OCR Text |
Show Wednesday. April 10, 1991 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve FROM PAGE ELEVEN 2 12 BLOCKS FROM U. Clean, spacious. 1 bedroom apt. Large walk -- in closet, freat view, parking, laundry, 7. 416 quiet $310. HUGE 1 BDRM: 830 E. 6th Ave. AC. heal included. 49 view, covered parking. 364-7SFLRMSHED HOUSE. April 15 through September 30. 3 IS nuns from U. Gary. $125mo. Smokerspets 479 ok. $295 - LUXURY 2 bedroom, microwave, dishwasher, air conditiong, fireplace, covered parking. Quiet. No pets. WOODWINDS. 2295 S. 200 E Manager 10. AN "A" ia History 170 if easy! Get my Bcatly typed 5 412 concise note. DRAWING CLASS Moil at aoom. painting das FrL at toon. Reasonable nnooa. Gallery at 72 172 W. 400 S. LOST AND FOUND REPLACE YOUR SOFT CONTACTS with our onoff campus delivery. All types, brands. Honest, reasonable until 9 pm. 415 prices. Lie, optician 487-79- LOST: climbing partner. Dixie, call Jan & we'll all go 410 leave message. climbing. Dai 485-201-8. FOUND: calculator during finals week in Physics Bldg. 417 Call to identify. 5 MURDER- A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED! Come solve the mystery and win some fantastic prizes. Dinner and a murder on April 12 in the Union Ballroom at 7 pm. Tickets on sale 412 now at the Union Main Desk. 411 AVAILABLE APRIL 15 Large studio apt $200month. 411 and leave message 4 heat included U. near utilities. $150 FURNISHED ROOM, 4 411 washerdryer, microwave. for evening receptions, 4 hours5225, with bar & kitchen $275. Holds 200people. 67 I Heat bedroom CLEAN, REMODELED, paid, apt. 1 53 close to the U. CHASE GALLERY AVAILABLE 2 ROUNTRIP AIRFARES and accomodations for $695. 410 to Hawaii or US Call Wendy 943-12- TUPPENCE, DEAREST, you don't mean to tell me that Reggie's cook, the one who makes that marvelous chocolate mousse, is dead? What is England coming to? I'll see what I can do, dearest Meet me with our luggage at the dock on April 12th. Kiss, kiss . . . Tommy. HI GUVS! Want to look good? Join satisfied people for the best $7. haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it, I can cut it" Barney's 2480 S. Main 412 2 RENT A STORAGE UNIT and clean up your dorm or apartment for just $14 a month! Store boxes, furniture, 54 bikes, skis, books, etc . . .533-090- 0 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS 130 S. 1300 E. Studio for I person. Security entrance w intercom. Heat paid $285mo. 416 486-785- 5 WELL LIGHTED bedroom basement apartment. $220mo includes gas & water. $100 deposit. 333 S. 416 Douglas Street (1250 E.) 1 0 BASEMENT APARTMENT available $200mo includes gas & water. $100 dep. 304 S. 1300 E. STUDIO-TYP- E FOR SALE DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! 1 67 Rocky Mtn. Diamond Co. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Your area ext. GH9717 for current repo list. 429 NEED A BED? Futons & Frames. Great prices! Blue 2 56 Boutique, 2100 S. 1 100 E. CAR STEREO CLEARANCE! Best buys, top brands, latest models, near U. Pantone Audio 484-44422 49 BOSE 601 SPEAKERS PRICE. excellent condition. GREAT 49 8 THRASHIN DEAL!! "Macro Blades" padding. $195. Almost new, used 6 x. Mil full 12, leave 2 49 message. 1990 RALEIGH POINTE MOUNTAIN BIKE 18 " U lock and tubes with lifetime warranty, incl. Shimano $150. E MR. visit $3, 10 visits $25. 677 S. S3 S S3 S3 BERESFORD REQUEST & MRS. THOMAS YOUR PRESENCE FOR A MURDER. Board the S.S. Stargazer and settle in for an evening of exotic ports, magnificent food, and mysterious adventure. April 12th, at 412 7 PM. Tickets on sale at the Union Main Desk. RESPONSIBLE FEMALE GRAD desires "House sitting" Consider rent in home, (h) (w) 8 410 HOUSE SITTING OPPORTUNITY sought by landscape architect for summer in Salt Lake. Caring, 410 responsible. References. WE BUY USED LEVIS Pay up to $10.00 pr. Grunts & 2 67 Postures 779 E. 300 S. SLC DWF 44, educated, spiritual, financially stable, with same seeking emotionally available man, 35-5Write Ann, Suite 203, 369 East qualities. 900 South. SLC 841 11 412 C? IS" t? t? CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BURTON FAMILY ON THE BIRTH OF THEIR TWINS, RACHEL AND STEVEN!!!! MOTHER AND CHILDREN ARE DOING FINE FATHER'S A WRECK. GO FOR IT, GRANT. NOW YOU'VE GOT SIBLINGS TO TEASE! POOL TABLE 7 12x4 foot Windsor by Brunswick pool 9 table $300. Call Sid 412 MOUNTAIN BIKES: Scott Boulder, 22", Deore, $300. 8 41 2 Mountain Sport Ltd., 20". SunTour, $200. Shimano 58 ROAD BIKES: Raleigh Grand Prix, 105, cm, less than 30 miles, $400. Kabuki DFD, 25" SunTour & deraileur for mountains, $300. Superbe, Extra freewheel 412 8 FUTON KING SIZE wtih 10' mat & folding wood 6 frame. $300 Craig 412 PERSONAL HOME COMPUTER 7 w floppy, clock & software. 412 412 2 WEDDING'S OFF! Beautiful bridal set. 1 marquis 4 bagettes. Appraised over $2000. Sacrifice at $800obo. 412 2 PERSONAL COMPUTER, IBM compatable XT, 286, 3.5 & 5.25 drives, color monitor, plus extras. Great 2 condition. Only $700. 412 NIKON AIS lenses 85 mm f 1.4 $525. 180 mm f 2.8 $525. or best offer Boone 5 after 6, 412 HP 28S wcase and more. $155obo. iff ii? t? t? t? iy Call for 415 4 MATTY BLUE EYES, Free the heel & free the mind. Let's go make some turns soon! Jenn. 49 ROOMMATES- WANTED: 2 roommates to share great Avenues house, mostly furnished, 1.5 miles From U. $2S0mo. includes utilities. 49 0 SEEKING FEMALE ROOMMATE Great location near 9 ASAP U. Spacious duplex, extras, low rent. Call 410 ROOMMATE TO SHARE bedroom, 2 bath, beautiful 3 mature Victorian Capitol Hill home. 412 FEMALE near AUmaM lMurMKCoraptny Call June 67 1 PROMTPRECISE WORD PROCESSING can correct spellinggrammar. 12 years experience. In Murray. Call 67 Pamela 262-80WORD PROCESSING IBM 386 WordPerfect 5.1 Same 7 8 Fax 67 day service WORD PROCESSING, letter quality printing. Edit for 7 style, grammar, spelling, punctuation, references. 412 ALPHA OMEGA SERVICES English M.A., former teacher, writer. Typing - Editing - Power Resumes: Reasonable. 67 9 WANTED EARN $300$500 PER WEEK reading books at home. ext. B347 4U HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. 415 ext. (1)805-962-800- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Earn $llhr to start while we train you in all aspects of business management FTPT 415 6 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $5000month. Free transportation! Room and Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment manual, send $8.95 to M&L Research, Box 84008, Seattle, WA 98124 -Satisfaction Guaranteed. 418 WANTED: 45 people to lose 8 We'll pay for results (800) 10-2-9 pounds in 30 days. 422 NAME YOUR OWN INCOME. Last summer I managed 7 college students who earned $5786, $7034, $9430, $9434, $10,840, $11,050 & $11,588 and received $7,000 in bonuses. You can do it this summer. For info 67 Ron. SECRETARIAL WORK, part time, flexible hours. SERVICE EARN $300$500 PER WEEK reading books at home. 412 FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Private, magazine, good commissions, flexible hours. Call Scott 412 ESTABLISHED BAND needs to replace a guitarist and drummer. If you're interested in joining our band, please afternoons and Saturdays, will train. Call 466-320-2 412 RESPONSIBLE loving nanny needed for 1 4 year girl. Must have car A references. Great schedule. 412 SALES AND COUNTER WORK Tuxedo Shop, GYMNASTICS TEACHER for kids ages 6 close to U. Hours are Monday-Thursda- y Start April 8th Call Pam at 48M830 9 PM. 120 Courses You Can Get Into Now. Drop by 2180 Annex or call 1 for Info. 581-880- a quote. 231 So. 1300 L Jl2Wockff compw) Location PM $7hr. ' 49 STUDENTS, HANDICAPPED, DISABLED, Need a job? Call us! 20 yr. old national co. needs phone reps, weekly pay $4.50hr guaranteed. Flexible hrs. PTFT. Start 4 412 immediately TO THAT PART-TIM- E JOB! You SAY "GOOD-BYE- " can earn enough this summer to put yourself through school next year. Our average 1st year associate earns enough to pay tuition A books plus receive $100 per week dunning the entire school year! We make it fun by offering incredible bonuses. If this sounds like your kind of job call 49 49 MODEL WANTED Artist seeks attractive people to sit 2 for paintings A drawings. Call Jerry 415 HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER weekends at elegant Brigharn Street Inn 9 am to 2 pm, Saturdays A Sundays. Apply in person 10 am to 6 pm at 1 135 E. So. Temple ENTHUSIASTIC SALESPERSON WANTED Saturday & Sunday only. Call 298-18Baileys Bargain Loft in North Salt Lake 49 no THE GOLF CLUB needs you. Counter-cashie- r, experience. Above minimum. Apply in person Bonneville 4 415 Golf Course 954 S. Connor Street SUMMER CAMP STAFF needed for Utah Girl Scout Council camps. Counselors, lifeguards, cooks, EMT's ext 22 49 riding instructors. JoEHcn RECEPTIONIST Need full-tim- e receptionist for downtown law firm May 1, 1991 through August 30, 1991. Current receptionist on maternity leave. Must be bright and personable. Salary $1100 per month plus benefits. Send resume to Office Manager, Box 178 Key Bank Tower, Salt Lake City, Utah 84144 49 SUMMER NANNY Live in Connecticut. From 51591 to 83091. approximately. Possible year round. Care for 3 and 9 year olds. Must drive. Private quarters. Call evenings NANNY Mature, dependable individual to care for 18 mo. . old. Flexible hours, excellent pay A benefits. 486-29- 49 NEED MATURE WOMAN with car for childcare after school. Sandy area. 5 415 FAST FUNDRAISING PROGRAM $1000 In Just one week. Earn up to $1000 for your campus organization. Plus a chance at $5000 more! This program works! No ext 50 410 investment needed. Call EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble products ext. 8515410 at home. Call for information TA POSITIONS . 1991-199- 2 Learning Center. Matriculated graduate students eligible. 9 months. 14 time, $3000; 12 time, $6000. Teaching undergraduate learning skills course. Applications available, 426 SSB. for information Call 581-87412 YMCA needs enthusiastic aerobics instructor for 5:30 class. Apply in person 737 E. 200 S. INSTRUCTORS FOR AUTISTIC ADOLESENTS; Start $5.50, all shifts; Apply at Project Turn, 535 E 4th S. DISHWASHERS. Flexible hours, part time, night shifts, Todd at The Pie Pizzeria. 416 $4.25 to $4.50 DRUMMER who can speak fluent Spanish, contemporary 416 dance music. Call Chuck, leave message. 585-41- AFTERSCHOOL COUNSELOR needed Mon-Thur- s, Great job, lots of fun. Over 21, PM, Frid 12:00-5:3- 0. some experience preferred. Contact Jewish Community GRAPHIC ARTIST Desktop publishing, part time, $6hr. 8:30 evenings. Must know Pagemaker. Shari 416 to 5 pm. LOOKING FOR MARY POPPINS Long Island North Shore community in New York. Nice family looking for live-i- n. 5 days a week childcare & light housekeeping for 4 & 6 year old boys. Driving & references required. Good 416 salary, room & board. (201) 656-861- 410 Center, 9H-OO- . 410 CASHIER POSITIONS, part time, day or night, 21 years or older. $4.50 to $5.00. Todd at The Pie Pizzeria. 416 afternoons RECEPTIONISTSECRETARY part-tim- e for counseling office in Murray area. Word processing & 5 math skills needed. Call Mary Ann between 9-- 2 at 412 ADVENTURE TRAVEL DEPT at Morris Travel is seeking graphic artist to do newsletter project. Min. 4 to make appointment experience ok. Call Ron at to show portfolio. 410 NEED MONEY? I need someone with good business sense and some computer savy to help me set up a campus dating service matching couples astrologically. Call 6 after 6:30. 412 Robbin, HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details. Call ext. 53 TELEMARKETING POSITIONS AVAILABLE $4.25hour Call bonus commission. Morning & afternoon shifts. Rob. 419 8 Engineering or earth sciences background. FORTRAN and 2 BASIC desired, must be a good typist Phone 426 instrument, R0UNDTRIPS!- 426 Ext. B347 Call commercial, Cessna 152, 172Piper Warrior Arrow. Call 2 about our $300 introductory flight. Steve 412 VOICE LESSONS! Develope your full potential! Rock, 426 blues, showtunes! Marey Bishop 363-0- 1 15 EARN MONEY reading books! $30,000yr income Ext 426 potential. Details. (1) SUSHI OF ASAKUSA is looking for host, hostess, M-- F 11:30-3:0- 0 2, 410 server, kitchen help! Call EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR UNDERGRADUATES BREATHING MEDITATION L0ND0N PARIS BANGKOK SYDNEY AUCKLAND TOKYO Ql CONG For Free Information: P.O. Box 58853, SLC, Utah 841 58 ORIENTAL HEALTH CENTER Don't And with Kaplan's ff STANLEY H. KAPLAN oU Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances It's time to Register MEXICO CITY RIO NCLEX prep, you won't. Only Kaplan offers both small classes led by expert nurses and a series for extra review. Tuition's only $195 and comes with a Test-N-Ta- money-bac- k $1050 $1120 $515 $1308 $280 $257 $439 $942 Right Worldwide Similar Low Fares From All Major U.S. Cities Low Cost One Way Fares on Request Refundable, Changeable, Flexible. Eurail Passes, I.D. Cards, Tours Call or Write for Free Brochure. ft STANLEY H. KAPLAN J Tike Kaplan Or TakeYour Chances More than half the students in law school 'FremSFO 166 Gear a.1K SarrMdm,CAMin today are Kaplan CSMMiSq. Berkeley, CA 94704 Tl alumni. Call to become one of them. 363-444-4 For the location nearest you call 800-KAP-TE- iJJi2iiyla2Slii Jess STANLEY H. KAPLAN Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances Call to enroll 3634444 For other locations call QS3 Ph.D. Bumham-Ranke- r, Clinical Hypnosis guarantee. Student Nurses Association. Start studying May 1 . 8KB rem $535 $555 $858 pe Approved by the National J from from from from from from from from from from from - LENINGRADMOSCOW SUMMER PKG. from $775 side-effec- t) Nursing Boards Anxiety: Why Suffer? CZBH2P NYCBOSD.C. CHI MSP CLASS Stress Reduction Weight Control (fast, comfortable, energetic, no Reduce High Blood Pressure Help for Diabetes Improve Cancer Patient's Health Improve Appearance 140-14- mm NEPAL Ancient Oriental Exercises Program - employment leading structured discussion groups (Supplemental Instruction Program). Enhance academic skills while helping others learn. Need leaders for Chemistry 2 and History 170. 1991-9- 2 110, 121, academic year, $5 per hour, 13 hours per week. Matriculated undergraduates with minimum 3.0 GPA eligible. Training provided. Information & applications available at 426 SS6. 363-444- 4 412 SSB. 426 0 359-81- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Orientation leaders. Approx 30 hours per week. Applications Academic Advising 450 412 All types wanted! TV., 410 U. Lg. bedroom, provate bath, pool, 12 utilities. Cindy, 581-77storage, laundry, $220mo Correspondence Study Take a minute and compare Allstate for value You may find we can save you tome money on your home or auto insurance. Call me today . . it'll only take a minute. instate- - word 2 BLKS FROM U. Specializing in legal 1 67 processing of all papers. $8 per hour. ALL TYPING. Help with spelling, punctuation, grammar. Details. Call counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource 3 Center 67 67 0. PREGNANT? FREE services: Pregnancy tests, Uof U li.aa.tl Mrs. Neeley Call RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LAB TAPES (chapt and 3 Wade 41 0 good dictionary hardly used. $20. COLOR ENLARGER BOGEN Extras, all $375. ask for Jeff, before 8 am or after 10 pm. 4J6 m WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. SALES POSITION selling advertising ia regional 10 Meg. XT Turbo '88 19" ROAC RACER w handbuilt Performance frame, Superbe Pro components. Suntour. Paid $750, Must see for $350.521-766- 67 0 STORE THE STUFF cluttering your apartmentdorm. 0 54 Student discounts! Call City Center Storage 410 6 East of WORD PROCESSING - LASER PRINTING Liberty Park. Papers, resumes, other documents Cindy. 412 After School Child Care program. Shirts andor Monday through Friday. $4.83hour. Also hiring full time Summer Day Camp and Sports Camp teachers. Apply at East MiUcreek Recreation Center 2230 E. Evergreen Ave. (3435 S.) Equal Opportunity Employer. am EARLY BIRDS! Work at tel. order desk. 5:30-8:3- 0 per hour guar, salary. Mr. plus Sat (23 hrswk). $5-1- 6 49 Geertserr, Int. Mag. Service 483-166- 2 412 y, a mast. ask tor Allison. Parklane Luxury Apartments. WAITERWAITRESS. 412 Day shift, full or part time. Call 537-- 1 100 today! 11-- AZTEC TYPING AND COMPUTEXT offer typing services of all kinds and word processing of term papers, 364-680211 reports, theses, dissertations, arid resumes. 67 East 300 South, Suite 204. 467-75- Monday-Frida- 10-k- call 9-- 1. HAVE KORG SYNTHESIZER in excellent condition. Will trade for motorcycle of approx. same value. and leave message Call 581-70PreferaMey a 500-75412 for Amber. Letter quality printing. Rush jobs OK. Call Trish: ENTRY POSITION. moot. Salary SShour, Downvow. office location. Call 350-236- . HIRING RECREATION LEADERS for Before and FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate studies. 582-20students welcome. Specialize in Mid-Ea67 - DESKTOP PUBLISHINGWORD PROCESSING DATA E 2 DRIVERS NEEDED. Own car A insurance. Day A night shifts. Compensation includes wages, tips 4 mileage. 581- l2 0111 UTAH'S BUSIEST AGENCY movies, models. No exp. To $95hr. TYPING 412 MAC PLUS, hard drive and LQ printer, $1500 or best 5 offer. Also, color T.V. and VCR. early am or late eve. 1 67 EJ 416 0 67 i. WHY NOT! STAY TAN 9 7th E. AVENUES I bdrm. fireplace, big windows $275. CUTE 1 ROOMY STUDIO $195. 385 E. 6th Ave. 53 WANTED TO RENT Responsible, quiet, single male staff member and charming Basse tl Hound seeking small, moderately priced apartment, duplex or house with fenced yard to rent Could help with snow or yard to help with after 4:30 or leave message at rent. Call Tom Mon-Fr- 10-- 486-005- TRAVEL- - PART-TIM- 486-54- 7-- PERSONAL SMALL STUDIO 12' x 12', plus bathroom, all utilities $ 30, 1 BEDROOM S240 355-6- 4 15 t VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rates. Free pickup 67 deliver. Work Guaranteed 90 days. Dan 299-16- 31 CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY for models, dancers, musicians; bridals, engagements and weddings. FOCAL 417 POINT PHOTOGRAPHY - 417 486-41- . 412 ATTN: StudentssMrnmer work. $9.75 pay me guaranteed. Retailcustomer service Part rimefull time. Call mom 535- 4653 WANTED! Earn to $485. day. FULL It PART-TIM- E 942-84426 Acting, extras, print models. Act now! RECREATION LEADER $4.83hr. Working with 2 yr. olds, 7-- 9 am and 4 pro. Also hiring fulltime day camp 3 49 counselors for summer. Call Teresa. is pleased to announce his association with Individual and Family Therapy Institute 240 University Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 581-03- 29 Dr. Bumham-Rankgraduated from the University of Southern California and taught there before going Into private practice. He specializes in hypnosis for habit control, health enhancement, stress reduction, and peak performance at home, at school, at work, and at play, He Is a member of the American Society of Hypnosis, er IUVj owouicjrioi.i mm) |