Show DAVIS IMPLICATES n CURTIS Another lt Arrested I hv lT Po 10 1 In Connection With The fhe Purley by Tp Davis nn hl his In tho atIt street oar e rob rb iery f Wednesday night tUf out ot to bo be Curtis Curt an and not Curle Morgan Mo wanted for com complicity rm In tho murder Curtis was wa arrested In Commercial street about but S 5 o k Thursday Thul afternoon by b Detective and Patrolman Crow Crowther ther The man is being held at head pending ft a thorough Investigation tl tion a al to 10 his hI part at a the th street tet ear c holdup Curtis denies em any con connection whatever with wil th tha robbery but buta a he h waa w with wih Davis DY at t the 1st It Itt t I he 0 on the night or of the He le said Ild they th drank several ver bottles nf ot be br r but that he left If about ut half an a hour hur before the holdup hOlu admitted Thursday Thury afternoon that I hit Curtis Curt wa W with him He d to the holdup and said Cur tl stood Iod behind a tree tre ready an 11 to render C a If n Mr Mn had hadn hadI n I long lon talk with Chief ehle Barlow Thurs nay ay afternoon and declared that Davis DI DIa was a not out f t the house boul at t all aU Wed ed edn TS n VA p to th th po 1 rr vP Chi i f Barlow listened to lu phe her heror flory or but h l already that of ut in he admitted doing tt the Job and Implicating Curtis Cri Curtis served a term Irm In tin Utah tte Ial prison for robbery and tl It with wih a R and he also 18 In Iho n I |