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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. Dr. E. P. Coburn " VKT! KINARV SURGEON SURGICAL WORK A SPECIALTY Professional calls made promptly to any part of Box Elder County or adjoining counties. Phone W 212-- ill be In Tremonton F J rldey of each Utah Brigham A. D. J. W. Goheen CARRIAGE Practices TRIMMER in all Courts of the State NOTARY PUBLIC UTAH. Rigs hours, day night Ladies' Fashionable DRESSES The demand for Ladies' Dresses has greatly exceeded our expectations, and we were forced to place orders for additional shipments. These Have Just Arrived from the Makers They include the latest shades of brown, green, tan, and all black, in the newest fashionable styles, and in numerous fabrics. They are strictly fine garments, and are priced at amazingly low prices. There are a dozen different values from SPRING COATS We have a new Spring Coats for Ladies, a recent shipment. The styles are the new swagger effects so popular this spring. Correct and at surprisingly low prices. WASH DRESSES 75c up $1 to $3.25 - Ladies' Wash Dresses from KIMONAS Ladies' Kimonas, from - Department rocery is as complete as any in town. money on your groceries & Our prices will save you Harris Bros. BOX ELDER'S FINEST STORE SEND YOUR OWN CHECK When yon want to send money to distant points the most convenient way to do it is to send a check. When you semi a check by mail yon insure ourscir ftgfttnd loss, because if the cheek is lost payment on it can he stopped at the hank You lose nothing. and a duplicate hutted. um the best of facilities for handling We offer We can give you prompt fticietit service. Yonr money is absolutely nd still just a.-- available as in your own your cheeking account. and t safe pocket. We invite you fo oven a cheeking account with us. and assure yoti that we will t;ive you the best of service. State Bank ol Tremonton CAPITAL 130,000.00 A. P. Wu. K. M. L 8. Mann. SURPLUS 12,100.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS A. H, hlOSWi Vice President F'i. i.. nt ( has. McCLtiRE. Cashier Wai FnikUot Fkidai,. -- . L M. Wvatt P. M. Hansen. A I WITH LOCAL MERCHANTS A. perienced in the hotel business. Beach I). Lyon and H. B Thompon of Ogden were guests at the Shield hotel Monday mght, en route to visit land which they own in the Blue Creek vallcv. They were accompanied by C. H Thompson, o re of the heavy land owners of this valley. This week we find it necessary to omit an interesting article foi the reason that the writer did not disclose his or her name. We again remind those who send in articles that the name of the contributor must accompany each article of correspondence, otherwise publica tion will not be made. i TREMONTON CHURHES week a prominent Willard was seen to be traveling along the highway lead ing from Tremonton to Promontory, with a big load of lumbef. A citizen of the alley accosted him and asked him why he had bought his lumber at Tremonton instead of some other place nearer home, lie replied that he bought it at Tremonton for the reason that he saved $29 on the one load. Then he added, wit h an air of pride, "1 have purchased some land at Promitttory and now claim Tremonton as 'my' town." This is one of the reasons why Tremonton is growing hy leaps and bounds, and is destined to become the metropolis of Box Elder county. If one wishes to lie convinced of the benefit to be gained by buying of the local he needs hut look merchants, over the trade news in any issue of The Leader. One day last j farmer of Methodist Epucapa1. Preaching services each alternate Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 30 a. m. each Sunday. Prayer ber.'ice each Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev. Thos. Manwaring, Pastor. Baptist. Sunday school o'clock a. m. each Holmgren Sunday at 3 10 "FREE Latter Day Saints. Sunday School each Sunday at 10:30 a. m. ; Public worship at 2 each Sunday afternoon; priesthood meeting at 9 a. m. 1 TO ALU 0(BRCM5MPPER5 Sunday morning; Mutual Improvement meeting at 7:30 in the evening.. foCimDlJWEK T IMPORTED JA?AKl$ German Apostolic. worship each Sunday at 9;30 Rev. Henry Baer. Pastor. Public a. m. with Purchases op Miss Manta Stone, for some time a saleslady at Fishburn's left to reside Sunday for Montana, with a Don't forget that ball gome! brother. Central Pool Hall Last Saturday while sitting in PO SALE BT a room at the home of her mother, Baki.k & Con,, Props, Mrs. Daniel Boss, Mrs. Leonard ALL NLW EQUIPMENT Montelo was struck by a spent Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobaccos Golden Rule rifle ill bullet from a "The Cosiest Place in Town" t the hands of the "Come any time stay a long time" Head the Leader for the news. "small boy." The bullet entered through a window, breaking the B. Tanaka, a successful Jap glass to fragments, passing Practical anese fanner who resides east of through Mrs. Montelo's clothing Home Veterinarians town, returned Monday from Seat and lodging in the flesh at the neefc. A physi tle, to which place he went to right side of the meet a young lady of his national- cian (tressed me wound, wincli ity, who came over from the land was slight of Mikado to become his bride. They were married at Seattle, and the couple returned here to reside. A large number of headaches Thos. E. Reese, foreman of the caused hy eye strain. Nothare Leader mechanical department, is ing but glasses properly fitted It's a big stepping high these days, and if will stop such headaches. We book, prepared by Dr. the words "da, da," or something have made a special study ol David Roberts, the celebrated veterinarian, imimilar, should appear in today's eye strain and with, our which tells you all about the ailments of your Cows, for testing proved facilities '.ere there appaper in places Horses, Sheep, Hogs and Chickens. Cattle, eyes can tell whether you need Dr. Roberts' We pears to be no occasion for them, have Prepared Prescriptions Better have glasses or not. at our store and we have right here it is well to explain that it will be your eyes examined now before a copy ol the grand book lor you all because of a new irl jvhich they are permanently injured. Veierinarian of Dr. Roberts Is the greatest live stock authority if the country. Wisconsin, Lecturer anil Writer on Livestock Diseases. Hie veterinarian who is called far We carry a complete line of took up her abode at the Reese ones he uses in His are the animals. treat and near to Prepared Prescriptions his own practice, the things you have nM for scores of times every year. The hook geta reliable Watches, Jewelry, etc. ever home Sundav. read have down closer to stockmen's needs than atything you posts you on symp- Gephart Bros. Store er ever-prese- nt Live Stock Men, Youdonthaveto Send away for this Grand Book . $2.25 to $15 Waldron That ball game! Tomoirow (Friday) a series of athletic events, together with a general picnic and luncheon, w ill be held by the children of the pub-l- i schools at the ball park. State Road Engineer B. B. Morgan, arrived this morning to make an inspection of the work being done on the Midland Trail in the west part of the county. is no WELL DKESSED-Th- ere excuse for any man not looking well dreed. We can like he make yonr old clothes look like new, hy cleaning and pressing them. The Texas Tailors. DlRj)ECTORjr ' W., Done. FAR TO TRADE TRAVELS tramtA (i. Ileder of W. T. HUDSON and Mr.-- . J, MarCarter, shal of Lyman, Wyo., were in Liyery, Feed and Sale Stable town Wednesday negotiating vith David Holmgren for the rental of Horses Bought and Sold his new hotel. The three are t x or Good at all Repairing Prornutly and Neath (to That Mr. and Mrs. HARNESS TREMONTON McGUlRE ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Manufacturer of Light and He&v; 5 week City and Vicinity. 184-pa- ge rnrp fKLL e high-price- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Loy, par ents of Mrs. L. M. Smith, left last Saturday after a visit in this city of four months with Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the Shield hotel. They intend going direct to Chicago to visit with a sister of Mr. Loy for a time, later proceeding to Connecticut to visit Mrs. Loy's brother, and will reach home in Portland late in the summer. Ordinarily a ball team is W. E. QETZ The price will bring you back o Fell left Monday for the southern part of the stale in Ihe interest of the Utah Exploitation Co., a corporation which has been organized for the purpose of installing an exhibit at the San Diego Exposition which will recite a history of the Mormon people, from the appearance of the angel Moroni before the prophet Joseph Smith, down to the fall of 1913. The enterprise has the endorsement of the church leaders, and its promoters are meeting with apparent success in disposing of stock. Sj. Kecent electrical additions have done much to increase the appearance of Main street, at night. Tl Thompson-Scot- t Drug has hail a circle of lights placed around the entire front of their store, and Hadley & Bums have erected A number a neat electric sign. of colored lights have been placed to the Elite over the entrance theatre. Now, if those merchants who permit their windows to remain dark during the evening would use a little, more light, especially on Saturday nights, the effect would he most pleating, the street La pretty although thoroughly lighted at pr lent, ' It com- posed of nine men, but. for the coming game between the North and the South sides, the ooutbsid-er- s have an array of forty-twplayers, according to the official list. As to what they propose to do with this aggregation we do not know, unless they propose to bind and gag the North side team in case defeat seems inevitable. toms and diseases, tells you what to do and how to do it. We have brought the advice and the treatments of the famous vetei inarian right lo your door. And the big book Is absolutely free. Call for your copy. Pat these most valuable prepared prescriptions on R Lloyd Princess CK Cart u SPECIAL SALE Any piece of Furniture; anp Range or Piano; all Rugs; all Wall Paper. In any store or crtalogue. Same prices, same discounts here. T iriiiiiiiiiiii jc it-- at. i WHITLOCKS . DR. I d; rt aJt . . PRIVATE HOSPITAL HM III' Hill" I Equipped to give best of service to those requiring the care of a hospital Competent Nurses Thoroughly liquippcd Operating Room Electric Heated Steam Lights Building Open to any Physician R. V Phone 20 Inspection always invited DR. J. R. WHITLOCK, Resident Physician ilU |