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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Tuesday, March 29, lt33 Page Twelve CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Classified deadline 1p.m. two weekdays prior to publication. 1 to 15 words: 1 day , week 1 1 ; . (5 days) , . . . . ... month (20 days) v.'. ; . . . -- . - . . to 30 words: 16 . . I day 1 week 1 month (20 days) YOU COULD BE RECEIVM 15-1- 7 channels on your T.V. for less than ten dollars a month. Call John to see if cable is active in your If you mention the area. Call 531-101- 1. Chronicle, you will get a gree installation. . , AUTOMOTIVE 429 74 VW 1st reo 1975 Sunnr Run mech. cond.. interior as new, AM-F- $460. Rex Rotary Duplicator with supplies 0. $220. Will trade landscaping radio. 534-198- 8. Beck St. Call 77 MONTE Call 422 ... CARLO excellent condition $3,500. or 531-73- rized tape deck, $375, or make offer! FOI SALE. 1982 Honda XL500 xint cond. Call Alan 583-991331 Contact fucker, weekdays 8 to 3, " H FOR SALE 5 acres near capitol reef. Beautiful view. Water, electricity. Easy access 41 HONOA CIVIC WA80H excellent condition, 44 7. 1. 41 - KAKSC meet 355-268- C 521-213- 5. DINING CBSXS Cf lESJUtSN. vsgstar- tan food. Open lunch & dinnerweekend 364-4096. entertainment. 154 E. 200 S. 411 after six or 359-109- 1 - EtlTEtlTAItinENT Wednesday ' SIFT CERTIFICATE, your foot only $104 Call LABTRETRElVER PUPS. 8 wks. $25. Ex Carey classes AEROBIC DANCE MWF 328-357- 422 Valentines day. or for other occasions. Colorful, different, cheap. Call 411 359-600- improve concentration, memory, confidence, lose weight,-etc. 413 Student Rates! call Chrii . SLEISHT-OF-NAN- ' MABIC. B special effects. Witty style. Fraternities, sororities, private parties, Lyle. 44 PRICES- -? Dia- - engagement settings, wedding ' - I IE0R00M CONOO. low 30's, private balcony, pool, cortyard. 330 storage, security. HEALTH INSURANCE: Monthly rates: $28.50 single; $54.50 husband & nwife: $81.00 for family. Other rat3es for ages over 30. Maternity, dnetal, auto also available. ; 943-048- 7. . Mon-F- ri ' 420 - available without a prescription. Strengths ranging from 125 to 325, in pills, capsula and time released form. Working great tor swing and graveyard shifts, also students needing to study etc. etc. Guaranteed to work or your money back. Best prices in towa Stop by our office or call for free ' sample. Ask about our job opportunities. Mega Inc. 3353 So. Main SLC, Utah 84115 262-17- - Guaranteed or 363-227- 8. 420 - FAST. FAST. FAST, accurate typing. or Reasonable rates. Call donna 364- -' 45 after 5:00 41 467-366- 0. 6RAPNICS SUPER SPORT TEN SPEEO. 23" women's frame. Quick release hubs, $75, 10:30 to 6, WArlTEP 329 Sat. . - ROOMMATE It FEMALE Oral-Aur- al c 584-166- BACKPACKERS NUT MIXES, dry soup mixes, granola, dried fruit and more to make your excursion a healthy one at Nature's Way 9th E. 9th S. 41 method. 583-327- evenings. 8 ROOM AND ; 100 330". OBSERVATION of appropriate additional assumptions. Waking Owl Book Co.- 1260 E. 400 S. ; . 330 ! 582-732- 3. CONTEMPORARY PASSION PUT in mime and modern dance. OSH Aud. Thurs. March 331 31, at 12:10 p.m. Free. A . . weekend of April eves. 272-144- 7 W.N., Kallspell, MT. 59901. 41 light plane to Cheyenne, 6 days, 15-1- 7. 364-680- MEET THE DEMAND for travel agents! 8 week course, $675. Internship gives valuable training. v 466-796- 48 CAREERS mass market yours thru Operations Research Int'ljob strategy. Details toll ; free. 420 , FOR FASHION SNOWS and : . 5 'THE .. 329 y EVENT NEEDS WRITERS ft calendar editors for the following depts; film,, exhibits, lextures, music (rock to classical). 4 Call for an appt 330 M-- F average p.m.. weekend by 6 - 322-527- 422 to share 2 TYPHIS 10 years Reports, thesis, diss., etc. 85C pg., U of U exper. 272-595- 4. 44 bedroom apt. SlOOmonth plus lights. 144 0. So. 9th E. CaH Mark . 41 EXPERIENCED TYPIRB TNIRO ROOMMATE etc. FOR apt. - Share in Aves. $132.50mo., MF, ROOMMATE FOR SPR, OTR. REEOED. David 0. 44 Car Insurance To rCsht Good drivers and bad drivers save as much as 25 with us. . Even those with as many as S tickets. Call us for a comparison quote 943-713- 1 , with word processor -pica, elite. Can check spelling, references. Available end of March-throug- h summer. City view, close to U. gas fireplace in ' bedroom. $150 deposit Call 532-319- 2 ,,... . 41 j ; . . 330 467-432- 0. Make offer, NEW ; 41 membership located at Crossroads Plaza Mall. Call: Anibal ' " 41 size 10. satin and lace, reasonable. Call Oolores BEAUTIFUL WEKHNI DOES, 9 or - 268-441-9. , Summer Work 41 r . ':, for students majoring in and Business, Pre-la- w v Communications. Make f 140month' CallS347B2S 'Interviews being held ' S Tuct. March 29th v p.nu, 0 p.mM end 9 p.m. SELL FAST ACCURATE. Reasonable Typing. Near "U". Also Theses Dissertations. Some Pick-u- p Delivery. Sherry 41 363-077-6. ATHLETES! h4atknal Autoflnders brings Fsst buyw and stcg9thfjrwhTi Protein; Powders & Tablets, Natural Vitamins & Minerals, Bee Pollen, High Protein Snacks, DMSO, Whole Grain abvnwdaalrofboth. $25 f90 Hsts your cor with tor 30 days. CALL US TODAY: 521-67- 9 - tor H crppralsal DEADLINES? IVo'll help ycu Health House YOUR CARI us ,41 MALE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for drug research trials. All protocols have been reviewed and approved by the appropriate Univ. review committees. Ages 18-4must be in good health. Report in person to room 407. Oniversity Medical Center from 41 p.m. M-- financial Renumeration. -- F. PROFESSOR FAMILY oh sabbatical from Germany wishes to rent or swap house or house-si- t from July. Car swap also 41 possible. 5834615. AND r LB0KIN8 FOI SUMMER WORK? Call The Southwestern Co. Average student makes S310week i ? 5. 422 needed for MALE AND FEMALE ANCHORS, Newsbreak. Good speaking ability and camera presence helpful. Audition, April 1, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Communications Bldg., Telecomm. Lab basement 41 ACCSKKE N3LV A SXIUinan MARXETASLE exciting med.ical field in just two years. Applications are being accepted now through Aprff 15for LOS Hospitals school of radiation therapy tecnnoioay. .Applicants should have a minimum of two yrs college preferrabty with an emphasis on physical and biological sciences. For information call Carta Rich at 414 6: experienced sales help. Minimum two years bicycle retail sales experience required. Guaranteed salary plus commission based on experience. Qualified only need reply. Bicycle 5 Paul or Fair. 731 East 2100 Souttt. BICYCLE SALES SEEKtNfl ' . 41 SERVICES CENTER needs volunteers to work directly with youth in a THE YOUTH recreational and counseling capacity. If interested please contact Pat Be reck man at 330 535-503- 0. THERAPY OR NURSIM STUDENT PHYSICAL hrsdays to be arranged. Lake S4.50hr. S.E. Salt WANTEB-Nud- e models, legit. S$ 44 ; 485-321- female photographic - 48 464-622-7, VOLUNTEERS FOR HELPLINE. No experience necessary. Training begins this Friday at 5 . in Behavior-Scienc- e building. - 41 i Bcinitogt7;..::''s-,-- ! Conversational Spanish Spanish 20R l(Nonciedit, fee $75 phis $3 special fee) 6:30-8:3- 0 p.m:, Mar, Spanish for, travelers, business person, and anyone interested in an introduction to basic conversational skills. Emphasis is on speaking. .Course is for students with no prior knowledge of ' :' . .. ; . " A NEW WAY TO 261-07- . Continuing Spanish. , Convercation 330 I,.- 277-450-7. SPORTS MALL METRO , 0. 486-572- 6. SERVICES 359-791- TWO call Shawn Spanish. available. Good English skills. Fast, friendly service. Call Karen TYPHIS ,407-140- 6. ; ; Mrs. Nelley. noon-11.0- T t TYPII1G short, long forms INCOME TAX RETURNS, S15-S3- 0. TV commercials $150 per day comm. $10-2shows. No experience necessary. Will train 45 ROOMMATE REFERRALS, listings 41 . y SmcatOa krs7 Yes it is possible (if you work for yourself). My established secure business Is for sale. 268-460-1. 47 ' wsame. $150 close to U, 41 MALE ROOMMATE REEOED scientific & theories: any theory can be made to fit any facts by means of SCHUMPETEfS non-smok- er appointment call - ROUNT TRIP SEAT in some utilities. Call TO SNARE HOUSE 5. or - ' 3730 13 utilities, 330 16 41 w - 487-244- 7. Sugarhouse . not SENEITICS: celibacy is PERSIAN CONVERSATION CLASSES. Adult 710 ISOCM SKIS with Tyrolia 350 bindings, used twice, only" $150 and , Dynastar Omeglass Equipe 207 without 6 bindings only $150. Call days or 968--6962 nights. Ask for Steve. 412 ' TECHNICS SYSTEM. 0 M14 cas. SC rec. 235 turn., EC I Legend XI speakers, only driven on Sundays to church. Call Marc 329 OF (preferably wstereo), FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. JOtS. National Park Co's. 21 Parks, 5000 openings. Complete Information $5. Pvk report Mission Mtn. Co., 651 2nd Ave. free. to share nice big house. $103mo. plus of utilities. Call 322-498- area. $112. mo. high quality rinses, massage oils ft soaps, to at Natures Way kinds from choose many 3 885 East 900 South 330 hereditary. NEEDED -- 486-437- SUMMER ' June at . . , Gary.- MODELS TRAVEL FOR ALL VOUR TRAVEL NEEDS CaH PRODUCTS, CARE shampoos ft BOBY FIRST LAW 45 $800 lirm. Mon-Sa- Roor.ir.mTEs 359-791- SCHWINN . TYPItt SERVICE. " Trlsh. Word processing $96, THANKS 24-ho- strongest simulents FREE SAMPLES invitations, watches. Franklin Computers and software. Salt Lake Jewelry. Michael B. S20 paid for diamond Snow referals. ' 421 Keith. 331 Basic programming $98. Call Martek leaches S1.99. Fictus 364-608- . bands, wedding announcements and. 967- -5688 COMPUTER . PROF. fast turnaround. 359-791-3 7. EAST MILLCREEK .. . V NYPNOSIS can FOR SALE . 41 JO1.10 477-822-6. 3. SEND A BALLOON BOUQUET on 41 484-688- 0, 25097C Los Angeles. 90025. (213) . PREPARATION, graphs, charts for Cats $2.99. black shirts, tiger barba academic, business, professional applfca- White clouds - tion. Distinguish your work Pete 2S1.00. Neons, Zebras, 3S1.00, new 10 gal. aquar. $9.99, complete 45 gift sets S47.99. Salt Lake Aquarhim4689S. PROFESSIONAL , SENEAL66IST TINNEY. 2300 E. 41 Thomas Milton. C.G.R.S. References: Who's EXPECTINB A BABY NO INSURANCE I've got the Who in Genealogy and Heraldry; Sl5hr. policy for you. After 6 and Saturdays plus expenses. English Research: America, . 48 Canada, British Isles. Australia. 922 y v v-yUniversity Village, SLC; Utah 84108 FRANCE PARJS MISSION (Robinson) reunion. ::. . 413 SLC. E. 304 2700 7:30 S., Thursday 331 : 331; INEXPENSIVE RICE. BARLEY, whole wheat - flour, bran, pastas, beans, alfalfa seeds. CELLOPHANES TRANSLUCENT HAIR COLOR. Protein based hair shading without - and many other staples at Natures Way. 9th E. Oth So. t - a- - 44 peroxide. Personalized color brightens up, adds brilliance ft excitement to even the BEBINNIN8 VIOLIN USSONS taught in my dullest of hair from the gentlest highlights home. Suzuki Method call 3594251. 41 to boldest of change. Cellophane leaves hair in great condition. Offered at Scissors t. 4 416 E. 900 So. 52 p.m. 942-542- K Word processing also available. Please call 3644806 (daytime) or 534-151-0 after 7:00 312 p.m. IMPROVE YOUR BRADESt Research catalog, 10.278 topics. Rush $1.00. Box 330 FtSN BBC, clown (class paper, theses, dissertations, etc.) Student rates available. 306 pages. - 47 6, TYPIN6 466-294-4. 5:30-6:3- 0 Art Barn 54 Finch (1340 E.) Katie IE0R00M APARTMENT SIBOmonth. 3 blocks from U. Gaswater paid. After 10 ' p.m. or before 8 a.m. 328-86941 monds 14 ext storage and editing, even right margins, printwheel variety, scientific 52 272-407- 2. location for store or LOWEST wevening appt. at CERVICES 15-1- 6. - 270-747- ANSEL I RICHER QUALITY Mon-S- 422 3. FOR RENT UNIVERSITY. Ideal office. 248 S. 1300 E. nPNBWORO PN0CE8SINB. Let Yale Ph.D. pe vour theses, papers, resumes, letters. symbols, much more. neurosis is communicable. Waking Owl Book Co. 1260 E. 400 S. PERGONAL NEAR 533-969- EXPERT RELATIONSHIP LAW: 330 FUN TIMES: Hy ft Mike's Fun Center features. Pool, Fooz ball. Video games, big screen cable T.V., best burgers. 9132 S. 700 E 41 Fast, accurate, will correct 9 spelling. IBM Sel. II, Linda 322 Sl.OOpage. TYPING p.m. Call Margaret at WANT TO BECOME a certified Aerobic Call Instructor. Clinic to be held Apr. 8248or 487-689- 41 needed to maintain healthy hair, available Tues ft Wed. leaftetttng dorms! No selling! Send S.A.S.E. Box 2062V, Walnut 329 Creek, Ca. 94595. 44 363-129- - 8. to custom fit Sroducts SZGODAY POSSIBLE 41. 0ALEB00T old, positive changes in your life. Every before six. 581-70- - S BJOUP. Make WOMEN'S PSYCHOTHERAPY any sparkling stones for that magic moment? Well ifs your kicky day. I have a beautiful ring with 12 tiny diamonds in a stylish gold setting sor salecheap. Call Kim , non-LO- for meaningful relationship woman, 22-2- 8 and fun times. Call 5334061. 41 skis $40. 2040 off new . 41 equipment Park City WANT YOU TO 00 pop that question to the sweetheart of your dreams but don't have ' SKI SALE used attractive, educated, MNCNO SHRIEKS, 'Take the shirt off my back!" Steal Word Processing pages (1-- 1 or double) for two bucks each (draft final cheaper than typing!). Guaranteed 363-6578--8. 633 - 3rd. perfect. Mon-Sa- t. Ave. (Pose to U). 44 ; MYRNA THE SCISSORS HAIR SALON 416 E. 9th So. Scissors works individually weach client to determine a natural hair fashion best suited for your facial structure ft life style. Scissors also offers a full range of haircare wants to MEDICAL BOCTOS, 31, 7. 1. . 422 583-950-9. 41. " T - . $13.76 $41.28 word rate:. QUALITY TYPIN8W0R0 PR0CESSIH6. Reasonable prices, convenient location, and fast service. Call Mei. 41 about people, we'd like to meet you! Come to Helpline training Friday, April 1, 5:00 p.m. Behavior Science 41 Lounge. For more info call CHILI CARE FOR ONE three year mornings only. Close to the IT, ,V 4122 preparation in your 7. . . . . 16-3- 0 thesis, etc. 14 yrs. experience. Fast accurate service, convenient location 44 home or mine. Call Rex . TYPN8 Statistical, technical, manuscripts, house. $135 utilities, 10 blocks from "U" ANY ONE WHO CARES PERM SPECIAL Reg. $39. Now $25. Includes cut ft style. Good thru April 29. On Wed, Fri ft Sat, only. Ask for Ann. Haircuts still $8. 13th Street Hair Co. 1674 E. 1300 So. ; . . . NOOMMATE TO SHARE SAVE ON ACCURATE TAX LOVE LIKE NEW! Bose 901 IV speakers weq. $650. JVC SEA-7- 0 eq. $250, DBX 2BX Expander $250. DBX 224 tape noise reduction $175, Yamaha M4 pwr. amp. 120 watts x 2. $380, Hitachi compute- F 582-613- 9. UT HAPPEN Jsin 300 ether staieHvi mewn, alee guys. Far dstlsfl ar anrrlaaa, call Sates the arefesskwal Mstchmkar. 322-835- 1 geirnteeal VhR effke atytlRM: 369 Ent BSO lewth. SLC ilXl . 41 330 traveling overseas, THE IUB B0CT0I FIXES VWt SIGHT Reasonable rates, reliable service. 981 82050. Excellent KLIPSCH "CORNWALL" SPEAKERS Fxrllnt M-- . $'3.44 (5 days) month $25.20 . . : Over 30 words: f $.17 per word over 30 plus the BONE CRUNCNINS BASS with electrostatic clarity at $1249pr. Hear the new Acoustats at Discriminator s new store . . 1 ' $ 2.10 $ 8.40 ...... ... . .- , . Products, Herbal Balms, Natural Thirst Quenchers, and Raw Glandulars (available on special ordew).: Health HouseCO 1310 E. 00 0. nc!io tfcem. tirvlcf uta Honrs Copies 00 V CC3-4- S( Spanish 21R-- 1 (Noncredit, fee $75 plus 3 special fee) H 6:30-8:3- 0 p.m., Mar, 31 June 2. Pter'eq.i Two quarters college Spanish or Sp anish or Spanish 20R. OSH 103 Bahonc. Emphasis will be on conversation arid any, special needs that members of the l 230 So. Main class 533-94- 44 cell 5314451 may. have.- - F03MOE INFO: DCE |