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Show LEHI, UTAH. THURSDAY, Hospital Notes Mrs. Clyde Dorton spent Friday in Frovo visiting with her brother. LEHI Sir. Jay Gordon was removed to his home Wednesday after being in the Lehi Hospital for some time with a fractured leg. A lovely baby daughter arrived to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Atkinson at the Mrs. Atkinson hospital Thursday. was formerly Miss Blanch Webb. Foss Smith, B. Y. U. student who was injured in a recent automobile accident on State Street was taken home to Provo, Sunday. Jackie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Smith was removed to his home Sunday, after being in the Lehi Hospital for the past six months. Southwick was treated at the Lehi Hospital Wednesday for injuries received when his arm was caught in an electric A baby of Eldred The little dughter of Albert Van Wagoner was treated for superficial burns on both legs at the Lehi Hospital, Monday. LEHI Mrs. Richard Gilchrist and new baby went home from the hospital, Monday. 0 Mr. Eldon Bone and family are invited to attend the Cozy Theatre, Saturday, Sunday or Monday night as guests of the Free Press and Cozy Theatre. LEHI Mrs Sydney Gilchrist, Miss Margaret Thurman, Mrs Lavon Young And Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carson 8t Mt, Pleasant, spent the" week-en- d guesta of Mrs. F. J. Nielsen. LEHI Mrs. Raymond Carson, Sr., Mrs. Sydney Gilchrist, Mrs Lavon Young end Mr. and Mr. Raymond Carson were Monday guests of Mrs. Murray B. Allen in Salt Lake City. lehi Mrs. Boyd Gilbert of Salt Lake City and Mrs. A. R. Brown of Spanish Fork, spent the past week, guests of their grandmother, Mrs. D. J. Thurman. lehi A ten pound boy arrived to Mr. and Mrs. David Berry at the Lehi Hospital, Friday. All concerned are re joicing over the event. Mrs Lawrence Berry of Park City, Is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Hutchings. LEHI Mrs. Laura Gray and Mrs. Claude Gray of Midvale, were visitors at the Bert Hutchings home, Tuesday. LEHI Dr. and Mrs. Barlow Fox, C. D. Fox and Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Dunkley of Salt Lake, came to Lehi Monday evening to visit their father, Robert Fox. LEHI SUCCESSFUL DANCE HELD Mr. and Mrs-- Howard Ricks Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dickerson, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cough and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnson formed a party to the Dutchman mine in American Fork Canyon, Sunday. The ladies prepared a deer dinner while the men went In the afternoon they re hunting. turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sorenson where they spent the evening. LIONS NEWS The Lions Club met in the Second Ward Relief Society rooms Thursday evening where an exceptionally good program was enjoyed. J. Wl Thornton of Provo, principal of the Farrer Junior High School and pesident of the Provo Lions Club gave a very interesting and educational talk on the beauties and wonders of Zion's National Park. Mr. Thornton spends his summers in the park as a ranger naturalist for the govenment, so was able to give his lecture in a very able manner. One of the best musical treats that the local Lions have had was a piano solo given by Miss Vilate Jones of Logan. Miss Jones is a niece of Dr. J. G. Jones. Mr. George W. Brown of Provo, secretary of Utah County Agents gave some vocal selections and Mrs. Brown gave some readings. Both numbers were greatly enjoyed. The business discussed was the reducing of the quarterly dues. The most humorous feature of the evening was when Miss Jones drew the prize which proved to be a man's work shirt The meeting was in charge of Dr. J. G. Jones, N. 0. Meiling and Edward Larsen. The next Lions meeting will be the Tlallowe'en ladles night to be held November 2, in the Wednesday, Second Ward amusement hall. Details are being worked out by D. R. Mitchell, chairman; Ross Nielsen and Lions and Lioness' Tlugh Otterson. of Payson, Provo, Pleasant Grove and American Fork are to be Invited ! Analysis of Three .... . 'I Leading Political Parties y T - !- TV shall not see them invested Joseph S. Robison, instructor of of moneys it shall enCivics and History at the High School in armaments, but that disarmament. is writing a series of articles for the courage Public UTILITIES: PUBLIC Lehi Free Press analyzing, in brief, and resource the national platform and announced ownership of natural with producconcerned LEHI polices of the three leading political public utilities Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dennis, Rex parties: Republicans, Demurrats and tion of light, power, transportation, Dennis and Dorothy Dennis of Los Socialists. communication and other basic indusA. T. at the callers were Angeles, view-poitries. The operation of these indusA strictly on Taylor home, WHnesday. is attempted throughout the series, tries by boards of administration LEHI consumer the worker, the which wage Wa!lar Christif fprnr.n of Cedar which will appear weekly during the and the technician are adequately Citv, is visiting Lehi relatives this next two issues. REPUBLICAN represented. week. LEHI Stands to mantain a TARIFF: AT Mr. O I. Kittinirpr who is emnlov- YOUR OVERCOAT GET system of flexible protective tariffs, adv. ed at Price, spent Sunday and Mon STORE. SHOE POWERS to to the president giving power day in Lehi with his family. LEHI modify the rates determined by ConLEHI SEASON PHEASANT wives and Missionary parents gress. OPENS NOVEMBER 5 LABOR: Favor as high wages as meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dickerson, consistent with productiveness. A Thursday evening (Oct. 27.) The open season for pheasants and shorter week and shorter work day, LEHI with collective bargaining between quail will be from 1 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Parker of Los Angeles, Caliemployee and employer. Prohibition November 5, 6 and 7 in Utah County. fornia, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. of alien contract labor. Pheasants can be shot from 7 a. m. Carl Gunther, Saturday, Sunday and WAR DEBTS: Indefinitely men- until 6 p. m. on November 6 and 7. Monday. Mrs. Parker was a convert tion protection of national economic Limit of phesants is two male birds of Mr. Gunther, while on his mis As each day and of quail ten per day. policies "wherever threatened.' sion. to attitude, or policy adopted, toward Powell's Slough is closed territory LEHI cancellation or collection no mention this year and signs and posters are LEHI DEFEATS PLEASANT is made. placed at the boundaries to warn GROVE HERE FRIDAY PUBLIC UTILITIES: Supervisor hunters. Another new game reserve is by the steel plant at Springville regulation and control of inter-stat- e Reporter: Dave Whimpey. public utilities, as at present. Fur- and will be known as the Columbia With a scoring aerial attack stage! ther extension of Federal power to al- Steel Plant Bird Sanctuary. in the fourth period, Lehi Hgh School low a Federal commission to govern easily won the football game played rates to be charged for electrical CEDAR VALLEY CATTLE FOUND against the fleety foe of Pleasant energy transported across state Grove's picked eleven. The game was Fourteen head of the cattle reportboundaries. player at Pleasant Grove on Friday, VETERANS. The compensation and ed stolen from Cedar Valley have to Utah October 21, and ended with a 25-- 0 caring for every veteran incapacit- been located according authorities. County ;ef reason ated in any degree by Injury victory for Lehi. Q t.m Lehi choose an early 0 lead in or illness incured in defense of his LATTER-DASAINTS country. the forepart of the game, but didDISARMAMENT. The maintenATTENTION! n't demonstrate much of her ability ance of the U. S. Navy unon a basis until the fourth quarter, when she of parity with the Navy of any other Much attention is being shown in opened up with three undisputed nation. Snndnw Krhnnl Attendance Con iha The CIVIL LIBERTIES. protectouchdowns, immediate results of in- tion of freedom of speech, press and test which closes next Sunday. Then different passing. Pledges itself to main- lis the last time for the present that assemblage tain racial equality for negroes. attendIMMIGRATION. Reitertes that a you can help your ward in FORMER LEHI GIRL HONORance. is restriction ED AT B. Y. HIGH SCHOOL Republican fundamental of foreign immigrants. (The Printer's Devil says that this DEMOCRATS is the first time that he has found it Reporter: Dave Whimpey TARIFF: A competitive tariff for easy to advertise a program for the Rowena Christenson, daughter of revenue, based upon a g church. One or two programs came Dr. H. D. Christenson of Provo, committee free from executive interl'in without going after them; so the former resident of Lehi was elected ference, with reciprocal agreements officers are interested at least The of the B. Y. High with other nations. An international Press tried to run night programs a School at a student body election economic conference to restore inter- while back but the going was to held recently. national trade and facilitate foreign (hard. Maybe too many were going Miss Christensen has accumulated exchange. Condems the y in to church but the 'organization numerous friends and has taken a its protariff bill, charging that charge of the meetings in many cases very active part in all social activit hibitive rates have caused forty could not prepare the programs in ies since her arrival in Provo. the pper, or else were op- foreign nations to retaliate against time t for . . i j.: it.. to walls posea aavertising as we seaung the U. S. by building tariff SECOND WARD M. I. A. capacity was probably small, but at our goods. TO ENTERTAIN against LABOR: Spreading employment by last one or two programs have come in and shorter week, and that's encouraging.) The M. I. A. of the Second Ward use of a shorter day even in are giving a one act play written by including that application G. S. Peterson followed by a dance governmental services. AT GET YOUR OVERCOAT next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. WAR DEBTS: Direct opposition adv. POWERS SHOE STORE. Every one invited. A small admission to any cancellation of debts owed the fee will be charged. U. S. by foriegn nations. : non-partis- na Sarings Department Commercial Banking Insurance Safety Deposit Vault Capital Bonds Surplus $20,000 $25-00- Sitatf e EBmnnlk fi thii ES i tes d Lelir ! UM ;th QUALITY; If it's to eat get it at Larsen Bros. We fVOT carry the best line of Meats, Groceries, Vegetables and Seasonable Fruits that will give you a selection hard to equal and the price is always right for quality goods. i f BE PUBLIC UTILITIES: Strict en- and anti- forcement of anti-trudemonopoly laws; conservation, entered the of county the use Burglars velopment and praitical equipment shed on State street early nation's water power, regulating was Entrance Wednesday morning. trained bv breaking the lock on the regulating rigidly holding companies east front door. The thieves drained selling securities in interstate comthe sras from one of the large road merce and rates of utilities operating Nothtrucks stored in the parage. across state lines, as at present. ing else was taken. County and city VETERANS. Fullest measure of officers investigated. war o justice and generosity for all due to and dependents, veterans, ATTENTION SECOND WARDERS disease or disability resulting from service. actual war-tim- e International DISARMAMENT. You are all cordially invited to at for the reduction of armatend Sunday School, beginning Sun- agreements ments. No stateday. Sunday, October 30th, being CIVIL LIBERITIES. rally day, a special program has been ment. No statement IMMIGRATION. arranged to be given in place of class SOCIALIST work. Every one is expected to be VETERANS. A disarmament proTo accomodate everyone a present. the saving from which would gram, junior Sunday School will be held in be directed toward creating employthe amusement hall for the children. ment for soldiers, sailors, and others of Be a loyal supporter of your Sunday unemployed due to the reduction navies. and armies School. The program will be as fol The reduction of DISARAMENT. lows: all armaments by international Piano duet Webb Sisters. if possible, and if impossible to disarm, to a degree, ourselves, as Reading Lois Lott The an example to other powers. Vocal duet Miss Allred. volition of draft, C. M. T. C. and R. a A Sure Cure Book Mormon Class. O. T. C. training, and the prohibition Piano selection LaPriel Goodwin. of sales of munitions to foreign Selection Relief Society Chorus. nations. CIVIL LIBERTIES. Enforcement of the guarantee of freedom of press, BONE-DANSI- E and assemblage, witn penalty Mrs. E. May Bone of Salt Lake, speech for officers attempting to interefre enformerly of Lehi, announces the with such liberties. The enforcement gagement of her daughter, Marjorie, of all enfranching legislation with re of Lehi to Willard Dansie, son of Mr. spect to the negro, and strict legis enforcement as reand Mrs. Alma I. Dansie of Riverton. lation and drastic gards lynchings. The marriage will take place In Modification of IMMIGRATION. November following a number of the present barriers to allow uniting social functions being planned for of families and to open the country to those fleeing from foreign political the young couple in Lehi and or religious persecutions. TARIFF: Creation of international economic organizations on which Among the successful and lucky to hunters that returned with their deer labor is represented adequately, deal with problems looking to the during the following week are the economic welfare, as regards profollowing: Roy Slater and party duction and distribution, of the brought in three deer, James Gough, masses throughout the world. George Smith, Joseph M. Colledge, Abolition of injunctions LABOR: Joseph Manning, Thomas Colledge, labor in disputes and the outlawing Marian Adams, John Car, Henry of "yellow-dog- " contracts; enforceBasil Dorton, Lee Stewart, Sorenson, the Rhodes brothers brought In one, ment of the rights of laborers to Evans Colledge and party brought in organize into unions. WAR DEBTS: The cancellation of one each, thirteen reported in the war debts provided that such release party. st NTEE PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE toN. pi Int ys in advnc incoir arines i PHONE 17 and ffation MAIN STREET LEHI, UTJparti jus Tmrnzamsz rej Ask ti jrt, "Why It 13 My tend Sunday School' Duty Leagt A1U &ATIN 1. COUPONS COZY nt ENTER C bnden lencies fact-findin- BURGLARS V but Y - gov part 7-- I you liege; - Smoot-Haw-le- maj se h e th factio Telephone 85 . COUNTY GARAGE The dance sponsored by the Junior Democratic held Tuesday league, night was very successful. Admission to the dance was charged in farm produce which will be turned over to the Relief Society organizations for charity purposes. Speakers at the party were Grant Ivins and Wm. Stanley Dunford, Democratic candiMont's date for County Attorney. Melodians furnished the music. All present pronounced the party most enjoyable. LEHI, UTAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER THE T.KHI FREE FKfcbS OCTOBER 27, 1932 ferialis Benefits received fromirican ing Sunday School Mr. Harc10010' nK 00 Sacramental Song. tern Postlude. EPE3 Posttude. land. The following merchants and service stations are giving them. Ask for them. Insist on them. You save 10c and 15c on every fl.00 spent. If your merchant does not have them get them or trade where you can get them. It costs no more. Larsen Bros., City Bakery, Lehi Drug, Goodwin's Golden Rule, Van's Cash and Carry, Gilchrist Hardware, Otterson's Qonfectionery, People's Co-oState Street Drug, Central Service Station, State Street Service, Lehi Service, Phillips Shoe Shop, Power's Clothing Shop, C. L. Johnson, and Fourth Ward Grocery. Bring Cozy coupons and see the year's most out standing first run picture at thse exceptionally low prices. 2. Adminstration of sacramentaer Sacramental music 1. Votfe $s Beth and Adean Turner. solo Wm. Price accompanied ? that cc land Price. Concert recitation. Musical trio Wm., LelaE1"113 tC 2J-ad"- p, Dean Price. Remarks from one of supeTJP encv. ' Piano duet Laurel HukhiE1 Zola Brown. onori taiK "aunaay ben. Store House for Spiritual F Fox. i fel ! k - THIRD WARD Separation for class work. at 11:20 o'clock Devotional music Violin solo, Wm. Brief remarks Price, accompaned by Delila Fox. by hoard W Aaron Allred. "On One and All," directed Song by S. S. Chorister Mrs. Ralph HutchClosing song "Put Your 8 f ings. To The Wheel." 'inmiin EDWARD B. JONES Republican Candidate for four-yeterm County Commissioner. Pledges to an economical, efficient and honest administration and always keep in mind our PRESENT TAX BURDENS and a determined effort to reduce same by eliminating all excounty waste and unnecessary penses. Edward B. Jones has been a resident of Utah County for 24 years. Educated as a Civil and Mining En gineer. He served the UTAH FUEL CO. in Carbon County, Utah, as resident en gineer at mines for eight years (1900-190ar Prayer. Song "Thanks for the School." Two short talks. Edward B. Jones pays taxes on acres of dry and irrigated lands in Utah County and is vitally Inter ested in saving money for the ILeM DDiruig 1,000 Phones (Political Advertisement) -- A thou bee $i.s ) 2: Co.; and STATE STREET Main Street 27, State Street 145 i A ro jutil Jau ve worn R MOUNT YOUR DEER HEAD ! I G bra by a taxidermist that has the ' etuinng animals so as to give appearance of life and nature. We mount everything and do il oi tur work. Prices Reasonable record. term. Xc The gi MAIN STREET er ar OVERC0A' YOUR . 8) The fact that those who are best acquainted with his conduct are the ones who most enthusiastically trust and praise him, is, in itself a potent reason why he should be elected County Commissioner for four-ye- GET POWERS SHOE STORE. $1.35 Gem Razor, 5 Blades and Shaving Cream $1.50 Flash Light with 4 Batterys Free 1 lb. Barton's Candy, Special 50 Tooth Paste . Since 1916 Mr. Jones has had charge of the Distribution of Water and construction for the Utah Lake Distributing Company watering 4,000 acres in the north end of Utah County. Mr. Jones has served as secretary-treasurof the Lehi National Farm Loan Assocition since 1920. 1920-192- 6 Mr. Jones was State Road Agent of Utah County, at the same time being County Engineer, in which position he made an excellent Sabbath JL - . 1 John Hutching 3 2nd West Lei" |