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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI. UTAH JM GOTS SPLENDID GIFT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY W-S- S .ojlVEW YORK f- ' Some friends of mine, who are Infested in a musical snow. Invited me I would not ,the dress rehearsal. re missed it for worlds. Anyone po never has witnessed a dress of a musical show, like the - - ; '. . tr-- . t T : .. f i . t VVtnmlffH v- - W"r tremens, "ain't seen nothinV Iwateb the director alone Is worth iny times the price of admission, len someone inadvertently let down I drop for the nest scene on the .ds of the chorus doing a dance xj&bert none of the cast was killed, it It seei'.ed that the director was i)g to die of hydrophobia. When, the midst of a duet, the stage hand jfied tlie velvet curtains and stuck bead through, the director suffered He $a a form of throat paralysis. Ijld make only weird sounds, while ;, cheeks appeared to inflate after ills maimer ot a red balloon. 'mieriauice was still so tiery that it pe ia the dark when the electrician Ised bis cue and gave the perform black-ou- t instead of the ex J Sed moonlight. Mis language was 3fin more flaming than his face. And wat sared him from apoplexy when curtain stuck. I still cannot imug ?j " K0 director of a musical slmw 8!la!d seem to be a good insurance risk didn't even seem to hiive a simih failed in ( effect when the treadmill rk and the horse galloped 'ff stage the wings. Bi ... l musical dress rehearsal 'Siw generally lasts from around h C5. until S o'clock In the morning Then ji performers, authors, stage crew. and directors make for 3'BlcIans bed. anil sleep the sleep of jaustloD until about 5 o clock In of a i k .(' ""r" r" de-hj- ni C I.. . " ' . k 'triisg S 'iJliT I ,;;,,,: f mj.u.1, limn xyT.f ,; HM Kxterior view of the magnificent library which Edward U Doheny, as a memorial to his son and which was dedicated receutly. membered it. there was considerable ruction ami Iter tiiisli.-intelephoned back to the imtH Naturally, the room had tvn and rvmade Hnd liMikm tlircmjli Hie liiundrv hag of a liostclri is ipiiie a ol MaiiN big h'lllnis. Hint fi'ti extra fli'Viilni op eralors were put to work tui'iny two of I hem 'ar'tu!ly Ihey searched and they shook nut ii Mas not until tlic literally lunt exauiinod tlioiisands ot n in llbov inverted pieces ol linen i a idllow case iiinl out rolled the ring I suppose things id that sort happen almost daily ai ill holds I Why I'.ioadway producers spend a fortune making u show beautiful to rff fix When preparing grape Juice for the winter, use the wild grapes when possible. Take ten pounds of grapes, heat and cook and strain through Jelly bag, using one cupful of water added w i .. t i i..4 . to the grapes before cooking. To the Juice add three pounds of sugar, heat to the boiling point and bottle and it couldn't be done, that fighting planes would always be solo In order to obtain the necessary speed, but army air corps engineers, with the Berliner Joyce Aircraft corporation, have succeeded Operating H 'developing this pursuit plane that has all the speed of the ,ele fighter, plus the added protection of a gunner in the rear seat I afternoon, when they wake up. lb and nervous. On the opening nrcit, everything usually goes like KiAwork. the show is over h little Sr 11, 'and those concerned rush out ?et the morning paper to see what critics have to say concerning what taken weeks of effort and large ')unt8 of money. As a gambler, pro-lna musical show makes roulette like a piker's game. the eye and ear and then, suddenly and without necessity, drag in something which offends the nostrils, I never have been able to figure out They must figure that their public wants it, which f on what they think of is a sure their customers. tip-of- . 1938. Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. iH OW IT START E By JEAN NEWTON tt ,r Jr, if t f. ' - ' ' Take three quarts of corn fresh from the cob, one quart of minced onion, one cupful each of green and red peppers chopped, one cupful of minced parsley, two cupfuls of diced potatoes, three tomatoes, two quarts of water and a large bunch of garden herbs. Cook slowly one hour, then add one-hal- f cupful of salad oil, one tablespoonful of salt, and a fourth teaspoonful of thyme. The use of a phosphate baking powder neutralizes the acid of fruits and tomatoes but adds to the flavor of dish. Try using It In: Tomato Biaqua. SImmer'sIx sliced tomatoes with one chopped onion, a bay leaf, two cloves, a sprig of parsley, and one and one-hal- f cupfuls of water for 12 minutes. Make a cream sauce, using Strain. two tablespoonfuls each of flour and butter, one teaspoonful each of salt and baking powder, one teaspoonful of i M donated to the University of Southern D "Grit" Bell Syndicate. , MffW1" TPMAT boy's grit will make him his waj In the world" was the fretjuent comment heard recently of a member of a winning crew who stuck to his oars, rowing with the rest of his teammates, only to collapse as the boat crossed the finish line and be operated on for a hernia which came upon him during the race. It is Interesting to dwell upon how the word "grit" came to acquire the sense of courage. Spartan obliviousness to physical discomfort, stoicism while in the throes of bodily or mental anguish. Grit is an old English term for sand or gravel, with which words It was synonymous, and which was used to perfect the texture of stones, used for grinding. The better the grit, the more efficient the grinding stones. So, the human Impulse for novelty in expression could not well be expected to overlook such an opportunity for Introducing into our Innguage a word which has come to be Identified with those personal qualities which make one stand out under conditions of stress and strain. ' ne of the denizens of a New York :.,). store" is a great advertisement for It is a chimpanzee, and iu;. business. his ry afternoon the owners of the shop It out for a walk on Fifth avenue. - After washing golf hose, bable' sweaters and stocking, place them on wooden frames. The articles will dry evenly without shrinking and will not require pressing. br the Amnclated Newspaper) WNU Service Kicking Over the Traces side, of March'" The "Ides of March" are the eighth day after the nones, or March 15. Says: rctrrrtfiH. be tinted occasion preserve Its dainty appearance. A faded blue garment will tint a delicate orchid with the aid of a pink dye, a pale yellow will shade Into a delicate green if dipped In blue dye, and a pink dye will change the yellow to a shell pink. Be sure to use small w K. d Snake Causea 100 Deaths one-fourt- h Kol-hapu- r quantities of the dye for these pastel shades. which turned over and drowned approximately 100. The accident occurred on a flooded river, which raised the water level to a point near the tree. This Is a delicious and an unusual sandwich to serve with the afternoon tea: Mix cupful of finely chopped preserved Canton ginger and cupful of chopped pecan nut meats. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of fine cut candied orange peel, one ly tablespoonful of ginger sirup, one tea Lily Haa 120 Blooms Portland, Ore. A lily grown In the garden of George W. Nothnagle, Portland, had 90 blooms on the main stalk, 17 blooms on a second stalk, and 13 on a third stalk. The plant, 8 feet tall, produced the three stalks from the same bulb. one-fourt- h d sugar, teaspoonful of pepper and two cupfuls of rich milk ; stir and cook until smooth. Combine with the tomato and serve at once. Lemon Pis. f Cook cupful of teaspoontapioca and ful of salt In three cupfuls of hot water In a double boiler until the tap laco Is clear, stirring often. Add two cupfuls of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Beat two egg yolks and pour some of the hot mixture over them slowly, return to the boiler s and cook until thickened. Add of a cupful of lemon Juice, the rind of two lemons, cool. Fill a large bnked shell and cover with a meringue using the two egg whites and four tablespoonfuls of sugar. Brown lightly. Bombay, India. A snake dropped from a tree to a ferryboat near recently, causing the passengers to rush to one side of the boat, one-hal- I a i ; I Cheerio Chapters three-fourth- - i 2.1. The railroads propose to Chicago. popularize winter travel by reducing passenger rates during a portion of the winter, according to a statement made by H. W. Siddall, chairman of l the Passenger association. The reduced excursion rates made during the summer have convinced the railroads that people will travel If the cost is brought within their present means, and the western roads propose to try It out on winter travel for a time by making a one and a quarter rate to the winter tourist points In Arizona, California, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia, ot) sale between November 1 and December 22. with a return limit of January 25. It Is expected that the experiment of these low winter rates will demonstrate to the railroads a means ol creating more passenger traffic, and thnt the lead of the western roads will be followed by those serving oth er sections. An old Dutch artist. Old fashioned word meaning Trans-Contlnentn- 20. Colorless. 28. To draw hastily. 31. A sharp cry. 32. Utin for earth. 33. Slang term for make believe 35. Part of the head (pi.). 30. A medium used by artists. v P . 1 F"p""r f I Vertical : 1. Abbreviation for morning. 2. To sketch or portray. 3. One who paints. 4. One who carries baggage. 6. Breezy. 7. First, THE ARTIST'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE Horizontal : 2. Moist XI I me, but j n.. i- W- hJijuh li.i&t 5. Material upon which to paint. 10. Abbreviation for railroad. 11. Substance used In painting. 14. A girl's name. 15. Krench word for "and." 17. Preposition meaning close to. BUTTERFLIES FOR YOUR HOUSE GARDEN 30'-- V.,I EDMONDS to think. 25. Forever. MJjiuniij.iiti ftt Edited by DOROTUY VV f'aadaai, iardon Railroads to Try Cheap Winter Passenger Rates Fun for All the Children IS. 1J Id- are you JVell,l was going to say If you J'd feed him this sandwich you me. g bv Western Newspaper Union. WANTED TO BE SURE j?' qulck-cook-In- one-fourt- h 2E !"get most of my hotel news from vnk Case, Ted Saucier, and Royal rl,in, and there always Is something opening In the small cities which are KropoHtan hotels. Mr. Ryan, forei )Citle, has been telling me of the It seems that ;r, ens, of Pittsburgh. lord ONeil hid a valuable diamond , rt In the pillow case of her bod In uWew fork hotel, and In the next l filing's hurry to get away early for intic City, forgot it. when she re These butterflies it cut out and mounted on cardboard and then pasted on the end of a flattened drinking straw or other straight stem, perhaps a thin strip of cardboard, may be stuck In your flower pots to add decoration and color among the leaves of the plants. Color them, of course. In bright butterfly colors. They are very realistic when put In their place among the leaves, especially If you bend their wings a trifle to look as If hey had lust lighted. sixth and last letters of North Dakota. a An old Dutch artist. 9. Abbreviation for South East. 12. Abbreviation for id est (that Is). 13. Abbreviation for long meter. 10. An article of furniture. 1!). An exclamation. 20. Subject often used In paint- OR INTUITION? ing. First letter In the alphabet. To make crooked. Abbreviation for Albert 2!. To ensnare. 30. French word for that. 33. To create a breeze. 34. To perform. 35. Abbrevlntlon for FIJI Islands. (ffl. III!. WeKtern Newspaper Hnloa t 22. 24. 27. Diuretic forth Kidneys Premium on Old Coins Dependent on Rarity How valuable are old coins? A study of the dealers' lists will surprise you, first by the smallness of the premium attached to most coins of venerable age, and second, by the small number of coins of modern Issue that command any respectably sized premium at alL The value of any coin, of course, depends not only upon tts rarity, but upon Its physical condition, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. A bright uncirculated coin gets a topnotcn price, and this value lessens progressively with the wear It undergoes, but If you do happen to have a rare coin of considerable age, don't clean It for that automatically halves Its value. As regards the small value of soma coins of great age, the dealers offer, for example, less than $1 In precoined in 1794, mium for a half-ceor the large copper cent of 1800. And a silver dollar of 1794, or a large copper cent of the same year, commands a premium of only a few cents. The only common coin of comparatively recent lssunnce that Is quite valuable Is the 191.1 "Liberty Head" nickel. You enn exchange It for a fine, complete outfit of clothes any time. Another common coin of great value Is the 1894 "S" mint silver dime, which Is valued nt several hundred dollars. The 1S70 "CC" mint piece can buy you a fair second-hand car. 20-ce- t The "blue" sever lait loot la bealthrbodr. Why feel luegUh.alckly aa ufiinaotBi waea a eimpie infrnal ctmanaint makee all tbe dlffereaoe la the world la how you feel Gerneld Tea for a week or eo. lrlnk You'll bedellabted with thm Improve ment la your Hood looka, husooe and appetite. lAlaUdmtglns). aamu mt aaifWd Teooo..i.o.ieeMw.i.Y. . ri..at.s3 I Device Teata Lobatera An electrical device, developed by a professor at Uoston university, will determine whether a lobster Is fit to eat or not. The device was adopted by the Massachusetts fish and game department. If the lobster does not contract Its tall or move Us clippers at the shock, It will be thrown away. He'a Crazy Insurance Inspector Would yon mind telling me If there Is any Insanity In your family, lady? Wife (a policy seeker) Well, no, not exactly. Only my husband thinks he's boss at home. Hummel, Hamburg. Muit Ba Biff Those two boneheads having a battle of wits. Iiamm Oh, a sham battle! art Addle Noyd I Just came from the beauty parlor. Lum Cago And they were closed t at 60 ba vigorous and healthy at CO as well aa at but take care of themselves properly. Invigorate your vital organa with Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsule. Itiaon of the most reliable preparations known to medicine. It haa been widely prescribed for 237 years, the best proof that it works. Insist on GOLD MEDAL. 35c & 75c 86, if they will Wedding Anniversary atl!5g. b users have relied upon Doan'$ Praised the country over. j Pilk nld hv all rtrunrist. A man ta as old aa his organs; mostmen can family at Golden Ibany, Ore. Death never has the happiness of Mr and Thomas J. Anderson or their Ave 4lren alnce the couple was married ;ieare ago. The Andersons recently jS,irated their golden wedding annl i!j rj, with three children, six grand 'Atm and 17 othej relatlTes par I and nagging backache, heed promptly these symptoms. ThfV ni9T warn rif Knrrw rtf. ordered kidney or bladder con-- I dition. For 50 years grateful Cruel - id ;a;ttoie; Promptly Kidney an--l Bladder Irregularities If bothered with bladder irregularities, getting up at night t spoonful of vinegar, and a few grains of salt Spread between thin unsweetened crackers. WNU Service. LINGERIE must one-thir- g 0'- Heed" MyTetghbor !, abe" , i Seasonable Suggestion ' - yiy.a), ...... .. oocooooooooooooooooooooooo , " - V. ... Vi v f' ' ; .: S'Aj? S tMMa'W .www,,,..,,,, ft yr "'' They said . Corn Chowder. W O. . seal 19J2 ' i v." ; - m m mm m m SS" . : ' . WWW: 3, a mm .... - ... 4... ..W'JW .. - PURSUIT PLANE PERFECTED fWO-MA- N j Si. ..,.. r rum - re-rs- al in who never had suffered from . M mm. A is; --rff-w- Dorit Neglect Your Kidneys (The Kitchen Cabinet i "Say. pa, whut do you call a person hat rends heooST'' FREE A generous sample, free, If you print your name and address across tbis advertisement and mail to Department "A", care of "A phrenologist, iuj boy." Then ma must be one of those things. She felt of my head this afternoon and said right fiway, "you've tieen swimming.' " "Gee. J GOLD MEDAL OIL COMPANY HAARLEM S20 MHl Straat, Brooklyn, New York |