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Show TLEStUy, jANLARy ChRONidE 19, 1Q88 fund from page one funding limitations. It should button down its hatches," J. J. Fernandez, an Assembly member representing the College of Business, said. "I feel the 1987-8- 8 Assembly can operate with its remaining $29,000 budget. But what the 1988-8- 9 Assembly does is their business, we're not going to be here. Let's leave it up to them to decide," Fernandez said. Morgan said giving the Assembly more money may result in student legislators being careless about the legislation they approve. "Money is being spent just because it's there," she said. But some committee members said it would be irresponsible to leave next year's administration without any operating funds. "Considering the problems we had coming into this administration, leaving the new administration without money will be hell," Erik Morgan, executive assistant,, During the same meeting, the committee tabled a request by the Ute Broadcasting Association. UBA was asking for $ 15,750 to create a recruitment video. However, most of the committee members were not convinced the allocation was a wise investment. "Some of the students involved in this project voiced concerns to me regarding your commitment and ability to work with others," Bob Savage, chair of the Finance Board, told Gabler. "Well, I don't know how to indite myself. The only answer I can see is that I'm very busy and some of these students may think that will cut into the time I can spend on the video," Todd Gabler, one of the executive producers said. Gabler, who is producing the video with Michael Nash, said the U. has limited said. Morgan suggested amending the request to $20,000 and using the funds strictly for the new administration. The amendment was approved after the amount was reduced to $12,000. - programs for students interested in broadcasting. Both men said the video would provide students with training and give the U. an updated, modernized recruitment tool for high school student services. But several committee members were concerned about releasing $15,750 for a THUKE ME TOO SDPEES hmoming a nurse in the And they're both repre- n TO sented by the insignia you wear as a member of the Army Nurse Corps. The caduceus on the left means you're part of a health care system in which educational and career advancement are the rule, not the exception. The gold bar on the right means you command respect as an Army officer If you're earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, A-- ARMY. Clifton, N 07015. Or call toll free project that was not guaranteed by department on campus. "What if we tie the delivery questions." The committee is scheduled to of the committee next Tuesday. The committee also reapproved a S20,000 request from an ASUU board chair to fund a comedy series. Although the request was approved by the committee in November, it was rejected by the Assembly. "I don't think the Assembly realized that the money wouldn't be coming from its accounts," Garnett Griffiths, Ci?ur of the Programs and Activities board; said. report its finding to the superfund Members, of the committee made arrangements to attend the next Assembly meeting to clear up any misunderstandings regarding the funding of the event. 15,750 and established an ad hoc committee to investigate such "unanswered MARK MILLER SUBARU 3734 So. 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BE ALLYOU CAN BE. 0 IBtf a stipend, or at least part of it, to the finished product? Then if the video is satisfactory and high school services say they can use it, we'll release the rest," McCabe said. Jacque Morgan said she is concerned about accountability. Although members of various departments are supporting the project, Morgan said it does not mean they will take full responsibility for it. After hearing both sides of the issue, the committee tabled the request, set aside S PAQE custom texts. Call today for answers to how we can help you with your educational needs. a Student tickets a mere $3. Open 24 hrs. 200 University St. 583-348- 0 |