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Show The Dally Utah Chronicle, Tuesday, AUrch 29, 1983 Pafe Three Spring Quarter 1903 Cloos Schodulo 105, !' - 1000 East South Campus Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 532-650- 6 in 19 2 Teachings of the Book of Mormon Rel. til 01 2 til 94 01 2 2 41 91 2 Teachings of the Earty Apostles Ptr, Jam & John (Nw Testameno LDS Doclrin and Philosophy, Part III Teachings of the Pearl of Great Price Part II LDS Doclrin and Philosophy (For Adancad Studanta) (Helaman-Moron- Classes begin Tuesday, March 29, 1933 Classes and Friday, June 3, 1933 (801) Rel. Rel. Rel. 1279 Rel. J See Court Cr. Hra. IM. IM It CDFR1M 01 01 Rel. HI 01 8:50 HI 01 Rel. ' Teaching of th Ral. 2 01 til 01 2 01 2 01 2 01 2 , Ill Rel. MC . MS .' H2 Rel-14- . Book of Mormon . ) Pul , - - (Church History-1878-1- 010) . Applying Qospel Principles cial (Leadership-SpeStudies) Teaching of th 2 01 John " 01 2 Rel. no 01 2 Ral. IN 01 - 2 n Rel. Of 2 M 2 Preparing for Book of Mormon M. Madn Dale C. LeCheminant 14 Central Read C. Durham, Jr. 6 Central Dee W. Hadley 7 Central DesnJarman 15 Central Max H Parkin 11 0. Carlisle Hunsaker Course No. See. Hra. Dean Jarman 121 12:05 Rel. 140 01 1 Rel. 400A 01 (Mosiah-Alma- Rel. 101 2 2 01 : Rel. 120 02 2 Rel. 170 01 2 ) Teaching of th Rel. 121 fW. 212 !?r 1" 01' 2 ;.! : 01 Rel. 24 01, 2 02 2 Rel. 411 2 01 Rel 471 - $ 2 Rel. 211 Rel. 141 ; Central , 2 01 C. Kent Dunford IS Centrel Reed C Durham, Jr. Central 11 kiewucler t The Mormon Religion batle course for members with LDSSA Seminar on Religious Issues in Medicine (First class will be held April 4) ' Pel. 140 02 10 Central S. Arngona Dale C. LeCheminant Advisor Med Center Room A Michael O. Bischoff 10 Central Max H Parkin 14 Central The Mormon Religion 1 (A basic course tor members with 8:50- - Central 6 Central 11 C. Kent Dunford "9 Central Richard L Openshaw Richard O. Clark Gilbert W. Scharffs 12 Central 16 Central 7 Rel. 241 10:20 Roots and Origins of Mormonism The Joseph Smith Period ) (Church History 01 - Central Rel. 121 11 2 Teachings of the Book of Mormon Rel. 127 A 02 2 Teachings of the Pearl of Great Price Part I L. 12 Central Openshew Franklin S. Gonzales 13 Central Staff 10 Centrsl Guests Centrel Chapel Edward J. Brandt 10 Central Robert W. West Dean M. Hansen Cultural Hall 9 Central The Mormon Religion 01 Rel. 140 11:55 (A basic course tor members with ' 12:05- - 13 Central 11 Richard ) 11:00- - 6 Central 12:55 Rel. OUR 8:50 Ret. 400C 01 Devotional-Foru- Central 14 Central Biblical Hebrew, MuatcOlM 12:05 v i) (Helaman-Moron- 16 Central - 9 Central Book of Mormon Qean Jarfnen Teaching of th Early Apostles Paul 4 J' Ftankkn St Gonzalez (New Testament) Teachings of the Early Apottla : Peter, James A John John M. Madeen (New Testament) Teaching of th Doclrin and Covenants ' Howard C. Searl (Sections Root and Origin of Mormonism ) Max H Parkin (Church History LDS Doctrine and Philosophy U. Carlisle Hunsaker (For Advanced Students) Methods and Principles of Stephen K. Iba Teaching Seminary , Mcintosh K. Christ Rm. Studies '' Robert - 7 Central Preparation for Missionary Service Preparing for a Celestial Marriage Teachings of the Early Apostles Peter, James & John Reed C. Durham, Jr. (New Testament) Teachings of the Old Testament of Edward J. Brandt the Prophets) (Age Teaching of th Doctrine and Covenant Howard C. Searle (Section Introduction to Teaching Seminary Stephen K. Iba 2 Jesus . LZZI 0:55- Teachings of the Book of Mormon ,2 02 01 02 Celestisl Marriage James Teachings of the Book ol Mormon 2 04 Rel. CDFR 10 Rel. 211 ' .105 Centrel 13 Central Dee W. Hadley Ttmnt) ' ' 'Course 105 Central C. Kent Dunford (Nw Teaching of the Doctrine and Covenant Dean M. Hansen (Sections Robert K. Mcintosh Teachings of the Living Prophets 2 01 Ill 12:05 Carlisle Hunsaker . (Helaman-Moron- v-- 7 Central ) (Helaman-Moroni- Rel. 122 . Franklin S. Gonzalez Centrel 11 Teaching ol the Book of Mormon 2 01 r.. Hour 11:25 Rel IS Central U. (For Advanead Studanta) 12 Central 13 Central Monday and Wednesday Classes continued 11.00 Dean Jarman Dale C. LeCheminant ."''..""' Lif and Teachings of , (New Testament) .(Helaman-Moroni- 9 55 " Preparing for Celestisl Marriage (For Fraahman and Sophomoma) Life snd Teachings of Jesus Christ ,, Rel. 111 14 Central 15 Central ' - (A (Hlamn-Moroni- ) CDFR 100 Franklin S. Gonzalez Dean M. Hansen Richard O. Clark I 2 Rel. 121 . 01 12 Central 16 Central 19 Rel. ) (For Freshman and Sophomores) Preparation for Missionary Ssrvic Teachings of th Early Apostles Paul (New Testament) Teachings of the Early Apostles-Pe- ter, James John . (New Testament) LDS Doctrine and Philosophy, Part III (For Freshman and Sophomores) Teachings of the Living Prophets (For Advanced Students and ' Returned Miaatonarles) Root and Origin of Mormonism 2 01 Howard C. Searle . Robert K. Mcintosh 1 Teachings of the Book of Mormon 2 2 01 Rel. IM Rel. 12 Central ' , SCI BWg. ' 1N R. Rel. . . Rmft J Rl. Ill HELD ONCE A WEEK Court (Helaman-Moroni- . 1:10 CLASSES DAYTIME . Preparing for Celestisl Marriage Teaching of th Early Apostle ' ' (New Tettament) Teachings of the Living Prophets lit Rel. - Im courMt taught "nn (Helaman-Moroni- ' Howard S. Searle JT s 7:4$ i) ttCentral 13 01 01 , ' Prt "'New Sounds" Institute Choir "Institute Concert Choir 'Instructor permission required ' Central 15 Central 11 Central 16 Central 5:00- - Rel. 111 6:40 105 Central Teachings of the Early Apostles-PeteJames, 9 John (New Testament) 00 14 Central r, 7 Central Dean Jarman 5:20- - 7:00 Rel. Ill 01 2 Teachings of the Book of Mormon Rel. tit 90 2 Life and Teachings of (New Testament) (Helaman-Moroni- 1:10 Book of Mormon Teaching of th Rel. 1 Rel. Rel. 11 i) (Helaman-Moron- 11 til Cltil and 01 ' Marries Philosophy, Achieving LDS Doctrine Part 14 Central 16 Central 12 Central Stephen K. Iba Robert K. Mcintosh Dee W. Hadley . HI J Ret. Ml 2:15 and LDS Doctrine 2 01 Part IH . , -- t0 101 CDFR . - Rel. .91 1' 98 tit 9 Rel. , Rel. tllA ' - 2 2 04 Rel. 117 Rel. 8:50 01 2 - , t' a ,j 91 ' flei. HO f" 04 Mi. Tmng For Freshmen and ioehamoraw) . Tsschlngs of the tarty Apostles-P- aul 2 , (Church tn no. Teaching of In Ooetrin (Section and me Worid1 in Mormonlwn Ral. Hi Teachings ef 1 " til' ' Rei . no ' Ral. IM ' ' 99 W. Hal. ' 99 m. ni MM art rWigion Book of Mormon Neoht-Omn- , of the Book of Mormon II Tehlng 94 Pretwration for Miaionry Uf and raaeMnoa of Mho Christ 91 90 91 9f. M HI (Helaman MaaanB j 0Taatamantj i ttm nmtfina iontsilM IM 01 2 taarlt I9 0ntrl 19 Central 11 Centrel , C. Dn 12 Central L Openshaw a dark IChaminant 11 in ,c: Oonulw 9 Central 19 Central Rlelwrd L. Openshaw 7 Central 14 Central ICantral 15 Central " ewsrJ. kandt U. . It Central Kent Dunford Gilbert 10 Central 6 Centrel Teachings ol th Book of Mormon 2 2 Preparing for a Celestial Marriage Teachinga of the Earty Apostles .. Peter, Jamas a John ) Dale C. LeCheminant 14 Central C. Kent Dunford Gilbert W. Scharff IS Centrel Franklin S. Gonzalez Tetmnt) 15 Central fchwM. Cmii MunMr ' ' 12 Central 7:15- - Rel. 9:55 Ill - U 2 01 1 - Rel. Teachings of th Book of Mormon - f ' ' , Rl. 2 ' 89 MIA Howard C. Searle (Hlmn-Moroni- ) (A ' 2 ' ; Missionaries Full-tim- e Teachings ef th Early James A John (New Testament) Introduction to Goapel Principle (Overview of Mormon Doctrine) ' (On Quarter) Apostles-Pet- ' 11 Central basic course for members with n til . The Mormon Religion ' 10 Central er, Central Chapel Reed C. Durham, Jr. 6 Central U. Carlisle Hunsaker I .800. 40 ' in n til i. tn ' If Teachings of the Earty to (Haw LDS Doclrin Rel " Robert (Hlmn-Moroni- ) Rel. 7:90 Teaching of the Book of Mormon Apottles-P- IM N : Rel. Ml ; 99 - Rwl.199 Mcintosh 12 Central -- sul Richard 0. Clark Ttamnt) and Philosophy . : IS Central j 18 Central Lowell F. Wilson . Part , Teechlngs of me Doctrine end Covenant Max M Parkin . (Sections Teeching of tha Uving Prophets . ; Dean M. Hansen NI Rel. K. 14 Csntral ClSCtntral 1:59 . .. Rel. 900B . Preparing for a Ceteatial Marriage a Personal Pnitotohy of Lit II .99 Building DeeW. Hadley Central Chapel Michael R. Urkin 12 Central 9 Central K. Iba 0n Jarman 00 01 12 Central 7:15- - Hnsn 0W.Hadtey Frnklm 12 Central Paul 2 (Mosiah-Alma- ' (New ' 7 Central 14 Central M. Gilbert W. Scharfts Otphri 99 . Central . 15 Central John M. Madsen Preparation for Missionary Service Mormon Religion tor mamban (A basic court , with nonmambara) Douglas A. Dent Teachings of tha Doctrine sm) Covenants ) Richard L. Openshaw (Sections Teachings of the Eerly Apostles (New Testament) 9 Central ' K. Th 1 lit .111 12 Central , and Covenants o( Uvmg rVophel Priesthood and th Living Church , (Priesthood and Church Oownrnantt Mormonlm and tha WorW's Regions luitdlng a Pawonal fhiloophy Tshwgs 01 2 14 Central Iba Stephen Teachings of the Old Testament . .. Edwerd J. Brendt the of (Age Prophet) Applying Gospel Principles (Leadership for LDSSA Officers Only) John M. Madsen . John M. Madam covenant 00 2 .10 5:20 . Richard Richard 2 00 M Rel. Central ' ' 99 Rel. 1W Rel. 140 Ret. c3 t 7 Central of Mormon aw CiMftiMii and Seehomoratl IDS Doctrine and PhHosaehy Part noc Rel. . . - Howard C. Hltory-t7l-1- 10) Rel. Rel. 14 - . ajettn - Robert K. Mchitoan : (New ' '. Ttmnt) Prprttonforfwlofenrtc Tehlng of tha Early ApoMt- sJohn Jm Ptr, TeetamenQ .; .111 - 12 Central 19 Central Ofefarnan-titoron- .11 11:00 Reed C. Durham, Jr J. Lewis Taylor C. Kent Dunford . . (New Introduction to Gospel Principles of Mormon Doctrine) ,v (Overview U. Cwlkrt Hunwtor fCne Quarter) ' ' ' Teachings of th Old Testament Jr. C. Ourham. . (Age of the Prophet) Teachings of the Doctrine and Covenant . Max H Parkin ' (Section Teachings of the Peerl ( Orsat Price J. Lewis Taylor . .. . Roots and Origin of Mermonlsm (For Fwatman and Sophomoraa) nat. Rai. 14 Central 19 Central .. of th Book of Mormon Teachings of th Bo Ill Richard L. Openshaw , Dee W. Hadley Rd 2 2 Rel. 117 9:58 Teachings of th Book of Mormon v (Helaman Moroni) Preparing for Cetastlal Marriag Teaching of tn Old Testament (Age of the Prophets) Teachings of the Pearl of Great Price 97 Rel. 121 7:45 9:55 HELD ONCE A WEEK DAYTIME CLASSES See also Courses taught 7:15- Ml Christ - Central 11 F.Wilson, Lowell . 5) Rel. Jesus 16 Central J. Lawis Taylor ) 11 Central: H Central 13 Central Register Now At Central Institute Building Opsn 8 am 8 p.m. Central - lttO East South Campus Drive Phone: for Information. $5 for (I) or any number of classes. 582-65- CS . , |