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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. James Knudsoii, county commissioner, is in town U)da) on A special meeting of the lias heen called fur business.' Oub N. l'ortei came up from g Friday night, to arrange for the reception of the tmsiness men of deu Monda on one of Ins periodSalt Lake, who will spend a few ical business trips. hours m Treinonton on June 1st. The cottage being erected by ('. They will come in a special train, M Taylor in the oath west pint with hrass hand, and other trade-of town ifi Hearing complet ion. ostmg features, and it is the James Cottam of Snowville and desire of the officers of the club thai they he given a royal recep-tiou- . County Commissioner F. Alan E. All members of the clul Roche, an- each sporting a new Hubmobile car, purchased during s louhi attend. CofQ-WflffCli- ll FOR MOTHERS DAY lie linn of Wyatt Fnda tiros, o t tin- - city hipped !!i!'e car loads .J hoc i,, the San Francisco market. They were accompanied b W. C. Wyatt. This firm is always doing a good busi-and hardly a week pa m which doe- - not see them ship one or more car load.-- of live stock la- I -' -- b . At the L. hall Sunday a night, special program will le rendered in honor of Mother's Day. President Milton 11. Welling of Qarland stake will be the principal ipeaker. In addition the following program will be given .Male . Duet. Storv SHIPPED LAST WEEK FYs-da- A Quartette, Girls' Chorus. Boys' Chorus. TWO CARS OF POTATOES tb.9 week. S. I). : - W. T. Hudson made a trip to Commissioners Jno. F. Conley to visit his and F. Alan E. Roche went out Snowville Saturdav on the Midland Trail this morning mother, who has been ill for to inspect the work being done. some time, fie found her 801 what improved. George Woodward of Holbrook, A son of Mr. aid Mrs. John I laho, a brother of the Woodward Bros, of this city, came down .Mon- Cottam underwent a serious opera day and remained two or three tion at the local hospital las' week, b it is getting along as m n as days on business. could be expected, according I" the Floyd Wj'afct, who is attending last report. y the state university, came up Mi'. Farmer, be sure and take Sunand visited until evening e. da off to attend the ball game day with his parents, Mr. and next Wednesday, the 13th. This Mrs. E. M. Wyatt. Attend the game is a lucky daj Senator Hullen of Logan, and and luck will follow you till the a party of land buyers from that year. Besides, your admission fee place and Hrigham, arrived here will assist in building a suitable Saturday and were driven out to hitehrack on the city camping the Blue Creek country by H. E, ground, for your teams. Hadley of the Auto (iarage. The Fidelity class of the M. E. S. K. Jones, manager of the col- Sunday School held a business lection department of the Consoli- meeting and social at the home of dated Wagon and Machine Co.. of Mrs. Geo, Carter, north of town, ofSalt Lake City, and J. E. Duff in, Tuesday night. The following ficers elected for the ensuing year: wife, and daughter Gladys, manMiss Mary Burns, President; Miss ager of the Brigham branch of the Edith Swerdfeger, same firm, are in Tremonton on Mrs. Frank Miller, Secretary j Mrs. Edna Neihart, Treasurer. business, Eatray Notice. SPECIAL PROGRAM THREE CARS OF HOGS FOR THE MARKET Commercial Club Meeting. 's Day. record of Landvatter Bros grain; innl produce buyer.-,Judge Win. V. Knox of Heaver, When it comes to farm proone of the leading attornevs of this leads 'he the ducts, stale, v.a a visitor in Tre state. inonton Sunday between trains. hist Friday and Saturday is the i . . it V.I frort.h limp hall g.'im'f iy Le uc) I journey to see the twees 'he North ami South side tenuis. Game will he played at he tit park. I i Whittaker and E. H. Mr. A State of I 'tali . County of Boi Elder. In the Rawlins l'recinct of said County. I have in my porawgioa the following described estra'aninials which. y if not claimed and taken away, will he sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my place of residence at Thatcher, in Rawlins Precinct, on Friday the 1914. at the 15th dav of May. hour of 2 o'( lock p. in. DSBCNPTION of Ani 'ALS. One brown mare. I or a years old. branded HY 00 left shoulder One bay Oelding, 2 or 3 y ears old, 11 Y branded 00 hfi shoulder. held by me to are estravs Said recover damages to the amount of $2 done to the property of Joseph Berehtole at Penrose. Saidestrays were taken up by tne in said Precinct on the 1st day of May. 1914. PETER C. C. PETERSON, Poundkeeper for Rawlins Precinct THE Rhead, surveyors, went out Monday to Blue Creek valley to establish lines for a number of property owners in that section. AGENCY HENRY SEEOER, kind. Phone No. ROBERT Shop HADLEY "LET HAUL YOU' ) c4uto Garage HADLEY drink or water will sustain lhe human body as to think that merely washing the head Rexall "93" Hair Tonic fremonton Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, 50c and vVe D Stevens Rates by Week or Month Pay Special Attention to Eery-bod- Practical Paste, 25c THOMPSON SCOTT DRUG THIS STORE IS THE HOME OF THE REXALL REMEDIES Co. Shirt Waist Specials We were The variety of designs and assortment of sizes is most complete. fortunate in securing these at a price concession, that enables us to offer (hem to you at the following low prices: Paid $125, $1.50 and $2.00 Phone No. 31 Wyatt Building o: o AND PRODUCE elk skin, good oak Bal cuts. and leather soles, Blacber Nothing wear. Why pay more satisfactory for manner me re when you can boy them here a' t tie folJ toll sixes 12 to 8 12 Boys' Youths' sices 9 to 2 Men - size- All your home, Strive Your Service " to Do Better Work Tremonton, Utah DR. C. O. SCOTT DENTAL SPECIALIST 12 ears Actual Experience Permanently located in Trpmnntm Painless operations by my new methtd, making the treatment of your teeth a All the latest featnres of pleasure. Dentistry including new Enamel Work, Inlay Fillings, ahd Crown and Bridge York. Plates that will please you. Treatment of Diseased Gums. , Prices easonable. Work Guaranteed for 10 years. 1 $2.25 $2-0$1-7- Pool Hall H. T. WOODWARD, Manager A comfortable place to spend a pleasant hour in entertaining recreation Clean and Orderly Conducted Cigars, Tobaccos and Soft Drink Farm Bargains some AI?o fine Town Property, in the rosperous town of Tremonton, Utah. Will direct you to owners of ny property in town or country. Vou Deal Direct With Owner For further information call fct 'Ih Leader office, THOMAS LYNCH Tremonton, I'tah K You can reduce your living expenses ly buying your Groceries here. Let us (piote you prices. Not cheap groceries, hut good groceries cheap. House of Quality PHONE A, E, Saimiebon Painting and Paper Hanging Complete House Painting, Kalsomining and all Work Fainting Line Price Reasonable Tinting. the in Btl Phone Work No Bvytn of Hay, Grain, Potatoes nd All Other I arm Products Pay highest market pi ices all the lound year Car Load Shippers 13 KENDALL 'Always at . The Times Write r phone us and our wnyon will come direct to Horse-Sho- er Landvatter Bros, DICKS, ETC. at SPRING ST(( K OP CLOTHING, HATS. DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY, UNDER WEAK, SHIKTS. in fact everything in wearables for the entire family is most complete. As a matter of economy we invite your liiscst inspection. OI lowing low prices. WHOLESALE BUYING OF ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE, VEAL, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, each Men's and Boys' Scout Shoes shoes. Made oi good quality Paid Revenue is Ec onomy Buying goods that look and wear wear well is economy. Saving money on sary purchases is economy. Trading at a store that enables you to do these things is economy. If you are not already a regular customer of ours, get the habit, and we think we can show wherein, as a matter of economy, it will be to your advantage to ttade with us. We are buyers and shippers of Live Stock of every kind. See us when you have Stock to sell Always Proprietor WOODWARDS c4LL KINDS OF LIVE STOCK imrrr yoa acta dalhrt tiiuc for a crv otwu y and General Blacksmith neces- BUYERS AND DEALERS IN Prices 1111 Hotel Chris Beck -- The largest and most complete Retail Market in Northern Utah -i Throughout 'HAS. M. GROVES, $1 "93" Shampoo Wyatt Bros. Meat iq-O- - Rooms 35, 50 and 75 Cents don't find your sealp healthy and free from dandruff, and your hair glossier, more abundant, more beautiful, and easier to dress, tell us so and yve will That's how much saith we have in this give back your money. treat Ment. H lie Greatest ol Phone Modern- We Serve No Meals X C. I'ta Rooms 50c to $1.00 per day The best Cafe in Northern Utah in :jrinection. Stricltly European plan L. M. SMITH, Manager "The Complete Home Furnishers"' R. For Insurance Thoroughly We Prices 18 The Shield Hotel will keep it in proper condition. Ranges at $7o.(M) Everything else at proportionate reductions Cash Phone T emonton, the proper care of the hair because it offers the needed nourishment for the delicate cells and pores, and invigorates the scalp and stimulates its circulation. Enough for several weeks' treatment $56.50 Each Highest Proprietors McCLURE & WILCOX U Bin Disconnt We are going to sell just three POULTRY & BURNS, Ciia at all times for passenger traffic to all parts of the county. Autos ared for by the day, week or month, Either Health, Accident, Life, Fire lad Tornado, Best Companies Lowest Rates it was considered enough to wash the hair occasionaly, and that nature would do the rest. That theory has been cxplodad. As well believe that a Furniture Market and Wagon Horses Shod by the most Skilled Mechanics Special Facilities for Satisfactory Plow Work Co uteous treatment Right Prices see Us lime was when of either Tonic or Shampoo Paste in each package. After using this treatment for a few weeks, if you NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE SOME MONEY Highest BURGE Blacksmith How to Care for the Hair BARGAINS! k Tremonton. I'tah, 2 is valuable in BARGAINS! Shaw adjusting disputed claims. Pleasant settlements. By reason of our connections with prominent attorneys we are in a position to handle legal matters of every flasoline Supplies E Everything at a Manager We take special interest in . in COLLECTION INDOMITABLE - paper on the origin of Moih A car load of potatoes each day . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Retailer of Above Product Delivery to any part of City Phone No. 701. load The Leader fur the m wf. |