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Show a the Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday; ebrbarV 2l 19b6 Page Eleven SPORTSCAN ...the Lady Utes put their second-plac- e 1 HCAC record on the line Saturday as they meet Wyoming for the second time this season. Utah won the first contest this in Laramie, but the Cowgirls year 72-5- 9 are hoping for different results this time around in the Special Events Center- - The men's game will precede the Utah-BY- U 5:15 at p.m. game Wyoming comes into the game in sixth place in the conference with a 5 record (prior to a Thursday night game against overall. BVU). The Cowgirls arc 7-its poor record, Wyoming has Despite two of the hottest players in the conference right now. Forward Michelc Hoppes is third in the HCAC in scoring, with a 15.7 average, while freshman guard Christine Fairless is scoring an average of 17.8 points in conference play. "We have to keep Hoppes down to beat Wyoming. Historically, when she has a good game, Wyoming has a good game," Utc Coach Elaine Elliott said. 4Thc emergence of Fairless as an outside shooter 6-- 2-- 15 gives us something to contend with that we haven't had to much in the past against Wyoming." remainder of his lineup. nd Injuries are keeping many Lady Utes from competing at full strength. .Utah skiers get one final chance this weekend to improve their seedings for the NCAA championships when they compete in the NCAA Regionals. All alpine races will be at Winter Park, Co.; the nordic events will take place at Snow Mountain Ranch. A majority of the co-e- d squad has for the which are finals, already qualified set for March 5--8 in Stowe, Vt. Utah needs one more women's nordic ...the Lady Ute gymnasts travel to Seattle Friday night for a meet with Washington. For the defending national champion Utes, it's the first meet away from the Special Events Center since last year's NCAA Regionals in Tempe, Ariz. The Huskies, fresh from last weekend's school-recor- d performance of 185.60, are 16-- 2 and ranked ninth in the nation. The Lady Utes are 0 and sport the in the nation a 188.75. score highest Washington was in Salt Lake City Jan. 24 for Utah's season opener. Utah won handily, 186.05-182.5- 5. 4-- top-rank- ed all-arou- skier to reach qualifying times this weekend. That would give it a full contingent for the Vermont finals. Utah's stiffest competition will come Ute freshman Hilarie Portell will competicompete in her first tion. The Yakima, Wash., native has shown steady improvement, and because the meet is near Portell's hometown, Ute Coach Greg Marsden has entered her in all four events. The Ute coach is undecided about the plete. Government grants and loans may be applied towards our programs. F9 cog your prtttrt trti tOd'ttl FULLY ACCREDITED Christian College. For full Information MM Crty NyouwouM tutufv Rfc4 InforwMriloi'i City pnnan MrMt will be inaction Cottonwood Heights Arena, 7500 So., 2700 East. Utah will host USC Friday at 9:45 p.m. and Saturday at 12:15 p.m. 0 D D I D g announces - i i i 12 PRICE o a3 Buy any sandwich. . .and get another for with this coupon only O u D ar- a a each year. A Program of Trinity D o SANDWICHES! c o expires u our delicious Italian Sub, French Dip, Turkey Spedal or many others. Try PIZZA SANDWICHES SALADS send coupon to: 2065 Laraway Lake Drive S E. 9 Grand Rapids. Michigan 49506 (A Program of Trinity Christian College) D UNIVERSITY HOLLADAY o 230 SO. 1300 E. 2340 EAST 4670 SO. F-- Mams wait D Presented By THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH A Visit Along The DNA Strand Presented By Dr. Jacqueline K. Barton 4 m y 1 UP FOR THE WHEELCHAIR RACE FROM -- t , it DR; JACQUELINE K. BARTON is an Associate Professor of Inorganic and Biophysical Chemistry at Columbia University. Whe was the National Science; recipient of the Alan T. Waterman Award of the U1' .?:r. Foundation, given for outstanding research by an investigator unrjer 36 years of age for work in any area of science. 101 James C. asuu 3, D 0 D D D J couponj Free Public Lecture Series OGDEN TO PROVO HELD DURING HANDICAP AWARENESS WEEK MARCH 3 7. HALF-MIL- E INCREMENTS WILL BE RUN IN WHEELCHAIRS BY INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS FUND RAISING ' EVENT: INFORMATION AND PLEDGE. . SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE IN THEASUU ' OFFICES, ROOM 234 OLPIN UNION. D D D Frontiers of Science q 0 272-449- 7 583-101- 3 r n c 12 price. oas D SEMESTER IN SPAIN your .the Ute hockey club with a pair of games this weekend at the D SPRING SEMESTER Jan. 30 May 29 FALL SEMESTER Aug. 29 Dec. 19 your nam 3-- coupon Live with a Spanish family, attend classes four hours a day. four days a week, four months. Earn 1 6 hrs. of credit (equivalent to 4 semesters taught in U S. colleges over a two year time span). Your Spanish studies will be enhanced by opportunities not available in a U S. classroom. Standardized tests show our students' language skills superior to students completing two year programs in U S. Advanced courses also. Hurry, it takes a lot of time to make all rangements. you nA4 ...the Lady Ute tennis team is in action with a pair of matches this weekend, facing Colorado Friday morning and Cal Irvine Sunday afternoon. Utah, 2 this year, will face Colorado at the Smith Fieldhouse in Provo Friday at 10 a.m. The Utes then face Cal Irvine Sunday at noon at the Salt Lake Tennis Club. D Not just for Spanish majors only, but for everyone: beginners, "in between students, and advanced. Put some excitement into your college career?! BEGINNER OR ADVANCED Cost it about th as twnestef in a U S. college S3 670. Pries includes jet round trip to Seville from New York. room, board, and tuttion com- team standings by 22 points. all-arou- nd sBtflESTER IN SPAIN um from Wyoming, the defending national champions. The Cowboys captured the first two meets of the season. Utah, though, has won the last two and leads in the overall Fletcher Building Monday, Feb. 24, 1986 7:00 p.m. |