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Show r I We Invite Inspection o OFFICIAL o of our choice line of That we are receiving fresh from the best markets Every Week H and sell at Also a large stock of Live-and-Let-L- prices. ive At J. C. Gates's old stand, MAIN STREET, TREMONTON. o Ik D D o Woodward, Proprietor, CORINNE, UTAH. We keep the Choicest Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. EXPERIENCED Rock, Brick thereby contribute to a wise direc-tio- n policies and development of practical methods of conserving and developing the great of National A Vice-Preside- nt i . ns for County Attorney. KING'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS stimulate The Calicompetition. Relieve Indigestion and Stomach Troubles fornia State Fair will follow the in all the Courts. Practices Office Court House, : Brigham, Utah. P. O. Box 972. Both Phones. S. F. CHRISTENSEN I Scientific Optician E EYES TESTED FREE With L.C. Christeusen and Sons Brigham City, Utah. I I and TRADE-MARK- S promptly obtained iu all oontnt's, or no fee. Wo obtain PATENTS THAT PAY, advertise 1MB thoroughly, at our and help yon to success. Send model, photo or sketch for TREE report 20 on patentability. years' practice. SUR- For free Guido PASSING REFERENCES. Book on Prontuble ratrnts write to I Seventh Street, WASHINBTQN, D. C. B03-50- 5 NEBEKER, HART & NEBEKER Lawyers Suite Phone fi 0 P.O. 70. MOTHERHOOD OF Box 54 YOEMA AMERICAN i MADE I TO ORDER SUITS will sell the famous Chi- Bear River Valley Homestead No CM cago Garden City Tayloring meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday evening Co Suits, cheaper than you of each month at 9 p.m., in the Fratercan buy elsewhere. nal Hall, Tremonton. M B. Hart Foreman. M. T. RICHARDS Dewcvville, L'tah. E. P. Burns Correspondent. TREMONTON MARKETS A Corrected weekly by D. Company. R. Hammond .55 1.25 .90 .95 100 lbs. Oats per Feed barley per 100 lbs Brewers barley .21-- 2 Beef cattle per lb. .071-- 2 Pork dressed .051-- 2 Pork alive & .25 .20 Butter per lb. Eggs per .15 .08 .80 doz. Chickens Potatoes per 100 PINEULES Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, Bt akkr RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO A dose at bed time tisu- ally relieves the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE MEDICINE CO. CHICACO. U. S. A. PINEULE for the Kidneys 30 DAYS' TREATMENT PINEULES 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 wheat per bu. FOR l.00 Congress with joint opening and closing ceremonies attended by a great Irrigation celebration, the day closing with a magnificent Irrigation parade and electrical illuminations. is laid Especial emphasis upon the opportunity afforded by this Congress for the study of Irrigation, Irrigation practices and results, irrigated crops of every kind and Irrigation opportunities. Sac- Commercial Block Logan Utah. and Cole Banking Company, be Ex tended Into Oregon. natural resources of the country. Frencliman'3 Wear rtevenge. French. method of "taking it out" The personnel of the Congress, of an opponent has been invented by the Marquis tie Dion, a proruiupnt as stated in the call, includes the Methodist. member of the French chamber of President and of the deputies. The marquis got annoyed Aftkhnoon Setivicbs. with he French government, and in United States, Members of the Cab to embarrass It as much as order Prencliing every Sunday inet, Senators and Representa1.80 p.m. possible recently advised his conRttud.y School stituents in Brittany to withdraw tives, Governors of States and Ter2:yo p. m Preaching their deposits from the National SavSkhvicks ritorial Legislatures and State IrriEvening ban:. ings Large withdrawals from at 8:00 p. m. the savings bank took place in gation, Forestry and other ComAll services at. the Methodist church. missions. Delegates may be apYon arc invited. H. E. GILPIN. Pastor. BUILDING LOTS. Two good buildpointed by Governors of States and ing lots for sale chenp fenced and some Baptist. trees on thein 50 by 150 feet each. Call Territories, Mayors of Cities, CounMOUNINU Skicvicks: at this office for particulars. W. II. Cap ty governing boards, official and 11:00 A 51 Sunday Sekool well. Times Office unofficial public bodies, and organ-izatioPrayer Meeting "Wednesday night at 7:80. of every kind including agJob Printing All Srrices are held in the Baptist Every ricultural, horticultural and comChurch. You an cordially invited. body. A. II. Shattuck, Pastor. mercial, as well as Boards of Trade, Why not have some letter heads and Chambers of Commerce and DevelG. V.'s Great Service. envelopes printed with your name, busiuse of opment Associations. TuQ Xew York Sun avpv iliot fhn ness and address on them for the cocklai! was invented before the revo- yourself and family? We can furnish The Interstate Exposition of lution. We are not sure about it, but f them at very little more than the blank we do know that it would have been! ones would cost and nicProducts and Forest they look much earlier had not little George Wash- - er. Call in when in town and let us Products will be held simultans-ousl- y insrou chopped down the cherry tree.' show you samples aud tell you the cost. Xews and Courier. with the Irrigation Congress. Tun Times, Tremcntou. Utah. The largest and finest list of troB. C. CALL, Lawyer, phies and prizes ever offered, will Church Directory. Branch to An advance copy of the Official Call of the Fifteenth National IrriFrom the Box Elder News we learn that the Malad Valley gation Congress has been received Personal Responsibility, $50,000. Branch will ere long become the Paid up Capital $10,0o0. by The Times. It is issued from main line and short cut of the Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. the Headquarters of the Congress n Oregon Short Line between a" Sacramento, California, and anAll business with us will receive promjrt and and Portland is no idle dream. nounces that this important con- Surveys are now being made from careful attention. vention will be held in that city Rupert. Idaho, to Malad City, Interest paid on time deposits. and a line is being run between September 7 inclusive next. The E. M WYATT, a on the main line S. X. COLE. document recites the purposes of Bliss, station of the 0. S. L. 136 miles west Cashipr. resident. the Congress, invites the appoint- of Pocatello and Rupert. Rupert ment of delegates by organized is a station on the Twin Falls bodies of all kinds, and announces branch 13 miles south of Minidospecial Railway Hates over all Rail ka and there is an easy grade C& An Inter- from that point down the Snake way lines to California. River to Bliss. Exstate Irrigation and Forestry The heaviest grade is between position, the California State Fair Malad and Rupert, but with mod All work guaranteed Cisterns a specialty and special harvest excursions ov- ern skill and ingenuity this can er California are among the enter- be reduced to a minimum. RICHARD SCHWAB, Tjemonton, Utah. The will line proposed greatly tainment features promised those who attend. The purposes of the Congress are declared to be "Save the forests, store the floods, reclaim the deserts, make homes on the land," and all who are interested in these objects or in any of them are invited to participate in the deliberations and LY LIQUOR STORE Q. A. The Malad Yalley 2-- Jensen L. P. Fifteenth National Irrigation Congress. LINE. BE A MAIN Og-de- D Men's and "Rnvs' Fnrniclvinnc nais, anoes, Lrioves, istc. II TO Corinne, Utah. Fine Groceries D CALL For Sale By Tremont Mercantile Co. ramento is situated near the center of the Great Valley of California which extends lengthwise through the State a distance of nearly five hundred miles and comprises approximately nearly ten million acres of fertile land. Colossal plans for the construction of storage dams, and distributing canals for the irrigation of this great plain are now being made by engineers of the Reclamation Service and money has been apportioned from the Reclamation Fund for the construction of an initial unit of (he great system contemplate!. Special excursions will enable These delegates to see California. will cover the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, the mountains, the copper belt, the vintage districts, the redwoods, seacoast and mountain resorts, orange and lemon districts and irrigated districts. Special Railway rates to California will prevail over all nl bines. Trans-contine- nt n reduce the mileage between and Portland and there is every indication that it will be constructed in the near future-Iwas never intended that this line should end at Malad Should the above prove true, it will have much to do with the growth of Tremonton The train service on this branch of the Short Line has never been of the best and the delays along tha line between here and Ogden have been so discouraging to travelers that it well merited the title "Slow Line," given it by some belated wayfarer. With more trains, a faster service and better facilities for quick transportation Tremonton is bound to become the greatest shipping point for the Valley, as its location, nearly in the center of the Valley, is the natural outlet for its products. Cement Block WORKMAN. Og-de- F. E. GALPIN. t Coonty Commissioners ( GALPIN C& HAS. McCLURE. McCLURE, DEALERS IN V ines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Main St., Near Railroad Station, TREMONTON. UTAH. LIVER! FEED ami SALE STABLE Main Street, Tremonton. Meet. Good Rigs and Careful Drivers furnished at any time Board of County Commission- at reasonable rates. Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Driving or ers met in regular session July 1, Work Horses. All stock guaranteed as represented. Your 1907. Full board present. W. T. HUDSON, Proprietor. solicited. Heber C. Hansen appeared and patronage stated that on the road between Bear River City and Calls Fort for 400 yards the water stood even with the top of the grade. Choice AVines, Liquor and Cigars. John F. Merrell appeared and Pool and Billards stated that he was willing to exchange land with Thos Wheatley A. B. PEARL SALOON so Manausa, Proprietor. that the water could be drain- ed from road, and would put up Garland, fence if paid $100 therefor. The sum of $100 was appropriated for making drain ditch to carry off said water. Mr. Hams on also asked for an appropriation of $600 to gravel said road, and on motion the sum of $400 was appropriated for said purpose. J. H. Hess, road supervisor of Fielding district, appeared and asked that he be furnished a rooter for the gravel pit. The allowance of Hans Jensen of $7 per month was ordered con tinued. The resignation of Thos. H. Blackburn as Justice of Peace of Yost Precinct was accepted and R. Walter was appointed to fill said vacancy. Communication from J. W. Do You Use Utah. a Phone? If not, you are missing one of the necessities of modern life. Betteridge regarding his applica- tion for an appropriation of $600 for the roads in his district. Up on motion $300 was appropriated. Communication from T. B. Beatty notifying of the declination of L. C. Campbell to act as registrar. Upon motion O. D Mclntire was appointed. The bond of Peter M. Hansen as member of the Board of Education was approved. The clerk's and recorder's reports of fees collected in June, 1907, and auditor's report of incidental expenses during June were acceptedThe clerk presented the matter of the fees collected as services in naturlization cases; was referred to the attorneyThe matter of repairing the room occupied by the band was referred to Chairman with power to act Bids for doing the county's printing, etc. were opened and upon motion rejected and clerk instructed to readvertise. Board adjourned for two weeks - LET US SHOW YOU. BEAR RIYER TELEPHONE COMPANY, JOHN SOMMER, O. S. L. Utah. Manager, Tremonton, TIME TABLE. MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. DEPART ARRIVE No. NO 33. A. M. 9:55 10:10 10:28 10 27 10:31 10:87 10:52 11:20 11;82 11 Th- ? S P. M. A. M. P. M. 9:19 fi M 6:2 0:40 0:80 I Hrijrham Corinne Waukogan Bvtas IloniU Central TREMONTON Oartaixl Uivcinidc 33 141 044 fl :4fl fi p. m. - I No 34. ia fi M 11:42 13:01 1:00 No. 82. 31 7:07 7:10 7:30 7:88 8:80 mixed train on PWdtU Hrtnrli 8:55 MO 8:45 Ml 8 21 4:11$ 4:0f 3:58 3:60 848 3:2.r 2 0 2 52 Plymouth S.8 7 52 iM Maltwl 5:M J Wanbalop Mii 97 D:01 iJ 4:80 if daily eXCtfi Sunday. -' ft |