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Show Thursday, July, THE LEADER. Tremanton. Uui 26, 1951 FIELDING . I MRS-- FLORENCE MUNSON THE Club Holds NEW Annual Party The Social Development Club entertained their partners at their Annual Summer Party Friday evening. It was an out doors party and was held at the FRIDAY and SATURDAY, July 27 - 28 I I SUNDAY - Special Attraction MONDAY July Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Randolph Turpin in 55 Minutes World Middle-weig- Alan Ladd as U.S. Mail Crime Fighter "Covered Wagon Trail" re LIBERTY THEATRE "Appointment With Danger" Second Feature Rocky Lane in home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Luncheon was served Welling. Tremonton and the evening was spent at SERIAL playing bingo. The party was in charge of the entertainment committee who are Mrs. Mabel Hansen, Mrs. Violet Grover and Wilcox relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Helen Mason. left Friday and son, Seth, visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomelson Clayton Earl with for the Air and Mrs. La Vern Wilcox at of Farmington were Sunday duty morning be will He at Ogden last week. stationed guests at the homes of Herman Corps. the Lackland Air Base at Texas. Mrs. J. D. Munson has been and Steven Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Q. Nich-lo- s spending Mildred Gleason of Garland several days of this and family of Rockford, Ill- week visiting with Mr. and spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ralph inois were recent guests at the Mrs. James Burt and other re- Grover. home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex latives at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hodgson Richards. Mr. and Mrs: Cyril Godfrey and Mrs. John Hodgson of Lay-to- n and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gam vis- and family spent Saturday at ited with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Logan. They also visited with Harris of Ogden were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Theil Jensen and guests at the home of Mr. and Gam at Brigham Monday. Mrs. John E. Coombs Mr. and Mrs. E. C Mason and family at Millville. and Miss Louise Petersen is spend- family. family spent Sunday visiting Clifford Welling accompanied with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Tho- ing this week with her sister, Mrs. Goxden Jensen at Brig-ha- by Ronald Welling of Brigham mas and family at Mai ad. made a business trip to Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Pruitt Mrs. Helen Severson SDent Sunof City Saturday. They visited and family Ogden spent day with their parents, Mr. and Sunday visiting with Mrs. Wil with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Millis Walton and family at Lay-to- n ler and family at Beryl also. Mrs. Owen Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Settle-myand with her mother Mrs. Maurice Wilcox, Merrill Petty and family of Ogden were and Bud Grover have been W. E. Potter at Farm spending this week on a vaca- She also visited with her little weekend guests at the home of tion trip to Yellowstone Park. nephew, Lynn Walton who is Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gam ac- receiving medical care at the companied by their children St. Benedict Hospital at Ogden. and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mrs. Herman Potter, Mrs. Bourne are spending this week Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Gam of at Yellowstone Ogden and Mr., and Mrs. Reed Steven Potter, Mrs. Earl Skin- vacationing Larkin of Snowville left Thurs- ner, Mrs. Sterling Burton and Park. Mutual president, Mrs. Erma day for a vacation trip to Mon- Miss Iris Coombs accompanied tana. At Twin Bridges, Montana a group of Primary girls to the Bourne, Activity director, Mrs. they were jioned by friends and Logan Temple Saturday ? for Rhoda Welling and Camp director. Mrs. Sara Moss accomtook a pilgrimage to the mining baptismal work. Lt. and Mrs. Robert Turner panied a group of Mutual girls town of Rochester, Montana where they visited Mrs. Dan and sons, Dee and Jay of San of the Ward to the Scout Camp Gam's mother's grave, Mrs. PJL Diego, California arrived here for a three day vacation trip. Monahan They were dinner this week to spend their vac- They left Thursday morning. guests that evening at the ation with their father, J. L. During their stay their individual teachers will also be with home ofMr. and Mrs. George Earl and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird them part of the time. Nelson at Twin Bridges. They returned home Saturday eve- and family spent Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moon of Farmington and Mr. and Mrs. ning by way of Yellowstone Logan Canyon. Park and Alton, Wyoming. J. E. Robinson of Salt Lake Dent Whiteside of Layton visitThey report having had a love- City has been spending a few ed with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sevof this week days with erson Sunday. They also visited ly trip. To honor our Postmaster, James Walton on Monday, July 30th at 8:00 p.m. in the in "Championship Fight" I THEATRE SPECIAL PRESENTATION TUESDAY 29 - 30 - 31 Alan Ladd and Phyllis Calvert ht LIBERTY - NEWS SHORT CARTOON with Herman and Steven Potter and their families. Miss Faye Coombs, Ray and Dale Coombs attended the Page ant at Ogden Friday evening- Mr. and Mrs. LeVere Welling and family spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Clifford Welling. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Field and son, Dewayne of Springfield, California have been visiting with Mr. and this week. Mrs. F. W. Hess family Lake. and daughMr. and Mrs. Mart Hansen Marilyn, Carol, and Kathleen ter, Patricia, have returned to and sons returned home this Reeder returned home Satur Rodeo, California after having week from an enjoyable vacaday after spending the week spent several weeks with her tion trip In Yelowstone Park, with relatives in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Earl where they visited the James parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray M Reeder Skinner and family. Joyce's Kellers and S. A. Marbles, who and family spent Monday and husband, PFC Lyle Hess is sta- are spending the summer there. Tuesday in St. Charles, Idaho. tioned at Camp Stomeman, near Mrs. Joyce Hess . Rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Munson and other relatives were very happy to hear an interview over K.L.O. recently at which their TSgt. Ben C. Francisco who is stationed at Korea was interviewed. Ben gave an interesting discussion of his work. He is a former resident of Ogden where his wife, the former ReVon Munson and their two daughters still reside. Ben has been at Korea since last son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird and spent Tuesday at Bear Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suther-lun- d of Pocatello spent the weekend with, relatives here. Miss LaRee Grover and Glade SHORT Presentation of a scroll will be made by Mayor Kleon Kerr which the Mayor and City Council following with Postmaster Walton and his staff will see Alan Ladd's newest picture "Appointment With Danerer" A thrilling story about the U. S. Mails. Week of July 27 to 30 w Sutherlund acompanied them home for a week visit August. Miss Joyce Severson was on overnite guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Law and Miss Jo Ann Cannon at Dewey-vill- e baby of Pocatello, Idaho spent Monday. Sunday visiting with Mrs. Law's Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess made parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil a business trip to Ogden Mon- Johnson. Mrs. Johnson and day. Gary Lee returned to Pocatello Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Welling with them for a short visit, and and girls attended a John E. returned Tuesday evening, when Godfrey family reunion held at Mr. Johnson drove up to bring them home. Crystal Springs Saturday. I onpiiEor.1 Week of July 27 to 30 g FRI. - SAT. FIRST RUN "THE MAN FROM PLANET X John Ireland Marie Windsor in SECOND "LITTLE BIG HORN' CO-H- IT Douglas Fairbanks Jr. SECOND FEATURE in "STATE SECRET" Sabu in "SAVAGE DRUMS" SUN. - MON. - TUES. SUN. Robert Ryan and Claire Trevor in - MON. - TUBS. Fred Astaire and , "BEST OF THE BAD MEN ' Jane Powell in "ROYAL In Technicolor WEDDING" ocooos3oc$e$$o$ooooeo$oeoeooo'eooosoeoo IMfflanr Ubir UDnDIteoir you camfa Jbeatt a "Don't you big oil companies get together to set prices?" The question of gasoline price affects every motorist: Standard Oil Company of California redrive ceives some letters along these lines: "When downtown, the prices of all the major gasolines seem to be about the same. I've heard it said that the major oil companies get together to setprices. Isn't this truei " I The answer is an unqualified NO. Oil companies do not get together to set prices, nor do we in any way set prices by agreement. But we do think it's in order to tell you about gasoline prices and how they're arrived at: These Imaginary exame ples of policy show what any gas seller is sell at 2c a gallon more than his neighhim soon bors. Business would by. actually up against. He pass Or suppose he had to sell for 2c a gallon must sell tor enough to cover his coat and make a leas, still giving full quality and service. Aa his competitors cut price to hold cusliving, yet if he charges too tomers, his income falls. In time ha much he'll drive business would go broke. away. It's aa simple as that. Suppose When you shop you find not only gas but many product of the same kind and about the aame quality priced about alike. Price just naturally tend to even up. Here'a wh- y- m gas dealer were forced to set-pric- Mm ff'9 iftt hH4m At Chevron Gas 8tationa the We "aat price" only at stations we own and operate Standard Stations, Inc. Ex perienos shows what to charge to cover cost of product and t, yet sell in compeuuon. 1919 ttrt ownit The result: better products at low cost, the benefit you oper- ators are completely independent. They make up their own minds about price. You occasionally see a range of gasoline prices for the same or different brands in s single area, until competition finally forces the prices of similar products and services back to a common leveL always get when free competition is allowed to work. Note this: aside from taxes, and in spite of inflation, gasoline today costs about what it did in 1919, yet two gallons now do the work that required three then. I'd Like tO KnOW . . . Many people write to Standard asking pertinent questions about the Company. We answer all letters individually, but some points seem of general interest. We take this way of discussing them for everyone. If you have a question, we urge you to write in care of: 'I'd T.rr to Know," 225 Bush Street, San Francisco 20, California. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plaas ahead to serve yon better VkJ You 111 i' .f Shipment, acccuorin and trim iUtutraU4 Couldn't Muke u Smarter art mbjtct to ckmff Meal utfiu. USuy! make any kind of deal on a new car, remember this: Before ofyou the most important things you buy when you buy a new car is its name! Just think for a minute what the Pontiac name means: It means a car so thoroughly good it will give you years of pleasure. It means performance so satisfying you will look forward to every America's lowest-Price- d Straight Eight Lowest-Price- d Car with CM Hydra-Mali- c Drive (Opliotul at txlf ti$ minute behind the wheel. It means a car so beautiful It stands apart from everything else on Ysmr Choice of Sliver Streak Eaglaes-Stral- ght the road. Eight or Six The name Pontiac on your car means you are buying from a dealer who takes pride in the car he sells, the service he provides and his place in the community. The Most Beaatifal Thiag os Wheels When you can buy all those things for the very low price of a Pontiac, CnJsteel Body by Fisher what smarter buy could you make? Come on in and we'll talk deal you'll be surprised how easy it is to become a Pontiac owner. Wayne Sandall Motor Co. Dial SMS I Trea anion |