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Show THE LEADER. Thursday. April 22. '1954 ment meeting, it being our Ward Theo Conference. Richards, of the Sunday School Stake by La Von Nish Board visited Sunday School and Warren Hansen of the High STAKE OFFICERS Council and Mrs. Potter and VISIT DURING Mrs. Johns also attended meetings. The singing mothers furnWARD CONFERENCE ished the music. Molice Vanderhoof, diughtcr (Received too late for last of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Va:iteilmof week's issue. I The Stake Presidency were at was taken to the Valley hospital our Sunday School and Sacra- - Monday evening where she underwent surgery for an PLYMOUTH Stop Wishing Nl) KITCHEN ylkTOPS gives you . . . FORMICA BEAUTY COLOR STAIN RESISTANCE LONG LIFE Enjoy new charm and utility Jth genuine Formica In your Mrs. Charles Dewey of Ogden and Wanda and Galea Giles of iodayl Free estimates. ALLEN'S "HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 5956 ANDERSON LUMBER CO. 209 W Main Si. Phone 2091 t LUMBER E CO. Phone 59 D West Main First in 3-- j the Steed home Friday evening. Visitors at the Orvil Nsih home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Capener and daughter Connie of Garland, Mr. and Beauty Bonded Formica TRI-STAT- dinn-j- i'psom. Mrs. Marie Peterson, mother of Mrs, Don Steed visited at kitchen. Makes your home Brighter your chores lighterl Boiling water, alcohol nor fruit acids can harm Formica. More, It never needs refinish-In- g . . . wipes sparkling clean with a damp cloth. Over 60 glamourous colors, including the exciting new Sunrise color line styled by famous Raymond Loewy Associates. See 23 E. Main birthday Tremonton. Mrs. Jane Udy and Mrs. Effie Estep were in Ogden Thursday to attend sewing classes. Mrs. Jane Hess went with them and spent the day visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eva Sunday. In Hospital Mr. and Mrs. William J. I less are spending much time with their daughter, LeNore Sylvester of Riverside who is ill and their granddaughter Peggy Sylvester who is in the Valley GIANT DOUBLE FEATURE WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY. APRIL 21 - .ix, vv.v.:.' . m . and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roche and family spent Sunday with their parents, M. and Mrs. J. J. Hadfield. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ward an- .'amity of Salt L.nke City vis'ieJ t!icir parents, M. ond Mrs. .Ait Ward. Mr and Mi. Murray Mjj? and family of Salt Lake City visited Mr. and Mrs. Deloss Udy and family and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ande son and baby of Tremonton visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg. , Mr. and Mrs. AI Bowcutt anr family of Salt lake City, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Bowcutt. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fo;sberg, Mr and Mrs. Paul Forsberg, Mr. ,nn Mrs. Gordon Smith and faini':' of Fielding were a: the cemetery 1 Sunday dinnere guests at the George Archibald home were Thomas Babbit, Mrs. Tom Babbit Jr. and two daughters of Malad. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Archibald and two children of Blackfoot, were also overnight guests Sunday. Other callers during the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Archibald of Pocatello and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harris of Malad Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Estep, Mrs. Nessie Vanderhoof and Mrs. Harriet Archibald spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Estep. Mrs. Archibald stayed with the Fred Aphekians where she is making her home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams and two daughters were in Malad Sunday to visit Mrs. E. R. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hess spent Sunday with their daughter and family, Mrs. Sarah Moon of Farmington. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hess in Ogden on their way home. Mrs. Rulon Rudd took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steed back to their home in Virginia, Ida., after she had spent a few days visiting their daughter and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Rudd of Ogden were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rudd. , ' 1 g 'rms 1 RUSsttr: KIRK . ANDKE OtTOTH Threat From Outer iwwmsi Three Tremonton Men In Korea Mrs. THEATRE-TREMONT- Children 20t Adults Monday and Tuesday. April 26.27 50. Closed EVERY SUNDAY HEMOT I '".L UtS TMrtfS MICHAEL WILDING-MARGARE- LAST OBW case L0CKW0OO T JERRY r.7Arrrrrj-.iB- v monton. Both men are clerk typists in Headquarters and Service Company. They entered the Army ..... Daubs' mImFMI11A8-PAIC80WLE- Plus Two COLORED CARTOONS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY APRIL 23, 24, 25 AT M00NUTE DRIVE-I- N "Prisoner of Zenda" IN TECHNICOLOR STARRING Stewart Grander Dehra Kerr Three Cartoons 12 Children FRtEE whe Admission: ADULTS 50c accompanied by guardian. First Five Cars each night admitted FREE! Coming April 30, May 1, 2 "YOUNG BESS" IN TECHNICOLOR join tBie TRlnrill of uDkb Momttlh Oknil tto fTx-- n . J! . (DMb? Ilk a great experience r' SEEMS people during April through the Thrill Of The Month Club. V8 power responsive, of new record might and silence and the thrill of getaway with the complete high-compressi- on and utter smoothness of Dynaflow. Twin-Turbin- e It's the thrill of having swift, sure and superbly easy control with Uuick's amazing new front-en- d Power Steering, geometry, Safety ng ride, You join simply by driving the car. And torque-tub- e new performance. sitting in supreme spaciousness and luxurious interiors. It's the thrill of driving with the panoramic visibility of a new windshield. kind of It's the steadiness. It's the thrill of back-sweepin- thrill of commanding instantly g It's the thrill of this month or any month and we cordially invite you to try it, at the wheel of a Buick CENTURY. Whether or not you are ready right now for a new car, we'll be happy to have you join the Thrill Of The Month Club-j- ust by taking a demonstration drive in a 1954 Century. It's a great experience too good to miss. Drop in this week for sure 1 Standard ROADMASTEJt, tptiomal at txtra tktr Serbs. MILTON Ml h$ BERLE STASS FOR BUICK th Bulck-Bc- Show Timtdoy Evwbigt SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 to 28 L:rE"i:t;:unra ( 4) razE 3 Tfw'i BLANKE tkm WHEN BETTER iomorrow-itjlt- d AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WIU BUILD THEM ' AM M JOHN TWItT mmmitwk The MOVIE for the ENTIRE FAMILY Give Your Family THAT "So Big" Treat tukk't wiodthitld that fojrnota oil 1954 tukks. STEVE FORREST MO! it totionat fnrformr fft CfNruir, shown for in ffc tfwnning kirltra "Sordfop" mod, with 12$i(ffi STERUNG HAYDEN NANC y OLSON -- HENRY the beautiful buy i:;m on ike scrum MMw PHONE 2311 T WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. APRIL 28. 29. 30. 31. Pvt. Bennett is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Aarl Bennett of Tre- . ON NEW LOW PRICES ials. Pvt. Allen R. Barfuss, 20, whose wife, Erma, lives on Route 1, Tremonton, is serving with the 24th Infantrv Division in Korea. Private Barfuss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barfuss, Tremonton, is a rifleman with the 19th Regiment's Company E. He arrived overseas last November and had been serving with the 45th Infantry Division, which returned to the U. S. recently. Pvt. Derek Gent and Val D. Bennett are both serving in Korea with the 1343 Engineer Combat Battalion. Pvt. Gent is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gent, Agnes Burnett Easter with her daughter, Delbert Wood and family in Farmington. Florence Udy accompanied by Louise Udy, Edith Udy of Fielding and Cleo Forsberg spent Friday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Davis and family of California spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, parents of Alton. Class Party Myrle Udy entertained her Sunday School class at an East er party Friday afternoon. An Easter Egg hunt was the main event. After several other games luncheon was served to ten class members. Jesse Davis will be in Provo for the summer. His work begins at once so he left Mon day. Leonard Bishop of the Stake High Council was speaker at church Sunday night. A good crowd attended. Mrs. Helen Capener, Mar Lee Capener, Mrs. Joyce Cornwall and children were in Salt Lake City Friday. Mr.and Mrs." Max J. Kennard and children Carolyn Marcia and Janis, and Mrs. Ruth K. Eltinge and children Kennard and Emmaree of Salt Lake City visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kennard. Mr. Kennard is the father of Max and Ruth. LIBERTY New Three Tremonton men all of them Army Privates are on duty with the armed forces in Korea, according to army offic- in September 1953 and combasic training at Fort spent pleted Leonard Wood, Mo. Mis. better. you discover the reason for the name when you take your drive for it initiates you to a rich new thrill from a spectacular SECOND BIG FEATURE A e JEFLUBS WarnerColorJI LEX BARKER - PHYLLIS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kennard spent Thursday in Salt Lake City Medical Care Friday, the Silvesters we.-- hi Salt Lake City where Sandra was given medical attention. We are happy to report she is We haven't seen such interest in years. So we Buick dealers across America have to 1,500,000 arranged to offer a guest-driv- e 3 TM Burnett 'wwcwi8a. Randolph i with lie ?nd spent some George Forsberg. Students Visit Many young people who are either going to school or are away, with some working, guests spent the weekend here. They are: Barbara Ward and guest Carol Warburton, Paul Capener. Lola Hales and guests Betty Hales and Gary Giles, Ward, and Diane Marilyn Bourne. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield and Mrs. Doris Roche and boys spent Monday in Ogden. The ladies of the Birthday Club honored Ethel Richards at her home Wednesday for her birthday anniversary. All members except two were present. Mrs. Agnes Burnett iccom-panie- d her daughter, Mrs. Hor-to- n Nish to Malad Wednesday to attend the funeral of Margaret Mary McKay, sister of Mrs. everybody wants to ge t behind the wheel of a 1954 Butck CENTURY and drive this great performance car. From: Warner Bros, in a Relentless - Storm of excitement! ,'.wnniwai m EASTER SEASON BMNGS VISITORS 24 ON GIANT WIDE SCREEN 1 By Myrle Udy and Giant Wide Screen D Utah ton. ie RIVERSIDE Friends and relatives from many places visited .in Riverside over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Frazer and family were with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy. Mrs. Udy i3 Mrs. Frazer's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geary held and family of Salt Lake City was in honor of Lionel Mason Sunday at his home. Relatives attending were the Kai Brockman family of Garland, the Ivan Lloyds of Salt Lake City, the Ray Andersons of Bothwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason and daughter of Willard. Leaves For Ranch Newell Nish and son, Don and Ruth Elaine Price and son 'Ricky, left for the Nish farm in Buffalo, Mont., Thursday Don Steed, Don Welling and Ray Udy returned to Escalante after spending the Sunday weekend with their families. They are working on road con struction. Mrs. Ruth Goddard of is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Newell Nish. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Vander hoof silent the past week at the Ed Vanderhoof home. They have now moved to Tremonton to make their home. Ray Nielsen returned to his wark at Tonapah, Nev., after spending a months vacation with his wife and son. Undergoes Surgery Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Archibald had their 'grandson for a week while his mother, Mrs. Dale Cash underwent surgery at an Ogden hospital. She was able to return to her home Sunday, Mrs. Myrna Nish and Mrs. Max-in- e Marshall visited her at the hospital Saturday. Mrs. Don Steed was in Salt Lake City Thursday and also in Ogden Monday evening where she was a guest at a party at the home of Mrs. Darlene A Tr-mon- TREMONTON. .UTAIl |