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Show V ' u The Trem out Times TBEMONTOX, BOX ELDER OOGHTT. Mr. Cook Town Locals. of the Tremont Mer- cantile Co. certainly is an expert iu making ice cream and very few Trernonton Hostoffl.e towns can furnish a better quality U'M Mail than he makes. Try a dish when For the South at 1:10 a.m. you come to town and you will say 3.00 p. m. ao, too. Fur the North nt 10:00 a. m. Old Glory never looked more Mails Arrive beautiful to our eyes than on the From the South at 10:50 s m. morningof the Fourth when her 6:48 p. m. folds were spread to the breeze ov- From lli? North at :!:40 p. m. er Wilson's hardware store, it be- Miss Nellie Kent ha. been on the sick ing the largest flag in town, and fl )ating from the loftiest pole. Mr lilt for two or three (lavs thin week. is Wilson this to notice for entitled C. Lumber Wilson Co of the Wilson C. his patriotic display. was at Ogdtn on Tuesday on business. B. S. Wyattof Denver called here Sun Mrs W T Hudson npent several to see his brother. He had days last week visiting friends in day morning in on business. been Ogden Snowville, over in Curlew Valley. H L Tucker bought the George Mrs Dora Gish of Poeatello is Sherman house of W T Hudson Mra Cora visiting her daughter, last week and moved into it. He Kirkpatriek of this place, for a few has the contract for the erection of days, The Trernonton Cafe wss moved last the new bank building and other wsek to its new foundation, which gives jobs and wanted to be near his a good outlook to the bas bull field from work, and being unable to find a house to rent, conclude! to buy. Kent's hotel. Messrs. Chris aud Frank Christcusen He has built an addition to the o.' Brihara were in town Tuesday eve- same. , fingers, the result of a heavy iron Hit wbieli lie was helping to earry, fall- returned from Buhl on Sunday last, looking as if he ing mi bii hand. The nails of the fin had been at work while there, which grs w ere taken off and the mishap will was probably the case, as he has prevent hi working for seme time taken up some lanJ in that region Prof. Jamen McGranahan, the notsci which he is clearing and preparing hymn writer and singer, died nt Kins for crops. Mrs. Jensen returned rnau, Ohio, Monday night, of diabetes. last Wednesday and says this place Ha vrjtc many sacred songs among is good enough for her. which "There Shall be Showers of Two good horses, the best in a hunch tl L. P. Jensen j ' .11 I . H. V WO! Utah Day to be Celebrated In Grand Bear River Military Band Style. Base Ball Music. to Furnish Games and Sports of Various Kinds and Young. Tor Old llAct Artiun and Uvnor-- Prizes for the Rnvs t unri Girls, Mr. John Sommer, Superintendent of the Bear River Telephone system, is much interested in a drainage project for this valley, and he believes, as do many of the most progressive farm- ers, that it is the most desirable tnii1s for the valley at present He has watched with consider able interest the results of the work done under the direction of the Government engineers west of f reclamation of some of the lower lands of the valley. and lie savs that the re su,tg haye morfi have been predicted. Hehasal-wil- l g0 bgen interested jn firidirijr suit Mq material for thJ manufac ture of tjje f()r drainage purposes and after some experiments has found a clay in large quantities ne&r hen makeg & article for tile, and it would also It is now quite certain that Wednesday July 21th. ill be the biggest day ever enjoyed in Trernonton. The committee appointed by the Bussiness Men's Aasoelation have been busy and the n'"it be seen when the full prog.mm for the celebration of Utah Day ,5 announc-- ' ed. The Hear River Military Band has been engaged to furnish music all saveral i.use ball dubs have tUeir intention of trying to whitewash oth.r dubs that have agreed to p lay games on the grounds here, and there is make a long list of other sports aud games pro some - j jpj & fing har(J and "Some Day We Will Under most popular. The town marshal went an a raid the ot her day after a lot of useless dogs that infest the place. How many he killed is not known, but probably not many as they appear about a plentiful as ever. If the town keeps on it will have as nunr dogs as Cairo in Egypt by the time it gets to be as old. hension of the thieves. j J. C. Reichers will go hack to We pay the highest market price for Idaho this week Saturday. He beeves, veal calves and hogs. Call on us will probably be gone some time as ' if you have anything in that line to sell. he is clearing land and preparing 1). 11. Hammond & Co., Trernonton. to make that state his home. Another link in Bear j the River lines has been Valley telephone made within the past few days. The extension runs down as far as Evans station and has on it the homes and ranches of A. S. Yoder, thirty, just after Sunday school. George Swerdfeger, Henry Berch-- i Everybody invited: seats free. told. C. W. Hadley, Samuel Voder, Miss Lizzie Sherman came back A. B. Reese, Lewis Brenkman from her sojourn on her ranch near and others. Buhl on Saturday last. .She seems All the News every day for 50c to like that country better than a month The Intermountain He-- ; some of the other ladies who have publican. Subscribe Ad- -, 208 South West spent the last two months there. dress, Temple. Sail Lake. of Mr. Jacob Winzeler Tremont, Illinois, came here a few days ago That glad smile that suffused the to visit his brother, G M Winzeler, face of J W Keatley and refused to and other friends, and has made up come off last week was caused by his mind to spend t he summer here. the arrival of another little son at He is a carpenter and has been em- his house on Friday, June 28th. ployed to erect the new church for This is his second son and now he the Apostolic Christians on the brings the older one down town as He and company. west side of the railroad. his brother made a trip down the The new gravel walk along the Valley last Friday and Saturday, front of the Wilson Lumber Co's visit ing Brigham, Ogden and Salt property is a great improvement Lake City. to that part of town. If the march CaliCharles Hill, who went to keeps on for a few months longer fornia several months ago, return- we shall have a town that we nee,l ed home last Saturday. He re- not be ashamed of when the mudports that the Gridley colony and dy days set in. But the main part those who went to Oroville are do- of the streets need some gravel as me pretty well, but he says they well as the sidewalks They were don't write how hot it is there for a terror to strangers last winter, fear of discouraging some of their and the work of grading that has friends who contemplate moving been done this summer will only out there and making that stftU make them worse unless they are i trcir home. gravelled, Services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Dr. Talbot of Salt Lake or some one desig nated by him. The hour is two to-da- y. i Bears are not found in the Bear River Valley but Bear River Valley Farmers will find it to their advantage to have an account with some good safe bank like this one. 8 8 -- ft ft ft - fl ft 9 m B $ A, $ ft STATE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY. & t) ft UNDER STATE SUPERVISION ACCOUNTS AND CONTROL. ft -- ft I ittt tr Warm Weather Goods. Hp aenfc There are many things in our stock that would add much to your comfort, but the space at our command is too j vited to come in and see what we have in store and learn OUr rf programme in full hy this time, hut it LUrmg State-hataken more lime to arrange for this The Fourth was quiet in Tre-ca- n occasion thau was anticipated, aud w. only mention a few things and prom monton, no firo crackers, no cannon, i another instalment next week. m q aQy anJ pven. . . . lhe following is the ganial program , , tkftt f on;nvrl for the day, The full detail.? will be giv the rest and felt better than if thej e.i next wek. had dressed up and hustled in the Meeting under Bowery at 10.80 a. m. 1st. M line by Hear lliver Military . , ... a goon many ot. tne Band. uraiing. 2ud. Song ' America" By congre younKfolkswentto B ar Uivr Pity ration. BaLd sect rapaniment conduct-- or to lingham or tiarland and un- ed by Olof .1. Olsen. daubtedly enjoyed the trip and the 3rd. Oration Jlon. F. V, Kishburn. sports, games, dancing and fire4th. Quartet .Airs. Alice M. Ault and works at least they all said they nih. Boys' Straw Hats, very cheap. Men, Women and W.Hitf&C For UBIU All sizes and Children. OIIW , prices .but the best quality for the price anywhere. A fine line of best makes just opened. See it. mMa A thousand, or less, for all sized heads MFdW I Id and all sized purses. Can fit U. lb, ancy and Staple, Canned Goods, all kinds, Everything Good to Eat. let us know your needs, we will see if we If Vraaa will cannot siiottv thWr Our &tifc &&ii&TiVttir& : u:- t, cixtu ii uiay tc uupusoiuic uuti l piuiess tu tveep cvcj. y ussug 14- ...,'11 1A4- . . , , 11 W1" rt.r. UBl uu11 UU1 U1UCI UUL lcl u& 4.,.., yu Mnli.mtr i t'Tl Harris Bros., & 1NTERM0UNTAIN REPUBLICAN, a month mailed everv morning for i eives all the news. Subscribe foi UK' Is in advance, li j INTER-MOUNTAI- Made to the Secretary of State There will be a musical and lit- Report of Utah of the Condition of "The Cole erary entertainment at the TreBanking Company," Located at Cor-- ! rnonton Methodist church on inne, in the County of Box Elder, Wednesday evening, July 18th. of the Ladies under the State of Utah, at the Close of Busiauspices Aid Society. An excellent proness on the 25th day of June, 1907. gramme has been prepared consisting of vecal and instrumental RK80VRCEK. music, recitations, etc. There Loans ar.d Discounts $78,860 M will be instrumental and vocal lverdrafl.H 7.OT2.88 solos, mixed quartets, male quar Furniture and Fixtures, 725.00 11.116.68 tctS and Other Specialties that Duo from National Bunks, (iHo.f7 will please all. A cordial invita- - ash on 1656.42 & Tnxes Current paid ExpensM tion is extended to everybody to a and attend help good cause. I100.4W.51 Total ProAdmission 15c and 25c. ceeds for the benefit of the LIABIMTrXa. church. 10,000.00 Stock REPUBLICAN, Salt Lake City, Utah N Apparel of Quality For Men of Discrimination )ur greatest pride is our success in pleasing fastidious men. The man who knows what h" wants finds it here and those who like to depend on our judgment appreciate our familiarity with the fashion world's most exclusive offerings. Our stock in all departments offers exclusive styles, yet variety enough to afford free choice and lit all purses. Neckwear the nattiest of the new in patterns and styles. ( ' ( 8.104.12 48,880.89 0 - Utah's Big Popular Priced Daily, The BANK REPORT. Demand C'ertinates of Deposit. 35,112-814.000.00 In the advertisment of the Farm- - IIIIU Faysblr, ers l ash union the types made rioo. iw; Total hem sav that thev had ordered mx tlumsand apple boxes for this ' OI Vu Vi lift lit season a crop, Mr. Holmgren ad- , dul, IW0rn M 8.NCo)l!i Mng vises us that 6,000 is just 10,000 cording to law, depoaea and says that he siort, that the number should he is tbt president of the above named bank 16,000, (which IS quite difference) that th above and foregoing report con and they expect to fill them all this - . :,,lr--. TREMONTON, UTAH. Where You Get Goods at Right Prices. Never Undersold. I Capital paid in, Undivided 1'rofiu, Individual Deposits, u' Waldron . Ten Thousand Too Little. 1. . Song. By the Olllpwio Summer Underwear ri.,n fi4ircfac! UrUtcnCb, did and thus the day passed into historv. 7lh. Star Sp.ntled Banner tf UnC - Jth. Becitntion. We have a tine line or Men's ana 1 i 0 hers prices. Mfa W UOOtlb. - Pineules are for he Kidneys mid Blad-der- . They bring quick relief to back-- ! of twelve, were stolen from the Stale Band. ache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn AFTERNOON SPORTS. Hit feeling. They produce natural acprison at Salt Lake Tuesday. They Dance for children in Wilson's Hall at tion of the kidneys. 30 days treatment were taken from the prison barn which 1 ll.Qtl. Money refunded if Pineules are p. in. is supposed to be guarded. Two good not satisfactory Sold by Tremont Mcr Baces, gsmss, etc.. at ' p. m. saddles aud bridles also disappeared at cantile Company. i Ball playing at 4 p. m . the same time. Two convicts lately Dance in the eveuing. turned loose are supposed to be the thieves. Oi v. Cutler has authorized a Musical and Literary Entertainment. reward of $109 to be given for the appre- stand" art among the 18 BEARS of this clay to an eastern' jetted in whieh many prize aro offjred factory for their opinion of its f r skill and alacrity in doing .tun., and after making and rh.se games hav. been arranged fr burning- some 9amnle tiles the boys and gi.is of various ags, so that 'H proprietors of the factory reDort may have a chance. For the men there as aDoye jt wouid bg a wise win oe some nnmer tncKs, suen as tug. plan for our farmer friends to of war, running and leaping, and Pi'- unite and make their OWU e r. here. would '. save It heav I, u ,,t I,,. T.,r!i..nc ',,, n '.,ll.,,r ...ill .... w.m vaney come down and show their while friends Fel"t uu,s- a,lu W,1U l other industry- that would add to how thev can do th'i((r. 0. s expected to be able to publish the Utah's prestige as a manufac-- , ! Uless-irrgs,- No I e. TREMONTON VISITORS C A little 8 pound daughter came to glad ning. They are musicians of some note den the home of Mr. and Mra. Chas. H. and the foruisr is leader of Christeuseu 's Keele Thursday morning, July 11th. orchestra at Brigham. Mother and child are doing well and all Him Ida I'ardultn li again at the ate happy Mr A M West, who has been stop aivitahboard in ths telephone exchange a:'ler a Tacatiou of four weeks. Some of ping in this vicinity for the past the new girls were i.uable to eland the few weeks, started for his home in lurvous strain of the business and quit Los Angeles Saturday morning. He was accompanied by a Mr Al- -j after a few weeks' service. fred Fankhauser of Kansas, who We handle the very best meats, both fresh ami bait, at the most reasonable had been here visiting friends for a Mr West expects to re-- I M'ices. Call on us for anything in that few days. to this turn place in the autumn. line. D. R. HaoiBM-ni- l it Co. Wvatt's E. M. Wyatr moved this week into the old stand, Trenionton. house lately occupied by W. II. Capwell Kic'aard Hcbwab, the briekliiyur near the Baptist church, aud which he on Cole'i bank building, is carry i has purchased from his stepmother. ig a hand in a sling, having two mash-- THURSDAY, Found a Bed oi Good Tile Clay. FOR BIG DAY ANOTHER UTAH j surc-to-plea- se Quarter Sizes L.I COLLARS Collars t!ie famous Triangle Linen brand iniaraotecd Linen and and they're only 16c. (8 for 86c.) instead of Linen collars usually cost. Sr. Eac'j Two for 25c. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 1 V ; .u, nn; uif uu (b(( ill ' ( (lie Mm naim 'f business on the VMh day of .Inne, ' fall. A Hiilisn on Wcdnesdav, July 10, 1 years. Deceased was formsrly Miss Rtjbj Orcen. daughter of J K. Green, and was married to Mr. Nicholson some fifteen monihsairo. Baaldei her husband iw leaves i little bahy hoy four weeks old, rive brothers and flv sisters Funeral wa held at F.hvood to dav wiib Istommi Is KIwomI cersetri . V wood died 1907. aped F.I ilf d 01 ' WO 8. S. Cole, Prsaldsnt and sworn to before me this Saddened Home. Mrs. IVtcr NiclioNoii of ' J"n('' IM"' Adsky, Nottry Public. ' C. O. ST A IF. OF UTAH, the HecreUrv of State, ""e of i I, C. S. Tlngey, Sceretary of State of the State of Utah, do hereby eeriify thsi tlis foreoiop Is a full, true and COITOCl sMtMpM of ths above swntd compasv, now on file in my office this second day of July , 1907 C. fl. TlNor.v Senetsrv of ?tatf. . . t If not you ar ever bought your hata of us ot rrettinif all that's eoiniiifr to you. Without h ragging, this never sw such styles as Vve are show in" for Spring and jave j vulv s V(lU . ai ti " 3 Wi 41 prevail, made of LtiBC&n and Peroxaline Braids for .75, 2.25, $3.00 to $6.00 Ar smart dressers. for designed hats in this shop. Our All new Shapes. No made-ove- r eastern buyer sends us a shipment once a week direct from the manufacturers, PI K , 1 I l. ,i t i I imnii I " 11 1 TREMONT (MERCANTILE CO. "KNOCKING IS NOT OUR FORTE.' Wanted! Kverybotiy to advertise in The Times. Our aorvice renohea all the of Valley. Try it. part! |