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Show BMERY COUXTY PROGRESS. CASTLE DALE. UTAH inVETfROPICAL SECTION Italy Buys Sister Ship of the 6 tnbe sented to Henry expedition to the spot Rich in Wild Lift. mildethln WITHlK THE ARCTIC CIRCLE mens were obtained which are expected to astound the botanical world. For centuries, the location of the "valley of steaming waters" has been a Jealously guarded secret a band of Indians Inhabiting aamong section of the Peace river area. Their number have been decimated by tuberculosis and other diseases, until today only a handful remain; and. rather Lw.FJ"oSprin 1 J ! jnaac" "land nft rZ, .forgot- in I j, g reality ana no mere ot In- tnytb or fragment w 'oUtlcitiv " R??S Jbwnd ofSg fee eyer b assurance given Henry of Phlladelwho are now with the proud dis-the first white men Pn the nidden Pilot for Dodgers E - British o. ry;;;;; " irtic circie. M1 The Wiley . it- moat reimuuo t.,ig before eras, iroMstoric f -irt ct swept. age i. rfacier 6" faeries a iuxu.iuu .... ... Been . tne eiu"1"'"" Bubbling Hot Springs. in the mountains The valley, located the Racine and bar IDC juuii'"" P" 1 nnrt nilluii nnlHh. i w.... i.uw bad rivers, neanj of L of Edmonton, is a quarter i a mite Wide and nearly be to length, and is honeycombed U babbling hot springs, to which it its continued existence. jr me water In some Of tne craiers L too hot to touch, and Indian Leg who know the district vow that 1. water In the valley does not freeze when the in iendistrict has a temperature of 50 rrt collapsible rubber boat which the carried and which enabled ul 8everal The in Max Carey, who was appointed expedition was disappointed in of finding prehistoric animal the valley, although Professor believes that systematic exca- - eery tion might the club's board of directors. Carey played right field on the Brooklyn team In 1927 and 1928, but was released by Wilbert Robinson, the man- re-- yield The best of the vegetation had been destroyed by fairly recent but a number or speci rest fires, ODD ager whom he now succeeds. Lame Bode THINGS AND NEW-- By ffl brum ft (ni CjF lfela wmsadi fEfif?frTfTlf! IMS7M AS fi PRIVATE S XSSrV man- ager of the Brooklyn Dodgers for the next season at the annual meeting of ains. so V StopS cold spreading. !' A - .Sprinkle your. - daughter of the expedition's leader, shot two splendid mountain sheep. The botanical eud of the expedition ra?J,ireCted by Mrs- - Henry- - wh large numbers of specimens which wiU be presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the Itoyal Botanical Gardens. EdDoctor inburgh. Henry, leader of the expedition, Is a retired physician, and a former college mate of Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National railways. j,. M X h m m lilhatidi toast Before washing a woolen sweater which has buttons and buttonholes, sew up the buttonholes to prevent their stretching. Boiling water should be poured at once over fruit stains on linen tablecloths. Milk used Immediately will remove Ink stains. When making sauces for puddings always stir in the same direction. It makes no difference what direction as long as it Is always the same. or turkey When roasting place the fowl with the breast down in the baking pan for the first half-hou- r of roasting. This allows the juices to flow into the breast, making it moist and tender. A dog the Grand canal, nr H!"w I f L'M'i. uiiiiiiiiMmfil i r3!r i f3i or "X. hi lowflRD M0RN1NPltCHiNG NIGHT BhU- - & G- I 2$ fflSJy TpR TJS'ra STRUCK OUT IN ONE GME MM 1 HuNtlN&TOH BEACH VS. fUURtON,Cfli.-'9- W rJ' :: Doc was polishing up my dental machinery and putting in new parts and getting every thing in good shape and proper working order. Doc Is a philosopher, and while he has my mouth pried open so that he may more easily and efficiently do his work, he regales me with his opinions of life in genI am, of eral. course. In no po sition to reply. He has just bought a new motor car, high powered, easy riding, simple to operate, and he Is advising me to do the same thing. The price is moderate, he assures nie, which naturally makes the prospect more alluring. He tells me about a wonderful trip he had last summer, and then he drifts to the complicated character of life as we Smart Fur Coat cur- Some men have such a hatred for greed that it wor-rie- s them if others make more money than they do. Iff f'm Estate taxes date BACK TO PHARAOHS ennsylvania Old-Tim- e Official Reveals Levees. Harrisburg. Pa. Inheritance ancient l?vnt ivi. Pose which Pennsylvania now ,,n estates, Apartment f taxes ty,nn imposes accordine to Linn Iteist of collecting the state tax. Daphne Savage "The Egyptian records of the Seventh century before Christ show that there was a transfer inheritance tax for the empire of the Nile valley. The rate was 10 per cent," Reist said. "The Pennsylvania rate for wife or husband, parents, sons, daughters, grandchildren and all direct descendants Is 2 cents on each dollar. Here is one tax which has been tremendousPhaly reuuced since the days of the raohs." Keist traced the history of inherit-nnrtaxes from Egypt to ancient Greece and thence Into Rome in the time of the Caesars. "In the year 6 A. D. Emperor Augustus persuaded the Roman senate to pass a 5 per cent inheritance tax much like Pennsylvania's. It allowed deductions for funeral expenses, as we do, and reckoned trusts and the escomputation of the value of like tates on the basis of capitalized Income," he said. "On the death of a vassal in Europe in the Middle ages, the property reverted to the king for redistribution and later could be claimed by the heir within a year and a day on payment of a fee. "Our own Pennsylvania law allows one year for the settlement of the tax before the interest penalty of 1 per cent a month is added." f I j-- ' l itCf .J!!, For the youthful girl there are fur coats of sports patterns with leather trimmings and warm furry collars. The one pictured is of gray kidskin with a darker gray fur collar. Cuff and belt straps of gray leather give d the right sport touch, while a hat and scarf set it off in a colorful manner. WOMEN: vakh your BOWELS "It's always a sleuth with a roamln' that follows a cent wherever It nose goes.' live it jow ln civilized North America. Everything moves fast everyone Is trying to outdo his neighbor. We wear outselves out In trying to get at the head of the procession which, no matter how rapidly we g8, always seems to keep ahead of us. NWe are never at home, never quiet, never satisfied. Life seems to grow more Involved and more complex every year. It was not always so. When we were young we had time to stay at home, time to sit and talk with our friends without likelihood of interruption, time to read, and, if we were so disposed, time to meditate. Doc thinks he would keenly enjoy the simple life. He has been reading recently the story of how people live in some of the South Sea Islands. The climate Is equable, there is no frost In winter and in summer the waters of the Pacific washing the shores of the Islands keep them refreshingly cool and pleasant It Is a wonderfully simple life and as one views it In prospect it seems to bring complete relief from theTtom-plexitie- s with which we are harrassed in this Twentieth century. I'm wondering if we would like it after all. Perpetual sunshine might grow monotonous. We would probably lose our appetite for breadfruit. W7e'd long for new clothes and motor cars and movies and electric lights, and all those things. Maybe life might be too simple. ((c). 3 1931. Western Newspaper Uplon.l POTPOURRI What should women do to keep their bowels moving freely? A doctor should know the answer. That is why pure Syrup Pepsin is so good for women. It just suits their delicate organism. It is the prescription of an old family doctor who has treated thousands of women patients, and who made a special Btudy of bowel troubles. It is fine for children, too. They love its taste. Let them have it every time their tongues are coated or their skin is sallow. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harmless ingredients. When you've a sick headache, can't eat, ore bilious or sluggish; and at the times when you are most apt to be constipated, take a little of this famous prescription (all drug stores keep it ready in big bottles), and you'll know why Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the favorite laxative 01 over a million women! Dr. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative The Other Way Around Prison Visitor "And I suppose it was poverty brought you here?" Prisoner 6CGG60 "No, I was simply coining money." A maiden speech : r stuffy nostril unaiun vy use ok Mentholatum In nose. Rub briskly on chest to improve blood . loocne K. circulation and prevent congestion. Jan and fewest Hotel I 1931. Western HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE Newspaper Unlcn.) 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms Horns of Lost Cattle Herd Enrich Texas Man TV. . ... x,....' uPhne Shvi,q VL ' i,0"oiK, va.. wiio 5HenrvaTV,arUecl the new,y crettted Ibert Hon Whip n Worn lden ed ln honor of Mrs- - IIer" K 'S a GIrl Scout 8cho1-lth- e award wns approved by assnr ialued at $500 nal Fann and Gar' SlholarshIP la VVW POMT Ky ) &BSfW TH M SO ABSENT-I'M AVAJRE" D (0 WfU' 5fc M IV X J Salt Lake City's Phrenology was originated by F. J. Gail early In the Nineteenth century. He believed that men with certain prominences of the skull possessed definite qualities to a marked degree.' He classified individuals with regard to their skull formation after studying hundreds of cases of a given group, such as poets, musicians. etc. One authority has said "the whole system is a tissue of baseless assumptions." ((!), 2T& "Ask papa.1 Head Bumps plaid-trimme- v " AT DRUGf STORES Alt Grain Went Wrong Way James C. Carver remodeled a large building at Madison, Wis., to manufacture cattle feed. Friends were Invited to witness its first product loo. Garver pushed a button. Wheels turned. Workmen poured great sucks of grain into hoppers, but nothing came out as the finished product The building was searched from top to bottom without discovering where the grain was going. Garver went to the roof. There out of a ventilator spouted the mixture, and the wind scattered It afar. A workman had diverted the ground grain Into the wrong pipe. t Qabby (jERTIE $ WNU Service) i t of place among the gondolas and other craft the DO-II, the first of two flying boats of Germany by the Italian government It Is that recently came to the United States via few has been Invoked in this little Utah town. Every canine found on the streets between 7 p. m. and 6 a. m. runs the risk of being shot on sight The measure was taken after a nocturnal raid on a corral, in which 50 sheep were killed or maimed. i i Mltol XXjOAO..O..O..O Raid on Sheep Corral Brings Dog Curfew Law American Fork, Utah. ' product By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Emeritus Dean of Men, Unirenity of Illinois. A slice of ham can be broiled or baked. Any left over can be ground up and served with cream sauce on nil'liiwi A Sandpapering baby's shoes before they are worn prevents slipping and saves many a fall. Whip cream In a pitcher. It stiffens more quickly than in an open bowl and with less spatter. ifi.j handkerchief during the day i' your pillow at night. McKesson I THE SIMPLE LIFE .'. ' ilcHMNgV 5Wlff NfVcR flZJGHfS ON 1M GR0UW 11 A marshmallow rolled in cinnamon makes a delicious addition to the cupful of cocoa. chicken v III I Here, looking strangely out Venice, is bought from the Dornler works a sister ship of the huge plane South America. iie House hooe 'e Clears head Instantly. t"ential rivers. Although no new species of animal Ife were uncovered, the district is rich caribou-- mountain lJ&mmoose' bear and goats being seen In large numbers. Miss Mary Henry, in below zero. KILL COLD GERMS tolian CamP DOrth 0f St j2?nth6 daT' Journe' ,ed the Part, torh 1 only in three-quarte- DO-- X San Antonio, Texas. Remains of a lost herd of longhorn cattle, famous ln the history of the Texas range, have been found by L. D. Berillion of Mine-ol- a, Texas., and their horns have made him rich. In 1812 Jacob Don Lonerr's entire herd of several thousand longhorns stampeded In a storm near Terlingua creek. They were never found. That Is, not until Bertillion trailed a nearby canyon to a cave opening and found a great heap of bones and horn. Pertillion has since sold more than $50,000 worth of horns, and ts now negotiating for a sale to the prince of Wales. ' Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM $1.50 Just oppotitt Mormon Tibtruadt ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. The Ideal Vacation Land Sunshine All Winter Lon Splendid roads towering mountain ranges Highest type hotels dry invigorating air clear starlit night California' Foremost Df art Ploygreend SpringCS aim CALIFOBXIA , W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 48-19- 31. |