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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Six Wednesday, April 10, Montreux To deny also to the scientists and from page four cooperation indicates breach of contract University officials can to shield the fusion duo and mitigate this fiasco forever. Furthermore, the scientists owe an explanation to Chase Peterson who believed in them only to become the principle martyr of ill-affo- rd the fusion illusion. They owe one columnists who defended them. This affair is quickly changing from exaggerated scientific claims into bitter deception and perhaps fraud. Should the Utah Attorney blacks King holiday appears racist Editor Wilson's column ("Don't John others in those neat packets," place a is good one, and I agree April 8) with its premise wholeheartedly. It is B. General Office investigate? Deliver, Pons and Fleischmann! especially convenient to brand a as someone "liberal," Tell us even more than the Institute requires. It is OK to have "conservative," "communist," etc., if you are seeking protection from the onslaught of that person's beliefs which expressly conflict with your own. I am most concerned with John's naive supposition, "Where you been mistaken, even at this immeasurable size. . Bel-Ade Montreux is an editorial columnist for the Daily Utah Chronicle. civil rights activists. Malcolm X, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther stand on the Martin Luther King holiday and other political issues has nothing to do with whether or not you are a racist" I am not accusing John of being a racist, but to me it King, Jr., all fell to assassin's bullets (not to mention Abraham Lincoln). After all the many lynchings, and finally, but perhaps most significantly, the economic injustices which have been perpetrated over the years (and bearing in mind that no one is perfect), it certainly does seem to me that those who would deny blacks even the simple recognition of a national holiday are, indeed, racist It may be dangerous, and even seems incredible that anyone serious about promoting better race relations beatings, threats, insults, would refuse to support a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Consider the fact that not only must our poor country admit to having sanctioned slavery, literally in the name of God, for decades, but we must also admit guilt in afterward allowing blacks to be denied their n most basic, inalienable rights (like the right to an equal education, the right to vote, etc.). In this day and age relatively few would dispute this allegation, but there is yet another one, just as significant, which is commonly overlooked: a series of hurtful, to have a lot of accusations concerning racism, sexism, and homophobia floating around campus, God-give- ri'f I J I? "'WA- - 1991 1 r but nevertheless, it remains true that more often than not, these accusations do have some basis in fact executions has systematically Bruce Christensen Sophomore civil engineering eliminated all of our nation's leading student Any group interested in obtaining ASUU funds, the budget process has begun. If your student group wants piece the pie, please attend the Budget Process Workshop on April 16 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm in the Union Theater. All your questions will be answered at this meeting. "of . . . . - OWL I '"XprW j and - " i KEY - Senior Honor Society - SKULL and BONES - Junior Honor Society Are Now Taking Applications For '91 -- '92 VALUES WELL-SUITE- D TO THE WORLD TRAVELER! Men's classic suits two-pa- nt Applications Are Now Available in ASUU Offices - Union 234 Application Deadline: Thursday, April 26th at noon suits in the Intermountain West, Offering one of the best assortments of quality two-paour collection includes durable 100 polyester styles as well as wool blend suits with nt or pleated slacks. jackets and plain-froJust an example of the savings in Men's Clothing: Reg. $350 Wool blend suit with stripes single- - or double-breaste- Van Heusen d nt long-sleev- Reg. $23 Classic dress shirts of polyestercotton broadcloth; tailored in full and fitted cuts. Men's Furnishings Reg. $22 Short-sleev- ed broadcloth dress shirts Reg. $25 White Van Heusen 60 cotton40 Also, full-ti- mission-relate- d Study Volunteers Needed white dress shirts ed long-sleev- single-need- le : . . . lO. 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