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Show THE LEADER. Tremonton. Utah SNOWVILLE Leah, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Al Robbin of Og-de- n to Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Talbot were in Logan Friday. Joe Lundsren of Ogden a room mate of Floyd OMar An- daughter, Christine Peterson Mr8; Trousseau Tea Honors Bride Of This Week derson spent and Gordon Peterson the weekend with the Mrs. Doyle Cutler entertained boys, e in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Erma Sorenson visited in at a trousseau tea at her Howell Wednesday with Mrs. : Dar-len- home Sunday. Mrs. LaDene Zundel sister of the bride greet ed guests at the door. Joyce Hard sister of the groom and Joan Rose poured. Many relatives and friends called, Clair Eliason, Glen Cobla, Leo Warren Hickman, and Leonard Cox, David Ward and Jim Stokes under the direction of their club leader enjoyed the county club outing at Franklin Basin last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Arbon and 4-- H , Sampson Mrs. Ruth Bowen and children Sharon, Karan and Bobby, of Malad visited Sunday at the Laurence Anderson home. Mrs. Menah Rose and daughter, Joan, were in Salt Lake Monday where Joan received medical treatment. Mrs. Erma Sorenson, Grace Anderson and Christine Peterson were Logan visitors Camille Cutler attended a Trousseau tea in Tremonton, for Eleanor BallardLEGAL NOTICES Sunday Snowville and Stone Ward Probate and Guardianship No- Trail Builders enjoyed a Fun tice Consult Clerk of District Da Lay party at Snowville WedCourt, Briffham, Utah, or the re- nesday evening. Parents of the boys were guests. They played spective signers for further games and enjoyed a weiner land marshmellow roast, five stake Board members were NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Frances M. Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Steed and Deceased. son, Randy, of Clearfield visitCreditors will present claims ed with Mr. and Mrs. Norman with vouchers to the under- Talbot and family Sunday. signed at Tremonton, Utah on LaNez Larkin enjoyed a canor before the 15th day of Sep- yon party in Logan Canyon with tember, AI, 1951. the girls of the Elwood ward Joseph E. Fredrickson from Tuesday until Wednesday. Administrator of the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arbon visFrances M. Fredrickson ited Saturday with Mr. and Deceased. Mrs. Jesse Arbon. Date of first publication, July Mr. and Mrs. Alma Larkin 12, AD., 1951. had as their dinner guests SunO. Dee Lund, Attorney at Law day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis JohnFirst Security (Bank Building, son and family of Garland. Brlgham City, Utah, Attorney Mrs. Fern Jensen of Brigham for Administrator. mother of Mrs. J. W. Larkin. to 2 Mr. and Mrs. Reed Larkin ena trip to Montana last joyed NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Fred-rlckso- n, Thursday, July Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish Jr. were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kendall of South Weber Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howard of Salt Lake City, called on Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish Sr., on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Roy, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish Sr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Harvard of Washington, called on relatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Burbank and families tpent Sunday at Cub River with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bur- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Holiday Ogden Saturday. Mr. and Mrs- D. G. Nelson Jr. of Ogden called on Mr., and were in Salt Lake Friday. Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Bowhius, Sunday Emma Eliason of Brigham ac- evening. Mrs. Melvin Burbank accomcompanied them home for a visit. panied her father, Mr. William Visitors at Ward Conference Rose to Ogden Saturday. Sunday evenin?. were President Bill Rose of Bear River City Charles Wood and High Councalled on his sister, Mrs. Melcilman Derwood Palmer. Also D. vin Burbank On Saturday. Alma Larkin of G- Nelson and called on Mr. and Sunday they the highcouncil. Mrs. Dee Dorman of Ogden Mr. and Mrs. DeLome Arbon Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Anderand Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steed of son of Ogden, spent Saturday Idaho Stone, enjoyed a trip with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday to Salt Lake City. Lloyd Lish. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Neal and Reta Earl returned home family of Malad, Idaho visited after spending two weeks with with the Doyle Cutler family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kammeth Sunday. - - of Bountiful. weekend with his sisters, Nina Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weedon and La Gene, at Pocatello, and daughters returned home Idaho. Saturday after a trip through Yellowstone Park and a visit Weedon's Mrs. with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fronk, in Burbank Mi Lorin Mr. and of Mrs. relatives company with and her sister Mrs. Joe RichFronk, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert in Bozeman, Montana. Harris, Mrs. Dick Henefer and ardson Connie Harris spent the three day holiday at Yellowstone Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Broadhead Park. and daughter, Joan, of Salt Lake called on the Conrad StifMr. and Mrs. Gaylen Hansen fens enroute to Cardstone, Canand two sons of Austin, Texas, ada, to visit their son, Kenneth, were guests of the R. M. Bones who is a companion of Tom this week. Steffen in Edmonton. Send Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gardner and family were Sunday bank. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ruests of Monday evening Bert Stokes at Penrose. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Burbank Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newsome were Mr. and Mrs. n Spence of Salt Lake City, were Sunday of Ogden. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ella Hunsaker and son DEWEYVILLE Ruth Barkle Scouter Attends Camp Fete 26, 1951 from Ahl-me- Flowerlane Floral Chris Hansen. Lynn of Cokeville, Wyoming Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leise of spent Sunday with Mr. andj were at Camp Keisel Thursday American were and Mrs. Jess Earl. Falls, Idaho night to attend Ladies' night weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Madsen with the Scouts. Warren Haycock. and family left Sunday for a Mrs. Guldeas and daughter few days at Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Marble Marlene in Mrs. Herman Clossner and and son of San Franspent Sunday evening Brigham canyon with members of; cisco, Calif., called on Mr. and daughter Jannice of Logan, Mrs. Jess Earl Sunday. their family. and Mr. and Mrs. Parley AnMr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowhlus Mr. and Mrs. Keith Austin derson of Ogden, were dinner, and daughter spent Sunday at of Garland were dinner guests guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis ton, Utah with Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fryert Johnson Sunday. Mrs. Lynn Wheatley. Dale Quinlan Saturday. spent the Formerly KORTH FLORAL TREMONTON SYLVEN and COILA HALTINER Owners Phone 3451 Sundays and Evenings 3452 Delivery Service 8-- week. Estate of Alfred Kunz, also Alma Larkin and daughter, known as Alfred G. Kunz, De- Phyllis were in Salt Lake Satceased. urday. Florence returned home Creditors will present claims with them. A with vouchers to the 'undersignlarge crowd enjoyed the ed at Tremonton, Utah, on or wedding dance Saturday night before the 1st day of December, for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurd. The A. D., 1951. young couple received many beautiful and useful gifts, durFERN W. KUNZ Administratrix of the estate of ing the dance an interesting Alfred Kunz, also known as program was presented. Musical G. Konz, Deceased. numbers were, solos by Doyle Date ol first publication, July Cutler and Diane Meachan, a violin solo by Dorene Meacham 12, AD., 1961. "Walter G. Mann, Attorney for of Brlgham. The young couple First Security will make their home in SnowAdministratrix, Bank Building, Brlgham City,' ville. Mr. and Mrs. DeLamar Cutler Utah. to 2 and daughter, Patsy, were In Al-fr- ed 8-- -- More Outstanding Values Sealed Sweet, Outstanding Value No. 2 can TANGERINE JUICE CORNED BEEF 10 S. A. Double Bed Size Circle - ORANGE JUICE LEMONADE RoalGoM c 6 ox. Wolch's Coneantrotod Crop. ox. eon Juke, Prosh frown lllirr JUKE DC AC 8,Ak'Promt Th STRAWBERRIES rCHj ICE CREAM OLIVES 11 ax. pka. II ox. picS. Aittd. Flavors Sonar, OrMti 6V ei. bet. 1 21; 13; JUICE 'Sj Ljf 20; PICKLES Jjf 43; 23; - 15; TEA TEA BAGS 49; rZlio.. FLAVORADE BEVERAGE ' SK- Upton's Black 15; Ml Air, lomon MARGARINE Sproad 16 22 ox. ST" STy COTTAGE CHEESE BUTTER MILK Dairy Olon, Prosh, Croainy froth Orado BREAD BREAD Mrs. Wright's Skylark, Enrkh.d SALT IV, fc. loot IVi lb. loaf D.lkious Roil pki 26 ox to Roady To Eat lunch Meat 12 ox. can SNACKS Eft, 52; V. 31; 12; 45; 39; Jnltlfflr 29c Sox. ca. SmaH 39; OYSTERS GuH 4 ox. can Tlltl A HCIl Ooorwator No. Flakos 25c iumh run 76c DOG FOOD BEVERLY 20; 23; Pooch No. 1 tad Poanut Butter, Chunk 1 2 ox. or Regular 9; 36; PEACHES CORN TOAST Regular $6.90 NOW $L00 Choice of 4 Good Colors I V BOILING BEEF rtJCECC MildWostoni, VllCCJC Good for Any Moal HAMS Moos - ft. CC DOf Cantor SHcos PICNICS s.on .Smokod Gephart Stores Co. "Buy for CASH and PAY LESS" Shank Phxo 39; 49c 53; .1.19 43; SUGARS N Fine Beet, Buy Now for Canning 25 lbs. S2 M 100 lbs. 10.10 Graded Chuck or Blade FRYERS 59; 69; 69; Roady for tho Paa SwHYs FRANKFURTERS Pmn. ft. CQj . Loin End or C PORK ROAST ft. GROUND BEEF HALIBUT N N ittW' Jtf .63; n.59; COFFEE Airway, Fresh Ground Nob Hill, Top Quality Tasty Cheese Food 2 lb. box Sweet, Ripe Klondykes CANTALOUPES Thick Moat TOMATOES ZJXSi $p"iaJ POTATOES COLO CUTS b. ma in 33c 9c Gold Coast, AppU Sauco No. 303 can Tasty luncheon Meats, Fine Assortment Oven Fresh, Sodas 24c Vino Ril Chenille Bedspreads CRACKERS la. 22 ox. Whit Star, TUNA FISH Grated No. 27c Gold Cor., Tasty for 1 SALMON AnyMoal taflccm 47F Boy, Msatiess DINNER Chof can 41; Spaghetti SAUCE 10; oi. ,, :mnja""" , Prices Low 19; A COFFEE CAKES Sandwich 6 for ment SVi ox. ZrJT Bars Assort- 46 ex. , M. Typical Safeway SOUP 39 can Church's, Appl. JUICE CANDY N Lunch Box 22 39 fin. 2 oz. mum, lb. lb. . S. No. r b.. n. I, Bantam PRICES PRODUCE Fancy, Full Flavored Hales 9c 24c CABBAGE 23; LEMONS 20c LETTUCE 2Vi lb. 19; .. ORANGES SUBJECT TO OAIIY Lb. lb. ft 19c for 32; ZEST lb. Sunkist, Juicy U. S. No. I, Solid, Crisp 5; 10c 15c 13; MARKET CHANGES Miscellaneous Values GRAPEFRUITS CHERRIES Uoro, COCKTAIL R.S.P. 830 85c No. 2 coo. 25; 36c Srt,o. 3.39 FLOUR Hs.miina. FLOUR SiCf KERR LIDS 18; Regular MKM. son. 2 dax. 3.99 25; PAR0VAX PECTIN Suro Jot, 2 ox. .- 3- 12; PECTIN JAR RUBBERS RALSTON KS VINEGAR Old M1H, 12 ox. pkg. CMor gal. 19; LI OJFj |