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Show TbeDxSyUtxb ICS I I - I i' W I f f.t f I-- I t tea. 2. a 1t3 Jx2,1CC3 tta Com Rc4 123 IsacaMgs of she Book of Monnoa (HetaMta to Moron 04 Picoa'aboa for Ceteslial Mmaoe Pan tt ifor StrtgW 03 leachMtg of the Early Aposttesui t ft Rel 212 COFRHJB . Cm leacfengi of the Book of t MosaJMmt fNeper- -g to. a Cdetti. , A 32T Ret 333 Rt 55 121 temmUcitWrtMwn Rel 122 M COFB S99 Rl 2H 03 02 Ret 232 Ret 325 02 Ret MM 1100 Rl 122 M 01 01 232 202 03 02 Rel 22t 04 Rel 331 Rl 342 C Kent Dunlord f Re 333 Rot 122 07 Rei 2tt leacrMngs of feachmgs of in Book of Mormon (Movah Aim Li and teachings ol Jesus Chst 03 C Re 232 UQicnumnt j EdMri) B 2 Momi4 C Sear 2 Lowell Wilson John W f r -f Hie 2 John 2 Franklin S Gonzalez 2 2 Lowell F Wil&on Jonn W Hasier 2 2 Dean Jarman J Uwtc Uylor 2 Ma M , Madsea Ret 3004) Rel 122 Of Rel 325 O Rel 327B Ret 342 16 2 U 0 2 14 12 11 Hunsaker Rei 130 Rel 212 02 04 R 327 Ret 333 Ret 300J 04 04 01 Preparation lor Missionary Service leaching ol the Early Apostles-Pa- ul (New Testament teachings ol the Pearl ol Great Price teachings ol the Living Prophets Jeremiah Maiachi Ret 122 09 teachings ol the Book ol Mormon Ret 130 CDFR 160 03 05 Rt Rel 232 302 06 03 11 Rel 325 07 . 16 Rel 341 01 0b 7 LChmmanl 2 2 Oal 2 Reed C Durham Jr I 02 Optnshaw 14 (Church Ri 01 432 Rel 122 12 OS Presidents ol th Church Mormonism and th World s Religions (Hinduism Buddhism. Judaism. Islam, etc) Doctrines ol th Gospel (For Advanced Students) 01 Teachings ol the Book ol Mormon OS 2 2 Oean Jarman Caivm P Rudd 13 2 2 Mai M Parkin Gilbert W Schawls IS 2 U 9 Carlisle Hun taker Larry W Tippeits 2 05 12 12 104 Rel 130 Rel 212 02 Rei 231 A 01 Rel 342 03 01 2 Richard O Clark 2 Reed C Durham 2 John 2 Caivm P Rudd W IS Jr Hasier History-18- Rei 390C 02 01 ' 2 Rel 122 Rel 232 Gilbert W Scharffs John 2 M Madsen Teachings ol the Book ol Mormon 2 Larry W Tippetts 04 (Mosiah Aimai Doctrines ol the Gospel 2 Dean Jarman to j u 12:05 Rat. 140 Rat. 140 12:05 1 Rat. 300R Th 01 members and Th Returning Missionary Rl. 9:55 140 03 The Mormon Religion (A basic course lor members with Rel 32S 09 9 551125 Rel 212 07 OS Teachings ol the Early Apostles Paul (New Testament Teachings ol the Living Prophets 01 DEVOTIONAL Rel 333 Ret 031R si- Host 11:00 12 05 Cavrst Sk. N. No. Rel 490C Ret 010R 01 Rel 01 OOOR 01 - fiif9iftt!t- - Hour No. ' 10 1 Dale C LeChemmant 10 Roger Johnson TBA Ret 300C 02 TBA Rel 490A 01 ii 2 Calvin P RurJd 2 2 C Kent 2 2 2 John 2 Dean Jarman Carlisle Hunsaka 105 , X . John M Lowe" 14 Madsen Dunlord f W 0 i Wiiwn Halr 13 IS '1 J Brand! Edward ' Madsen 2 John 2 Dee W 2 Date C LeChemmant Richard L Openshaw 14 2 2 Howard C Searle it 2 Ma M H 13 7 Hedty 9 Parkin 15 11 Rel 212 OS 2 Frankim S Gonzalez IS Rei 232 Rel 325 07 08 2 2 C Kent Dunlord Reed C Durham Jr 12 Rel 327 Rel 335 Rel 432 OS 2 2 2 Richard O Clark Robert L Miller U Carlisle Hunianer 14 Rel 471 01 Doctrines ol the Gospel Teachings Ol th Doctrine and Covenants (Sections 43 90) Teaching ol th Peart ol Great Price Mormonism and Scientilic Thought Doctrine ol the Gospel (For Advanced Students) Teaching Seminary 2 Stephen 01 02 I- 105 6 16 S West K Iba 13 - Sac . No. Com Rel 122 90 teaching ol the Book ol Mormon (Mosiah Alma) 2 Oean Jarman 5 207 00 Rel 302 90 Teachings ol the Old Testament 2 Edward J Brandt IS 2 J Lewis Taylor 12 2 Siephen it Biblical Hebrew-P- art Institute Choir New Sounds ((nsfrucfor's permission required) Institute Concert Choir (Instructor's permission required) How Aoo Nwlncler Rel 324 90 Rel. 471 90 Teachings ol the Doctrine and Covenants (Sections 1 45) Teaching Seminary 140 90 The Mormon Religion (A basic course lor Rel 211 90 Rel. 325 90 Rel 390W 90 I :tisiiq Mgoftfr.tffri W members and Life and Teachings ol Jesus Christ (New Testament-FouGospels) Teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants (Sections 43 9 Women in the Scriptures K iba Applying Gospel Principles (For LOSS Leadership) LDSSA Seminar on Religious Issues m Medicine 13 Douglas A Dent Howard C Searle 10 2 2 Richard 16 2 Margot Butler 6 Calvin P Rudd 12 Gilbert W Scharffs Franklin S Gonzalez 16 Brian P Coleman 10 Lowell F Wilson 16 C Kent Duntord 15 1 L Openshaw 14 i Credit Come Sec No No Count 91 Teachings of the Book of Mormon Hows 2 Richard O Clark 12 2 Richard 16 2 L Openshaw Franklin S Gonzalez John W Hasier Guests 2 5 15 Chapel ':iu;fcitfcv Hours Room Instructor Edward J Brandt Robert W West 2 Richard L Openshaw 10 Cult Hall 9 to to (Mosiah-Alma- 7 15 ) CDFR 160 Rel 3270 8 55 Rel 140 90 90 Preparation for a Celestial Marriage Teachings of the Pearl of Great Price. Part 91 Ret 212 90 Ret 232 Rel 422 90 The Mormon Religion (A basic course for members and non members) Teachings ol the Early Apostles Paul (New Testament Acts Philemon) Doctrines of the Gospel Studies of the Book of Mormon 91 II Reed C Durham Jr I 'iiiiii.iSM') laggrsqie, tfefcngfr 2 Credit See No No Course 5 20 7 00 CDFR 160 91 Preparation lor a Celestial Marriage Part (For Singles) Teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants (Sections 43 90) Building a Personal Philosophy of Lite Rel 32S 92 Rei 390B 90 Hours II Instructor 2 Dee W Hadiey 2 Man H Parkin 2 U 2 Dee W Hadiey 2 John W Hasier U Carlisle Hunsaker Carlisle Hunsaker 1 John M Madsen Dale C LeChemmant CDFR 161 90 333 Rei 432 90 90 Acnievmg a Celestial Marriage (For UarnedSI Teachings ol the Living Propht , Studies m Doctrines of the Gospel (For Women) 2 TBA Med Center 1 L Individual Study (Home Study): For arrangements to do home study, a student should contact Howard C. Searle of the faculty. Independent Studies: A student may make arrangments with an instructor to study in a particular field or topic. Nom 7 15 16 8 55 KoOffl Instructor 7 I Course Hour 7 15 Honrs 15 (For Advanced Students) Credit Cowii 9 (Joshua-Solomon- 10 Credit Cown CrodH ClOM 5:20700 ':iainti: Ssc Ho. U 9 Howard C Seane Rei Cawst 2 n 2 10 ) 1205 Frankim S Gonzalez Caivm P Ruod f Lite and teachings ol Jesus Chrit (New testament Four Gopis) Teaching ol th Early Apostle Paul (New Testament Acts Philemon) 7 158 55 Rel ) Teachings ol the Doctrine and Covenants (Sections 43 90) 2 2 12 . 04 9 Josh P Biesmger 1 Teachings ol the Book ol Mormon (Mosiah-Alma- C Kent Dunlord Reed C Oorham Jr 500640 16 1 8 10 2 211 Rel 122 Rel 122 13 13 I V i 12 j Josh P Biesmger 1 Mormon Religion (A basic course lor 02 15 Rel in members and 0 50 2 Rtchard Anderson Howard C Seane 11 Caivm P Rudd u Crstrt The Mormon Religion (A basic "course lor 01 Paul A Hank and Joseph Smith Period Church History (For Advanced Student u it y fri Sat , 2 Partua i 00 . Oean Jarman m LDS How 10 2 M 01 7 (Leadership) 1 Ma U 1845) 20 -18- 45-18771 Rel 3S1 2 Toetts IW Rel 542 16 iMosiatvAimai (For Freshmen nd Sophomores! Preparation lor Missionary Service Teachings ol the Early Aposiies Paui (New Testament Pauim Letters) introduction lo Gospel Principles (On quarten Roots and Origins ol Mormonism (Church Hislory Bngham Young Period Mormonism and the Worlds Religions Hinduism Buddhism. Judaism Islam etc Applying Gospel Principles Ree4 C Owrnam 13 ) Preparation lor Missionary Service Preparation lor Celestial Marriage. Part H (For Singles) Doctrines ol the Gospel Teachings ol th Old testament (Joshua Solomon) teachings ol th Ooctnn and Covenants (Sections 43 90) Roots and Origins ol Mormonitm 1877) (Church Mistor 145 Bngham Young Period Rel 241 Rel 3S1 2 ScAarMs (Mosiah Aimai 9 W Nadley Richard tarry 2 Teachings of the Book o Mormon 13 i C 2 IW t$ H Parkm Cards Gert lestamantour Gosper) 06 Doctrines of the Gospel 05 feaefctngs of the Doctrine and Covenants (Section 43 90) 03 teachings ol the Pean of Great Puce Pan u 04 Roots and Origins ol Mormomsfn 18771 (Church Hi(ory-UJ- 45 Bngham Voung Period 02 Building a Personal Philosophy ol Lite II 2 Lencsi ne e Ooctnn and Covenams (Sections 43 90) 03 leachmgs of the Lwmg Pfophets 05 (Now "Pi'i festament-rPauk- (Mosiah-Alma- Doctrinos of th Gospot Cachings of In Old las lament (Joshua Solomon! Teaching ol tht Ooctnn and Covenants (Secttont 43 001 Teachings of the Living Prophet I Roots and Origins ol Mormonism 02 02 2 SMM Aim Preparing for Celestial Marriage lit nd teaching of Mul Christ (New testament Four Gospels) Doctrines of th Gospel Vtachtng of fnt Ooclrm and Covenant iSacltont 43 90 RoolS and Origin of Morrnonitm tCnurcn History 184yig7n Brignam Vbung Rinod Building a Rarsonai Philosophy o Lit (Mot'aft-Alma- Rt Ri of tht Book of Mormon litachings of th Book of Mormon Bs tWTwwt 12 ) iMos.h , j 2 of th look of Mormon teaching It teaching iMMaCD i (The Mosaic 0spenion) 92 teaching of t Cjrrwz aM Covenants (Section 4340) teaching of th Pearl of Greet Ptc 9 teachings of th Owng tVopttet 01 , " T Gospel iMCfcwgsolftvOWlMtWiltot Nepht-Omm- iJ ad Sophomoil rfbf Freshm o Doc,u . 335 Pari M iMCkMgsolmtUrtyAOMlMMji (New Re ttomo. Mar.. for Single 01 W e Re 125 2 ' Mass trnimcm 01 t0 COFR 90 f "4 - Cmm N I b f 1 . r flatcr QucrtCT 1C35 Cfcc3 ' PSe Tkrec t i Register Now At Central Institute Building Open 8 a.m.-- 8 p.m. Central - 1800 East South Campus Drive Phone: 5826506 for Information. $5 for (I) or any number of classes. 7 9 16 |