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Show p. le jjreCity's i'li- be are being Uhi Stake old people Led today (Thursday) in a G. Henry Erickson of Lehi. 'Tanner. Beginning at 10:30 The body was brought to Lehi to the and home of Bishop Erickson v in the Fifth Ward chapel then taken .t midnight we old people are to Koosharem where funeral services were held in the Koosharem Ward mised a day cram. will be Sunday. program morning The the Fifth Ward chapel with o Build- - MR. EDWARD SOUTHWICK at noon in the Memorial INJURED IN ACCIDENT me dinner the Van Wagoner f 011V entertain the old people Monday evening as Mr. Edward tbers will The guests will then re- Southwick were enroute home from CoZy. liable at the Memorial Building Salt Lake City, he was injured in a will finish freak auto accident about one i" program and dancing mile Carter's this side of the Point of the Mountain. with activities ltkt days Mr. and Mrs. Southwick and Mrs. iMtra furnishing the music. programs Glen Southwick of Vernal, were in the following splendid for the two pro- - Southwick car and were coming down W been arranged this side of the Point in the heavy sties: Woriton. ssell wind and snow, when a gust of wind Comet Student. School struck the car turning it half around, ish Beading-Hdirection of Mrs. E. causing the car to skid and turn over. Stunt-UMrs. Southwick received a severe rdflington. ana co. shaking up and Mr. Southwick some Quartet Joseph F. Smith direction of Nelda severe bumps on his head. Mrs. Glen Stunt-USouthwick was uninjured. Clark Sisters wltn Banjo Vocal Trio Passing motorists assisted Mr. Southwick to turn his car right side Guitar accompanient. Rose Lott. up and they came home on their own Solo-Mrs. power, the only apparent injury to Stunt Mrs. Ella Manning and the car, being one broRen window Sarah Taylor. accompanied Brothers, Brems light. Duet ft UTAH solo-Ru- nder nder rs a All nestil Hoi tj Delilah Fox. Banjo William KIrkham. selection Barnhart puet J. L. LIONS NEWS Evan and A drive to secure the Louis Hardy. Mrs. Alice G. Jones, ac- tompanied by Mrs. Marie Smith. Reading Mary Hardy. and Bun." solo Mrs. Arley Clark. piano under Gleaners of Song Group direction of Mrs. Arley Clark. Dance Dorothy Evans. Song Jasper Rolfe, accompanied by Harmonica solo Duet-"T- abby Ford. 0 A, JOHN ERICKSON PASSES ON TO GREAT BEYOND John A. Erickson, 47, brother of Henry Erickson, died in Salt Lake, Thursday, following a lingering Alness of miners consumption. Mr. Erickson was born November Bishop le. Koosharem, Sevier County, the son of Eric G. and Mary Anderson Erickson. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maud Woolsey Erickson, Salt Lake; four ons by a former marriage, Fay, Merrill, Mario and Max Erickson, all of Oakland, California; his mother of Mil; three brothers, Joseph Erickson of Fayette, Otto Sanpete County; Erickson of Koosharem, and Bishop 1885, Utah, HE i arrie the in and was The and CJ als AT Special Low for: Price For Another Extra Sixty Days Quality Stove Lump ...1 P(" :ikts Service Telephone or call 168-- 20-- W 1 Phone 6 nnimji .u at '5 ns Betty Phillips 241 in Elsie Phillips 225 186 Elaine Holmes 196 183 210 Phyllis Davis 182 177 Dorothy Phillips ....248 Theron Holmes 188 170 179 161 Phyllis Bushman Elsie Gurney ......172 158 9. Lola John3on 185 151 10. Dorald Allred 154 149 11. Wanda Gurney 158 148 12. Dean Gurney 150 145 SPECIAL Lillion Gray receives a two weeks pass for the most original piece of work. She had only 135, but the lists contained a great many that no other paper had, many of which were unusual for a girl of her age. Following is a list of the winners In the ''Little Orphan Annie" contest with the number of words submitted by each and the number of words ac cepted by the Judgs. A large number of children turned in lists at the Free Press office and all were excellent. Mr. J. Nile Washburn, teacher of English at the Lehi High School acted as judge of the con test. Many words were not admitted be cause many of the lists were dictionary lists and the children, not know ing that prefixes and suffixes were not words but parts of words, used them on their lists. Word combinations and proper names were not accepted thus cutting down the number of words accepted on each of the winning li3ts. Joseph Anderson of Lehi was named president of the State Farm Bureau, Friday evening at the State Convention held In the New House Hotel. Mr. Anderson, succeeds George F. Stallings as president. God." Mr. Anderson haa had a lot of exSong Seagull Class. In farm bureau and executive perience Picture IV "The Missions." k Picture V ' The Builders" Begin- work and we fell sure will bring credit to Lehi aa this Is Indeed an honor for ners first and second groups. office to be held by a Lehi man. this Picture VI "Truth" Zlons Boys and Piano Solo "NeiJiite Lamentation" Gladys Shields. Picture HI 'True Patriotism Is Loyalty to One's Country and to One's la this beautiful painting. The sincere hop and prayer of each officer and teacher of the Sunday School, la that the leadership ahown la this picture may always Inspire the Senior Gospel Doctrine Class and every one to carry on successfully In the work of the Lord. Officerts and Teachers. Girls. Picture VII "Love Lights The Way" Larks. Picture XIII "The World Needs Happiness" Makers Blue Bird class. Picture IX Serve Gladly Sea Qull class. Picture X A Good Turn Daily-T-rail Builders. Song "Called To Serve." Picture XI Asvancement from Primary to M. I. A. and Scouts. Closing Song 'The Army of the Living God." Benediction Bishop Hadfield. o RUNAWAY BOY ARRESTED HERE Sunday evening city marshal Alex Christofferson took Donald Usrey, 13, of Salt Lake, Into custody. Donald was trying to hitch hike his way to Salina to his father "who Is employed the-- e. The boy was kept In the city Jail over night given his breakfast, Monday morning and returned home, TOKEN OF LEADERSHIP PRESENTED TO THE THIRD WARD S. S. SENIOR GOSPEL DOC. CLASS A Not long since a beautiful and inspirational picture was presented by the officers and teachers of the Third Ward Sunday School, to the Senior Gospel Doctrine Class. The presentation was made by Mayor I. W. Fox, a member of the bishopric, and read as follows: This picture, "The Twelve Tear Old Jesus, with the Doctors, at the Temple;" the master piece of Henderic Hofman, is presented this day, Jan. 1933, by the officers and teachers of the Third Ward Sunday School, to the Senior Gospel Doctrine Class, as a token of remembrance of their excelSunlent leadership in the inter-claday School Contest. This fine story of inspiration, told in the characters of this picture is one that cannot be found any where except MRS. D. J. THURMAN INJURED. Mrs. D. J. Thurman suffered a severe nervous shock Thursday night when she became confused In the darkness and fell from her bed onto the floor. While she sustained no fractures she is very ill. suffering from the shock to her body and nerves. Mrs. Thurman will be 81 years old on February 14th. The cast for 'He and She" which will be given on Saturday, February 11 are working hard to give the publlo a worthwhile play. The play is sponsored by the ML I. A. Stake Board and Is under the direction of Allen Fjield and Clell Jackson. LEHI ss Dr. Val Sundwall will talk in the Third Ward Relief Society Tuesday afternoon, January tl, on Health problems of the adolenent boy and girl. o TEMPLE EXCURSION FRIDAY The Endowment excursion from of the contestants are to bo Lehi Stake will be held Friday, Jan. congratulated on the neatness of the 28th, with a 60c rate on the Orem. lists turned in. One care leaving at 8:18 a. m. and one It is interesting to note that among at 4:17 p. m. All who can are urged the winners are three Phillips, three to attend. Gurneys and two Holmes. Many of the lists were handed in (CEy Tlnesiitir by little fellows, that showed untiring work and were very original. We regret very much that we did not include a rule requiring original ll3ts only, but as there was no rule barring dictionary lists, tnese lists were judged as to the largest number of authentic words. The twelve winning lists were dictionary lists and were almost identical words. The contest has created a lot of interest, not only among childas well. ren, but among the grown-up- s Wednesday, Thursday and Friday January 25th 26th and 27th Many o Hospital Notes Lynn Bone received treatment Tuesday evening at the Lehi Hospital for a deep cut on the face. Mr. Bone was cranking a State road truck when the bar struck" him on the face causing a deep cut. LEHI A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb on Wednesday, Janu- ary 14. fine. Mother and taty both doing LEHI A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Alpine, Tuesday In DONNA JANET CHAMBERLAIN PASSES AWAY SATURDAY vanns Broadbent's Store Phone Correct Turned In Words We Cater To Particular People WHERE THE BEST SOUND PICTURES ARE SHOWN What A Treat Two Pictures Double Program Out of the funny pictures onto the screen In real life "Little Orphan Annie" The show you've all been waiting for. Yes, it has the heart throbs. A. drama of laughter and tears, the more grown-u- p you are the more you'll love it. Also MARIE PREVOST in "The Run-aroun- d" All Technicolor To thrill and enchant you with a delightful different romance of the new Broadway. Also "The Last Frontier" Red blooded drama of fighting; men and fighting days. Three Big Attractions, Two Complete Programs that will suit everybody from 6 to 90 years. Three hours entertainment for the price of one 10c and 25c. COUPONS NOT ACCETPED. Matinee 3:30 P. M. Thursday 5c and 15c COME EARLY eo Bin $5.00 Delivered $5.50 Quick No. Words Broom Holder Alp- - ll NUMBER 22 FREE! sal. m for for 1933 the Lehi Hospital. Funeral services for Donna Janet LEHI daughter Chamberlain, Mis3 Elizabeth Romney, physical ChamberRoss Anna of Russell and education teacher of Lehi High School the at conducted were Tuesday Next Lions meeting will be hold in lain, was operated upon for appendicitis home of J. H. Chamberlain in Cedar the First Ward on Thursday, Febru Tuesday. From latest reports Miss will be Valley. American 2. The Leigon is doing fine. ary Interment was made in the Cedar Romney Charles K. May LEHI guests. Valley cemetery. son of Mr. and Mra. Jackie be will be the speaker. Smith, The baby died Saturday of pneuremoved to nis was Smith Lions Fitzgerald, Gilchri.-.- t and Pow Hyrum 18, She was born November monia. Is making rapid Peterson representing homo Jnekie Alton ers with Monday. 1932, at the Lehi hospital. in strides toward are recovery. charge. the Legion Surviving are the parents, a brother 0 John, Betty Ann, and three sisters: WINS MRS. FEATHERSTONE the Lolene and Ruth Chamberlain and IRRIGATION RIGHTS H. J. Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Chamberlain, all of Cedar Valley. Mrs. Featherstone was Chase the right through irrigation granted PRIMARY CONFERENCE IN in the District Smith the lot, Earl EVENING THIRD WARD SUN. Court at Provo, under Judge George Worthen, last week. The rrimary Conference of Lehi The case has been in litigation for Third Third Ward will be held in the the past seven months. The Ward Chapel, Sunday evening. C. Allen of Salt Lake City, was H. workbeen officers and children have Mrs. Featherstone. on their parts and attorney for ing very hard successpromise one of their enjoyable CARD OF THANKS KEEPS BROOM STRAIGHT ful programs. On." SomeOrgan Prelude "Shine We wish to thank our many kind Lasts Longer, Sweeps Cleaner. Donald Fox. will appreciate. woman friends and neighbors who Prayer relatives, every thing Our Lovely Deseret" of a "In each in any way during the illus Song purchase with assisted Given FREE 75c or if class. and 59c of our father. To those burial ness and 9c, broom priceS-3the "The Onward Movement of who sent cars and the many floral tri$1.00 cash spent for broom a have you President Sarah F. Beck. broom Primary" butes we extend our sincere nppr elmerchandise will receive a Child"-B- lue A Little Song-"- As ation. holder. Bird Class. The Robert Fox Family. The God Coupons. Get Your Cozy Plcture I "We Believe In Eternal Father Through Prayer." Mrs. A. M. Stewart is ill at her "Sweet Instrumental Selection home this week. Shields. LEHI Hour of Prayer"-Gla- dys Bible as the Word The Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson and Picture Is Translated Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson were Salt of God As Far As It in me Lake visitors Tuesday. Believe Also rnrrectlv. We Mormon." Book of cJ night of the Lehi sugar factory was launched Thursday night when Douglas Scalley, general agriculture superintendent of the Utah-Idah- o Sugar company led a parade of company speakers before the Lehi Lions, club, which included Jesse N. Smith, cashier of the Lehi district; Charles Cobbley, Utah county D. W. agriculture superintendent; Love, cashier of the Spanish Fork district and David Hodge, superintendent of the Spanish Fork factory. From various farm bureaus of Utah county and neighboring Lions Clubs over thirty guests were present and enjoyed the illustrated lecture by John Hutching3 of Lehi. Jesse JC. Smith, of the sugar company, and Howard Ricks, shopman for the D & R. G. W. railroad, became members of the club. A committee to make plans for the securing of more adequate seating in the Lehi court room was appointed; Coach' Ross O. Nielsen, chairman; Alva H. Wing and Joseph Coulam, A committee to work out plans for a 1932 drive in "purchase at home" was Ernest N. Webb, chairalso named: man; Robert T. Gilchrist, Thomas Powers and Edward J. Larsen. violin solo Dorothy Newspaper Folks Entertained Betty Phillips Wins First Joseph Anderson Elected Today By Committee Prize In Word Coutest Pres. of State Farm Bureau Old es Home-Owne- d LEHI CITY' UTAHTHURSDAY, JANUARY 28, - i. Only in "Wild Girl" lI-"- mi mi rnTTirrirr- - to 60 Was 20c Each 0 LAMPS, General Ekcrie MAZA t i c an an A AO Watts Uc. Made inu, o. n. G. E. Lamps In j , 1 I Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 28th, 29th and 30th JanuaryCHARLES FARREL Radio & Electric Shop Phone 78 State Street |