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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER BLUEJACKETS Spring Wedding Time OPERATE MEXICAN TRAINS IN THE FATHERLAND Putnam Fadeless muss. Adv. Your present 11 here. Gilt difficulties re easily tolvrd it you come to out tote. All the new tilings at little rice. Fine Herling 01 plated ware, one piice ot whole tel. INTERESTING BITS OF NEWS FROM THE GREAT GERMAN EMPIRE. Hlli JALX lArE CITY. WHAT'S DOING t ... IN OLD of sins The spectacle of a man with a fua woman with a past is ture marrying ever present. thing." Important to Wlothere, carefully every bottle of Examine CASTOK1A, a safe and sure remedy fer infants and children, and see that It Battle problems are being drawn up and preparai ions made for the world's largest military maneuvers ever held in time of peace. Approximately f men. or almost of German) s standing army, will partici pate. For weeks the various depart ments of the army have been working out the details for the "kaiser maneuvers" to be held in September. Count von Moltke, who has succeeded his uncle, the famouB late field marshal and great strategist of the victorious war with France, in 1870, aa chief of the German general staff, is personally directing the work of the strategical experts in planning the situations and battle problems to be solved. No less than six full army corps, several cavalry divisions, 12 brigades of artillery, four railway regiments, the entire military aerial fleet of Zeppelins and many squadrons of aeroplanes are to be in the field. The army will include approximately horses. An idea of this array may be gathered when it is said that in marching formation It would make a column 229 miles long. The purpose of the unprecedented maneuvers is to give the commanders actual field practise in handling huge armies, which they would be called upon to command and direct in the event of war. 300,-00- 0 one-hal- HB PHI vyJBJBJj BbbVkBIIiB i Hi 1 BbBBV Bf fl BV$aK: Bw JS"Ss Men from the American fleet showed their versatility by operating trains on the railway from Vera Cruz to the interior, where many refugees were picked up at a break in the railroad. The Richest, Fragrant and most eeon omical TEA for th horns it HEWLETT'S Luneta Tea. Remember you get a full carton of this fine tea for 25c. JACKIES AT VERA CRUZ GETTING THE NEWS half-poun- 50,-00- 0 In the Contribution Box. A visiting minister preached on a recent Sunday evening in a little church on the subject of "Giving.' During the sermon his heart was rejoiced by the fact that a member of the congregation tiptoed over to the side of the church and placed a coin in a box, and a little later another did the same. Surely the minister thought, his sermons had never met with so practical a response before. On leaving, he was accosted by one of the brethren, who said: "I hope we didn't disturb you, sir; but ours is a meter, and we should have been in darkness if we hadn't attended to it." nickel-in-the-sl- Original Definition. For half an hour past the teacher had been busy sowing the seeds Ot knowledge and realized that the time had come at last for her to reap the harvest. "Now, boys," she asked, "who can me what an oyster is?" For a while silence tilled the classroom. On all sides little brows were puckered in strained effort at remembrance. Then a look of knowledge began to shine in little Tommy's eyes. Eager-Jhe raised his hand, and "1 know," he cried. "It's a fish built like a nut! ' Exchange. tell y Part of the crew of a battleship at Vera Cruz perched on one of the guns reading the first newspapers from home to learn their prospects of having more fighting with the Mexicans. h SENOR DON JUAN RIANO FOOD FOR Some Filling. Nellie came to her mistress one morning begging permission to go tc the dentist to have an aching tooth filled. When the girl returned, the mis tress asked: the "Well, Nellie, did you have tooth filled?" "01 did, mum," said Nellie. "What did you have it filled with?' Inquired the mistress. "Oi don't know just phwat It was mum," answered the giri "but from the way it fales, Oi should t'ink it was t'under and loightening he'd put into it, mum." National Monthly. OUR BOYS IN MEXICO can't beat Jones for breaking it gently." "What did he do?" "When Smith went hunting in tin Adirondacks, Jones went and tol Mrs. Smith her husband was a deac ame sport." Another Kind of a Dog. John Uohrer, the Great Dane breed-rwalked along with one of the best dogs of his kennels the other day Two ladies fell upon him with glad mm , cries. "Magnificent," said the first lady. "A wonderful Great Dane!" Then she became arch. "I suppose.' said she, rolling her eyes on Mr. Uohrer, "that you call your Great Dane Hamlet." "No," said Mr. Bohrer. "Ophelia ' Houston Chronicle. Senor Rlano, the Spanish at Washington, is acting for This photograph shows bread being taken from the new type of field ovens in use by the American troops now in Vera Cruz. Huerta there. BURNING OUT VERA CRUZ SNIPERS GASTON SCHMUTZ Boiling the Kettle. Bar Pfcv King Louis, the "Bourgeois monarch" of Bavaria, was taking a customary stroll, accompanied by one of his daughters, when a citizen who had looked too long on the ale when It was brown accosted him. He caught him by the buttonhole and began loudly arguing with him about "these accursed taxes that get more every day." A policeman hurrted up to arrest the intruder, but his majesty said, "Let the man alone; tomorrow he probably will not know what he did today." The duke of Croy, who recently married Miss Nancy Lelshman, daughter of the former United States ambassador to Germany, has turned his attention to business Blnce German court Society ostracized him and his American bride. As a result of his first essay at commercial pursuits the Krupp company has agreed to pay him $5,000,-00for the exclusive right to work 60 collieries in the southern section of The the Croy estate in Westphalia. duke lias told his friends that since society snobs have given him the "cold shoulder" he Is going to work "American fashion." Mrs. Campbell had engaged a new maid. "Martha," said the mistress, on the first morning, "be careful always to boil the teakettle before making the tea." Martha signified her willingness and after an absence in the kitchen returned to her mistress and said: "Please, mum, there's nothln' big enough to boil the teakettle In, 'less 'tis the wash boiler, Bure. National Some time ago the statement was made that the crown prince was shortly to make a trip to America and that his object was to enjoy all the delights of shooting big game in the Rockies. It was generally understood that this visit was to be of a semiofficial character and that he was to pay his greetings to the American people before going on his hunting That this was the fond wish trip. uf the heir to the German throne was generally admitted in court circles, but older heads apparently intervened, and at their wish the tour was temporarily relegated to the list of "possible future events." Then came the more official announcement that his highness would go for a trip to the German colonies accompanied by the crown princess. The idea was hailed with satisfaction by the extreme royalist party, but once again the whole plan has been changed. In view of some of the young prince's indiscreet remarks on subjects of importance it is deemed wise to keep him a little longer under the protecting wing and restraining influence of his august father. After a lapse of two or three years Berlin is preparing to hold another automobile salon in the coming autumn, at which, according to all indications, a strong representation of American machines will be a distinctive feature. American cars, chiefly popular-pricemakes, have won their way into German favor with rapid strides in the past two years. Actual experience with them has entirely belied the slanders of German rivals that the transatlantic products were not worth the attention of European motorists. Half a dozen American factories now maintain big selling agencies in Berlin, Hamburg and other cities, and one or two of them have established branch works 'for assembling the machines and keeping up repairs. Gentle. "You make no Dyes Not Unusual Cose. "Oi hear Casey is havin throuble win his better half." "Yls; Bho wants t' bo the whole HOME Summary of the Most Important Happenings In the Land of the Kaiser Timely Items for the German Readers. UTAH Charity covers a multitude when it begins at home. One touch of fashion may inako all women look like freaks. ''4 Monthly. Wilson has acto be honorary an Invitation cepted president of the American Olympic committee of the Olympic games in Merlin in 1916. In Use For Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fleteher's Castoria When Confidence Returned. The young bride was erchanging oostume for a traveling suit. "Inez," she asked of the rather envious housemaid who was assisting her, "did I appear at all nervous at any time during the ceremony?" "Just a little at first," replied Inez, "but not after Gerald had said '1 do.' " Homo Journal. BLISTERS ALL OVER BODY Hollene, New Mexico. "Our little first broke out in little yellow blisters about the size of pin heads and they itched and hurt so badly he could not rest day nor night. In a few days they were running sores and kept spreading until they were aa large as a dollar. He had them all over his body and was nearly tortured to death, as they hurt him so badly he could hardly sleep. He would scratch and cause great sores all over his face and legs. "We tried several highly recommended remedies but they didn't seem to help him a bit. Nothing seemed to do any good until we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment. We hadn't used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment but a short time before he was completely cured without a scar." (Signed) Mrs. J. H. Northcutt, Nov. 22, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with ;i2-- Skin Book, Address postcard "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. boy Spiritual. The new minister in a Western lst to m m ar mm 1L Oaston 3ohmuti, American consul During the taking of Vera Cruz the Americans were harassed by the at Aguascallentes, waa dragged from a train with a score of American refu- fire of Mexican snipers, who were perched on housetops and In other places, and In some cases the bluejackets found It necessary to burn the buildings gees by federal soldiers and thrown where these sharpshooters were concealed. rnto prison. ( A revolt of Kurdish laborers on the Bagdad railway, In which eight men were killed and many wounded Is reported. The Kurds first attacked the German engineers, of whom eight were wounded. One Austrian and one British subject, it U said, were also wounded par- ish was making his first calls, and when ho reached the home of the I'eevys he said to Mrs. Peevy: I don't think that have seen Mr. Peovy at church yet, have I Sister Peevy?" "Well, no, you ain't," replied Sister Peevy. "The fact is, Peevy like to lay alH'd late of a Sunday morning, and time he get up an' has his breakfast and gets through the Sunday papers an' does his Sunday shavin' an' mebbe an' hour or two of tinkerin' around the house that he alius puts off to do of a Sunday, an' then has a smoke an' mebbe cuts some o' the children's hair or beats rugs for me, or even mops up tho kitchen if I'm hurried time he's done all that it's too late for church. Fact is, Peevy ain't man nohow a real spiritual-mindeat least not the same as I am." New York Saturday Evening Post 1 Never Does. Flatte You were talking in sleep last night, dear, Mrs. Flatte Oh, Is that so! I didn't Mr. say much, did I? "No, dear; I said you were talking." Without a Doubt. Willie Paw, what is an end man' Paw The undertaker, my son. Cincinnati Enquirer. Tell a woman she has a beautiful from nose, and she will get cross-eyeconstantly looking at it. d Simplified Breakfasts Make for good days : From a package of fresh, crisp Post Toasties fill a bowl and add cream or milk. Then, with some fruit, a cup of Instant Postum, and a poached egg or two if you like, you have a simple breakfast that is wholesome and satisfying. Preside1 Wood row Where He Shone. "Yes, sir; Sam Jones Is the lightweight champion of the Soutli Side.' "That so? I didn't know Jones was A prize fighter." "He ain't. He's la the grocery bus! ess." ' Discouraging. Her admirer swallowed hard, pulled at bis collar, and finally made up hie mind. "Lillian," he said, desperately, "let's get married!" Lillian's bored expression vanished. "All right." the (reed, "but who can you marry? " Bears the Signature Toasties are bits of corn carefully cooked, delicately seasoned, and toasted to an appetizing "brown" without being touched by hand. They look good, taste good, and "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Everywhere! |