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Show Thursday, August 25, lsj Thursday, August 25, 1932 GET YOUR LEHI WOMAN WINS PRIZE f y J Inter-mounta- in in CAMPAIGNS. j of This week Mrs. D. W. Larsen of Replace Tubes WTith A Set Lehi has been named winner of this and Specify New Ones prise, her article is as follows: Genuine R. C. A. Radiotrons made Do you by then you have goods? If you do, wheeL" With the to "shoulder your united effort and hard boosting tne wheels of industry will start and conPHONE 78 tinue to run. Employment will be STATE STREET furnished to hundreds of discouraged men. Peace and plenty will reign homes. TENNIS CLUB supreme in once destitute ANNOUNCES WINNERS Everyone will have a chance to buy the necessitis of life. Home indusLEHI, UTAH Tennis Club completed try will solve our problems. Let uslast week and the tournament Intermountheir look for the brand if it's Marion winners: the are fiwintr Adam-so-n, tercet crowd to jeaDit nas tun tain made let's buy. Von o Adams, Senior Singles; te in attendance. Marion and Junior Singles; uiner ouungs enjoyed at the resort RUMOR CORRECTED and Loren Goates, Doubles. u,m, xe: Friday, tne in tne past wee No girls entered the meet; therefore ofciC iKe County baup Workers, and The following letter is self explan the off. girls meet was called utkt laursuay tne Aaturui Ueveiop-mcme ienu. oi atory: Plans for the lighting Asociaucn. "Provo, Utah, Aug. 18, laaz. under way - and probfcw wui o Concern: Whom It May "To the begin ably will be completed by "We have learned that false stories school year. the of uax k&ujSiON are beine circulated in parts of Utah ning tiKjL.u o School Shoes si2to5,or $1.65 i Boy's Heavy Bib Overalls HXtra UOOU RADI 39c 8 f We're n. hre today. We've made our bow. We're here to stay. Iff Lehi paper for LeM folks, Well tell you the news Also some jokes. If you're glad or sorry Just give us ring. We want jour news Or we can't print ft thing. If you like us tell us why; We expect to make some blunders But don't shout them to the sky. On Thursday of each week, Just let ue pay our visit And keep the locals coming Until we reach the peak. Yours for a bigger better LE1I1 FREE FEESS. ihi FARM BUREAU OUTING PROCLAIMED A SUCCESS Farm Bureau day at Saratoga Resort last Saturday success as exturned out to be was Fun king and waterpected. melons washed the faces of approxiThe morning mately 2,600 people. began with a bang, as each car drove through the gate a large watermellon was given by the farm bureau to occupants of the car which brought smiles to the faces of the grown-upand water to the mouth of the children. A day's program was prepared and outlined from morning until 'night In advance, and as the morning began the program was developed: The Utkh County s, Horseshoe pitching, games, luncheon, baseball, etc., each had their turn and went over in pleasant and enjoyable way for all In the evening the Park Citfy Band holders of first place In High School bands in Utah and Idaho gave a splendid concert to about 2,600 people. The evening ended with a dance at which possibly the YOU CAN GET AT BROADBENT'S Phone 20-- W 5c BANANAS, Pound'.. Best Pickling Vinegar, Gal. 28c All Spices, Per Can 10c Best Jar Robbers. .5c, 6 for 25c 1 Gallon Can Pineapple 35c 10 Pound Can, Honey 85c LARGE MILK, Can 5c Pen Jel ...12c 11c Large Cornflakes Small Salmon 10c, 3 for 25c 2 Pounds Peanut Butter.. .23c 3 Pounds Sodas 34c 12 Bob White Soap 25c Mission Bell Soap 5c Lard 10c Pound Lots of other items priced just as low- - Fancy Glass Tumblers Brooms, extra good for 19c X 5-- J LEHL UTAH MAIN STREET Ihi Dr. Ole Larsen and wife, of Kt 3ity, are visiting friends and n fives in Lehi this week. Mr. Elsie Bhyrett of Springville, H. Goat Mrs. of George guest was a es, Tuesday. LEHI lehi The following National Cm Messrs. Leslie and Floyd Goates of received promotions du members Salt Lake, were visiting their mother, month: last the Corporal Ei on Wednesday. Mrs. George H. Goates from to Sergt' Curtis Corporal lehi Private Francis Heron from prit Mr. and Mrs. William Thompsen, frist class to corporal. Pnt, Mr. Charles Thompsen and Miss Alma Erickson from private tojf Gladys Shields returned home Mon rate first class. f day after a two weeks visit in LEHI 1 nt i no County in effect that Daryl Fowler who acted as Deputy County Trea lh Zimmerman reunion was Held surer for a little more than two Jiunoay to bait Lake and on years, was discharged from said iueouay tne tauie group went thru office because his work was not sat me iatter-Oa- y on isfactory. baini, 'leuipie. met lite at group Liberty iiionuay "We wish to make clear that all i arn 8i (1 nau a lmciieon, games ana such stories are absolutely false and a program, ine program consibted without any foundation, and are ji dint lent numbers from each of either being circulated ignorantly by Jie families present. In the evening persons who do not know the facts cney moved in a body to the estate oi or maliciously by others who are tryjiii. bcoiX Zimmerman at Holdaway ing to injure the name of an efficient where all enjuyeu a delightful pro- man. gram and watermellon bust "The truth is Daryl Fowler was The following of Lehi were present: never discharged from the County Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans, Mrs. Treasurer's Office at any time. He rtooth Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. asked to be released as Deputy Webb, Lynn Webb, Mr. and Mrs. H. County Treasurer because another J. Webb and son, Mr. and Mrs. Vern position offered him meant consider vVebb and daughter, Mrs. George E. able more to him financially at that ZimMr. and Mrs. Val amount Zimmerman, time than the paid by the merman, Misses Odessa and Effie Treasurer's Office. "Mr. Fowler's work as Deputy was Fay Zimmerman, Miss Lucile Hutch- mgs, Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, Mrs. J entirely satisfactory to the County W. Zimmerman, Mrs. Charles Turner, Treasurer's Office. He was of very Mr. and Mrs. Suel Zimmerman, Mrs, aereeable disposition and was al Harriet Barrett and two children, Mr ways ready to do his share or more of and Mrs. Elva Allemson, Mrs. Ruby the work. His work was efficient and Merruth and daughter, Mrs. Oliver stands on record for anyone who Kirkham and son Reed and daughter wishes to check it. JOHN ,C. TAYLOR, Donna, Misses Nedra and Cleora Signed L. L. NELSON, Lewis, Mrs. Margaret Bushman, Mr. dna Mrs. Suel Bushman and son and JOSEPHINE CLARK, Deputy Co. Treasurer. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bushin the statements to man and family, Mr. George E. Zim-an- d concur "I wish Mrs. Suel Bushman and son and made by the County Treasurer, re the Zimmerman family, age 81. garding the work .of Daryl Fowler as o Deputy Treasurer. Our offices are very closely connected and I found STRAIGHT FACTS ON THE MILK WAR Mr. Fowler to be dependable and efficient in his work and his services There are so man; rnmnrs and were entirely satisfactory. A TUTTLE, guesses as to the cause of the milk County Auditor. war now going on in Salt Lake City, which is a market that draws the majority of the milk produced in Lehi and which governs the price of milk that the porducer gets. We would like to state the facts as to the cause and the effect as obtained from the authorities of the local dairy pro ducers association. LN J5A-L.- Lui.ts.tU it THIRD WARD DRAMATIC CLUB ORGANIZE At a meeting held last night in the Third Ward chapel representatives fmm die Sunday School organization and the Mutual Improvement Associ ation decided to form a Dramatic for the purpose of stimulating dramatical production for financial purposes and to develop the talent in the ward. The officers of the club are as fol lows: Winzell Swenson and rerrei Ricks, Brems, directors; Howard stage manager; John Huifchings, make-uMrs. Eunice Hutchmgs, staging. Other help will be brought as the necessity develops. p; LEHI Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elsmore of Silver City, Utah, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Martha Ball last Sunday. LEHI Mr. and Mrs .Taylor Thornton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Garriet last Monday LEHI LEHI Allen Donoldson of Salt Lake City, LARSEN FAMILY REUNION accompanied Wilburn Ball on a weekend visit to the home of Mr. Ball's About fifty members of the Larsen mother, Mrs. Martha Ball of this city, family met at Saratoga Springs last Mr. Ball is employed in Salt Lake at in reunion Saturday in a family the present time. honor of Dr. Ole Larsen and family lehi of Kansas City who are visitors here. Mrs. Greeves of Provo, entertained The time was spent in bathing, lunch at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gerald ing and social chat Turner last Thursday afternoon. The o afternoon was spent in games and in Cards are out announcing the social chat, after which dainty re marriage of Miss Beulah Trinnaman freshments were served to those in to Mr. Frank Price White of Spanish attendance. Those present were: Fork at the Manti Temple on August Mrs. A. Mrs. Clark Zimmer-ImaShelley, 31. Miss Trinnaman is the daughter Mrs. Fred Schown, Mrs. Myr-to- n of James Trinnaman of Sugar City, Brown, Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, former residents of Lehi, and is a Mrs. G. Winslow, Mrs. Mary Turner, graduate of Lehi High School. Mrs. J. W. Zimmeman, Mrs. Kate Beulah's many friends in Lehi join Bensen, Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. the Lehi Free Press in wishing the LuElIa of Provo. I n, young couple happiness. The young couple will make their home in Pocatello where Mr. White is ... Boer t bis' IsnmLkeft means Get vours whild New Wools Direct From the Factory fKHJES HARD TO BEAT With Satin Bindings in 4 hours 1 My 70x80 $1.95 One of the handiest products for general use around the home U Spredite. Made for your convenience. a new, finish on gloss : 72x84 $2.89 Will Our Stocks Are Complete With New Snappy Merchandise. OVERALLS Utah s Bet, Hawk and Super-HawMade in Utah by Utah People. As Low as 39c Per Pair. floors, woodwork or furniture and they'll be ready for use again in a few short hours. And the Speedite fin-i- sh Excellent for use on leum. Easy to apply harmed by frequent at Two Weeks and the Children Be In School Think of It 1 k. lasts too. Af In A Rainbow of Colors FINISH f i9 IPMDHAIL AU smooth, f ic sSK linoun- Also oF SCH0OL SHOES, SHIRK, ffn? CAPS, SWEATERS, CORDS, HATS. 5 5 LEVI'S, Etc. NEW FALL PATTERNS IN PERCALES . Highest Quality. GOLDEN RULE PRICES BUY and SAVE Broadbent's h.v 1 (GdDdDdlwnnii9 at they get together and set ft price to hold to, or until the producers set ft price to hang to; both producers and sr. o. rrompt delivery any distributing companies are now time of the day to all parts of ing to adjust the situation so fry-It that the city. looks as if the war is about to We frame pictures and cover tip, or a least a slight raise should buttons. develop m the near future. Mr. J. WL Wing returned homt! Saturday from a several weeks i h ness trip through Northern Utaif Idaho. While in Idaho Mr. I visited many former Lehi people also visited in Idaho Falls, whet became acquainted with the pnf ' that the Western Trails Assoct. and the Boy Scouts of Idaho prepared and are putting oven great jubilee today ; and tomor r August 25 and 26. This progre being put over in honor of the n S J ing of the place where the first crosses the Snake River. A tk. a ment has been erected, the umi I of which will take place during T celebration now on. Scout and t Vi officials from all over the natioi A be there and put on parts si' ci tl program. I ANEW Mil ji 1 LEHI o Distributing companies are formed to distribute the milk. They setf a price to sell to stores and to individual consumers. This price must be at least 2 to 4 cents more than the price that they in return pay for milk from the producer to pay the cost of handling and selling. There are approximately sixty distributing companies selling in Salt A Sunshine party was held stj home of Mrs. Alice Phillips Thursday in honor of the folW Mesdames Martha i jadies: Taylor, John Devey, John Beveri Julia Brown, Cartwright, Chrij;. Harrison, Fred Shelton and Mrs. Otterson was m Otterson. to be present A splendid prop-was arranged which consisted 4 reading by Miss Lucile Baterai: duet by Miss Ada Phillips and It Arva Wing, and other numbers fc Che guests and committee in ck Misses Arleen Goodwin and Norine Fox made a business trip to Salt Lake Dainty refreshments were seine City, Monday. all present The members of f LEHI present Mrs. A. E. Adams made a busi Sunshine Committee Mesdames Mina Wjebb, John Em ness trip to Provo on Friday. Rachel Wing, James H. Gart LEHI Miss Nydia and Miss Elsie Sabey Ethel Watkins, Zella Oakey, t of Lehi returned home Sunday after Phillips, Andrew Fjeld, Suel if a week's visit; at the home of Mr. and merman, Herman Osterloh and St I Knudsen. Mrs. Leon Bone of Salt Lake City. mmssmwm. Lake City. The economic conditions ,40c have helped some with other causes to cause these distributing companies BOYS SCHOOL SHOES to reduce their price in order to eet $1.65, $1.75 and $2.00 and hold trade. This has been done as to size. to stores or wholesale milk especially Big Reduction On All Girls' and prices have been reduced. As one Ladies' Slippers distributor lowered his price, an Fast Color Percales. .12Kc Yard other would equal.it or beat it until Best French Percales. .15c Yard milk has dropped to a point where it All 20c Best Gingham Now is forcing the producers out of busiOn Sale 10c Yard ness. The cause for this is that the producer is the one who takes the Best Outing Flannel. Yard Wide For Quilts. 15c Yard cut The distributing companies for example should under ordinary conLarge Quilt Size Bats 85c ditions get about 7 cents a quart for Children's and Ladies' Good milk, which brings the oroducer Silk Bloomers ....25c about 4 cents. If the distributing The Latest In House company cuts their retail nrice to 4 Dresses . . . .48c, 73c and 98c cents the producer gets cut to ap Pillow Slips, Fancy Colored proximately 1 cent With these sixty distributor! on 25c each the war against each other the milk You Get the Best For Less price must remain low until either 6 x Shop Iioe Store HOWDY FOLKS Phone Radio & Electric Shirts 39c MAIN STREET Best Wishes To Lehi's Home Paper from GILCHRIST HARDWARE Inter-mounUi- n urauc men a it win. Poiver i Each week die Products of Salt Lake City, gives a prize of five dollars to the person IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION ending in the best article on "Why NOW FOB THE COMING aae Use You Inter-mounta- Get Your School Cloth- ing at Reasonable Prices 1 At A FULLEIi PAINT PRODUCT Lclai LuimilbeF PHONE15 C. STATE STREET GOODWIN'S GOLDEN RULE I Strppt lmZLZZZZZl MAIM For Best Values Always LEHLUIA' i 'J! |