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Show Monday, January 7, 1991 The Daily Utah Chronicle Wakefield Amendment every time you do. Flags and banners in the streets mean little when backed by such an utter lack of understanding. Stop your juvenile antics and from page six feigning concerns for everyone from minority military enlistees to Iraqi children. Although in this great and free country you do have the right to speak out against anything you wish, regardless of whether you have given due consideration to the issues, you desecrate the First It- - -- I- U M Hit demonstrate some genuine commitment by educating yourselves so that you are p capable of offering alternatives to take the place of the policies you blindly attack. Todd D. Wakefield Second year College of Law Write the Editor! Despite the fact that the United or frustrations, bring your typed, d verification purposes and won't be published. If the issue you are addressing so eloquently simply demands more space, feel free to submit a guest column. They will be published as space allows. The views expressed in the letters and columns published in the Chronicle do not necessarily Granted, writing a letter or column and having it published in the Chronicle won't do a whole hell of a lot to prevent war in the Middle East or to make the lines on campus shorter, but it is a great way to blow off some steam. At the same time, your opinions are sure to give other U. students something to think about other than their own ideas. When you are finished, explaining your opinions, ideas, reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters and columns for CITIZEN Printer GSX-14- 0 States may be several steps double-spaceletter to the closer to war within one week friendly secretary in Union 240 and that lines in the Student between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Services Building are still too Letters must include your full long, the year is virtually a blank name, your major, your class slate waiting to be covered with standing, and your phone the opinions and concerns of number. Don't worry, the University of Utah students, number is only used for professors, and staff workers. - Page length, grammar, clarity, and good taste. IBM Compatible 7 Color Printing 60-36- 0 dpi Resolution 6 Resident Fonts Letter Crystal Display Was $399.00 $349.00 Sale Price POLICY: Reatrictione: Available only to depxrtroenta, acuity or itaff (75 PTE) and current malrinilatnd atudenu (traduatc minimum 3 credit houra, undergraduate minimum 9 credit houra). Valid U of U identification card ia required. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE INFORMATION: Pricea: Subject to change, without notice, (add applicable aalea tax). Payment: We accept cam. certified or caihiera check, Viae, MaaterCard and American expreaa. Credit Card pleaac add 3 aurcharee. Departmenta: Preaent a campua order with authorized ai(nature(i). UNIVERSITY 6 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Quarter Opening Hours MTWHF 7:30 am - 7:30 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 30 PIZZA FOR THE NEXT CALLER! UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS In celebration of turning the big Domino's Pizza will deliver medium a pizza with your favorite topping for just 30f when you order a large Domino's Pizza at the regular price So hurry and get to a phone. ' 3-- 0, MB E3 --- sx pip Hill. m i ' Touchdown. NeXTs newest and most affordable machine is here. Stop in for a hands-o- n demonstration of the revolutionary NeXTstation computer. And go where no computer has gone before. IT'S TIME FOR DOMINO'S PIZZA caiiusi 521-333- yMedium i 300 $3219.00 1 topping UMVWSITY POLICY: Kattncuaaa: AvauaMe only lo dapanmaeta, facaky ar staff (73 PTE) and eunuat amra ulaiaa atudaau (fiaduaia !! plus tax I With the ourchase of any large pizza I Price 3 tonnintlS inu nna rif ww. rinlinintis w. nur r u for mmj when you purchase your favorite large pizza at regular pricel p..mi.j:ni,n!niiiiiih a IIIUUILIII1 y nmi UMVnMITY IOOKSTOM INPOHMATION; Prica: subject la ebaaja, wukea aaoce, (add eselksMe aalaa tea). Paynaat: We accept ctab, catiM erraahaa due. VIm. MaamCjed mi Anrte mprm Credit Cad ptMat add i aacfiaai. DapaniMeu: Pneeet a canpui entar van l only .30C Quarter Opening Hours MTWHF 7:30 am - 7:30 pm 3b wth any other otter Prices may vary Customer pays it participalmo stores only Not sales tai where appMatXe Delivery areas knvled to ensure sate driving Our drivers carry less man JJOOO Our drivers are not penannd Kn late deliveries vain) Urn Delivery areas limited 10 ensure sale driving C'990 Domino's Pra. Saturday 10:00 am 3:00 pm UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Inc UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS Seven |