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Show vacs two J BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEERURY 3. 1933 PXAB ElYEIt VALLEY LEADEK WHO ARE YOU? Entered at the I'ostoffice at Utah as Second tins Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on rharsday ot each week. Tre-feMmt- Subscription Kates One Year (in advance) Six Months (in advance) (Three Months (tn advance) t j tit M The Romance of Ycur Nam Bjr RUBY HASKIKS ww Mmmmm. Attic Floor CutTn A large percentage rt an ordinary houi the roof, so that if your heat loss. ay 73 ILLit attic. ....$100; - heating engineers loss cf heat, tut T;"' The only or prod i p!&ee in the U. S. and businest Without matter covering any line t can Lc obtained Free and1 Obligation is the American indusm&l Llrry. rue or Busihcm Advertiin Waiter jrou r inter eted iniiame will be protepdy forwarded. llteimil M5USTML LIBKARY fcgin..ria UuUdiua, Ckioa.o, lUlaoim WNATIONAL rtlTCRIAL ASSOCIATION ( 193 5 To Your Town. 85 well of the name u Its or!.:i 1st that on I.oula de Saint Etifiii:o, mrt.sem,Hive of a r.oblo French family, wns an of V on a King ('.!(-.- ' i. ttnniitif tUm. During the chase a cub crus(ii t he kins a path. The King threw bin larae at the Animal, riiort;i!lj wound, cf it, whereupon the nioiher wolf rushed to the defense of her oTsprlog. Charles, having oniy his hunting knife to rely upon, would have suffered serious Injury or de;ifh had not iah ig tie LtH'iine saved the day wnn ws foresight and bravery. As a reward, the kins knighted De Elienne and he was called De Loup from that time. However, his jrrand-sothe Baron Emile de Loup, who at at a later time became the favorite at the Saxon court, changed the name from the French to the German, and thus the name became De Wolf. The wolves' heads on the arms shown boar testimony to the tradition of the as to your Country ft r;-d- . ! ... Ultra-Moder- new Iront ran oi ail th U. S. - J: Bomber Th! bombing plana J Ruah Interchanoeable stations for combat crews, 1,000 h.p. end complete visibility window dasign. Hughes' fortunate opportunty to tor a dance-ban- d pinch-hi- t an- - icisco led to West Coast fanib as a radio rAre.nrtrrlltv writrh I rliTrtAvr4 Kv him roront lODnointment to a natlonwIriA nwrirlr nnnf Known as radio's most persuasive painter oi vernal vianettes. Hush is heard on the NBC-Re- d Network Mondays through Friday at fl ju p m tai . t I v V r? f ir - Vi v I I - jrmmswNxmmin IKftumu 4 V a ana their enfira - j trouna niaht M been used This coat of arms has the family fop many ai ,r,r, uUh-- . to, .ationa, forest LTA .... TLIT, WJJ pre-w- . . tuL i o t Bidincr Hioh fam Rnmh (ka Giraffe Wheel Crrxirt A strcrte one of his clever Wcis In the e treet$ of tondon, llTl ww,. pPU1t,,, ' r '.1 tJelj a about l Ft! ie a ungfe Oueea )orolhv Laraour. film .tllJIs dition of the atti, able that in a house plaster ceiling and strini roof the addition of a weight Line, Wood Jt tic, besides eivins- rnr,.,..,- storage space or an aZ .dDle' , tSff'H w 7s- .. ine roof, this for CnrlgteKm ,r in - aMuM& that is one ia B warmer noster contest nnri J- H. J". Ur. - - , . ji. i, a wiin i l j- - vided for posters to advertise the second annual Intermountain Junior Fat Stock Shew to be held in Salt Lake City June 7, 8, and 9, 1938. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best entries sometime before March 1. -- s-uuwii SHOP THRU THE LEADERADS erray MICKIE SAYS AUVtKTir-- TODAY A KID 11" ??torually anl & r It ll QUIT TOMORROW - .is,&r-s-s the mioole'of tweoad? of the skidding h MOVAWVN&VOMEt CUSTOMERS MOVE wuce-- A VOURE AOr TALKlKf' TO A MASS" Meetikig, But A TARAOB IM , m .me oirection in jam on the brakes and turn the V19 direction of ARE AUUC GROWM'UP CITY Brailsford Friday evening a farewell was given in honor of Miss RuthB daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Re Burt, who leaves soon on a for the L. D. S. church. The progrc was neia in the ward chaw! o'clock with Mrs. Gertrude R. fe in charge. Following the dance was enjoyed in the amuser-naii, where Miss Burt was prese" a purse of money to help heronl way. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Merklerr TudeU, Utah, spent Saturday and Sc etay visiting Mrs. Merkley's mt. Mrs. Esther Ohman. Quite a number of relatives i friends attended the funeral sern of Mrs. Betty M. Jensen. Mrs. Je was a lormer resident of this c moving from here to Logan nearly. years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hoskins m. children spent Friday in Portage, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Iversonoffr monton, Golden Petersen of Snowvii Mr. and Mrs. Carol Hall and da:: ter. Mrs. Ausnsta Iverson audi. Thressa Brailsford snent Fridav: Garland where they were the of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Ac son in honor of the 6th birthday s 9 o'clock it their son TVimrlna licious hot dinner was served c large white birthday cake with red candles formed the centerpiece J ui vtiuujj; wiving can be avoided, or stopped ueiui-u ieaas 10 an accident, IX a "ew simple precautions are observed. Drive slowly over icy roads, keep a icaawwuie distance iron, the car ahead, and in bringing the car to a stop avoid as much as possible the simultaneous use of the dutch and urate dv tamng advantage of the eueci oi me Have VOllT brnl-o- nhoaAengine. qraent intervals to make sure that C. fv evi tne 8ame 6toPPg force u uvui siues oi tne car. unbalanced brakes are one of the most cojnmon wouoea vi sKiucung accidents. In city driving, keep out of the car tracks and fairly close to the curb. !?P towards the JT" of the eiu5 wui De in the direction slope and will be stopped by the .curb before any reat mo- Miciiium is artainea. i vnen a BKid starts take the foot - aTir'r c;cz jl's uy airs. u. w. Avoid Winter kidding jJUCB -- crosion ; BEAR RIVER By C. R. Strouse hill-pa- Soil l&'JfKfi J( A shametZ fi'wW from Robin Greatest Songster Of all the true sonzsters tho tn. e miliar robin has one most extensive repertoires in the whole of the bird choir, for It can trill out a half-hou- r Rood of ringing happy tunes without rpppntlng itself. it of-th- !!1 ' J. a OCR rs acoi .CO' their MAKE GOOD OR WE Tremonton, Utah - Phone PLAN NOW I THOUGH YOU Let us help figure with you for the new home want to build or remodel you f hot Any NOW IS THE TIME! AFUJJY fA'tK sfw04 I ( SEE' NVER 1 BE READY WHEN WEATHER PERMITS Build with Quality Building Material THE BEST AT THE RIGHT PRICE ,1 EVEN TOUCHED ME! fr v QiJ ii COAL - HARDWARE KOOlTOACM Ovcr-lndulpp- n'o n j. t or tobacco frequently brings on n condition In the .to- un Mof". headache, our ".t itomach, coldg. and musW SSd LBe.l rld 0f th "Comfort acid condition, over-acl- d tai, ALKA - SELTZER Alka-S.lt- ar "Z!lZ?th contain- - Sodium (an analireelc) in veKeub" Di lSSS DO Fronk Chevrolet '""!ilfiffirTr?lS jLl ic other ASt-- Schools cember. when prices suffered one of ? ..v, threatening- " the erazW vni. th., oucujicoi. o scuoucks on record a , Griffith' recent bureau report said. With the sPr-- j ,7 CS"CCC Carip he'p- - nUmber of cattle o d in the Com Ing in the work, annoimced this week. Belt ( roof . star, ncippei set rtth her Director, School of AutomobUee, International Correspondence V PtVr the J new eel a 22-- 1 m?h lalllaator given her al price raise which usually comes from January to June, the report said. THE ADVENTURES. OF.OZZIE vH6?JEiy LOOK r 1 .!)rw,..sv 7 decrees ' not mean u..ugu that there third saving on the fuel biU J"! there is still the heat loss throng side walls and aronnH 'i doors which varies n "1C vary, mugging up vvnuii T ses, of course, reduces th sumption just so much more. on th grade animals are expected to main tain a fairly steady level during the first half of 1938 except for a season Tl' j ! f the I JUKI" ar """' " ,ars- - the E(vnJ"t by ar - mature at ceiling were degrees before and after was laid,' that is t, ' Lfmtlw, , WQTam over! lOo.OOO mule deer in the region and December 1937 was 104 per cent great that more than half of them are found er than for pre-wclays, but prices The value per head of sheep on n Utah. The census gives the follow-- ; f armers paid for goods they purchased -- bulca iUt uult.r eame ammais m at Utah farms and ranges has been in-- ! retail were 128 per cent larger than the Utah forests: 2,950 elk, 125 moun- - the creasing steadily for the past several costs years, but it is far from the high1 tain sheep, 175 antelope, and 460 value of 1938, a bureau of agricul-- . black bear. A laige part of the mrai economics report states. The expected downward readjustment in beef cattle average value of each head of sheep "Spanish Valley" in southeastern in Utah was $11,20 in 1928, $3.70 in Which a rf "o-- ia. . Utah Will I'JJJ, and $6.80 last, year. Sheep rata-- ! mont utaionomics report predicted last fall " hv J " T" w"'KIV"llun cmsseu as one of the evicc ' may nave come in November and De- major I industries in Utah, with farmers own-- 1 Inc- ffiftt thnn o i.q w,iiK. 0 uuiuuu iii;ep ap- praised at more than 16 million dol- - 1 insulation laid over tho ter may prove worth wliiie ing heat losses. it is estimnton tic floor will prevent III -- reneratlons. as a trailing highway for animals The nam of D Wolf Is a distin-rulshe- d to and from winter pastures traveling one today In manv mnnMM other than Belgium and America. It Is ana sunsequent soil erosions through well known in Holland, Prussia and wind and rain Mr. Griffith action, the Baltic states. said. The founder of the family la Amei loa was Balthazar De TTolt He U first mentioned In im, W .Wethergfleld, Conn, In 16C8 he and hla three sons, Edward, Simon and Stephen, were members of the train band of Lyme, Conn, la their community they men ot "high standing, Integrity iweje and sood Judgment. - J '. i r. Almost 110,000 cattle and horses and more than 700,000 sheep and goats grazed on Utah's ten national forests last year, forest service statistics released recently indicate. There were 390 permits issued for cattle and horses, with an average of 24 head per permit. Sheep and goat permits totaled almost 1800, with an average of 390 head per permit. Utah has twice as many sheen and iroat permits and more grazing permits for cattle and horses than any other state In the United States. a ' .i,v t, VIiJ .ui.uwniiaoio wry. The Allen 9uaui ma irraT fiaeflMi MMtk. Calliomla working In picrures. V Cj-- T room ""u"gn the extra is w" it is ImnmrfUi uiu insuuiauon of some u.n "Tm hnil aJr tZ VS V!aV-thir- dI dFred AUea end Portland Hofla. ws aturacuve wile, step from the train that recentlv Kmimhi iv wolf story. flam, i -- .1 UJ.,1 i f -'-- LY?ted,?Y.nlUh ""tfle.ii - ; y - m a. Ml i it Rtl1 Among i!s many revo4 nat.qns. at 1 cj,iji.)i-H I v.-'i- PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS v 10011 "t niation hrta Kr, magnitude. Recent!,. me ie Profiiirt t i'Bft rriv-j . . it e i completed a study on the subject. Enler?8 ' oratory made the story wood house l and type of construe? 8 found on of the United L" wae tcrs are cold. tttt Calculations in thk that at an outdoor leZ 35 degrees Fahrenheit e. am-n!.it- wbe ealalnt of Althous-- long lias been con4-- ;t CI 50 Free to Publi ? vm.'tr A De Woli? $2.00 s n CHINA AND GLASSWARE FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES HOME OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Farmers' Cash Union "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" Co. 2 f |