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Show 1 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1535 .. nd Mrs- -- Brown Richard - THE LEHI r liiiJL, of at tk 'dnilnu. vntng . sf"1 onH mm iester soiled Jur0J.f rtf3 - ! A- .... auuj r.g , stent " - rttio must be paid. All 7 the The four districts within the pre- delinquents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goates and bills and 25 percent of water current as follows; daughter, Patricia, of Salt Lake City, cinct were organized bill must be paid at water back the District No. 1 S. A. Willes, chair- each was at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. reading. If this is not done, chairr. R.ch.t man; Celestia Featherstone, Lakt Goates, Saturday evening. after reading the superwoman. Committee Henry Wathen, twenty days Monday cr. business:. waterworks is to cut the of intendent Mrs. Leland McKinney of Fairfield, E. A. Bushman, Asa J- - Clark J. off all delinquents. Mr and Mr. Cr.arlei Cralb were tntcrtained for Mrs. Thelma Walters Ferrin Gurney and Mrs. Ethel Goates. Also the current light bill and not I'rovu visitor. Saturday. of American Fork, Saturday afterDistrict No. 2 Ruel Evans, Chair- less of the back light bill be than noon. A pleasant afternoon was spent man; Mrs. Verd Peterson, chairwoman moth. If the user fails to each Miss Cleo Basil Dorton, J. O. Meil-in- g, paid ind Miss Ora'playig games and visting after which Committee meet the requirements above stated i u.num were Salt Lak e visitors, ;at-,- a Dora Zimmerman, John Colledge oainiy luncneon was servea 10 me will disconnect the the electrician unlaw following guests t Mesdames Thelma and A. L. Wilcox. of the month. 20th the after District No. 3 Ed Johnson, chair- power Walters, Wallace Anderson, Wayne Lehi City Council. ComFred C. Wannlass and son?, Fred Hacking, Howard Hacking, Clarence man; Nelie Davis, charwoman. and Keith attended the tournament Alt, Owen Alt, Leonard Davis and mittee LeRoy Davis- - G- - S' Peterson, Mrs. Forrest Littleford and childSaturday night. Ferris Alt from Cedar Fort, Dallis Mrs. Marvel Racker, Nate Christoff-trso- a ren, Mrs. Grant Littleford and childWall of Lehi. Ernest Carson, Ether and Mrs. Delia Davis. Pleasant Grove, Karma Evans, Dorcus Richards, Carson, Edwin Price, Mirl Carson, District No. 4 Douglas WiHea ren were visiting in chairra!e Whimpey and Ralph Worlton Ben McKinnev and Misses Alice chairman; Mrs. A. E. Adams, Friday. Martha attended the games at the tournament Flack, Lillie Flack, Mary Carson, woman. Mrs. Committee visitFriday. Lynn Fowler of Richfield was Myrle Carsn of Fairfield, Veda Bige-- Ball, A. E. Adams, Leland Powel, in Lehi, relatves low of Wallsburg and Mrs. Anna Ellis Powell and Noble Evans. ing with friends and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Wanlass an- Thomas of American Fork. Tuesday. nounce the birth of a son, Monday, NOTICE March 23rd. Mrs. Wanlass is at the BUTTER WRAPPERS We will Mrs. Niron Fowler spent Tuesday home of Mr. and Mrs Azor Wanlass. print your butter papers on better visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Varney. quality paper at a cheaper price- - Try that understand The public must Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Childs of Price, the Free Press first and be satisfied, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Phillips and family ThursMARRIAGES Mr. and Mrs. Childs are the day. parents of Mrs. Phillips. The marriage of Ralph T. Dubois Mrs. B. G. Webb and son, Dick, 46, of Fairfield, to Sophronia N. spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Jones, 31, of Provo. is announced this Lake visiting with relatives and week. The couple was married Wed friends. -- ATnesday by Ralph Games in Fairfield, '1t They will make their home in Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carswell and daughter, Joan, of Helper, Mrs. Milo Johnson of Los Angeles, California TAYLOR-PRICand Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Goates and PHONE 689 143 SOUTH THIRD EAST, PROVO, UTAH spent Leland G. Price, son of Mr. and son, Paul of Salt Lake City, PROVO'S MOST EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Jihn Price, and Ruth Taylor, EXPENSIVE BEAUTY SALON Goates. daughter of Mrs. Olive Taylor, were married Thursday (today) in the L. Take Advantage of Our 14 Years of Experience, as Our Many Satisfied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, D. S. Temple in Salt Lake City. They Patrons Have. Margaret Thurman, Ida Thurman, have both taken active parts in local Our Equipment and Operators Are Not To Be Excelled in Any Shop Mrs. Sydney Gilchrist and Mrs. Beth affairs during the past years and they Within the State. Young and children of Blanding are graduates from the Iehi High motored to Mount Pleasant Sunday School. They will make their home in Making it Possible for Us to Lehi where Mr. Price is employed. to visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. SERVE YOU BETTER AND SAVE YOU MORE! A wedding reception will be held in SATISFACTION GUARANTEED their honor Thursday evening in the Their Third Ward Chapel many friends are sending congratulations and best wishes. ? LOCAL ITEMS jmiv bal: Lake v: fr aunt. Jlrs. H. E. S: wirh i ' - ' THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1936 ir. U-.- 1-- Iat low cst if "".: p. -- Superlative comfort utmost convenience genuine economy. These a:ei:.i -- s::..:-.- cr.d c:c-- peipx-- arctrair." these days. All Unicr. Pacific c:s fully i.T vs :.i3 throuc-- Vcu perfect "weather" I t;r., - c'. v-- v Yqu relax in a deep, seat there's room to stretch ver.ient washrooms dining ccr cr "off the tray" service for delicious meals at popular prices restful sleep in a Pullman cr Tourist berth, or in a conJortat'.e reclir.ir.g chair in a modern Coach. Ail the best features of modern trcve! within reach of the modest purse. LADIES! Get Your Next Permanent Wave LOW FARES EVERYWHERE Round trip rules a of 2 cents cr lest to travel in Eiiie er.cLle v,a luxurious ccmiortat less cost than driving jur own car. Ask TUkit uuout unusually lou; unJ round-trion-wj- y Coach Farts Visit Boulder Dam enroute to or from FOR California. FURrfl PARTICULARS CONSULT LOCAL AGENT Union Pacific Railroad LsiSU Lf$& feiftliW " New Charles Flack of Fairfield, announces the marriage of his daughter, Julia, to Frank Moorehouse of Tooele. The marriage took place in Provo, Monday. A wedding reception was held in the Fairfield amusement hall, Wednesday evening. Lehi friends who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Alma Peterson and Miss Ruth Rothe. rlodel 3B WASHER and this 4S Piece Washday Outfit f) l''Wl T--Ir- I -ll' Limited Time Limited ALL TOR By special Quantity v" manufacturers! Royal Theatre FLACK-MOOREHOUS- E 1935 -- Anderberg Beauty Shoppe E LEHI'S AMUSEMENT CENTER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 27 and 28 Richard Arlen and Beryle Mercer in Romance! Thrills! and 1,000 Laughs! THE THREE LIVE GHOSTS' The Merriest, Maddest fun-fesince "A Night Also the latest Our Gang Comedy and a Good Musical. st ISSIOSiARY WHOLE TOWM'LL :h BE OUT TO GREET The missionary parents and wives meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rothe, Thursday (tonight) for their regular meeting. All mem bers of this organization are urged to be present. The meeting will start promptly at will SiifK Been waiting a long time., .and isn't it grand and gay to see again your flash- CARLTON PETERSON, Prop. 14-- ing smile, your BASKETBALL CHAMPS ENTERTAINED M. I. A. PHONE "I'm hard - to get -- J ITS THE OLD FAMILY ALBUM and I'm showing Harry Junior and William and my Tom bow funny and y we all looked when my father was showing meathingor twoaboutmaking good whiskey. dashing way you leapfromonethrill-- ' ing adventure to -- another! Ob Boy! Oh Loyl It's your, a. r grandest show! St affair. back-woods- -- wink", and the The Lehi Fifth Ward M. Men basketball team were entertained Sat urday evening by the mutual officers of the Fifth Ward. The party was in the form of a banquet. The decorations were carried out with Easter trimmings. The boys who were on the team and their partners were the guests of the i'.mimnt..ni,.mao---1tllllMHWli- 1 YOU, 8 p. m. STREET, LEHI. UTAH Only 10c and 15c. TFT: ENTS HEETIUG Radio & Electric Shop at the Opera." SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 30 and 31 WIVES AND PAR- STATE WEEKLY PROGRAM r - 1 t'.iJ- - 'f Ua NOTICE OF MEETING j W 1 Harry E. Wilken, Sr. 4 J ;t ft fax A meeting will be held in the Lehi Memorial Building, Thursday, March 20, at H:00 p- m. to organize a home and community organization to Lehi. Mrs. Fugal of Pleasant Grove and Mrs. Mower of American Fork, who is head of this work in the county will be in attendance to give us some good information along the lines 01 home beautifying, health, medical treatment, budgeting in the home and state legislation. This is the womens branch of the tiff All the women are urged to be present with their husbands. Before my boys were born when my father . that old tintype fetches me back to the. days . j..st as ve 4 w TNI v - r" was showing me the ropes of distilling gouu the Mown my boys. He always said it pays to uc . : "me when you want a thing done jusi so n'" nd thov ...v.. u'i,icipv nlwavs tastes rJlUWcrJust see yourself if I'm not right. t,:,.. . - h. r.M S.-F- s'n Album Schenley.P- TonWinir 3, v cr OFFICERS AND COM. . 1 P. ree, a codv of our WUken raw..., Na if you 11 write me at The Maples, k ? ft H ' r af X j - At a well represented Republican meeting held Saturday evening, March 21. 1936, in the Lehi City Memorial Building, the followng officers were elected within the precinct: ivii- -- v'X S- tAlso PATHE NEWS and the DON'T MISS IT! A latest POPEYE CARTOON. ONLY 10c and 20c. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 1 and 2 drama to write home about! Bette Davis and Franchot Tone "DANGEROUS" Chair-woma- n, - Bl! fPrwf-T- oX 19 we frrain neutral spirits - its' Permanent Precinct Chairman LePowell; Permanent Precinct Ethel Goates, and PerPrecinct manent Secretary and Trea- Drama so tense youH be biting your fingernails before you've looked surer, J- Ferrin Gurney. Chairman J. Ferrin Leland Powell and Secretary land BUNDED tec REPUBLICANS NAME I was making whiskey honey-smoot- 1 farm bureau. "V. es sir, t AND BDTIlfl If W S.S Gurney were elected by acclamation. Darrel Abel G. Gudmundsen, Fowler and Ruel Evans were named as Central Comrnitteemen. at half THE ADVENTURES OF FIUHH UEIIIUWELL" Ad theUtest Sport Reel. Lef, Go I . ONLY 10c ajy '' Ifat |