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Show 2- 7J LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHL UTAH - LIGHTS OF NEW YORK Jke for years the olflcial Has tblafk Years ago citation was further ' chief of the shin he oot i - 1 if I I print them, Tbej were real stones. A good bootblack apparently learns to read footprints In the sands of time. of a large magazine put Manhattan. DAIRY The Parade's Comln PAGTS ffl to show dachshunds at the next dog show. A black leopard Is no gentle playmate. One of these beasts with a circus reached out and dragged a dog through a space not six Inches wide, killing the animal before anyone could do a thing about it. The dog was one of the best trained collies with the show. see by the papers that at Los Angeles the Iiainhow divislou pinned a colonel's eagle on the FhouMer of Ann Harding, Ic memory of her father, the late Geu. George Umely. The Thirtieth division should uln another on Miss Harding's remaining Phones Main St-eacTATiniSIPHVulder- - " wa8 the Thirtieth wnk.n ,;eneraJ o,atelj train(j af Sevier, near Greenville S. C tne Thirtieth division which he France, and which referred to tliy as "Gmd G d Gug." and tve Wed and died for bim. It that he went to the Rain that division ",s i'" the to want We congratulate v one nrst class tlijhtlng 1 ILeMf if Time Out ER TRUMBULL le HOW COW TESTING PROVED ITS VALUE High Prices Commanded by Recorded Animals. When Calvin Coolidje was President, he sent for a congressman who bad Introduced a certain bilL "Is your bill going to get by the bouse?" he asked. "Yes. Mr. President." said the congressman. "We have all worked hard on It and I thlr.k there Is no doubt It will pass the house." "Will It get by the senate?" "Yes. Mr. President. I have assurances from powerful committee members and leaders. Yes, I think It will get by the senate." "Well" said Mr. Coolldge, "it wont - py me." II Syadlcat. WNTJ 8rr1c. f vTr'. ,i visitors ' g Because his records showed exactly how much his cowf were producing, and because he knew the history of his herd, Arthur Lowes, younc Sedgwick county 'dairyman, was able to command exceptional price for his Ars hires at a recent auction sale. Although many feared he would be on their Lehi the citizens of able tot get only $50 or so a head for his dairy stock. 0 of his purebred cows Lehi paper. Let's support it V Arthur Sherwood. brought 1940, his grade torn averfw.'11' Gorman Steven- practically ISO each, one pureaged Yours For Lehi Every and gtarTH, bred cow brought $140, and one of a uue to- the grade cows sold for $98 1 Prices like these under present conditions are paid only when buyer are able to know exactly what they v''VJm Eye day. are getting for their money, it is I 100 iiondoD zoo's by O. JL Smith, extension jfana last Mr. and Mrs. I. ldMT Io8t for the Colorado Agriculbusi- - off in a tfc., and with no misfortunes, Lehi should some good had it .nTr dairyman . and George B. McCrlm-mo- n, tural Mrs. and visiteb-college, John Smith CANNING So they worttarxnt nc mln- LOCAL to in the city. have a good chance of winning the rtend Sedgwick county agricultural exEnoch Russon and Mrs. Hattie CVF.RYROOY PLANT MAKES GOOD trophy. fully, but faitiuicea and cook tension agent ,. choten at the L. D. S. Hospital in Salt "Cow-testin- g o Mrs. Samuel Crane and series of messages 4 thoroughrecords kept by a disLake, Sun. They report that both children of and checked for acThe" canning plant operated Draper were visitors The reports ar telepmttS" interested party, Mr. Russon and Mrs. Linchoten are Colorado the by informant The curacy Agricultural munications. on m Lehi last Friday at the home by the N. D. A., located out of taa take the both making satisfactory te gambUni transmitted which is t number, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. State Street, seems to be one of majm mwi, itieu mil; retelephone with an automatic V.M . n ich recoris tell what a cow James H. Gray. the busiest spots in town, and a Third Ward Scout Officers 1 LEHI iecving device, uiai operant vy IS Iryitbout a production rec-boon to the busy house wifes of of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Gilchrist of Committee Thti Vils taklnj; a chance." Troop Miss our Norma of Price, daughter means of a waxx record. The dialing not only Lehi but many 3 the Lehi of Salt rela were 703 and Lake, visiting Troop on the other phone releases a slender his rh Troop : of John and communities. Price, Dorothy surrounding which sets a wax record Ward held the first of tives, Sunday. Third metallic arm H. of James Gray Cow's daughter Since the installation of the their meetings last Friday evenlehi .The message is recorded whirling. home last Fri returned Gray 16,000 honcitizens the was with Wardle It that plant they have canned times (was Leland Several regret manner. during waiving, in this Little ing. after a week's visit at the cans of vegetables to date. The orably released as treasurer of Lehi saw W. A. Knight and family day the course of the picture, this de brother's Tlbers writes la to home of Mrs. Samuel Crane. one out for Mrlng difficulty In turn day Farrel to leave make their largest Lehi, Monday, and finwice director and vice is snown reports, receiving lehi tin good flesh. was 2,000 cans. Brems was appointed to fill the home in alt Lake. Mr. Knight has Miss Willa Crane returned to but never with any person present. ration oitonced care Take canned the for were 1,500 cans the retirement been very active in civic and political her home in Draper last With in this thriller in vacancy. adequate will Participants your heirs State Training School a Ameri- of Mr. Wardle from the Sunday affairs and Mrs. Knight has been a after a week's visit at theFriday cowgiv. clude Jack Holt, Boris Karloff, Con lars. home week. last on silage can Fork, the very efficient church worker in ward of her Van , Edward School superintendency, stance Cummings, and Mr. grandparents, rr if Besides canning for Lehi new church Correlation Plan and stake. We wish them success In Claude Sloan, Willard Robertson, Mrs. James H. Gray. ona blacr a have done have canning citizens, they : from the Troop Committee and their new home. King and Bertha Mann, John Francis nose is bloody, your ci for people from Midvale, Magna, the new superintendent autoLEHI "The "The made Noose," who Mrand Mrs. James Jensen Dillon, Murray, Salt Lake City, Spring-vill-e, matically takes his place, with Mrs. L. A. Valentine of Salt Lake, were visitors at the home of Finger Points," "Millie" and "Pagan torn. How many times Draper, Provo, Alpine and the approval of bishopric and has been spending the past week visit Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Evans last Lady," directed "Behind The Mask." told you nt play with ' X Jenkins by ?" Highland. . o members of the com ing Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks. She Thursday afternoon and evenother Say, Ma. Do I ook as thoug The products are handled in mittee. The troops regret the returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Jensen was ing. formerly had been playin'?" we DiffiaU Hemaris and a very efficient sanitary eavine of Mr. Wardle from the LEHI Miss Edith Evans of this city. hum o of of this genus adults The finished and the manner product committee, but are glad to get Miss Maud Hackett and Mr. C. C. moths have wings iroin mlng-blrwas very ro Their is of a very high quality. such a person as the new mem Hackett left Tuesday to spend the Victor Mason and family whlcL part of the scales ruD on so mantic. rarriage He proposed to her in ber to fill the vacancy, Farrel is week in Salt Lake visiting and doing spent last Friday visiting form early that they are almost never seen and she accepted automobile an are XT-- WARNING FOR PARENTS an old member of troop 3 having temple work. er friends of the Mason family and those portions ofasthe wings ! i ,1. vw- wmm described ivvu transparent iiuuio avcj. LEHI ioined the troop back in about in Lehi. Mr. Mason is now thereforeadults have the unmothllke These pital. and General During the past week we 922. Plans were developed lor Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tregaskis Delivery Clerk of the habit f flying In the bright sunlight oAmerican Mrs. Louise of the McCandlass Salt Lake Post Office. have received reports that dif- the financial affairs for and when hovering at flowers, they A friend dropped in to see a ferent children in different coming year. Approximately- Fork, were visiting at the Richard closely resemble humming birds. When finished bee. home oe The wm ofbumble a new wentv picture by the greai, Sunday. ROMANCE OF A FREE SOUL regis- Hutchings boys flying It suggests parts of the city have been of the on honeyThe animal relatives animal availfeed are larvae now funds lehi that tered painter. TOLD IN "PLATINUM BLONDE" fered rides, jobs of passing as snowberry and vibursuch meat and suckle raw some These took bank. the able from with Beck Mrs. of Salt Mr. F. Ben and bills, or other minor Jot In fallen painter pupate num. usually They rtihViorl it. Tiainted a rabbit more Lake City, spent Sunday as guests rtvpr What happens when a "free soul' trinkets as pay such as beads, twenty and probably a few credit leaves and generally make a queer . j j ; advancement receive in will in Miss man ine Allred. Mr. Mrs. a of Robert and is he Is in a ioregrounu. gilded cage? trapped wrist watches, etc., by sort of cocoon. Why do you do that," asked a car. This man is believed by at the Mutual Conjoint meet Betha Allred returned home widi willing to relinquish his independ his friend. no ing the first Sunday in Sept. them for a week's visit. ence lor the added material com city authorities to be up to Fur "Caracul com The members of the "Why. you see," explained the LEHI forts he gains, or does he become good and if seen, children A dictionary of fur names saysi W. I. follows: are as mittee artist, "a rich woman is coming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, Mrs. smothered under it all? Nine times should not accept his offers. "Caracul also known as astrakhan, to this picture today. P. ; chairman Price, dark George Fox, John Peterson and Miss Nelda Clark out of ten, the craving for independ Habitat: Tashkent TTTl look at The man in question is I-1 Sheep family. i. sees Farrel sue wnen Arnold Brems, of southern American tier uei. yuuuo Fork ence is stronger than the desire for and some of the provinces Brems, spent Thursday in complexion, curly hair, fleshy . also called 'Russian rush up to the canvas and smell and about thirty years of age. Dale Hadfield-- John Hutchmgs Canyon. After having dinner in the possessions but very often the temp Russia whichTheare Tashkent caraculs the rabbit, she'll get excited and Caracul. Bone. cream and had ride an dark George enjoyable tation is strong to get a taste of how canyon they He was driving a finest and the luster the highest have o it right away. over the loop road. the other half lives. pninrerl car with black trim- Russian caraculs buy mnlri. markings. """"" :,. o the on WiARD THIRD LEHI a trunk nickle. In brown "Platinum Blonde," the sophis varv in color as brown, black, mpd with Mrs. Alfred Jones and new baby of ticated Columbia hack and license plate on the "They tell me you're working and black, or brown and white, and comedyvdrapia are bred Caraculs Com be white. should home returned Cedar a The 'ard Junior seen he Genealogical after Robert If Fort, side. the at day and night, Sadie." rieht showing Cozy Sunday, some extent In the United States to Mrs. Sarah Williams, a carefree, careless report two weeks the with will furnish visit authorities. I'm under bonds to keep local rrogram mittee to "Yes, reported and Canada. They are also found In tVin fhft whislr fiwm milliner o W11M5 Sunday evening under the direction of Berry. er, marries a beautiful heiress who China and Mongolia. These are gen bill. naDia J. VS.. ,f.VM Hadfield. Dale and LEHI Farrel Brems has fallen in love with him because erally white, are heavier and have t ers out of that old bym of mine, LEHI RIFLES WILL SHOOT follow come ior and they said tnat Mr. and Mrs. B. Wj. Brown were he is so diffeent from the men in her looser curt." FOR BECKER TROPHY The program consists of the hand on laid me him or numbers: set. Immediately, she goes about patProvo visiters Monday. again ing . rAA man tVioir'H tVia fina Leland and Dean William. Trio LEHI terning Williams after the polished The rifle team of the local post of Truly HopittU Price. fashion-plate- s she escaped when she to St, forty shillings." will go Mrs. American Mr. B. W. Mrs. and Legion A former college president was In Brown, the "Oh ! You're working 'ard to Fifteen Minute Talk, "Preparing Eunice who vlted to lunch st the. home of one of him. And married honors state Williams, for shoot Alice to and George Hutchings Gray Work" Future For Members out of mischief." The Junior daugn before alumni. never of keep his wore a pair garters are leaving today, Thursday, for a August 26. Once a year the Legion show to was delighted bouse if "Nawthe I'm working hard to Hadfield. ter Dale revelled the he in and was married, to Idaho. of the state meets and the different trip his wash to up guest rtlstinsnilsted the Johnson. to pay the fine. Rhoda and Mavis Duet "fourth of get estate. the best infomal life is money the which LEHI posts compete to find hands. Opening the door of the atn o Ten Minute Talk, "Faith Promot stiff the doesn't like the teas, anA who is the winner of the pink We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. room, which was duly fitted out with Turner. receptions, his stiff valet and his the b'Pi embroidered linens In honor Film Star "Will you love me award given for that honor, known ing Incident Beth Promot Lynn Lewis on the birth of a baby stiff shirt. What does he do? "Faith Minute Ten said: Talk, oocaslon, Sally members of the The Becker when I'm old?" Trophy. as the girl, which was born last Monday at Leo Hadfield. make yourself at home, and" Incident" cast stellar of Wlilliams as a and "Jui are Lehi ing from team Third Husband "Don't ba of the going Lehi Hospital. wiilt a royal gesture "yon may use Accordian Solo Harold Hutchmgs. the the charming Ernest Larsen. Vick Lar- including fnllnws: proportions, We'll be divorcee, LEHI ot the towels." Indianapolis silly, dearest at ii v Minute Talk, "Value of Fifteen Donald CedarLoretta Jean Gordon Harlow, Young, before Jack that. Whipple, sen, long N'cv u, Ernest Cedarsfrom, small son of Arnold Book of Remembrance" Dillaway, Louise Closser Hale, Regi strom, Roger jCedarsCrom, Herbert "Boys," said Mr. Newlywed, "I Pelican Cedarstrom of Point, nald Owen, Edmund Breese, Claude Roger Brems. have a wonderful home, good Austin, Stanley Taylor and Gerald " suffered a broken leg last week when FIFTH WARD Allister, Walter Catlett and Halliwell the soap. Turner. Under natural conditions and the finest wife in the job, a piece of a hay derrick fell on him. think I have a cold or country." "I Hobbs, are said to romp through the The Primary have arranged a good She The leg was set at the Lehi Hospital most ' of O I Tun, i Otterson's Confectionery cow-testin- ILLaV mI nil .TH-uam- H . s Church News if 1 1 A Mo.ndsch mouth.. mi.. lime r f: t . tluuv,; V d l - on ' R! (i occp-slonal- ni w program for Sunday night. INSTANT 1- Shoe Repairing Mrs. Larsen and two granddaughters, Mr. and Mrs. King and family of Equipment of? SERVICE AND GOOD MATERIAL ARE YOURS TAkA"s;ve 'callers Rait? Peck h AT THE Mrv 7 . Quality Shoe Rebuilders HAROLD OSBORNE, 213 Li STATE STREET Ori 0. i Mgr. LEHI frs. K . v Isaac Peck, Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Nostrum i tfJ. enviug appies Good cneap. Anarew t;hriUffit3on. is.. in son accompanied by their daugh ter Lois, and son Ervin, left n- kv,;Werman 1 barge to shekel' bench, whereo. c0".) Wilh to iimnaires - last Monday for Bolder City, xen ana airs. Nevada, to spend several weeks Wray 'tit Lake, were visiting in with their daughter and son-iJ. day with Mrs. Evans and law, Mr- - and Mrs. Oral Evans. gave to SALE the season's comedy dramas. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bone, Mr. and E. Chandlee and Douglas W. Church Mrs, Leland Powell, and Mr. and Mrs lil authored the story, for which Joe Sar ley Clark returned home last Swerling did the adaptation, Dorothy weel; from a visit through Southern Howell the continuity and Robertt Utah and Northern Arizona. RiBkin the dialogue. Frank Capm LEHI who has contributed such outstanding Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dicker- successes as "Submarine," "Ladies of -- LEHI ice Tuckfield. Five Room Modern Home and Lot Inquire Guy Wilson. FOR Wednesday spent O. 1 ' WANT ADS For Sale i at the John &inday. rt sophisticated and sparkling LEHI o mako wrf. nnrns nrsi requesiw i ho Aart.laA tn aclr fnr fhl-'- e--. o A man said "Have you seen these new lie detecting ma chines?" "Seen them! married one." "You wouldn't be happy if your wife wasn't in ' the country, said a penpecked looking "Father, who is that gentle man?" said the small boy point My Gosh, I ing to the Chaplain of the House of Commons. "That is the Chaplain of the Leisure," "Flight," "Dirigble" and Congressman Johnson of In House." "Rain or Shine," directed "Platinum diana called an Illinois Congress "Does he pray for the mem Blonde." . , man a jackass. The expression bers?" o Johninto the "No Son, he goes was unparlimentary and "BEHIND THE MASK" NOW son was called down for an house, looks around, sees the PLAYING AT COZY members sitting and then prays "I withdraw the unfortunate for the country." "I guess you're getting a good Christofferson "Behind The Mask," a story of word, Mr. Speaker, but I insist inAtwood Illinois an features from and the week Salt in that last horror, thing out of tendin' that Smith mystery gentleman spent visiting which out mechanical of order. is Lake City. device, boy, ain't you Doctor?" teresting T TT "Yes. I get a pretty good fee." X1UW bill X UUt Ul UIUC1 Taturday. plays an important part in unfolding Illinoisfrom man the "Well, when you get paid, I the PlotMrsDunyelled Mrs. Bridges and ' surhope that you won't forget that had as yon of Draper, spent Thursday Tnis instrument keeps members of Probably a veterinary mv Willi'p thrpw trie hrlr-l-r f hat could answered tell you," John at the N. D. A. Cannery can-- a floP z ,n communication witn geon laid him up-- " Johnson. ; . but mysterious Mr. their powerful ning Vegetables. 0i r ( something in my head. He "Must be a cold." Mrs. Nate , - . |