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Show OCTOBER 6, 1949 THE l ADS ?.cSiFIED X A VT iu.4u iuuwiMa nPr n T"T--- -r . at, SALE room house in Tremonton. Care- ful tenants. George Gent RFD 1 !?,.'! , 01" u lumbw- - once' txcellent condition. automobile insu. Tremonton '2x4 2x6 sheeting. 58" ply- ure to see JAMES FOR SALE Used coal and oli wood and plywood cement forms. Tremontuu space heaters. All brands North Offered for half price. Phone ern furniture Co. Garland. Tfnc. Ogden 3 133. L nnr We have an extra choice selec. id or useless cows, tion of Peony roots, 12 of the STRAY PEN NOTICE 1 five - Kntr Phone i remon I - Garland tfC best varieties. Also tulip bulbs of year old brown mare. Weighs 3 the choicest colors. All our bulbs 1600 lbs., has a spot in her foreare for new you. imported direct from Hol head and a der hpres snipped nose. uiiu iauu lifeAii, ulSCS tilt utuftin Mitun. Branded with a heart piuwa, VOUT with an A wonderful lot to choose from Have factory built A in the center on the left comers. All for other bulbs early Phone Will be sold for auction rZZi r'r see Virgil Francom, for fall planting. WALTON VAL-t4- shoulder. on Oct. 24, at 12 noon. At LEY NURSERY. Phone 2926 Elmer Godfrey's home, Garland ol burner. FOR SALE Tomlee bench saw. JJITpre-Wa- y Contact depth of cut 2 '4 inch. Table size FOR SALE A room house. Good ,P ainter. 13x18. Mounted on bench. Mrs. 3tp location. Partly finished. Im Rose Wcerner. 3tp. mediate possession. Down payCall jG ROOM for rent. tfn-- c JTrUr TI!T T TVCI7D T31iw. ment and easy terms on balance. Phone 4941 for Information. covering 8 other dreaded bargains in new and eases and paying up to $5000, imall grands and vailable for as low as $12 per FOR SALE lot in Building Steinway, Contact James Tremonton. Contact per year. family !. Emer-Gulbransen, H. Miller, 304 W. 2nd So. Brig-ha- tfcT0 9-- 29 " . t. -c :' 9 35-J- j '"er 34-R1- 1, c. 9-- 15 9-- 29 10-6-- 49 35-J- 4 9-- 9-- 29 A VT-- -p We-jW- ;n MUSIC DAYNES CO; Salt Lake City, , Main -c Phone 350J. tfnc Grant Gamer. Tremonton. Vtih Watkins Farm Approximately f MW LEADER, . Hill Change WINNERS OF GOLD MEDAL CONTEST ANNOUNCED sentaton to the winner- The in- Irene Bunderson, Eva Hansen, vocation was by the Rev. Wm.. R. and Liliie Roberts. Kayla Kerr, daughter of Mr. Persons and the hneditiction and Mrs- Leon Kerr of Tremonton, was decared the winner in the W. C- T- U. Gold Modal Senator Arthur V- Watkins tR- Sp?ech Contest held Wednesday iUtah) announced today that his at the Methodist Church. evening amendment including honey in wl " the mandatory price support ,MD' J au,me Davis program from CO percent to 90 . .v.. wo.CSier percent of parity, was fcpproved son of v.... mu'uj nun wmSnow'ille, and by the senate as part of th? An- Heaton of Tremonton. A Terry musical derson farm program. program solos of consisting piano In a short speech in support Mrs. Adam Brenkman and the of this amendment on the sen- by ate floor, Senator Watkins said Hawaiian Guitar played by Tom- that the purpose of the amend- my Ault, was presented. Rayment was to guarantee that the Holdaway. in a brief talk reminded the contestants that only agricultural crops to be insured the selection of right choice through the federal insurance leading to insures right living price support program would against enevitable disappointmaturenucm, aim regret,, una urocK- . ocuar waiiuns said au or- - man made the Gold Medal pre- - Is Passed - - r i Z - chard products and fifty other agricultural products depend' mainly upon bees for polleniza-tio- n activity. It would be useless to write a farm price program without supporting the in- by W. W. Whitney The contset OPENING SOCIAL HELD was under the direction of Mrs. The East Garland Relief Socof Mrs Axel Fredrickson, Speech iety social was held in opening Contest Director. the Relief Society room on Tues- r lunnUrt wits M'rveaj ".y. iiui- 4uiiv,iieuu at beautifully decorated tables, r . U lVSrLST T0 BE ,IELI) Wednesday, October 12th the Silver Medal Speech Contest of the W. C T. U. will be held under the direction of Mrs. Axel Fredrickson. State speech con- - test director. Those ence in who attended Society Salt Lake th? Confer- - Wednesday and Thursday were. Rebecca Mortenson, Jane Marble, Sophia Taylor. Leona Pris- - Anderson, , ... - Each of the out going officers were presented with a va.se filled with flowers. Tributes were paid to each lady by the one taking her place and reponses were made by each. All ladies present were given a miniature crocheted hat trimmed with blue and gold plumes. These were to remind her to put on her hat and go to Relief Society. There were twenty seven participating, un Relief A cilia cnrlstensen- I,?ttie Snow June Garfield Roma Whi taker, - TRY A LEADER "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY" FOR SALE Delicious apples dustry which guarantees that FOR SALE one 30.06 sport rifle now at their best. Contact the products will be produced iwrith 4K Weaver scope and one Claudius through pollenization by bees-Tolman. Honevville. 12 gauge Browning automatic -c T - D By PLOTNER woMpariJL caz r WANT-A- vmomcC 7M good PMLOSOPHY 10-6.- 49 CATc with Nidar sight. Pr.ck?,g?d, both for $225. R. M. Bone. Tremon- FOR SALE Motorcycle, 1947 H. RUMMAGE SALE ton t2c D. 61. Phone 2922 or contact TO BE HELD Reid Thompson. The annual rummage sale of NOW IS THE TIME to begin those hand made Christmas FOR SALE Planed and dried the Ehvood Primary will be held gifts. See tha suggestions and lumber. Most any size. $75 per at the Church on Tuesday Ocmaterials for many lovely gifts thousand. Also heavy duty hay tober 11th, at 12 noon. at Mae Taylor Kent's Shop. wagon with rack long and Mrs. Richard K. Gorton and 4tp short tongue $G0- Merlin Gleed, son, Adrian, who has been visitPhone 143-Garland. FOR SALE NO TRESPASSING ing at the home of her parents, signs at the LEADER OFFICE - FOR SALE Dressing table and Mr. and Mrs- - Donald J. Homer, stool to match. Call 5057. during the summer left ThursFOR SALE Apples. Contact FOR SALE Registered palimino day for her home in Jersey city, Frank Chadaz, Tremonton. stallion - gaited - valued at New Jersey. $6,000Silver set saddle and rigFOR SALE .Bin Tolman is in valued at $3,700. Will sell ging, town with Golden queen Can- both for $3,500. cash. Phone Ogtaloupes, melons, and apples, den 32133. Ford T. Frost Co. at Ervin Stohl's. P. O. Box 1309, Utah. To OU(2 9-- s'.eJas o y tv. prc-;e- d more lead than 9-- - R last year. Our h etn.v ICING. 6eBECATtMAPH -c te's output of ,900,000 pounds cart- Rifle 2121 - kfmake enough Long D:al -c 10-6-- -p Ogden, es to supply every FOR SALE on in the United Basement house in East Tremonton. Contact Bob 6 One registered Whitney or call 5034. FOR SALE- Duroc boar ready for service- 2 LOST Passport and identificanice dry sows. 5 young sows. tion card at 1st Ward Primary Reasonable. Call 2351 or contact Monday. Please return to Foster Reed Munns, Bear River City. Shoe Shop or Phone 4206. coupe in good H. Beyer. Dial FOR SALE W. 4126. tes with 134 10-- 6 -c Chiev-conditio- -p 10-- -p - of this size ids lunttiort!" -c WATCH for our new fall milFOR SALE '48 2 ton Chev. Priced at S3.95 to $6 linery. truck. See Doran H. Barlow or Style Shop. 2265. -c call Thatcher -p USED Quaker Oil heater. Will TD 14 crawler trac- trade for beef, pork or chicken. tor nearly new condition $3900.00 R. M.'Bone. Also 2000 4x4 8 ft hardwood fence posts, 75c and 1,000 4x4 Mrs. John Laws and Mrs. Jewel 6 ft. hardwood fence posts 50c Harris visited in 0;den on ThursCity Motor Co., Tremonton day . FOR SALE -c ASSOCIATION MINING P'Nut Butter V" y Ral Rant Come, all you apple lovers, to the apple event of the season! d beauties of the apple family are ready Plump, Dressinq for you NOWl The '49 crop is a big one. This means extra-goo- d Catted values for you. Hurry to Safeway for your favorite kinds. 10-6-- -c U.SNol UCK SEASON rOund Opens Friday, Oct. 14 1 ti'em Anrl M : Super v 17 1011 a j ' waCv? (iv- - hit they "stay fci:" with Western lut famous for clean mean fpn,. Fa"-hard-hi- Model itun. ii pounc CARTRIDGES Gauge 16 Gauge 20 " . n.- -. Gauge iuy f All HI 3. 6 ; 2 Chill $73.95 Gauge - Gauge Game Good Stock of Pkrtweef, Deliciout Sweot $33.50 $s3 50 .... 30-0- v' -- Tuna No. Used Stevens 1H Mari.n N. Ml V l vanuiu T'l'it .... Cornea' 5 No. Can Wttlog flavoring . pint PI 1 $75 00 No. 303 can J'i i ib 0 Pumpkin Lux Soap Lifebuoy Sir (nth 2 tor 1 27 15 Hot'ni Delqht Spry Shorteninq $82 95 $62 45 37 32 29 45 10 Cocktail 30-3- 0 Sportsman Automatic - 25C 27c 5T.c.lo",, .... $G9.75 30-3- 0 Winchester oi 3 $42.50 0 Q7f Oil 4... 19 27 Marshmallows $50.00 30-3- t. t. Vienna Sawtaq 0 Used REM. 35 - CRANBERRIES 25c mth 35 bag "A" I, Thick M.ot, bard or Banana, Whole Worm Fr lb. Bantam .. 12c 21 pkp,. 13c Split Peas lentil, Hub- Cello . Ib. 1 ....... Mfn Imki tant 1 for Hake 2'j Pk Soap, Sunnyhank lb. (Ltf Hu Made Mayonnait Froth pint 00 V Salt Kraft's Royal Margar-in..- lea I Site for 18 31 .. Po24c.'io Tuna Fish ..pi, itiztf. 38 Syrup U( 47 Syrup ..!.l"py.H:"02;'., Suzanna 5i! 3? Flour !nriched....50 lb. 3.69 SJL. J. Jell-We- ll Candy Old Sani-Flus- SSi.. 18( Cwrni or Orange Ib. Slice. 25c DutchS Ol. h i Brooms.! Windex 3 for 2U can 19 oddin each Gloi Cleaner 20 oi. liquid Silver Silyo PolUh Package PsF CI . JJrt ox. Soap large til Aerowax.'Ji Cleaner HjUA 14 oi 3 for .."7:, Boraxo 4U 1.43 LUUJ 26o, m Butter 68c Cheese Airway ?r! Mild Wetlern . Ib. Mild, Mellow Ib. Flavor Froth Roatted lb. Hob Kill. luxury Edward's Blend..... Ib. . New 47f 25c Del moiie. Cream No. 303 Style 16C JiVX,' W. Maqic Giant Pkg At 49 Lunch s Tr(, .ti2.i. Pork Loin Roast -- 2U 2U HAMS HALIBUT Smoked, Whole or Half Sliced, Ready for th Pan Sit- POT ROAST U. S. Good Crado 23c Cut Ib. Shoulder Ready to Cook. 55c SALMON CQd JO Freth, Froien A lotto .lb. Red Slice SIRLOIN STEAK HADDOCK Well Trimmed U. S. Good Grad Bonelet Roitln, Rye of Crocked Wheat .....16 Of. loof PORK CHOP. Hew Potato Bread Small lean Chop 15 21 Vi Ib. AO O 7 C. WHITING Ready lor th Pan 39c Pan Ready for th Bonelet COD lb. ..ib. OQf --toy. 45c: FILLET Totty, Pon Ready Fih 39f! SHRIMPS Breaded, larQ Ready to Fry Sit, ... II oi. 35c RABBITS SMELTS large, Dretied, " 59c! FILLET SOLE GDC Fresh Frozen Fish Totfy Freih Water Fi.h 57 65 A Grade Fowl, 574 38 rr'Th rve with Apple Sauce. lb Chickens .b. 49 - 30( Cut-U- p, 13 23 25c iyv2vs. rrA Dried Beef, Sliced 54c 16 12 oi. White Magic quart wm Mr. Wright' ' 37f V, Gallon 4EC IOC Tomato.. Pack Bleach 4U 3K pk- s.ii. Campbell S OUP Mi!k.r:"h.!:d:.A.auart 13 32c 73c Vegetable doi. Larae Satin LCi 77c Corn Niblet 86 30 25 27 Bread Tt Sno-Wh- it 45 Ib. Von Comp't Ttndtrenl - oc 43C Cello Ib. pkg. Macaroni lb. lb. II 21c Purify 2 Ib. bo Townhouse Cookie Cut 43 . lend O Gold, Orange ft Grapefruit 4 oi. Crackers.. 11c SQUASH U. S. No. 4 No. 2 can LEMONS lb lb. 11 Nv. 2 37c Si, - No. 1 can Juice 10 lb. mtih bag .No. lean Full O Gold, Natural Juice POTATOES U. S. No. 1, Rtd Bliss CORN t. lb. PUnty of Jmk Southtrn Sweeti Milk Styl Libby's Kragg with Weaver K 25 30-4- Blue Label Babv Food $109-5- 6 25-3- ' w,- the $109.50 Winchester. Model 94 or 32 Special V 1 oi. TJJL rS.. Super Suds Giant Srte Chunk Scope $83 50 10 - Oranqe Juice Model 70 300 H & H $72.85 Gauge Hoi. 16 REM. AUTOMATIC $129.95 300 Savage ..- - 25 Fly Weight Ithiea 20 :"!:?z In All Calibers In 150 and 180 grain We also Have Several of following Rifles. Winchester Pump 16 oi. Ideal for that Special Dih 30 - 06 .. $83.50 42 The New Model 12 Quality .. 14 Rasnberries RIFLE SHELLS $83 50 2:19 Strawberries PLENTY OF 410 12 oi. pig. . ttinir- has what it takes ca some! We h,v tinK for hunters. 12 Delicioue Sliced Winchester Pump R-- Sweet Cob Corn S83 50 Model buthel Pictsweot, Tender ICd) BUY . 9c .lb. 8c Mdium nnA OYV- Donna Cnlr Thornton, Cult jf Bore - Fancy Red Emptrert U. S. No. til twt, wart Crated Winchester Pump 12 GRAPES U. S. No. 1, Famouf 7o Fancy Small Sli . ...............5 lb. YAMS JONATHANS J?l!wll 12 lb. ..lb. orlTHICA You Get a lb. 7c Whit No. 1, Cap Cod fVMCFfSTR Airy Gauge-- Any 9c 2:89 SILVERTIP ilDrop'cni MeYcur Shotgun Gr.tn DELICIOUS f.n 29 47 .pint Asparaqus OrMn ORANGES CELERY - - - DuchM rosy-cheeke- Ib. 31W JV Cut-U- p Fryer n, 63 |