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Show BearsMeet South Cache Zk t Tilt in Homecoming SERMN G TH v.g VOLUME XXVI Fillll of lallltiail Islaildi of homecoming SllOWS As a feature at Bear River high school ? l i the Bear Eiver Bears, t r jr for an President Edgar Bentley 1 iaCt. Friday's win over Lo- former president of the Mitchell, meet the South Cache Sparxaniuan mission was guest An field t 3S the Bear's home speaker of the Tremonton Lions dam f 'IJnartans will invade the club a their luncheon meeting and also evening thK liar boasting two league Wednesday showed films he had taken of aye!-"- . x Tact. FriHav It. .. is. in ...oiuoH ovpr the Weber the events, people and scenery in the islands. DeAnn Ouinnev. 0,hc. u 2i-aiiuj ? vocal favored the club with two 20-0 Ivers; ek humbled North Cachei snlns . i hv hor accomrantprt ornia j hprome a serious coiueuuei Mrs. pro-- d The mother, Quinney. me 'rVeeion i one grid honors, her was the of under direction Hyrum Crew will beZm Ul living Cannon. Douglas 7tn rfmD the Rivermen' F' themselves as re-- ! club with two vocal solos, accom- gna atanijj pained by her mother, Mrs. QuinV nal favorites. "" ney. The program was under the over Last Friday's victory direction of Douglas Cannon, gave Coach Dick Howard's Mr. Cannon also reported on a directors meeting held in Salt nre. They should prove a hard ke recently, concerning the a league eleven to stop now that "1C belts. uu&pitax. their under victory is . T.inn Tol TToncon TrociHnf ' " tne doubt a hout present Lid is one of the best produced Presided and reported that the Lions had donated $150.00 to the school. is who assisting aid in purchasing playground Stan Stapley, nas an -- r"coacn as line ward .senior line who are rugged, Playgrounds. ;ve hard and know football. I nackfield artists Lamont Lamb, SOUTH BEAR RIVER o, ivu-rior- . . Lo-e- aa . j 1, UNION SUNDAY MEETING Leland Ishii and Jimmy The regular monthly Union ne are a sextet of ball hand-- i JT c If rs who know backfield tactics Meeting of the South Bear River and use them to good advan- - Stake will be held at the Tr.e- ' monton First Ward Sunday, Oc- tase. ted. T: Hie team's weakness lies in its tober 9th. The High Council will lor. TjLtck of adequate reserve power. meet with the Stake Presidency Rivermen suiter at 8:30 a m. Other meetings are Should the their chances as follows. Welfare, 11:00 a.m. piany injuries, for wins will be much less. General Bishops, 1 15 p.m., The kickoff is set for 8 p.m. priesthood, 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Reliv h the gates opening for ticket becca Mortenson, president of the Stake Relief Society Board, jkaes at 7:15. Bleachers from the fair grounds also announces a meeting for 2.1 vie been placed on the athletic all Relief Society Officers and field assuring adequate seating Class Leaders at 2:30 p.m. tor an additional 7uu patrons. PRIMARIES HOLD the p-m- : Liberty Tlieaire Starts 816,000 Remodeling Job : j j Work on the $16,000 remodeling project at the Liberty RUMMAGE SALE Theatre began Tuesday morn- T T $ E. SMITH TO SPEAK lL,Li VT BOTHWELL M. I. A. The Garland First and Second ing. Ward Primaries are holding a, Arr.nrriine- tn Mrs. PpaH w sPecial interest class of rummage sale at the Armory on Toland owner, the enim. t plans call Bothwe11 M- L A- will have October, 19th beginning at 10 00 to i2ie for tne complete remodeling of E. Smith as guest if. speaker at a.m. Popcorn balls and home- - the front and foyer, new rings, iheir meeting next Tuesday made candy will be sold and al drapes seats and screen. ou llallu1Iiclc ium xiiu tXULVlia. Q. "ho front. u?i Ha rvt n nsw metallic tile with ticket office at one side and a double door entrance in the center, new fire Pursuant to authority vested in me by the city council of Tre- proof projection rooms, a cry monton, Utah, and by other authority, by mass convention of the roomj new rest rooms, rugs, new 425 new "electors of Tremonton City is hereby called to take place at the lighting system and included seats in the Recreation Hall of the McKinley School on plans. Monday, October 10th A new sseating arrangement is rd Friday, October 14th. 1949. at the hour of 8:00 o'clock nm. ' ma to give theatre goers a L1S for: the raimnsp nf oh oeuer view 01 tne screen, wnicn didates fnr thA vv, fniiH, Lly UillLLlO. is oi the latest type and will .mo, a mayor, 2 four-yecouncilmen, a councilmen, 2 a clear view of the picture or tfit:City recorder and a city treasurer; and for the transaction of give from any seat in the theatre. "y other business that shall properly come before said conven The management states that tion. th,e regular scheduled program Kleon Kerr Mayor will continue throughout the reAttest: R. S. Calderwood, City Recorder modeling period. - j - - i 4! Call for Nominating Goiiventions tw i sf, ar two-ye- ar 4 ' BEAR RIVER VALLEY E Going to Denmark 6. 1949 ' " No. 3 The laying of the sidewalks on East Main Street is certainly Mrs. Quentln Allen and Mrs. to the appearance of that adding Blaln Morse respresented North of our city, and the city Box Elder county at the Utah part owners. fathers and property Division, American Cancer So- should be complimented for the state school in; training jciety Salt Lake City on October 3 and much needed improvement. Of course, there will be remarks North Box Elder county was made that it is close to another city election and so- - and so- - and given high praise by Mrs. H. soMilllgan National Commander. Under the direction of Mrs. Wyn have been called Hansen, this area held first forMeetings October 10th, and Monday, place in the State of Utah in for citizens to the Friday 14th, the 1949 drive for A. C S. funds, name candidates for city offices. 320 per cent of the There's a contributing "If you dont saying, quota for this district. This suci ; kick". same The don't vote, applcess was due to the many voies to the nominating meetings-I- f lunteers who willingly devoted you don't attend, and individtheir time and energies. " uals who are nominated for offiThe war against cancer is a ces don't meet with your approcrusade against a vicious enemy com' which threatens everyone and val, you haven't much kick has killed more human beings ing. fr ini hwwmAv ifnniwinl f: than all our wars combined. Mrs. Jennie Gephart was Alma D. Anderson, of Thatcher Doctors and surgeons are dethrilled and excited last week, Ward, who leaves soon for Dan- veloping new techniques of canwhen was called on a radio she cer treatment and surgery which ish Mission. are today saving many lives that quiz program and was able to would have been lost in past give the correct answer on the BUSINESS MEN Magic Soap program. She will SET MEETING years. A meeting of the Tremonton The people of North Box Elder receive a Westinghouse electric Businessmen will be held next county have proben their faith oven. Tuesday, October 11th, at the in a great cause. The program It seems there has been a Oak Cafe at noon. All members of the American Cancer Society business growth and imd are urged to be present. This is a attack to the past few years. provement is announcement made by Reed which cancer must surrender In looking back, we believe there of to will if the continue Olsen, secretary eventually you has never been a time when do your part. some new building hasn't been under construction or a remodeling program hasn't been underj j j ' 4- - : V-- ! H mum i' f ! TiiiiVr con-tino- way. Have Controlled Pheasant Hunting Four Utah students were the 855 new students at the University of Chicagov when work began there this fall. The students are Maughan Mason, Tremonton; Bard A. Merritt, Ogden; Carmon K. Conners, Salt Lake City and Margaret Mortimer, also, of Sa'i, Lake City. The college, ;, which accepts students after their sophomore year in high school for a four year program of general education, has an enrollment of 2,400 students. Garland Man Buried at Pleasant Grove us three-pronge- Bothwcll, Thatcher, Penrose Area To FOUR UTAIINS ENROLLED AT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO -. All An effort to control the pheasant hunting in the western part of the valley has resulted in he organization of the Day pheasant Association, according to D. Milton Marble, president. A field day, featuring deep tillAbout 42 sections of land, all west of Salt Creek will be under age equipment will be sponsorcontrol of the organization, who ed by the Peterson Tractor Ser plan to issue 800 permits each vice at the Harold Selman farm year. in East Tremonton on Saturday, The organization will control October 8 at 2 p.m. the hunting each year, and avoid All farmers and others Interesover crowding of the area with hunters, as in the past. Funds ted are invited to attend, accorreceived will he used for the be- ding to Blaine York, local mannefit of the Boy Scout organiz- ager. ation. Approval cf the project has been given by the State Game On Commission according to Mr. Ci Marble. Other officers include Bothwell-Thatcher-Penro- se Peterson Tractor Plans Field at Selnian Farm Kcoii Given Polio Funeral services were conduct- Roy Anderson, secretary-treasure- r and the following directors, ed Monday afternoon in the Garland Second ward chapel by George Summers, Ray Firth, Leonard Bishop for Oscar Keith Reed Anderson, Ervin Peterson, Winters, 56, who died suddenly Orsen Jensen, L. J. Smith, LeoThursday night at 10:30 of a nard Peterson and Lyman Zollheart attack. inger. Date and place of sale of perThe organ prelude and post-luwere played by Venna Gad- - mits as well as deputies will be die and she was accompanist announced next week. for the other musical numbers, which included two numbers by Called to California for Funeral the Male Quartet. The singers Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble left were Charles Last, Evan Gee, Castleton Harold early Tuesday morning for San Fred Nye and Francisco, after receiving word Father" and they sang, "Oh, My and "I Need Thee Every Hour". Monday evening of the death of The ladies sextet sang, "Sun- Mrs. Emily Burbank in San Frande ol Oct. Thuray, North Box Elder Highest In Emergency Cancer Drive - a Peterson, Ray Sessions, Dee STAKE rr. 3 Published Weekly at Tremonton, Utah The Thatcher ard has arranAlumni of Bear River high ged a dance for Saturday night school will be honored today at at the ward hall to honor Alma the annual homecoming celebra- D. Anderson and Clair Christen-sen- ( tion, which features a full day who have been called as and evening of activities planned missionaries from the ward. to please returning grads. Alma has been in the mission Former Bear Riverites will re- home during the past week, and gister in the main hall during the will leave next week for Denmorning where the studentbody mark, his field of labor. He Is a officers will officially welcome son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson. Clair is called to California. them. A testimonial honoring Alma An assembly featuring student will be held In the Thatcher and alumni talent will be pres- ward Sunday eve.iing. The proented at 1;30. A final event of gram will present President Cliff the program will be the presenta- Kerr and Lynn Clark as speation of the homecoming king and kers with remarks by the missqueen. Lila and Dennis Miller, ionary, his parents and Bishop last year's king and queen, will James Wight. Prayers will be introduce the winners In this offered by Joseph Nelson and Lorin Larkin and the musical year's contest. inThe night's activities will in- portion of the program will a clude ladies the chorus, song by clude a student pep rally, climaxed by the lighting of the B. R. on a vocal solo, Leon Miller and a vocal duet by Ken and LaPreal the hillAnderson. Kickoff Jime for the Bear River-Sout- h Cache game is set for 8 p.m. Half time activities will BEAR RIVER STAKE include a marching drill by the UNION MEETING TO BE HELD Pep club. The Bear River Stake Sunday Immediately following Union Meeting will be School game all alumni will he honored . on Sunday, 2:30 held at at a dance featuring the music October the Garland at' 9th, of Shorty Ross and his orchestra. Chapel. Sup't Karl Welling urges all officers and teachers to Px.-w- a a Alumni Will Ward Be Honored at Thatcher, To Ilonoiv. Homecoming Missionaries l7 a The sum of $930 36 was con- With the nearlng completion of the City Drug corner and the Wayne Sandall Motor Company announcement Is remodeling, made that the Liberty Theatre is starting a complete remodeling program. The drillers at the Promontory Oil Well in White's Valley have had some hard luck the past week: after going down over 3, ooo feet, the drill broke off and they have been trying to fish it out. An expert was due to Wednesday to help them out of the trouble. There seems to be some speculation as to the cause of the dark glasses, the genial manager of the Utah Poultry Coop is wearing these days. Maybe one of Reed's jokes bowmeranged on him or he could have walked into an open door? Didn't have anything to do with that extra egg bonus, did it? tributed by the people of this district In the Emergency Polio drive Just ended, reports Mrs. We join in wishing Grant Wesley Gephart and Mrs. Jed "Butch" Gamer success in his Abbott who were In charge of new advancement in the Safethe collection. way system. We hate to see him The contributions made by the and his family leave the comare as various communities munity. follows: Tremonton & East Tremonton $08067 Grant Garner Transferred To Pocalcllo Grouse Creek $85.50 ET: Howell $30.50 1 Thatcher $3000 vi r 4 ? . ' Penrose $28.88 f1 ,n : ; ii $26 91 Park Valley After working in Tremonton at ndinjif down". Bothwcll $14.00 cisco. She was the wife of Henry the Safeway store as butcher $33 90 Snowville Xi i for the past eleven years, Grant Speakers at the service were Burbank, Mrs. Marble's brotherI j t ' Those wish to thank Garner will leave this weekend in if Trein Burbanks visited ; charge The Cv E. Leonard and Smith Bishop ' j ' i j took all individuals and clubs for their for Pocatello, Idaho, to continue I v and prayers were offer- monton this fall, but she i assistance. a sick with if "? heart for the company in one of their very suddenly ed by Henry Manning and Lee I a died short within and attack stores. Grant has been Pocatello Thompson. -- is timewith Safeway for the i I Pleato , was employed taken ' The body i "f f ployed with Safeway for the sant Grove for burial by Rogers ...... ".., Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith i past thirteen years. Mortuarymnmmmt ' S5.JM0 for! are He has been active in civic and was born in Oghappy to report they have Mr. Winters with them their back son, in Tre-mchurch son of a 1893, organizations Boyd, den, October 4th, f oles, ton and will be missed by again. He has been in the St. Florence L. and Smith Oscar f" 1 Winters. He attended school Benedict Hospital at Ogden for ""1 li or " Ws associates in this valley. Poultrymen and farmers of the lea case of acute an four weeks with Wayne (Red) Merlca who has there until the family moved to Tremonton area will recieve $5, idea is he been in Tremonton for the past Polio, Jaut improving was he twelve 840 03 as th?ir share of the quar Garland when wellIW a half was also trans, and H" Weber aae attended reyear of ter a million patronage yenrs pf same store in Pocato tlv? ferred the from week mailed out and funds this graduated College being tello. Smith Business College in Ogden. tukmo.NTON METHODIST by Utah Poultry and Farmers He also attended the University Cooperative. CHURCH of Utah for two years and the The repayments of bonus SPECIAL MEETING fET YOUR TREMONTON BUSINESSMEN SON BORN TO R. Minister William for of Switzerland checks Persons( University range from a t?w dollars, TO BE HELD REED PALMERS 1949 9th,' THE to was The Tremonton First Ward October He to two Sunday, secretary years. nearly a thousand dollars THE HEPPS repair as well as his shoe shop. In officers wish to announce 10:00 Mutual School H. Church Senator William King according to Reed Giles, local The Hepplers came here from Mr. and Mrs. Reed Palmer a Sera C. for S Shoe D. that three 11;00 special years branch managerMorning Worship. parent's night will and sPrt Shop is Richfield Utah, where Hepp announce the birth of a son Washington k'nP on October mon Mutual at be held for "The Utah accountant Potter's the waa to The farmers dividend Clay." and total by R. Z.l graduated from high school. HeOct0Der 5, at a Brigham hos-f- : H'mip u operated 7:30 Evening Vespers. Ser- by Utah Poultry amounts to $263, 11th and they would like to in- for two Idaho Company 10 411 as "HePP" also attended the L. D. S. busi- Sugar pital. xhe Palmers also have two years. wif mon: "The Second Mile." 166 and Includes $197,168 on eggs vite all parents to come and vis- Elmlra and two sons ness college in Salt Lake. I daughtersa 1949 SwitzerOctober in L. S. D. church sold 11th, throuch the association in it the different classes and be- the Tuesday, are his right! He is a mcmber of tne Uons l ehti r nd b i W. 2:30 C. was S. S. Business and for three 1942; land years $45,000 patronage payment conw? acquainted with the activ. in runnin? the club and Businessmen's accocia- miss-IoParlor. the Church Swiss on ness. . at German of . Meeting ling secretary supplies purchased throu&n ltes and lesson work that are bei tu nrvrit time hs is 7:30 mission hl3 Choir of Practice most In 1948. and $20,000 to ing conducted by the M. I A. the ir. for the Mr. and Mrs. Robert West. Rrtnth ivm ieHeDD,iersrQ,n.iiciiiun- - mania uncviui v. j; , i i in sec1943 as served in October stake 12th, He timehas 1929 Wednesday, turkey growers who processed : V iransiered Pear River stake M. l. a- doW- C. T. Y. Silver MedM. Y. A. I. in 8:00 Recent visitors at the home of of the the 3rd at the Ephraim plant last season. October born by the Seen Miii, rv. retary T h ,i.mi mnnr.T thMr fifth son, Dr. and Mrs. Win. Ell Hawkins al Is Contest the at church to The in addition Stake. River refund Bear Speech busills for himself the Mrs- and the two boys the at Valley Hospital. A,, He is survived by his parents of . .. ......... , Thursday, October 13th, 1949 $99,237 paid on these same egg3 wer? Leon D Thompson of Og- Mr nnd Mrs. Evan Chrlstensen Whpn k . r.rr. 1 1' 7:30 Board of Education at! in 1913. making a total bonus den. Mrs. Mabel Holmes and son. bro the rnd Garland following nave a o.,y. Mrs. Rhra Whcatley. ' f JMrs. R. church. Please note the payment of C5 cuts per case ler?.oy, of Hurley, Llalio, and the sisters: and thers a r.- - t..i. "' OOUchf. K Stohl, Thry have aaugnirr ai.vjtj.i . -. i :ncr on Elwood G, Winters and chance of date-Nfor all etnas turned in by poult- - John Roberts of Lo;: an. oi :.rn. A:i?n Mrann Staynrr, Main Street, and Tremonton: Mrs- Annivor Job, DrHawkins is now home 1049 October San 14th, Francisco Wain Winters, tO'inen of this area. Friday, that "ne Ins rdiiiimwri r.i'inrn r;lifr,rn!a and Miss Kiverside annoi:nre Hie birth of from Mrs. the hospiUl and it will a as nice Jack comes 8.00 Lake The Salt a;:ain tOO dividend N. ' Wairt 5 Thf'V Hiyce ib Winters, City; (ill O 15 "'id improve the bus- - Nola Hnp'.or, nov scrvin; as a r, Is Improving nice, lie Is In to a her music students and San poulreported Francisco, Czar third Winters, present is the surprise rrsu!t is a comnletp ini.s.s'r.n;irv in Canada: end have a pill ond this ... recent from his r,f recital at the church. 'Mr:., nhoa Bude of Logan. ly try producers of the region. bv-for the family. un8 Roods and bicycle eleven p ran jcnuoi en- " - - .7! N f r ; A ft - - .. ;( ,s 1 tiO , ? - ..... rj- . Poiiltrymeii Will Receive In this Area - en ! execp-ionall- y 11 n , f J i - , births , n co-o- . v - 6 tr- . p - - Ti-nc- ncr - r- f- n.-nh- J'-n- :1 T1-- . V as set-bac- |