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Show m EMERY COUNTY PROr.RFgg J Make It a Fairway t txt Connnemcuu of from substitution o per cent UU in. : F ' -- oared - jprerem 10 toM chickens be- . -- ID COUulotwi as known perosis -iiPflse m.. United ob.npRa - " ltTpa"men7of Agriculture graB one lt of a series of i'SL-f- . conducted In uucu The investigations ..... .rhifh were being kept In . . iM re- - ex. to study the replaceabil- w ? de- 0f rarlous feedingstuffs i i7.-.o- nt It UPi ' pero.si8-!r- . for tne purpose InUwied eondiUoD showed that 1U per ceui tion of 6 to joi the ""''"f .i.. am raused a marked reducbirds. afflicted of number m the perosis usually makes its appearance chicks kept jmong actively growing an rea ana uusuuauie confinement is is a diet One of the first symptons of the joints of the legs i.. . tendency on the part of the af- Ifected birds to squat for ions periods The next stage is cnarac-iMx- i lof time. bv an increase of the pufiiness a bending of the leg bones. In ithe final form ..he disease leaves tne de- 'joints of the legs permanently L. L iformed. investigations showed also that 'an adjustment of the relative quantity of calcium aud phosphorus in the diet, as well as tthe addition of rice When 'bran, helped to prevent perosis. lihP two changes were made simul- 'taneously no cases of perosis occurred. Perosis is not the same as ;Ickets, 'the department points out Chickens with perosis show normal ash con tent of their leg bones and the calcium and Inorganic phosphorus con tent of their blood serum is normal, neither of which condition is true 'of chickens with rickets. The tests indicate that another vitamin besides D is necessnsry for the development of the bones of chickens. Th Poultryman Will Gather Eggs When Laid Wise It Is appalling to read reports about number and value of eggs that are lost every year because some peo ple like to hear the roosters crow or because It Is too much bother to catch them. The germ in a fertile egg will In to grow at a of temperature about 68 degrees Fahrenheit Sometimes we are careless about leaving the broody hens on the nests, so they have the eggs spoiled by sitting on them all day before we gather them. It doesn't matter whether the beat Is furnished by the weather or the sitting hens, as the result is the the same. While the eggs to all appearances are perfectly fresh, they will be rotten before they reach the final market, because the temperature is high enough to start germ growth, but not idy enough to keep it. This varia tempprature soon kills the Rerm, then rot begins. An Infertile egg under the same conditions will not become rotten, as the germ has tion In no life to develop. Light Yolks Preferred Poultry producers find that many foyers in the large cities, especially the New York market. Drefer eesrs with yolks, the United States department of Agriculture says tertain materials such as creen feed and yellow corn produce dark yolks, tat when eggs are candled It Is often difficult to tell whether the dark yolk has been caused by feed or because tne egg has been exposed to heat Thus, although buyers prefer light jo'ks, in order to be on the safe side, wit yolks do not means necessarily at the egss are inferior tn nnnlitv. Feeds such as white corn, wheat, buckwheat, and oats result in eggs having light yoiks. o be classed as a quality product, !gS must l)P linifnrm In nn1na. fe, and light yolks make them more desirable in many markets. Blackhead Carriers Blackhead Is ponomiiiv n.:,,4 "keys by very small worms which ' deposited on the soil by chirt ens. Since these worms live over the soil fmn, one year to the next. best means of the dis- tn turkp.vs Is preventing to have them run on iean ernnni . UIUI ,ms "Oi oeen In nnv k tUrkeys in ,ne Previous two th.? A.svstpm of ground rotation is USe ln accomplishing this T n,. ih,. end Prevent "Picking" ...UeD flUe . i 10 Unnl'iniicm !lntheflock- Ca8eS 01 proper nests re 8ora" JBtart U- - Nests are verl it V" 8Ueh poslflon tnat th ' 110 nave 00 partitions to hS le,he hens on tne "est This DeSting mnkea 11 con- venien, V hen- whi,e walklns UI downfn', ! from of the nests to tht (.J" pick Meeting L7 ,T ,11"8 Plckin8 causes hen wh the Dent i. , she leaves ed t0 deatb of the by the rest flock are ant j - TERRY ENGLISH thought he was going to like it this new freedom from a daily and yearly job that had come to tlm with the legacy from an almost mythical California uncle. That was a year ago. His first thought naturally for Jerry, had been of his frail mother. So he spent a slice of the fifty thousand dollars to buy back the little old New England homestead where she had been born and brought up, for her. He could not leave her there alone to sttuggle with a Berkshire winter; and, though he was able enough, he hated to hire the typical, fussy "companion,- so they arrived together, and they stayed there together. Jerr. who had spent his spare time wrlttnr little stories for several years, now dreamed of writing half the time, and ..J ana wooacnopping the garueuiug other half. Hig mother basked in the gentle light of her son's affection for the next year. Another autumn had come, with its glorious coloring resplendent and vivid on the hillside back of the tiny farm. With it came to Jerry deep loneliness. He missed the job and the occasional evening at the theater or movie. His mother gave him a very dear companionship; but he longed for that different companionship with his own age. Now that he could well afford it, he mused rather bitterly, he had of his own accord, placed himself ln the backwoods, where homes were two miles apart, and callers so few as to give the impression of living in a wilderness. One morning Jerry rose from his typewriter and looked out of the window behind at the white birch grove and driveway that lay in front of the house. This driveway of ashes, dirt and gravel, connected on each side, two country roads which reached out in parallel form from the state highway a quarter mile above. Jerry had the surprise of his life, that moment. Emerging from one country road and turning into his own driveway, he beheld the trim figure of a young woman riding a beautiful sorrel horse. Any equestrienne would have been a marvel; but this was a miracle the very girl of his dreams. "She'll go on up to the main road and I'll never see her again," he fumed. The vision turned into his own semicircle driveway. But doubt still as sailed him. Sometimes casual passers to the used this as a quick cut-of- f other country road instead of going out to the main highway. She was doing the same, undoubtedly. Then came his mother's voice from downstairs. "A young lady to see you, Jerry !" Jerry could have been bowled over by a feather when that call registered. "Coming!" he replied. Jerry hurried down to the big garage door that he kept open during the day. He had forgotten that he was wearing old clothes and with more than a day's stubble on his chin and cheeks, but he remembered these details when he was greeted by the visitor, a lithesome blond who sat on the turf; a race horse casually munching the algrass. ready frost-bitte"Your name's Jerry English," she said, amazingly. "Mine's Jane I heard at the village store of you. They say you write. I Just got home the other day from a year abroad at school. I'm lonely. What I heard about you sounds as If you were an interesting person. Will you play a round of golf with me this afternoon?" Jerry but managed a reply, of sorts. "Holy Gee!" he said boyishly, "but you're a good sport. Say, I didn't know there was a golf course within 50 miles." beauty at "Ten miles a nine-hol- e Emsden," she replied. That was how it all started. They a week. played golf every afternoon for Jane usually beat Jerry by several strokes because she had taken lessons from a professional. But Jerry kept in his creeping up with just one idea consciousness to beat Jane decisively before the season ended. It became an obsession, almost, for his fuupon that victory depended thought. ture, Jerry The day finally arrived. "Don't you think you're the glamorous golf idol, now that you've beaten me?" Jane inquired. I'd I'd like to play around again. And I'd like to have you think of the last fairway as a fairway for two. D'you mind?" Jane looked straight into his eyes anil thpn dimpled. "Let's slip over to this clump of ana wih. pines, rest a while she replied. ... semi-circul- semi-circul- As a rule, milk la about the best food for children, b n t there are times when they are much better I off without It It should always be J left off when chll- 1 drptl Khnnr It. . " " JJ XC CI n, fretful- or rrnca null. v oycuo, ujr una breath, coated tongue, sallow skin, Ind gestion. biliousness, etc, that their stomach and bowels are out of order. In cases like this. California Fig Syrup never fails to work wonders, by the quick and gentle way It removes all the souring waste which is causing the trouble, regulates the stomach and bowels and gives these organs tone and strength so they continue to act normally of their own accord. Children love its rich, fruity flavor and it's purely vegetable and harmless, even for babies. Millions of mothers have proved Its merit and reliability in over 50 years of steadily Increasing use. A Western mother, Mrs. May Snavely, Montrose, California, says : "My little girl, Edna's, tendency to constipation was a problem to me until I beran rfvinir her California Fig Syrup. It helped her right away and soon her stomach and bowels were actine Derfpctlv. Since then I've never had to have any advice about her bowels. I have also used California Fig Syrup with my little boy, with equal success." To be sure of getting the genuine, which physicians endorse, alwavs ask for California Fig Syrup by the full Regard for Dogt Notably on Increase A woman who Is a rreat lovpr of animals recently told two Incidents, or reioid tnem, from the press, to stress her point that the wholly com mendable, but rather limited, attitude of love me, love my dog" shows noperul signs of progress. She says that this affection Is raDidlv beine stretched to Include the other fellow's dog. "There was that tiny Item ln the paper the other day, for example, about the dog that selected the mid- die of a busy street ln Bloomsburg, Pa., for his siesta," she said. "Little noting the vast number of persons who were affected by his discriminating search for a shady spot, the dog took a peaceful nap, according to tne Boston Globe, while 400 respect ful motorists detoured around him. "Then there was that other doe who had made himself unpopular with his neighbors over ln New Jersey because of his habit of barking at night The local oolice recorder had been notified, and the aged rest- dent who owned him was given the sad command to disnose of him. It happened that the owner not only actually depended on the dog for companionship, but for errands at wnicn tne creature had proved remarkably dependable. "Well, the upshot of it was," said the lady who loves animals, triumphantly, "that 66 persons, led by the mayor of the town, beard of the mat ter and testified In the dog's behalf. Some of them, mind you. even eave up their vacations so that they might aid the case. And the dog was offl daily forgiven." To the MERCHANTS City Before the tush of Christmas business this year, give thought to the custom-er- s who constitute your trade. At what other time could you more fittingly send them a greeting than at Christmas. Select your Christmas card now. Your dealer will imprint it with your name, in whatever quantity you need. Burgoyne CHRISTMAS CARDS YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM (Dntieura Shaving (Dream Quickly and comfortably No Help "The compass," said the young Juit the Man man who knew a lot about every Magnate The man who marries my daughter will want a lot of thing, "always points north, you Suitor (hopefully) sir, no than I do! Well, body wants it more London Humorist. Graft by any other name would produce as many plums. Some there Idleness breeds bad habits. brag of their sins unless is danger of prosecution. Only the happy are truly great by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) (WNU Service.) OnLY Maiden. Mass. Firestone can give you all these extra values. They are the result of patented construction features found in no other tires. penetrates every cord and coats every fiber with liquid rubber. Gives longer flexing life to every cord and longer tire life. Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread give stronger bond between tread and cord body greater protection against punctures and blowouts. Gum-Dippi- ng rubber Tough, thick tread made of and longer non-sk- id gives better protection against skidding wear. Firestone save in buying, manufacturing and distribution to give these extra values at lowest prices. Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers in- vite you to check these statements for yourself. They have sections cut from Firestone and Special Brand Mail Order Tires. Compare them and see how Firestone give extra strength, safety and service. You be the judge. Drive in today. non-oxidizi- ng COMPARE QUALITY CONSTRUCTION - a St clil HAKE OF TIDE CAI SIZE Iyp Cl Prica (acn Ford 1 Cnerrolet; H. 40-2- 1 .50-2- 1 - OrfMl Tin tenth OMUaM tial Type Cask Price Each Brand Mall Or Mi Tire Il.IO SIZE CAR Buick-ti OM field Type Caik Price Per Pa 7.90 15.30 8.75 17.00 S.8jS.68l 11.14 6.45 6.65 i. OaklancL. 15.50-1- .90I 8.90) 17.30 9 Chry aler- Vikinai n.aoj Franklin Hudaon U.75-20- 1 11.451 6.7S6.75ll3.14 s.75 5.73 11.16 Hop'mbl LaSalle 11.20 ai.70 11.451 ss.ao 11.4T 11.43 aa.30 Packard. 11.65 11.651 aa.60 Pierce-Stutz. 2rt 13.45 45as 40 koo. 20U5.3S ,351).80 16.00-16.5- A Chandler Or So to Cadillac-Lincoln-Packa- Dodge Ouraot... .00-19- Gra'm-- P I.0 1 Pootiae .94 V .00-2- Nub Eaaei .00-2- (Saab Buiek rd CiTe 0 1 T.torr.iqu.tq S 14.50) 5 .25-21- 1 9S1 8. 57l J raatkaaj OHM YOO "ZZS??. 1??' Mora Non-SkiDepth, mew. MorePIiesUnder . . . S!"!f Sama Prlea . . . . . Tlr I Special Brand Mail Order Tire FkeikMe Senttae! Type Special Brand Mall Order Tire 1.00 17.80 17.01 16.10 .658 .605 .598 .561 81 .250 .250 .234 Type . PRICE . 5.20 $6.65 A 5 . 5.20 6.65 4.75 $4.85 A 5 4.75 5 A "Special Brand" tir la mada by manufacturer for dietributore each ae mail order boueea, oil eompaniea, and otbera. under m name that doea not identify the tira manufacturer to the public, ueuallj beeauaa ha builda hia "beat quality' tirra under bia own name. Fire. tone puta bia nam on EVERY th-- ha makea. a TRUCK Rooaevelt Eaaei flfCftOttO d Gardner-Marmor0 .7J 5.50- - Keo 4.BSH.85I Spa- I Olda'ble-Aobnr- Jordan ! Er.klne.-- 1 TIRE MAKE OF Type Caik Price Per Pair S.SOl .60l 4.35 4..J8U.961 2S $.45 SantintH cial Brand Type Man Caik Order Prlca The Each FlreataaM ? Tlr I Flraitont Tread -- 1 Chevrolet Whippet-- KUII Spt- - 6O&.60J 10.)0 4.78K.7S1 CbemleL. 4 .50 Ford- Brand FlrastoM OMMd Type Cask Old.'ble-- J Land Deal Pennsylvania first but four at had Pennsylvania This miles of territory on Lake Erie. county the of end western was at the There and adjoined the state of Ohio. por--that concerning trouble was much t7i Knnntv known as the tn- claims of the angle, until finally the Six Nations, Massacnuci In the United York became me-g1792, Pennsy vanU March. States. about $10,000. bought the triangle -for Kfl miles of front- Thls gave ner no.. j more than 200.0W age on the lake and iauu. additional acres of poo as usual. Ideal tor all the family. Cutleura Laboratories, When a young woman shows you Queerest things you can think of newly taken photographs of herself, can make money in a city. For don't make the mistake of not ask- there are plenty of the queerest kind of people in a million. ing for one. e. & Cutleura Shaving Cream. Then sham- At your dealer or sent post- oaid on receiDt of 35c Address: n 1 "Wet small quantity of softens the beard,800thesthe skin and leaves it cool and supple. "Then it's just too bad," sighed the beautiful girl, "if you happen to want to go south, isn't it?" and easily. hair thorouehlv be fore putting on a Cream see." money. Vt every morning. The creamy lather of Cutleura Shaving name. one-tim- e d cross-legge- Se Had Problem 1HHHrHHr TJP. AT.TTT Food for Chickens in Good This Mother t By LEETE STONE Uro MAN KEEPS Wa" ZTr for Two CASTLE DALE. UTAH 6. JIZl n and BUS TIRES Fireiione OMMd Type Cam Price teck lolil.tjoj 017.95 35$ Saia.40! 30x5.... 12x6.... ao.75 36x6.... I7.B7I 7.371 14-s- 6.00-20- .. 3a.5 155 . . "" 5. Ohm Tee' $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.25 Fkeitone OWneWTyot Cam Price mm, $34.00 57-0- D0UbI aSMflranleJaT E.ery tire manufactured by Fireetone beara the namo" FIRESTONE" and earriea unlimited guarantee and that of our 25,000 e Dealer and Store. You are doubly protected. Flre-aton- e'a Set-ric-e Sea-ric- 0 03.7O a.e listen to the VePa9 ot FirettOlte every Monday night over N. B.C. nationwide network J m ed Copyright, 1981, The Fireatona Tire Rubber Co. Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers Save You Money and Serve You Better |