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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI. UTAH . Titamtna aod the frhts of New York itudeni production ot Baebel f lTi.hi successful comedy prized per rrrf Guilds Boyle's husband. vLj Selena p n. take her homeLike evening performance. their for waiting f, ,,Btan.l a sniun M fnund .,,4 f. r ianr" In fact. rtere trie . In the , several evening, the iwn " became ineiiui.. Kuf one evening. in for his fur Larriniore Topped cum. miDU. ,w it the har and a rather " . Ti.a utrmit'ers were men L J Their stare Tho Uei cola a" swfce HP as one of them L,o blwk the door r nenu ui he sain tD0W him.' nd hard fiance. u......,.i...,ir,n . . i. " Bio" the visitors thawed and con i.rrimore was regarded with Tnl8 lmlll'w1 Lbl; a"" fav,,r ijf Toluhllity In his sponsor the . AH f eyes of gentlemen. , mj 0ex, supposed to pla, i d like gangster, to do It right: make it a real part, t ant you. who have been around lot, to advise Huw g(ia,, , up. and what shali wear?" Seriously and critically' the regarded him. They Uked nim over with the care a purchaser m'-bestow on a considered ,,,,",,. At last, they reached decisis and 'he apparent leader ,,!-,- t..r all' --D..DV be said earLestly ,bm vhaB & thing." . 1 v's-itor- s ht There have tieen lot ot Matitic published on the Mai.t.attar. leleph.n dire,-l,.rThey will ,e y1() tll,w much paper Is required to print it how many suLscril,,. Hre listed in it and how much distance w.mld he covered if the suhscrifM-ror the hook I foruet which, were lid end to end But they have left out gome very im porttint figures. In this Manhattan directorj. for example there is or ire. be exact and as die case may be s I il l!d. route ft Yard no leet there thermore, I Knots. 3 tint 2 Inch. is Fool Fur dlv atm ' "at8 T7 w ntriis fruits and pineapple bare the i?hest vitamin content. Apple, and "lianas, two of ti)e . routed ot tinHU. rank nearly,,Jelj aa hlth. "' avalial.ie and less exir ale than citrus fruits, there need be no fear of . ,acg ,n A tne 'hough tomatoes are not usually classed as fruits because e have used them so long ag vegetahle. I must renund you that the, rank with all citrus fruiia D vltaudn content, that this content Is not injured bo. can rung and thai canned tomatoes can he found at grK-erstore, large or small-- in the city or couUry-- at xll times of the year. I should also men tln that the pulp la tutu as valuable as the luice and that It can usually be bought at a lower price. tt,e form of tomato Juice, however, tomaloe Sally Sez Airsb'p Macon Nears Completion of them quaD-uue- a containing 01 , lfcJlS1 faur 1lUmlua Xber otL as wen for the In rtarK-of fruit U me f(Wl plan, the Jualit ot pruducu of dise ., " ",lUtl "'raliie acid product of nieat and cereal and at the wine time ,e natural 'cW. in tielr orlginsi 8t,te n ,bt hut,. Mlunl n)jer a pan m hatenlns the dige t'on of foods. IF t f, 1. lit : V ,' 'A1 f . ,,v, ,, ' ; I ? 1 V IT' , or are. Arm l.egg. 14 Klnget ind :u Hand not apparently Including Charlie Hand who Is now living nt the Biitnu.re Many riands make light work, which may he why the I lemoi ratic campaign went so well, although Charlie was the only Hand assigned to hoth Mr Warner and Mr Smith There Hre a round dozen Head in the directory, a Bra I ne snd n Liver. t I The huge nary airship Macon, sister of the Akron, Is shown above 95 per cent covered. Two of the four fins are In place snd Installation of In struiuents In the control car soon will be made. The ship Is scheduled for completion some time In March and following IU trial flights and acceptance by the navy. Is to be based at Sunnyvale, Ctllf. r'r Wtiaa M tfc caad. la Innl, WITO Mn mm Ttaa tnmm away far -t-hwmt anl a. Bpb4 7 mt at w mm wm mwwm r. mkT 1 s Lwler. Lselads." he explained, unfriendly." somebody "I1!" Urnmore & 'are lust he was delighted to He trusted rney woum them. lomething to remove the dust the larynx after their long trip radiated Rood whole atmosphere concern They asked him things He didn't know nil profession. now far it was hest to go In dis Id perceive nt 1 Finally he ike Interest id going to ask a favor of you IOW STARTED JEAN NEWTON By Idition, IT GAME OF PRAIRIE DOG Directions for playing: Cut some plain while paper Into Inch strips, 52 In all, marking an equal number of them with each of the fol lowing directions: move one; move two; go back two; wait one turn; go back to start ; extra turn. When havis writes plays about as fast as Clarence B'xhiingtnn Kelland writes short stories. That's record (leorge Jessel and a friend speed once met Mr Havls on a morning walk, and the friend asked Jessel If he knew whether the playright was en gaged in any work. "When 1 saw him,'' said Jessel, "he had stooped over to tie a shoe lace. It ust happened that he saw a pencil that somebody had dropped on the sidewalk, and before he straightened up he had written two new plays." 1MI Bell Syndicate WNU Servlp. DOK0111Y EDMONDS Fun for All the Children playing turn tbes slips face downward, each player drawing one In turn and following Instructions given. The first player to reach the point marked stop, wins the game. For men use small burtons, each player having one and either of a different color or of s different marking from his opponents'. If In the first drawing a player draws CHASE Ay any slips except the ones Indicating the number of moves be most wait another turn snd until be draws one of the two slips giving a number. Be careful that none of the slips are marked or torn to any way. Each time yon play male fresh slips for otherwise It would work out unfairly, riayera should close their eyes when drawing. IRE Is a phrase which somehow or other keeps cropping up every In refer-and then, particularly might be correctly iMIc officers and quasi Imagined. public of- is or others who take advantage ieir position to plunder their bene- In or mulct those responsible for ing them in vantage points of alib- EAT FRUIT FOR YOUR DAILY DIET the corrupt practices of unpious politicians that the expres"Addltion. division and silence. sits Inspiration. - at one time treas of Pennsylvania, Is credited with authorship of the words, which embod'ed in a letter published be New York Sun March 15. 1S72. er since their first appearance have found constant use since no ft phrast could so eloquently fill H. Kemble, MIL Ml. Bell Syndicate. WNU 8ervlce. rut NaaM CH- f- Briefly Told Happiness is not like a large ana beautiful gem but it consists of a scries of smaller and commoner gems, grouped and set together, forming a pleasing and graceful whole. I aai4. "Econoacf Wasfelnctoaj lakca kifpr haiaw and aaaai Btia wa raa laatUl H aWp". Haw krtter c Um ( Intafo oaomr than kr tb auaauia m4 (oodat Tfatn to. what tralnint tka yoaaKitara ara ctttlnjt ta Think what haaua whtr they ar tU will mean t Uwir fatar an ta tatara of th IntcrmounUIn uctton. MRS. WARREN PENDLETOK, Cwrga in By EDITH M. BARBER iJ. Fruit in the Twentieth century has taken an entirely new place In the daily diet There are two reasons for this the first and most important be lug the fact that there are certain fruits now distributed so widely throughout the country that it Is pos sihle to get :hem at a fairly moderate price all the vear round. The second reason which has promoted the Idea of fruit In the diet Is the new knowledge of the existence of Parawan, Utah. Place Your Order Now IMti ItftifM, Utt, twit mi attar Mtite ktth, mi irta m ni tcdmtM4. mar Itmihi. H m antritinn lar "M4M" aitWin. tat Ibuta ckkt kidtrv Writ to bjmII pltm aat Mat aaanti arwri altnl an. Fat list. Wotwn NwparT tlalom. Ramshaw Hatcheries Hat Ml persons, sweet cherries, pears, sweet apples Orange Ice Box Cake Lady fingers or sponge cake slices I teasiKxinful cornstarch cupful sugar tablespojinful butter 3 eggs 1 cupful milk I orange. Juice and grated rind Grated rind of 1 lemon Orange sections Line the bottom and sides of a mold or cake pan with lady ringers, sepa rated, with the rounded side towaro the pan, or thin slices of orange cake I'lace the cornstarch, sugar, butter, egs yolks and milk In the double bollei Add grated and cook until smooth. fruit rinds and orange Juice and stiffly beaten egg whites while mixture Is still warm. Spread a layer of filling Add anothet over the lady fingers. layer of lady fingers. Itepeaf until all the Ingredients are used. I'lnce In the refrigerator for 24 hours. The filling will soak into lady fingers and all will solidify. Decorate with sections of orange In flower fashion on the top. I My Neighbor SAYS: uoillng or stewing meat, or fish, allow It to cool without a covering. It should then be stored In the Ice box. WHEM If you have a painful corn, touch It with a little oil of peppermint and the soreness will be wonderfully eased. Never wash an electric bulb. A drop of water penetrating the interior of the bulb will destroy Its power. Wipe bulb with a damp cloth, - Always open canned fruits an boor before serving. Fruits become richer in flavor after they have absorbed ( by OP. t i '. ' "J 1 'ones, reured amateur und open champion, and Dr. Aiexanue ASK TOUE DRUGGIST FOB APEX NOSE DROPS PRODUCT AW INTERMOPNTAIN Very seldom do birds become enemies of farmers or present any serious problem. From the largest to the smallest they are mostly Insect destroyers and are active ia the field or garden throughout the season. Exchange. Good JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, Inc. Funeral Directors & Advisers. lit N. Hia St.. gait Laka City Comi.H ear public A4t1mit DepartaMnt far any abaa of Madera fancral mcthada and cnanc. Fifty ycara at Scrrica, CASH PAID rsr IK till riwitrr Bwui Crent, ItUf h Ete. W. M. Mc CONAHAY, cupfuls bread, diced 8 tablespoonfuls butter 2 apples. S bananas cupful sugar tahlespoonful cinnamon Cut bread Into dice and Mute with butter until bread cubes are brown I 'eel apples and bananas and cut very thin and dredge same with sugar Cover bottom mixed with cinnamon. of bnklng dish with the bread, add fruit and remaining bread In alterua tlve layers, saving a few if the crumb to put on lop. Bake one half hour covered and the last Ift minute un covered In a moderate oven 875 de grees f Fahrenheit). G. Ba.'I STBiJIcaU. CO MOTOR OIL Sold with a Money Back Guarantee Greatest can grapefruit S f NEW Many people believe In "the greatest good to the greatest number," and their greatest number is No. 1. 6 stalks celery Banana and Apple Brown Betty WNU Sarrtoa titj, A NEW ONE ON HER stuffing. A Salt UM Service nr.. snappy cheese French fruit salad dressing Lettuce or other salad green Stud the celery stalks with the soft, sec yellow cheese ; slice into halt-Inctlons. I'lace In the center ot salad plate; surround with grapefruit sec tions. Serve with French dressing. One finely chopted canned pimento may be added to the cheese before V tlra tkwt. th AvuoHated Ncwitapre) WNU Grapefruit and Stuffed Celery Salad 2 large grapefruits or 1 fc. oxygen. h Aw lrt hKictm Bobby Jones' "Perfect Golf Course" Opened 1 t THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Many Varieties Contain at Least Four Vitamins. these . - ,. ADOKE88 If you Include in your diet plenty of fruit, of whatever variety, yon wtl be contributing to your good healtl as well as to the pleasure of eating Bnc It Is fortunately seldom that we Most like fruit not does who one any also. Occa persons can digest it easily one wh some find will we slonally who can has an excess of gastric add F01 not take extremely acid fruits. there are, however 4 arm to nr nttNtai. lilhtaaMh Fmm have come to have a place on the breakfast table as well as on the luncheon and dinner table We have been learning a great dea1 lately about the Importance of vita mln C in tooth formation and In pro tection from decay. Experiments us Ing large quantities of orange Juice have been successful In improving Improve mouth conditions wherein ment was most desirable. Most per sons could not afford to use daily sucr a large quantity as was used In thf curative work reported but fortunate liberal ly If diet has been generally from the fruit standpoint these serl ous conditions are not likely to occur 1 SUti School of Beauty Culture Qutsh -iUat lit tkw Wot" Wwlit TMS Km TkwBpm Bid, gaU Uki a Shadows Are Fading 4i GIRLS lusty rrttmiet as Cnhi far CUl at tM IIujTisI K1MB is to WANTED Utah High School of Beauty Cuiturt MnwM tu, a u car, an TVi Itatlf Mtsri rnliuiH Inei m tipnuln am Tat tai an run 1 irtltnNa aal fer ml ( FW fan. Ui Mr ml aav ar Sa wiliM m mim m Mtn Nia. aarai al Si BMlat ImsUcM a and Silence Division Owen tdifed Cheerio Chapters The Artist Have you evw been painted In pastel? She No never beard of sucfe a metlc before. Billion a Year Poultry Trade of U. S. Is Shown The United States produces and consumes OOO.UOO.OOO eggs annually and the chickens hatched each year number between flOO,(Xl),(K)0 and 7otMio.tn). The poultry business of the entire nation last year amounted to a billion dollars. Those figurps were presented at the annual conference of the Institute of American Poultry Industries by Dr. R. V. Mct'ollum of Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore. Jeweler m is x m uu atr it ucrjca ku irra rtrt S aM aat a) tM rM mm, mi Mrtat Nl aW h rttoMt amlaiMliAwhail hKMaaidhit MWatMn. IMajaMfaHttianMrMi The greatest discovery a man can make is how to escape envy and hate. Cliicugo. fact-findin- !brl (Ml aiada bnM aaa IntmManUin ta akara. Srad OMda" prw or vm toP. In, IHl atary iaPrMarU Cloat. O. tnaantarfl Salt Uka Cirf. If yaar IKf. Bn atary aypoara In thia rohiaui roa win ra- eT cack ror Slf $5.00 WJf.O-Sa- a Uka Cltr Wk Na. MH ) ! |