Show I I PARK PARR CITY I SALOON AND GAMBLING RESORT ROBBED i Two To limm UM intimidate o 0 Inmates unit and Make Until ll nol PARK CITY April MB 22 tw I 2 and i 1 ori leak k last hut at night tits t Oak Io I end Joint point was wu by b t tum armed um at but U n aked k l who lined d the 10 o cU tt of f the tile saloon WI loon up In the back beck room tapped the th tru aru I bank and r tame am ra from frum which they th procured J Od M In gold gait Id and d silver sliver I and nd then Ihn made good their escape Entering the th ukon Ion one on of the hold holdup holdup I up went Into tb th the adjoining ur I ant 1 and getting the Ih wailer Jack Sul Sui I IMn Mn brought him Into the th eloon while hll hi his partner guard over the saloon 1 occupants occupant Tb ne other man then brought the bartender Bern Dann from tram behind the th bar ber and the two to holdups then in marched l the th M JO men Into the room at t the Ih r rear ar In which were re r the taro faro bank and end the ilea UI roulette game farot While Chile one on Of f the tho holdups holdup h stood guard over the Ibe men the other started tu to I work ork From the faro taro bank he took ISOO 1100 In 15 5 1 10 and amt M 10 gold puree pl while from the Ih roulette KB gams fAm inn he obtained About 1100 In quarters quarter halt half dollars and dollars dollar raking the whole Into Inlo a tack sack lie b carried The holdups holdup did not mo molest molest lest the cash canh register In which w WIt wan something like Ilk 7 n 71 neither rid did they search March uch any ny of the th occupants of the th M sa saloon loon They al also o left about bout ITS 71 In ill sil silver 11 ver er In the roulette gem irame m mTh The Th owner of the saloon Henry Hemry Sprint Spriggs M Itt 1 t tide this morning noti noll notified tied fied the F alt lt I Lake Ja ollre department and the III county of or th the holdup furnishing both Ih with Rood d descriptions tit fit if the th men following which he nn en n bounced IlU that t a reward of or S OG apiece would be tie paM paid for the lit holdups holdup deed dead or er alive |