lake's Most Hospitable HOTEL Invites You RATES Hotel IVewIioiise 39-in- d Jj i 1 K$ ES - y I f ' C4-- 1 Of s, ... I -- E-- it. |