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Show FEBRURY 3, 1938 EAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, PACE EIGHT JUAB NAMED AS TOP COUNTY IN ACTIVITIES MDVtiS IVPJTES ROOSEVELT'S STORY AND A 4-- H V Juab county received the silver plaque club which signifies outstanding 1937, activities during social progress Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural College extension service said early this week. Director Peterson made the presentation of the plaque to Juab county agricultural extension agent A. E. Smith at the extension service held in Logan recently. The award was made to Juab county becausa of the splendid ifccord en-of project achievements, community terprises, social service, public presentations and personal growth activiHome ties which the La Vonian in winning of up Science Nephi hung the state club championship, D. P. Murray, state club specialist at the college said. The club received a Victor radio as additional reward, Mr. Murray said. Club activities were supervised by Miss La Von Harris, local leader, and were carried on by Miss Marjorie Olpin, Miss Donna Tidwell, Miss Phyl lis Worthington, Miss Ida Wilson, Miss Florence Crane, Miss Melba Jones, Miss Norma Stephenson, Miss Eunice Bellinston, Miss Grace Powell and Miss Clarice Kendall. 4-- H rhone Marjorie Hansen, Correspondent S2.a-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cornwall reMrs. Westly Beck, of Rupert, Ida., of her this week from a trip in the home brother, turned vLjited at the A. L. Madson and family, Friday and eastern and southern part of the United States. They report having had a Saturday. very interesting vacation, visiting the The following were guesets of Mr. most important points of interest. and Mrs. Moore and family Sunday Mrs. Effie Giles was pleasantly sur afternoon: Joan Madson, and Colleen, Frank, Margene, Mira and Bennie prised Sunday afternoon by her famSchoab. ily in honor of her birthday. A sumptuous hot dinner was prepared and daughters-Mr. and Mrs. Lynn S. Roberts, of served by her daughters and Heiner Mrs. in-law. and Mr. and Roy Lake Salt City, spent Monday and of son and Mary Grant, Morgan Tuesday in Trenionton on business. Stoker, of Clearfield were also guests Mrs. A. L. Madson left Monday to at the dinner. epend a few weeks at the home of Norman Shaw. Caowell Jenkins and Mrs. Maria Madher mother-in-laAlfred Landvatter were Brigham City son at Spring City, Utah. visitors Sunday afternoon. to her Miss Esther Stohl returned Mrs. Nichols and daughter, Gloria, home Saturday after spending the last two weeks visiting In Felex, Ari- of Logan, j spent the weekend with friends in Tremonton. zona, and Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stohl, and Mr. and M.s. Jay Harris left Tuesday to spend a week in Los Angeles, Calif. ' Trapping Season for 1938 Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Adam3 and 30ns. To Whom It May Concern: Don and Max, visited with Glenn and after due investigation WHEREAS, Oral Adams in Logan Sunday deemed advisable to shorten the '.Tr I I- - I; I "I con-feren- ce " . ';;' - .., ' .. . ' An unusual portrait of the President at 7 (center). He was greatly interested In boating and Is shown wearing his favorite sailor suit. - T '" Jt ' "- " 4tr, " famous German biographer, declares j.CmH 1 -" In his "Life Ludwlg, (right) Uf Roosevelt," now being published serially In Liberty magazine, that In 1940. coty a world war will persuade Roosevelt to run again Oft v i3f ( .djTWLB U. S. Civil Service pRlSENTED TO family visited with relatives in and Logan, Sunday. Mill-Vil- le i Miss Mary Nelson, Primary super- visor of Ephrlam school district, visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Waldron, Thursday afternoon. Miss Nelson was enroute to meet her brother, who recently returned from a L. D. S. mission In Denmark. 0-- 30-0-- 8, Misses Emma and Veda Gardner, of Ogden, were guests of Miss Helen Bradshaw, Sunday afternoon. Miss 'Emma Gardner left for Nevada Wed- nesday where she will work as a e&uty operator. Miss Elaine Reeder spent the week end with friends in Salt Lake City. . - Reverend and Mrs. Goff attended toe Intermountain Conference of Evan gelic Churches in Salt Lake City, Monday and Tuesday. I do hereby further proclaim and declare that there shall be no trapping during the year 1938 on the known as Locomotive property Springs, in Box Elder County; or at Clear Lake, in Millard County; or on that portion of Utah County lying be low the meander line of Utah Lakei as It existed on January 25, 1896. NEWELL B. COOK Utah Fish and Game Com Fruit Growers Warned Against Field Mice trees. These rodents frequently de- Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Rose and velop an appetite for the bark and tender cambium layer of various fruit Lloyd Schmid and Daniel Bradshaw and trees, more often fruit at Logan trees. shade The bark and tender tissues A new Boy Scout troup 140 has been formed with twelve tenderfoot scouts. The boys will attend Court of Honor at Ogden next week (Scout Week). 1 Consult ill 1 v rl I beneath it are eaten until in many cases the tree is entirely girdled. Bridge grafting is often necessary to save trees girdled by mice or other animals. This Is a delicate operation and requires considerable training and experience to do a good job. It is much more economical and safer to poison the animals. This office will be glad to furnish the poisoned wheat at a small cost or poison wheat for those who will bring in good, clean soft for that purpose. Those using poisoned wheat, however, should bear In mind that poultry and other birds may be killed should they happen to get any of it. Precautions should be taken to pro tect these by using containers and protective coverings so that the birds and poultry cannot eat any of this wheat. The poison, after being scattered, should be covered also to protect it from moisture. Other means are often used to com- - DR. DON C. JAMES GIFTS OF CHEESE IN HISTORY WAS THE 149 POUND CHEDDAR CHEESE WHICH THE PEOPLE OF CHESTER, ENGLAND. KING IN i Jt PRESENTED TO THE 1825. ONE OF THE CAESARS, C ETA, LIKED VARIETY WITH HIS FOOD. HE INSISTED ON case. fJ JMZ-.- - err? In His Office Over Tcnney's Store PROSPERITY BONDS ACCEPTED PHONE 12.1- Ffm v aATpniVTrir'VTC2 win UlUil AO a. THE ANCIENT ROMANS KNEW 22 THE FIRST WHITE BREAD WAS MADE COUNT OVER 148,000 KINDS. THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN EAT- BY HUGH PADDINGTON AT THE QUICK RESULTS After his dog had Veterans are exempt from age requirement. Disabled veterans who wish to claim veteran preference, must file preference form 14, in addition to any other forms specified. Elevator conductor, $1,080 a year. Applicants must have had, within the past 10 years, at least three months' experience in the operation of elec-tii- c freight or passenger elevators. Closing date February 17, 1938. Announcement No. 18. Fire cooperation specialist, $3,800 a year, U. S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. Closing date February 17, 1938. Announcement No. been mi, six days. William KPrnonrv.TT-Albert, Saskatchewan,M6imofpi, Canada. - w w-- v ! newspaper, inserted in its lost and found found (his pet waiting .."j colonel for way vui. him hathficdet GETTING ADJUSTED T0 jj To learn the lessons that lifet. teach, to profit by them, to be finer as a personality, to be madet feet bv suffering that to turn life into an experience of. mv icu rinoaats i ., '' Afton, Wyoming, where he ks 3 1 attending business matters. He repoits the weather tiitreaJ ing very cold. In fact, he quota 1 old timer as saying it was neaiijl cold as a few years back whc's J farmer went out to milk and the'tl froze before it entered the mil J and he had to car ry it in the fcc! in his arms like kindling wood I thaw it out. "Believe it orno's Wes or was that two other pjr DEATH AXD BIRTH ClEVsf curve is now wj The death-rat- e ing upward, while the continues its downward arc. Yhe: two meet and cross, our total po; J tion will begin its long decline. Hi present trends continue, that e will take place some time in tie cade of the 1940's. Elbert H Cfc biith-rate- i A thimbleful of ordinary waters tains more living creatures human population of the than ; earti. WHAT'S THE USE? According to the latest este REQUEST OF AN ENGLISH NOBLEMAN Principal plant physiologist, $5,600 costs $10,028 to bring a child into : ING APPLES ARE CROWN IN WHO WANTED BREAD TO MATCH a year, Bureau of Plant industry, Dehis or her and world through partment of Agriculture. Announce- eenth year, which takes no accomr WASHINGTON STATE. HIS TABLECLOTH. ment No. 14. Closing date February the parental hope and anguKi u 17, 1938. me jod mat is not to ue mct mio Junior graduate nurse, $1,620 a FAMOUS GOURMETS OF HISTORY in dollars. Then, all too frequn' year, U. S. Public Health Service, LOUIS 16, HAD A SANDWICH SPREAD ALL X is to show for tie there the thing Treasury Department and Veterans' is HIS CHEESE MIXED WITH SUGAR of the Big Apple-- E; mastery Administration. Announcement No. 13 AND SPICES. AND SPREAD ON THIN TOAST. THIS WW News. inson Closing date February 10, 1938. ONE OF THE DELICACIES WHICH WERE SERVED HIM Senior industrial classification anFROM A UNIQUE SERVICE TABLE WHICH WAS LOWERED WHAT'S IN THOSE CABTOXS' INTO THE WraitB 10 Bt5tT ANP THEN, tAOtl WITH alyst, $4,600 a year. Industrial anThe other day after visiting! WAS RAISED UP RIGHT BEFORE THE KING. v alyst, $3,800 a year, associate indusscto j locker storage at the high thattrial classification analyst, $3,200 a friends her was telling lady Social Announce board. year, Security in there and ment No. 12. Closing date February had everything has some ice everyone BARBER SHOP TALK bat this pest. Treating the trunk of nearly 10, 1938. cold storage. She couldn't e; or undi trees with James Nice have. you Brough dog industrial Assistant classification r stand what their idea was. sometime prove efluted Dan Briggs Yeah, pretty good. analyst, $2,600 a year, Social Securificient as repellants. The most satisJ. Brough Stays by you pretty ty board. Announcement No. 11. ClosThe fan dancer wno u u factory way of controlling field mice, however, is by the use of poison. This good, too. est number of fans has the la? ing date February 10, 1938. D. JBriggs Yah, pretty good. warm winter seems to be conducive Associate wool technologist, $3,200 number of fans. to mice activity. Orchardists should J. Brough Got him trained, eh? a year, Bureau of Agriculture EcoD. Briggs Naw - When I make a nomics, carefully watch their trees so to preTHROUGH Department of Agriculture. vent serious damage from this source. mistake and nick off a of ear or Announcement No. 10. Closing date, piece R. L. RIGBY, ADS FIRSIj something he likes to be handy. February 10, 1938. Agri Inspector. CAN 15. A JSTT"-FO-OD, -j n lime-sulphu- Ruminants Animals that chew the cud are called ruminants, and the division of the animal world to which they belong is called the Ruminantia. Among the ruminants are the oxen, sheep, goats, antelopes, giraffes, deer, chevrotains, camels and their close relatives. Friday and Saturday February 4th and 5th "THE JURY'S SECRET" T 3 MESQUITEERS in PRICED TO CLEAR Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. February 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Our winter dresses have been cut again. A real opportunity Come in and see values GINGER ROGERS KATHERINE HEPBURN "STAGE DOOR" HOUSE DRESSES ALSO REDUCED $1.98 Value LaGra Shop Ladies Exclusive Ready-to-We- Our Gaiiff and News Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 10th, 11th, 12th $1.39 TWIN SWEATER SETS ar IHIIIItllllliiHmunH l fi SHOP LEADER VIGILANTES" 4iM I IHHI1 5CEN VARIETIES OF APPLES. TODAY, WE "PURPLE It 11 DINNER AS THERE WERE UT TERS IN THE ALPHABET. slWWT ft TREMONTON, UTAH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5th EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MM II S HAV- ING A5 MANY COURSES AT amT r?3 wool OliPHEUM THEATRE OPTOMETRIST Will Be w.j eig. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman and Mrs. Earl Shuman and sons, Billy Quite a number of reports have come and Warren, visited at the home of to the office of the Agricultural In Mrs. Ward Shuman's mother, Mrs. spector concerning the damage being done by field mice to fruit and shade Heed, at Ogden, Sunday. attended a business meeting Tuesday evening. i Ex- The United States Civil Service Commission has announced the following examinations. For inf ormation relative to these examinations, contact your local postmaster, or the Civil Service officer at the Salt Lake postoffice. Applications must be on file with the U. S. Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C, not later than the closing date mentioned in each ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS SINGLE William Hardy and Joseph Garrett of. Salt Lake City were business visitors in Tremonton, Monday and clusive. ',, I?rtn According to final found that the automobK tt in 1937 reached a new exceeding the 1936 slaughterVN 37,000 victims. Each week we read in papers where someone in tt e is hailed into mu, answer viuiauuu, some Deing mort than others. aminations Announced fur-beari- Mr. and Mrs. George Bradshaw and THERt 4-- H '- it is season for the trapping of animals in the State of Utah during the spring of 1938, NOW THEREFORE, I, Newell B. Cook, State Fir;! and Game Commissioner c? the State of Utah, under the authority of Section SO 7 and Rev Li:1, Statutes of Utah, 1933, do hereby proclaim and declare that it shall be unlawful to trap muskrats, mink, marten and raccoon between March 16 and April 1, 1938, both dates inclusive; and THAT the only time during which these animals may be trapped during the spring of 1938 shall be from February 15 to March 15, both dates in- Till1 j Competitive Prices 60c BROMO SELTZER 35c Ingrams Shave Cream 60c SAL HEPATICA .... 5rt Trrir, THATU T A OTP 65c Ponds COLD CREAM 50c Chamberlains LOTION ... $1.00 MARROW OIL 25c J & J BABY POWDER 40c Listerine Tooth Paste 75c Bayer Aspirins, 100's 75c McKesson's COD LIVER OIL, 16-o- z &oWllA2 wKvuvy competitive with bigger shopping centers local people prefer to shop locally Buy your needs at these LOW PRICES. 49 ouir, o ior 49? on A 490 39 69 19tf 33 59 59 ZUC 51 WE HAVE SEVEN (7) ONLY BOUDOIR LAMPS Reg. $1.29 to $4.98 - Sat. Only At Our Fountain 29t NUT SALAD & 890 50c Tek Tooth Brush - 2 for that if our prices are We think . 17 PHCe REGISTERED PHARMACISTS - Pineapple Marsh mallow A SUNDAE & SATURDAY ONLY aJKJ??,Sr D w $1.00 St. Regis Pocket Watch, 89 $1.69 Electric Bread TOASTERS - with cord 49c St. Regis HAIR BRUSH - 39? 75c Broadcheck Lb. Paper mirl TTn UIITvolnnnc VlUVO miu on TTnaTiTTi a nrrrmrKT IK 9M . . t Challenge Alarm Clock, ft New Gem Razor 7 blades M KOTPY 1 9c - 9 fnr 5o KLEENEX, 500's - 2 for M. D. TOILET TISSUE, 3 for,2o? 1-- 00 ... 5-l- b. Water Softener and Bath Salts THERMOS BOTTLES, pt. S' TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES o n "LIFE OP t THE PARTY" GENE AUTRY in "THE OLD BARN DANCE PtlESCPdPTIONS DRUGS Jremonton, FOUNTAIN tita k SEHVlL |