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Show BEAR RIvZR VALLEY LEADER. ELABORATE ENTERTAINMENT SHAMEFUL BY SELF-CULTUR- STUDENTS C. CLUB E At (lie beautiful country home ill .Mr. anil .Mi QtOTge 'ttrler. north of town, mi elaborate enter- CONDITION A. BEAK VISIT RIYER YALLEY Prof. E. D. Ball, Here to Inspect Method of filing in I'se Party Of rwtltfy. Headed b given h the Ladies' Club of Garland. The NEGLECT CAUSES MAN'S DEATH Tuesday night a party of Nrenti affair was in honor f the retiring in charge ot Prof, E. D. officers uf the club, and was one of students, Hill of the State Agricultural Permitted to Lie for Days if the most successful events of College, arrived from Logan to the season. Withou-- ' Attention, Finally the system of tiling which Mrs. Carter and seven other lad st in is Here to extensively used by the being Hospital Brought ies, members of the club composed the ur'at Hear Bivei of farmers Crazed Condition. a committee to receive and (tire, There were lliirt. members and Valley. Together with the local business Tlie death at the Whiflock hos- gjjttj invited guests present. A a tool pital in this city last Saturday ot program teas rendered, consisting men. thev were given on rrf nt west Tremontnii ihc comili'v f h Btranger named Edwin Daly, has of music and games, including y auto, there being some tit't'en revealed one of the most heartless ladies' Quartet, and several solos. used to convey them. The cars furnished instances of neglect ever heard fjA e orchestra at the Stacy Orchard ended trio in a civilized oommunitj !fhe music. Following the program a from The man was sufferer iinclnon was served. Co.'s, farm, southeast of Jown a bounteou and from there the students will rheumatism, and was given work, make an extended trip on fcot Club Will Banquet pulling wool from dead sheep, by herders in Blue Creek Valley Two through the farms in the central In addition to arranging for the part of the valley. weeks ago fan became bedfast. Be was able to secure food, bill no vi it of the Sail Luke business one had sympathy enough for him men t the Commercial Club at its WOODMEN STATE CAMP to provide him with medicine, or Inst meeting instructed the COMES TO TREMONTON w ater, which could have been mittee previous! appointed to have to had with little trouble, and he was barge of the arrangement The State Camp of the Modern forced to drink from a mud puddle, proceed with he details of a rou Woodmen ot' America, which met with the sheep. it Price last week, selected this iug banquet for the near future Thursday the mail drivei on the ity as the place of holding the Suowville line brought him to the! quested that he be given a respect HU7 State Camp meeting. The hospital here, where Dr, Whiflock able burial, which wns done. of the society for the meeting and his assistants gave him every who knew of the man's con election of head officers Those he was are held attention, but beyond aid. He was in a crazed condition dition and failed to assist him or and his both was covered by hun- notify the county authorities, with The State Gamp was in session dreds of wood ticks, which had out an doubt, are void of the two days. John T. Butt of Provo caused "tick'' or spotted fever. common instincts of humanity, elected delegate to the Head was He was able to give his name and the name of a friend, Ben Damp which meets at Toledo. Hall residing in Montana, who reHead the Leader for the news. Ohio, in June, and D. J. Russell of Eureka was elected alternate. The local camp was represented by Andy Earl One of the largest camps of the society in the state is located here, and the visiting; delegates will be given a royal reception on the occasion of their visit to the city. The largest and most complete Retail tainment Self-Cultu- wa- - the advertisements are Interesting and Profitable Reading BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL THE E I ol V M.n.ger We take special interest in adjusting HENRV SI disputed claims. Pleasant settlement. By reason of our connections with prominent attorneys we are in a position to handle legal matters of every kind. Phone No. Tremonton. Utah. WHOLESALE BUYING OF ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE, VEAL, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, re COLLECTION AGENCY 0 POULTRY INDOMITABLE 23-A- DUCKS, ETC. I three-piec- Prices Cash Highest Paid at All ROBERT Times Write or phone us and our wagon will couie direct to your home. C. R. Phone KENDALL 'Always at Your Service" iq0-- i Blacksmith and Wagon Shop Horses Shod by the most Skilled Mechanics Special Facilities for Satisfactory Plow Work Courteous treatment Right Prices J HAUL YOU" c4uto Garage HADLEY dm i Either Health, Accident, Life, Fire vid Tornado. Best Companies Lowest Rates McCLURE & WILCOX 1'iemonton, Thoroughly Modern zALL KINDS OF LIVE STOCK We are buyers and shippers of Live. Stock of every kind. See us when you have Stock to seii Highest Market Wyatt Building Prices Always Paid Phone No. 31 16-1- 8 , Mrs. Adam Archibald of Bear River City underwent a minor operation at the Whitlock hospital yesterday afternoon, and is doing nicely. A REAL EMBROIDERY SALE We have just purbhasad over ,100 pieces of Embroidery from a mill agent who needed lhe cash so badly lhat he look a 37 per cent loss in order to clean up quick. By making this purchase we have eliminated the profits of three middlemen. This w ill mean a tremendous saving to you This lot comprises some of the finest Cambric and Swiss sets made, consisting of Inser- P mn onnection. L. M. Here is just one of the many values we will offer during this special sale. Swiss Flowers, 27 inches wide, ualues up to 50c per yard, for 19c per yd. See our Windows for the others GEPHART BROS. GOLDEN RULE ST0SE Throughout Stricltly European SMITH, Manager in plan lYemonton Hotel may LOOK for me every week right here in this newspaper. You'll SEE me.too. I'm glad to work for my drug store, They give you what you ASK for and fill prescriptions RIGHT. Read what have to say. I'll tell you the news every week about my drug store. You I We Serve No Meals Rooms 35, 50 and 75 Cents Kates by Week or Month Attention to Eery-bod- We Pay Special C&4S. M. GROVES, y Proprietor Chris Beck Practical Horse-Shoand General Blacksmith er Druggists Thompson-Scot- t, Better Work Ltah DR. C. O. SCOTT DENTAL SPECIALIST We give you what you ASK for li Vears Actual Experience Permanently located in Tremonton. Painless operations by my new method, making the treatment of your teeth a All the latest featnres of pleasure. Dentistry including new Enamel Woik, Inlay Fillings, ahd Crown and Bridge Work. Plates that will please you. Treatment of Diseased Gums. Prices reasonable. Work Guaranteed for 10 vears. You will no doubt want Lace Curtains, Curtain l Scrims, a new Bed Spread, and perhaps other articles in demand at this time. We have made special preparations to care for your House Cleaning wants See the Lace Curtains on Bargain Table at just half their value. Others in regular stock from 60 cents up to $5.00 th pair. Curtain Scrims priced from 5 cents up to 50 cents a yard. jj WOODWARDS Pool Hall H. T. WOODWARD, Manager A comfortable place to spend a pleasant hour in entertaining recreation Clean and Orderly Conducted Cigars, Tobaccos and Soft drinks Farm Bargains Town Also some fine Property, in the prosperous town of Tremonton, Utah. Will direct you to owntrs of any property in town or country. Yon Deal Direct With Owner For further information call at The Leader office. Inspect the Was! Dress Goods Bargains THOMAS LYNCH Tremonton, on bargain table. Some of them reduced to a small fraction of their original cost. Come early and get first choice. : Straw Hats For the entire family, for both dress and field wear, some priced as low as 8 cents up to $5.00 genuine Panamas. A. Samuelson E, Complete House Painting, Tinting. Kalsomining and all Work in the Painting Line Price Reasonable I'Iidup No, Landvatter he ffoase ofQmtity Utah Painting and Paper Hanging fr Best Work 12 Bros, Buyers of Hay, Grain. PoJatoes PHONE PHONE 13 13 fjkrr mff acta ddtert i&Ac forafyy dollar Do Tremonton, 5? Straw Hats Strive to We HOUSE GLEANING TIME tions, edges and allovers to match. ta Rooms 50c to $1.90 Per day The best Cafe in Northern Utah Co. ANNIVERSARY Salt Lake May Excursions via Oregon jh Line. Tiekets on sale from Utali points May 15, Hi and 17; from Idaho points May 14, 15 and 16. Limit May 20th. See agents for rates and further particulars. L The Shield Hotel . BUYERS AND DEALERS IN Proprietors ee Us For Insurance - CELEBRATION N 0 K W A Y'S INDEPENDENCE & U.URNS, Cars at all times for passenger traf-i- e to all parts of the county. Autos aied for by the day, week or month. Gasoline Supplies Phone 18 AJLt i Market in Northern Utah HADLEY I 'LET corn-eve- Wyatt Bros. Meat BURGE spent-NNiKf- o and All Other Tarm Products Pay highest market p rices all the year round Car Load Shippers Retailers of Above Products Free Deli. cry to any part of City Phone No. 701. Read The Leader for the a " i, |