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Show ! TutsdAy, January 19, PQE Twelve ChRONicU 1ATI FOR RENT. $200. Close to BEDROOM AND message on answer machine. The Chronicle reserves the right to NOTICE deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4 00 p m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words S2.75day. $10.00 per week: 16-3- 0 words $4.25day. $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call 583-946- 122 120 AUTOMOTIVE hubs, Camaro. Well maintained. $3750. 2 121 eves. days. 220-423-1 Small, automatic. AC. good rubber, two to choose from. $450 each. Call evenings. VOLARE WAGON. 1978 PLYMOUTH 122 Dolby Stereo, plush interior. front wheel drive. Great gas 87 1 HYUNDAI. 125 14 Duplex near U. $165 a utilities. Call Randy at 28 ONE BLOCK U OF U. Efficiency studio. Heat included. Parking, laundry. $200. NEAR U. 1 Bdrm. new kitchen. Living room, dining rm . balcony. Storage porch. Heat 125 paid. $285. UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM. Lots of cupboard space. $170 month. 756 Green Street. Tom, 125 FEMALE STUDENTS TO RENT THEIR OWN SMALL 3 BEDROOM APT. Walking distance 8 to U. $250mo plus utilities. after 125 5pm. THE ULTIMATE PARTY MACHINEI Rent a mobile hot tub and sauna. Call Splash Transit at 127 FOR RENT 2 BORM $289 very clean. 5 minutes to U. 1168 S. 5th E. Park setting, laundry, LOCKED GARAGE. eves. 122 LARGE APARTMENT CUTE BASEMENT at 979 E. Logan Avenue (1600 So.). Includes garage. $190. 9 or $10 discount if paid early. 277- 21 - 8516. 2 12 BEDROOM DUPLEX at 1807 So. 1700 E. $265 to qualified party. Yard care discount. 21 or 266-333-9 CANYON HOME. Large yard 13 utilities. and stream. $150 plus Call now! 125 HOUSEI Avenues 5 bdrm, 2 bath, newly renovated historic Victorian home! Has 3 separate entries, all appliances incl. dishwasher, wahser & dryer, air, cable, covered porch, garage, 3 car off street parking, hillside terraces, trees, grape vines! Lots of charm in quaint "Memory Grove" secluded neighborhood on private lane - just block from downtown and close to U of U! Available soon - prefer group of 5 student girlsguys to share joint contract. Also, right upstairs, a "smallish" but charming 2 bdrm apartment, for 2 students, which has seperate entry. Covered balconystairs, picturesque views, additional 2 car off street parking! Liberal landlord - Music, smoke, study, drink O.K. but No Pets! $165 mo. each or $200utils paid1 See at 226 N. Spencer Ct. (4th Ave. and 140 East - right turn off Canyon 8 for details. Rd.) Then call John at COLLEGE 120 Washerdryer hook-up- 25 $275month. 1 APT. High BORM. BASEMENT ceilings, fireplace, covered parking, laundry. 129 $275mo. 3 BDRM NEAR CAMPUS. Heat & hot water incl. 128 2 BLOCKS FROM U. 1 bdrm. phone installed. 120 $150month. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. New: carpets, linol., paint, kitchen, bath (never lived in). $425 mo. 937 East Pennsylvania (250 So.),Call Kevin days, eves, Or see Rick at location after 6:00 NEAR U 120 pm. 2) ONE St. BE0RO0M. University 128 Apartments. $215 and up. REDUCED RENT FROM $460 to $395 on three bedroom home Great east side location. Need renter thru May 15, large yard, 8-Mon-F- ri 0 hookups, 1 car garage. 121 In 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT DELUX LARGE Dishwasher, disposal & Lease for $330. Rent for $350. WOLFE TANNING BED. Great business opportunity. Call for details. 129 535-137- carport. 125 sueded S BEAUTIFUL "Tsnlur Original' MAN lambskin coat. Never worn. Model 3000 16811. Extra large, cost $650, sell $250. Ladies "Tanfur Original" size 14. Asking $200. Must see. 1466 So. 600 East. WATER FOR SALE, BED FOR SALE. APARTMENT BEDROOM IN 0L0 VICTO-RIA- Close to U. Great House. Great 131 So 1200 E. Stop by or call 129 Jory. S 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. plus utilities. 949 East 800 South. Mon-F- bedroom basement wwindows. Free gas. Single female only. No dogs. $150mo. After 8:00 p.m. U. FROM 1 122 U. LRG. 1 122 Call AT THE Body sculpting elastic resistance exercises. 2100 S. 1160 E. $25mo. or $3class. Why be embarrassed buying condoms? Purchase condoms cof identially by mail. Packaged for complete privacy. Mailed directly to you. Feel safe with new double protection latex plus spermicide lubricant. Your protection comes from America's largest maunufac-ture- r of condoms. Individually tested. Bargain at $6.95doz. plus $1.00 shipping. Send check or money order today to: Progressive Ideas. Box 71098 Dept. E. Salt Lake City, UT 84107. Full satisfaction or your 119 money back. SOCIETY FOR THE MONITOR THE MEETS LIZARDS APPRECIATION Garage, Air. No 255 S. 10th East $275 1 22 9 or includes heat. NEAR U. 2 bdrm. Heat paid. $300mo. $200 122 deposit. 184 Q. St. No pets. All 120 125 or 6 Need a Friend? Birthright 531-609- 0 NONSMOKING mf to share 3 bdrm. t blk. to U. $150 plus one third utll. FEMALE. 12 MALE TO SHARE 311 4. 21 PROCESSING. 25 yrs. I WRD U. BA to English. Close of 311 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER editsword processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Will also editrevise your chun ked-i- n WordPerfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. 311 TYPING WOROPROCESSING EDITING. IBM Computer, 4.0 Word Perfect. Letter Quality Printer. Dissertations - Theses - Manuscripts - Resumes - Forms - Equations - Tables. Twenty years of experience as a Secretary Typist. B.S. Biological Sciences. For fast, professional service call Diana Fox 216 LASER PRINTING! PROFESSIONAL WORD Charts, graphics, on bond for image. Macintosh, IBC, IBM. Call Robert or Ida at "Secretarial Specialties". Downtown. 12th floor, Beneficial Life Tower. PROCESSING. 125 Prescision Cutting, Newest Styles. Discount to U. Cal Mane at Tamer the Students. ACCENT MODIFICATION. FOREIGN EDITING 212 Beginning, advanced. Studio near U. WE interme-diat- S1500 e. David Rishton. $30 per month for 4 lessons. MEDICINE ASSISTANT. Qualified Work Study Student. 10 hrs week. $4.25 hour. ' j 1 EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, text- books & dissertations for logic, style & 311 continuity. Winslow's. pm. Wed. required. Ph. Experience necessary. 3. days wk. flexible hours. Sugarhouse - own transportation. . Skiing in Jackson Hole with snowmobiling in Yellowstone accommodations inc. Students $215 120 FOUR DAYS TRAVEL Get PLANS? WANTED. ARTIST NEEDS INTEREST-IN- G PEOPLE TO MODEL FOR PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS. JERRY. 122 RITA. RITA. NEED A MAID. Duplex, a fixer-uppe- r. with 4 affable young rogues is crying out for attention. WE NEED A MAID! Females in town! ULTIMATE Lowest Theresa 24 -- TRIP TO LONDONI Only $500. Coupon 1 22 good until July 4. Call 295-930ROUND TYPING cIFTeKSE IN YOUR OftCWAi S Laugh, Laugh Ljuul-Jl- u is U ft s is Ms jD 1100 DAVO LYNCKS 1 E S S S I FAR BETTER FRENCH VERS) STREET TRASH WEDNESDAY: FACE!! m smith as THE MOZART BROTHERS U experience. I 90Cpg. 13 years U of correct spelling. JAN, TYPING. Can 311 check (APA, etc. Mrs. Nelley. 311 Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing Service. (264-- 1 182). 21 1 Expert word processing. East 300 South. 3 11 Furniture "BLUE VELVE mm I K TVs Stereos Appliances VCR'S 122 WANTED. ARTIST NEEDS INTERESTING PEOPLE TO MODEL FOR DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS. JERRY, 118 POSTAL J0BSIS20.064 START! prepare now! Clerks - Carriers! Call for guaranteed exam 4 ext. 192. 122 workshop. (916) BICYCUSTSj 972-620- 7 0 Premier is organizing al coached womens racing group training partners will be arranged for everyone. Team! tactics will be emphasized Races in CA. CO. ISM, AZ, OR.1 and WA. w support. Salt Lake City 1735 S. Redwood Rd. Utah Call Phidias JOB SERVICE 484-832- 0 TELEMARKETERS Marketing Bankcard renewals; low key. 16 hrs. wkly, evenings. $4.60 hr plus comm. Other Phone Jobs; Flexible Hours. $5.00 range. 30-5- 0 CALL MICHELLE Starting at or BONNIE positions. 533-222- 6 533-225- 9 CASHIERS y Convenience & Grocery, PTFT; Most shifts available. $3.70 $4.50 pr hr. per month CALL MIKE PBX 4 PROOF OPER. - ACCTING CLRKS Bank shifts. Jobs - good student CALL CHRIS 533-245- 3. Applicants must be registered for work w Job Service, and able to certify as eligible to work in the U.S. Suitable I.O. State 1 -- 533-233- 1.9 APR required). V WINTER FRATERNITY E ft , Jan. Scream. Scream EE RUSH E E B Weds. 10:30 HOLLYWOOD 122 Professional Legal and MODEL WOMEN PROFESSIONAL TYPING. 5 premiere n NEEDED. Business Environment. Part time afternoons. Excellent Training. Starts at S5.00hr. Must be creative and MACINTOSH FLUENT. "Secretarial Specialties", downtown, 12th flooor, Benficial Life Tower. 125 PAY. the best deal 5 (Thi Stool Pigeon) Jan. 19.5:15. 7.15.9:15 EROTIC FILM FESTIVAL Pant. Pant Thurs. 10:30 ROCKY S E HORROR Toss and Duck FriS Sat 11:00 January 20, 21, 22 from 5 pm Q niiiitiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiimiiDiiS ujct For more information go to 270 Union 1 or call RELATIONSHIPS Unlimited Power and Personal Possiblities . to Communicate, to Create, to Love. In a voluntary atmosphere, we will explore together the adventures myths, structure, personal power, magic and possibilities of love The practical science and dynamics of exactly how to attract, maintain and build the very best relationships imaginable. Dates: Thurs., Jan 21 and Fri., Jan 22 Place: Howard Johnsons 122 W. So. Temple pm Guests $15.00 Introductory Evening: Thurs. To register for more information call Kathy Bonny 649S259. Brian 581-806- g, 6:30-10.3- 0 272-35-4- 278-581- 1 122 e 100 So premiere ZZ part-tim- MODEL 266-003- 3 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD I STORES need retail help. Pipe and Cigar smokers should apply. 1 22 Call 355-733-6 for appointment. THE TINDER BOS 364-347- 1 5 2 i 4. BUDGET RENTS TIME WORKFULL TIME 20 down, cash or trade, 60 months, plus tax and license, OAC Ira 2-- 4 Thurs. $5hr. References 122 S MONTH OLD BABY light housework. TEND $5.00 to $11.50 per hr. Guaranteed salary. Order Dept. expansion creates 20 openings. 20 to 33 firs, eves and weekends. Call Scott, PART oarage LE DOULOS & MY HOME. WANTED TRAVEL 4600 So. S S 4YR.0L0 NAPS IN WHILE STUOY CLINES E. 122 per month. 359709. 1st Time Buyers Welcome 260 121 for appointment 6 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: FEMALE PERSONAL AIDEHOUSEKEEPER FOR STUOENT IN WHEELCHAIR. 5 days per week. Room-Boar$210 125 N xJC 121 flirt wit hew. 2 120 $150 month, (includes heat) & 12 util. Hardwood floors, sunny. Great location. 5834724. 120 9 hew yen BEHAVIORAL TYPIST Programmed PIANO INSTRUCTION. turn EN0U6H ta t free trip to Hiwiil Mrtiita yen Mm tt $2000 pir nth part Ilni7 Call negotiable. Call instruction on pronunciation of American Instruction. Comprehensive and efficient. Call Beverly at ARE YOU OPEN MINDED can qualify for only need apply. Pay and dress code 311 ijiuji!ui.if'-'iM.ii.ni.ii;i'ji;M.i- .iw "THE GHANDMOTHER-- non-thinkin- U Miner 0 MEN WANTED: years old, in good health, earn money for medical research. 581-506. or 127 APT. One block from campus. Call 942 4484 (THE 583-301-1. 119 6 RAO. STUDENT needed to manage apts. Write: E. Kelsey. 535 N. Michigan 281 1. 119 Chg., B. 60611. MARRIED 2 bdrms, 2 bath, pool, utils. Kim, 1 have saved some students and faculty as much as 50. Terms available. Call for Comparison Quote. THREE MEN ft A CRADLE Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing WtrtprociulngTyping tr Spelling. TAME YOUR MANE WITH PAULA. EXPERT TYPING. I I I I a WINTER AND START ONE SPRING BREAK AT 2ND AVENUE TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call FOR 122 Pay Too Much For AUTO INSURANCE? 0 Pregnant SPANISH TUTOR. For beginning and intermediate students. Have teaching experience. Call Bryan. 125 WOOD j W J 311 at 122 REALTORS. I & 122 delivery. - Gerry Johnston, j $10.00. Free pick up ONLY Wonderful, immaculate, two bedroom bungalow located on a quiet street close to the University! Plush carpets, elegant fireplace wall, tiffany lamp! Call I tune I'll professionally SKIING? Turabian, Campbell), Van Cott Hall. Call 584- - 4266. APARTMENT. II ROCK meets interested ROOMMATES NONSMOKING 121 Separate entrance, living room, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, heat, hot water paid. $250mo. Free thru Jan. No deposit. 1521 E. or Laird Ave. Call Lazlo days, 122 eves BE0R00M BASEMENT UP! Dee will help you fix your essay or research paper. Dee will repair your spelling CHEER SCIENCE ORGANIZATION tennis. $215 plus TRIP AIRLINE TICKETS ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. Good 'til Jan. '89. Mark. ( FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 $1 a page. Call Diane, Experience with finite differential technique of solving partial differential equations and image processing preferable. Contact Dilip 1722 Good condition, recently tuned up. Call Scott. 266-505nights. 129 FOR SALE. 41 spelling, grammar, references House BLOCKS years experience. DONAHUE EDITING Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 119 Mondays at 5:30 in Union 275. students are welcome. LIBERAL 2 EVERY WEONESDAY 97 PAYS ROGER AND KAREN HELWIG 10K. THE CHRISTIAN EXPRESS. Quality exp. 15 yrs. at Campus. 364-556- 7. Thompson for information, 311 OF 7 P.M. IN UNION 311. This week's topic: "Mating Habits of the Monitor Lizard". Guest Lecturer: Dr. Omar Habib, Ph.D. in 125 Reptile Studies. All folks invited. KISN 97. 211 word processing, fast service. 20 years experience. Resumes, 3. 210 thesis, term papers. Free information session DISORDERS: EATING NIGHT AT CATHY OTA & 311 PROFESSIONAL W0R0PR0CESSIN6. accurate. Alt formats. Check spelling, U. WORDS SERVICES 211 IT TO YOURSELFI SAFE SEX YOU OWE Call Dorene, Fast etc. Joanne. $185 rent. Includes all utilities but phone. Call Mike. 119 WORO PROCESSING. Olin Mark IV Comp skis with Tyrolia 280D bindings, only $100 for the package. DORM CONTRACT NEAR STUDENT: close to U. SERIOUS NONSMOKING. GET A TAN FOR THE High & low impact BAY. BEDROOM. petssmokeing. ONE Any age. any gender. Shocked!? Outraged!? Get involved! Attend Rape Crisis Center's Training Session, Jan 22nd - 24th. SKIS- - $59,900 ri 122 8-- NEAR SEXUAL Why not? $3.00 visit. 10 677 S. 7th East. 212 Used once. Track skis, Solomon boots (10, 10 12), bindings, poles 0 after 6 and weekends. 120 $90. 1 2 BLOCKS OF A Four post waterbed HOUSE. People. THE VICTIM BE CAN ASSAULT. call Trish. 120 $85. spacious 2 bedroom apt. vicinity 1700 So. 800 E. $140montfi plus 12 2. 2 or utilities. 120 BEEN SKI PACKAGE. SKI BOOTS. 120 evenings. WP. Resumes, term papers, Fast Accurate. manuscripts. TO SHARE FEMALE your skis, ANYONE with headboard & footboard. Excellent 0 condition. $150 or offer. Call after 5:00 pm. 120 OALEBOOT utils. Leighanne. PERFECT WORD 12 and clean and tighten your grammar. Call and ask for Dee tutoring services at Wolfe. 216 PERSONAL 120 DORM CONTRACT garage, washer dryer. $225 mo plus Security is invited. They should bring their cameras. 122 ROUND THREE 122 GESTAPO 583- - 5528. OF U. FOR RENT UNION. Leather Jacket (Bermans). Back Pack (Blue with leather bottom, EASTpack). CONTENTS: Calculus & Political Science hardback books. Coonsu-me- r Studies Manual, 3 notebooks. Please or call WITH THE MEDICAL CENTER'S TACTICS and their waste of pets in research, come to the C.A.M.P.S. meeting, January 23rd at 3 pm in the Redwood Multipurpose Center. Since it is a public meeting and they'll be there, University FOR SALE studio. all utilities paid. s. PART TIME PROGRAMMING HELP WANTED. Editing. IF YOU DISAGREE Large newly remodeled AVENUES. 330 spaced. Fast, accurate. Please call: Sue. QUICK - NEAR U. 119 23 120 0. AVES. Sunny duplex, female to share with same. Own bdrm and bath, frplc. Unfurnished. $275, heat paid. Roommates wanted 415 University Street, 3. 122 $135 per bedroom. 1 278- -4414, evenings. 5. AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets. Delta. Western, etc Up to $350 ea. HIGH STOLEN: FROM KISN bdrm. Quiet, clean. Washer, dryer included. Lots of charm. Ask for Vic, AVES. UPPER block 1988 PROFESSIONAL TYP1NS IBM PC ml Wheelwri-t- er printer or IBM Sel. II. 90Cpg. double LOST & FOUND AEROBICS SHARE EMIGRATION ENTERTAINMENT I00MNATE. Own bedroom & bath. 1 from U. $200 month. Barbara. FEMALE TWO BEDROOM. 125 125 mileage. Call ffclssen. 125 person. 532- - 5813. Must sell 1981 ZEALAND) FOR RENT. month plus 120 255-895- FOR NEW CYN. EMIGRATION 127 ROOMS 84 HONDA CIVIC OX 3 door. 5 speed. AC, 20.000 miles. Excellent condition. $5300. LEAVING RENT FOR or 120 583-031- s. $1 15 Ask for Tore hm. wk.539-120- 21 LAR6E FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT 0 APARTMENT. Washer & dryer. $200. tow bar. Make offer. ea. SKIS 2 pr. 205 TELEMARK UNMOUNTED APT. Avail. Feb. 5: call eves. 3 spd.. warn overdrive, CJ-S- - soft-to- SKIS FOR A GREAT DEAL Dynamic VR 17 200 cm wSalomaon bindings. Like New. 125 $175. Call $245mo. $150 deposit. Beige carpet, levelors. Robert, LOFT NOW GREAT 1 BEDROOM APT. $260mo. $150 dep. Unities included. Close to Westminster. New carpet, levelors. washerdryer. NonsmokerAdult. 125 or Renee. 485-330- 9 AVENUES 2 BEDROOM SALE AT COSMIC AEROPLANE Sale prices on every item. 40 off list price. All types of music in stock Check it out at Cosmic Aeroplane, 258 E. 100 S. Open every day. 121 dryer hookup, covered parking. Wash TAPE AND CO CLEARANCE RECORD. 952 Princeton, quietr 2 bedroom. CLOSE TO U. 531- - 7648. 71 JET Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. Kitchen & laundry shared. Utilities included. Owner works evenings, leave U. DISCLAIMER Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. DIAMONDS: Beta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Chi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Phi Epsilon Phi Gamma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Nu i |