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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEAVER, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1MT Traveler 'HWllll.'!"'!.' Noted ishes Society and H1 n- - Annual Poultry Report of Local Boy's Travel Abroad Cub News kJr j the-star- t P Si ; : fdge g, vice-preside- nt f L C vice-preside- M NEWS d, 1 J OrpfieutiA Theatre- .- EAST RELATIONS" OF THE Are Graring" SMART Men-Glean- Park" and News EAST TREMONTON . HOLIDAY 1 h in iiiniii 1 New Arrivals l DRESSES SPRING HATS SPRING AND SUITS new style details, in colorful designs Your Spring Outfit iHHH LaGra Shop ton Utah Tt 41 H M 1 1 1 H M I H er Geo. A. Beal ! S. S. Exochorda. At sea "Agricultural salvation through unbetween Piraeus and Naples selfish cooperation" will be the theme Correspondent January 30, 1937. of the fifteenth annual convention of ,nl3 COOK. 60-- 2 Phone Dear Mr. Editor: the Utah Poultry Producers Cooperseems to be quite evident that ative association, set for February 19 It t.TVS BRIDGE CLUB we did not win all those millions of and 20 at the Hotel Utah in Salt Lake. . .u!kM DM hostess More than. 1000 poultrymen from franc in the French Lottery, as we Bridge club at her had anticipated, because we are still aU Utah and southern Idaho are exafternoon. Prizes were working on the ship here and trying pected to- - attend the sessions, proMiner ana to figure out, how two and two can; gram for which is announced bv V Mrs. Dorothy make five. oStewei Clyde C. Edmonds, state association fcnscifia Ransom were This letter following the one I sent general manager. 'Delicious refreshments you from Alexandria, will tell Problems of vital concern to Utah you how the planned trip to Cario just agriculture and to her poultrymen and . Were1-petered out into nothing. Not alone turkey raisers will be discussed by l.tBSTlNBPARTY Taylor and Morris, but several other experts, many of whom have years f seagull Girls of the Primary boys, did not have sufficient identi- of practical and academic training. The poultry producers' convention I X fication papers to permit them to held their Valentine will be preceded by the annual meetland in Egypt and I knew from Elaine that there might be difficulties. ing of the Utah Turkey Growers' aswere Games On other hand I also knew that a sociation, scheduled for February 18 the rfwere present were "backshee" exchanged could work wonders in at the HotelUtah. Attending will be valentines that direction and on the first day I about 100 members of the industry. managed to get them ashore alright. State officers and Herbert Beyers, , We went through the Native Quar- Salt Lake, general manager of the I BRIDGE CLUB n u ters, Bazaars and uptown section and Northwestern Turkey Growers assothe they had a good look around. Togeth- ciation, will be active on this program. Watland entertained fun The initial home I Friday. er with other boys they had laid plans vene at 10 a. poultry session will conclub at her m., following community to Cario early next mornFern for going were awarded to Mrs. with a report from the board singing, and as as can see far was I it ing of directors and introduction of cona too was cooks just question a of, many member, m Wadsworth, spoil a good broth. They were to vention theme by William A. Shuld-berPreston, state association presidrive to Cario in cars and three or dent. Randall Schow, first of the four fellows had made arrangeloNOR BIRTHDAY will conduct the meeting. ments with as many different drivers, ANNIVERSARY David F. Smith, state agricultural etc. with cars, the result that Kerr guides, Dorothy Kerr, Mrs. Irene those fellows started quarreling commissioner, will give an address Umis. Ethel Kerr were hostesses among themselves, as to who was go- and reports will be heard from Genhome of eral Manager Edmunds; Assistant ffi surprise party at the of her birth-- ing to take them. One got jealous General Manager H. 21. Rose Kerr in honor ElacMiurct; of the other and the result was that H. L. Strong, treasurer and credit anniversary Saturday evening. the police guard got scared and included Mr. and Mrs. O. A. would not let any of them go ashore, manager Charles P. Rudd, poultry deMr. A. Mrs. J. and Pack, wer Mr. instead of that it was keep dark, partment manager. faf Mrs. Israel Hunsaker, Mr. and there was too Hyrum Peterson, second much publicity. This Mrs. will conduct the afternoon proW Robert Calderwood, Mr. andLind-refusal caused quite a revolution at which addresses will be givgram, Cl Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Milton amongst our boys and I heard all en G. Peterson, Logan, U. S. A. E. and family of Salt Lake City by kinds of dire threats of what they lr.d Mrs, Byron Warren and family C. president; E. S. Trask, Idaho Falls, and Leon would and what they wouldn't do and manager Upper Snake River Valley ifOgden, Edward, Clifton was spent in play- anyway Egypt, police, Arabs, drivers, Creamery; Chief Justice William A. jlerr. The evening and everything else is just no Folland of the state supreme court; er games. The hostesses served del- Cario at all. I heard one of the boys Ward good icious refreshments. Holbrook, Clearfield, Utah declare that if war was ever declared State Bureau president, and W. Farm between the United States and Egypt W. Owens, Logan, assistant U. S. A. he would be the first volunteer and C. extension service director. shoot them all in a heap. HOSPITAL John A. Johnson, past president of Later in the morning I went to the the association will conduct the Feb. Passport headquarters myself, to see 20 forenoon meeting. This session I Mra. James Manning, Ursol Bureh-lolif anything could be done, but the will feature an address by Byron Alder Cliff Bowcutt and Vay Jensen trouble was that there were just a U. S. A. C. husbandman; inietumed home this week after undergfew too many and I just could not troduction ofpoultry branch for managers by appendicitis. oing operations ask special privileges for Taylor and Edmonds;, an address by W. Opal Shemick had her appendb;. re Morris and not the other boys. That Manager Her condition, is would have caused still more trouble. D. TermohJenf Washington; : D?;:.C moved Saturday. chief of the AAA poultry division, food.They told me they were quite willing and market reports bv Albertus Wil- I Mrs. Sylvan Korth, of Fielding, to let the boys land, providing the cap lardson, Los Angeles; Samuel Leviten, returned home after receiving a blood tain, agent, consul general, etc. would New York and B. J. Holmes, San transfusion. write a letter guaranteeing the boys J and Harold Jens- good behaviorand put up a bond to Francisco. President Shuldberg will preside at en of Bear River City had their ton-sl- s make good damage caused by the the final session. R. L. McDonough any removed last week. a boys in case of trouble and also suf of the traffic department and Merrill ficient money, in case the boys missed Rushforth of the egg department, the ship etc. no use enumerating will present annual reports; E. H. further details. But in my mind I got Elliott, Logan branch manager, will a kick out of the very idea of ap- discuss problems of branch manageproaching; all, those people and them ment and the convention will conclude going to all that trouble just for the with reports from committees on sake of letting the boys go to Cario, election of directors, insurance, etc. There was "just nothing doing.' The new board of directors will Later on I heard wild shouts of, meet immediately following the gen"Come on Jensen, Come on Johnson," eral convention to elect officers for TREMONTON, UTAH and I thought maybe matters had ar- the coming year. ranged themselves through a change of guard, but when I looked around Friday and Saturday I found the boys at the bottom of GARLAND February 19th and 20th the gangway, talking nineteen to the David Larson Mrs. By dozen and making sort of a "Crash LAUREL AND HARDY, in to interfere the Gate" attempt. I had The towns of Fielding and East and tell the boys to go back, as I did "OUR not want to see them finish up in Garland had a new experience last "Kalabosh" (jail), instead of Cario. week which was not at all pleasant. As it was I think they had a pretty The pipe line which brings pure moun TEXRITTER, in was broken good time, watching the Arabs work- tain water to the towns River. It Bear crosses the it where "SONG ing the ship. We left on time Saturday and ar- was some time before the break was rived at Jaffa early next morning. A discovered.. With the deep snow it was were no inGRINGO" heavy groundsweel was running so difficult to see as there the ground above leak a no attempt was made to drop the an- dications of of to the Added to on difficulty chor and we steamed straight anywhere. "Vigilanties in was the getting the in delay arrived we repairing where early Haifa, " afternoon. As we arrived earlier than pipe. For several days the towns were necessitated carexpected, there was no room for us at without water which the dock. We had to lay for anchor rying or hauling from the few open Sunday . Monday all Tuesday in the stream. It was just pouring wells or springs. Needless to say reebruary 21st - 22nd - 23rd been had line the when for chance a wasn't rejoiced rain and there into go to shore. DEANNA paired and the water again came the boys DURBIN, in evening. to the and arrived system Saturday We left at midnight The young people from here who and Beirut the morning at following "THREE bad luck kept up there. We had plan- attended the stake M even ned to go to Damascus and Baalbeck, banquet at Tremonton Saturday a but there had been a heavy fall of ing report having had very enjoy GIRLS" able evening. (Continued On Page Six) Mrs. Sylvan Korth is slowly recov "Yellowstone the ering from her serious illness at remov been has She I Valley hospital of Mr. ana Mrs. r. .Miniature ed to the home G. Korth in Garland until she will be home. Wednesday and Miss Donna Brough of Salt Lake able to return returned Wed Thursday Larson Alice Mrs. dinwere Bowcutt February 24th and 25th City and Clarence a from pleasant weeks ner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. nesday evening EDMUND in Salt Lake City. relatives with visit Jesse Garfield's. LOWE, in Mrs. L. M. Holman, with Mrs. Geo. Beverly and Billy Goldsberry are Coombs and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes asT!tiA of spending the week at the home flMD the Relief Society Mrs. Ira Fridal while their parents sisting, entertained ladies at her home, Thursday afterare in California. noon in their regular monthly work ' ii i ii m 1 1 1 1 i m 1 1 1 1 1 i i and business meeting Mrs. J. W. Lari 1 11 son gave the work to the members. soAfter the close of the meeting ae Twenty-onwas enjoyed. cial hour members were present. Refreshments were served. It was a real disappointment when SPRING our basketball boys lost the coveted last Wednesplace in the tournament COATS nosed out were as they day evening team. 1 Entirely by the Tremonton Mrs. Hilda Petersen returned home where Friday from Salt Lake City, visweeks several Select Now! she spent the past families. and sisters iting her Miss Verda Johnson was home from Her the U. A. C. for the weekend. been has Sorensen M. J. Mrs. mother, vprv Doorly since an attack ot flu.mo-. , Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover emari Four-ldteiteach- er, GARLAND By Mrs. t Convention To Be Held Feb. 49, 20 page rrv- 1 Lion Committees Named I Lions committee, appointments for - chcoL At each meeting a speaker tV national reputation addressee the group and .conducts the discussion. Next Monday evening Mr. Chancy, will speak on the subject of social ae curity. He promised that he would criticise some parts and comment others in the present set up. Admission to the lecture is free. School busses carry people from most of the communities in the valley. Following the forum Monday night at the high school a free dance will be given, to which the public is Invited. It is being sponsored by the; Beet association, according to O. A Iverson, president of the association.- Frank Driggs and his son Keith the ensuing year, named by Lion Pres. were business visitors In Salt Lake Dewey, are listed as follows: According to Pres. Dewey reports City Friday. of these various committees will be Mrs. Oluf Johnson and daughter called for on numerous occasions durRuth, were Ogden visitors Saturday. ing the year. Miss Estelle Welling came up from Beautification: D. B. Green, chairSalt Lake City to attend the M Men S. B. Watland, Harry Taylor, man; and Gleaner banquet held Saturday James Walton, James Brough. evening and to visit with relatives Alma Theurer, chairAgriculture: here.' She was accompanied to Salt T. E. Adams, Ervin StohL Frank man; Lake City Sunday afternoon by her Dalton, K. L. Stevenson. parents, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Welling Attendance, Membership and and Miss Margaret Tanner. F. M. Christensen, chairman; The Garland Camp of the Daugh- E. R. N. E. Shaw Winzeler, ters of the Pioneers will hold their Inter-CluJ L. Weidman, chair--1 regular meeting Thursday afternoon man; R. W. Cannon, J. T. Frank, P. February 25, at the home of Mrs. P. D. Fuller. Relief Society was held Tuesdavil A. Linford with Mrs. George A. d - Local Activities: P. C. Har Feb. 16, with a laree eroun Major cf Indies as hostess. ris, chairman; James Walton. ',; in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Art Linford and son Baseball: B. F. Winzeler. The scripture lesson was riven bv ' John, and Mrs. George A. Linford Legislative: A. N. Fishburn, chair- Olive Rhead. A vocal duet was were Ogden visitors Thursday. man; James Walton, J. L. Weidmann. by Ruby Sandall and Faun Quin g:vei :ry. Miss Alice Brough came over from Safety: Rudy Miller, chairman; O. The literary lesson, "The Life) of. and the weekend with Logan spent W. Goldsberry, Wayne Sandall, Earl Lincoln," was given by Supervisor-Zinher parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Marble. '.; Nelson. Brough. Merchants: W. McDermaid, chair Next Tuesday. Feb. 23, will be th Mrs. Art Felsted entertained Thurs man; Dr. Grant M. Evans, F. I. Moore Social Service lesson, under the: di" day In- honor of her daughter Helen's L. J. Cummin gs, Wesley Gephart. rection of Supervisor Ivy N, Seager. sixth birthday , anniversary. Eight Inter Mountain Director Roads: C. guests enjoyed games and refresh J. Dewey. t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ments. Sight Conservation and Health: Mr. and Mrs. Art Felsted were Salt Reed Giles, chairman; E. H. White. It is true that Mr. Nussbaum and t'i Lake City visitors Monday. Scouts: Israel Hunsaker, Jr., chair- have no business transactions. I am', O. L. Brough spent Tuesday night man; Levi Dunn. well pleased with the decision of my-- : in Salt Lake City visiting with his Education: Guy Johnson, chairman; competitor, that I have become of., son, Owen. Owen returned with him A. N. Fishburn. age and able to take care of myaelf.; to visit Wednesday night at his home Publicity: H. D. Thomas, chairman; Ed Youngen before leaving -- Thursday for the Robert Simonsen. British mission. Finance: F. C. Gephart, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Manning and Ernest Woodward, Brig Williams, R. son'Earl, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning B. Waldron. and Mr. Halverson spent Tuesday in Music: C. C. Watkins, chairman; E. C. Thompson, F, I. Moore. Brigham City. E. J. Holmgren is spending a few Athletics: R. D. Anderson, chairdays this week in Ogden. man; R. B. Waldron, Leon Kerr. H. D. Woffinden went to Salt Lake City Tuesday to visit with his sons, Walt and Bill, who left later in the week for their mission, which had originally been scheduled for South Crystal White S. Africa but which was recently chang10 bars ....;.... . CiZjC ed to Great Britian. thinks America who that "Anyone Hope and Bob Woffinden spent can continue to dump all her problems TOMATOES Thursday in Salt Lake City visiting onto the shoulders Twin Peaks, Extra . of the Federal govwith their brothers, Walt and Bill. ernment and still democra retain her Can 2'2 Fancy, Large J. J. Shumway visited Monday with cy is mistaken," declared H. C. Chanrelatives in Clarkston. on the subject, "SweCORNED Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite were ey, speaking school den's at the Democracy," high Brigham City visitors Saturday. Miss Ethel Rogers and Mrs. Carl last Monday evening. Can "Such practice," he said, "will lead Rogers drove to Provo last Thursday to dictatorship of either the socialistic to see the B. Y. U. varsity play "The AND or the facist variety." state Admirable Creisrhton ." in which Sweden Picturing the democracy of Wayne Rogers played the title role an economic system that has work 22 Can . .. Thev were accompanied from Salt as to to seems the and peothat ed, give Lake City to Provo by Mr. and Mrs. CORN ple of all classes a maximum of good J I Bean. and minimum of evil, Mr. Chaney ex Large plained that Sweden's success was Can brought about through a balance of power of the various bargaining' groups of the nation, notably that of By Phyllis Summers the "Kooperative Forbundel," the con 3 Cans sumers association. Rasmus Anderson was pleasantly between differences of In the spite surprised Thursday evening by his America and Sweden in size and family on his sixty- - ninth birthday. homegenity, Mr. Chaney believes that "Service" The evening was spent visiting and the same of balance between Pound ........... principle then a delicious lunch was served. various groups will save democracy Owen and Rulon Sorensen of Salt in America. SOAP Lake City were Sunday visitors at must be organized-labo- r, Each group A Plus the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ell Hawkins capitalists, farmers, the profesMr. and Mrs. Bert Firth were in 3 Bars sions, and the consumers, and each Ogden Monday on business. the voice in a to must be allowed have Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Homer, La- management of the economic system. Sun rehe Homer and Lois Allen spent Mild Democracy demands tolerance, paday evening at the home of Mrs. T. tience and fairness. Its price is slow Pound V. Summers. ness in reaching solutions to problems Mrs. Eli Anderson visited with her and perhaps a leveling of opportunity mother, Mrs. Ellen Hunsaker, in Hon- - for individual initiative. Its reward is eyville Monday. government which results in the most 'Tuesday afternoon the members of good for the majority; it is govern the Relief Society pleasantly surprised ment of the 2 Pounds ....... people, by the people, and Mrs. Josephine Gibson, the occasion the people. for being her 74 birthday. Mrs. Gibson is CAKES Addresses Large Crowd the oldest member of Bothwell Relief hundred gathAbout three persons Society and was a pioneer of this to hear Dr. Pound . ward. The afternoon was spent in so- ered Monday evening and to take part In lecture Cheney's les cial visit and a short, Interesting discussion which followed it, son was given by Mrs. Erma Sum- the forum for adult education is This mers. Afterwhich a delicious lunch Fancy Johnathan and Banana each held Monday evening at the high was served to 20 members. The ladies ... Per 51 .ZD X presented Mrs. Gibson with a years Bushel subscription to the Relief Society magazine. CABBAGE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth and family Sez: were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and 3 Pounds ........ Mrs. George Payne. Dean Wyrick of Ogden and Mrs. Elizabeth Sandall of Tremonton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Payne Monday evening. Mrs. John Eberhardt was in Brigham Tuesday to attend the funeral of her cousin. OCt Baby Beef 2 Pounds Lowell Summers, student of the A. C. at Logan, spent the weekend at No-Dro- p: - Relief Society News b: Lin-for- . -. a Saturday Bargains Swedish Democracy SOAP Explained by Speaker AtR R. H. Monday . A i1 UC - BEEF PORK 1 OC BEANS 10e SWEET 10 BO TH WELL DEVILED MEAT , 10c COFFEE -- 17c HAND 10c CHEESE 18c MACARONI and SPAGHETTI 15c FANCY 19c APPLES Sally Lotta Carr 10 Quality Meats LIVER tJ& 1 VEAL ROASTS home. Thursday evening a very successful dance was held in the ward halL A large crowd was present and the ev ening was enjoyed by all. Choice Meaty Cuts tored to Logan Sunday to spend the day with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grover. Earl J. Holt and son Mervin, of Fielding, visited sacrament meeting here Sunday evening and were the speakers. Mrs. Gertrude Hansen pleased with a piano solo and Miss Beth Smith gave a reading. All were from the Fielding ward. Mrs. Ida Rhodes spent several days of last week with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rhodes, In Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes accompanied her home for the weekend. Sliced Cure Your Flu or Pneumonia CALL 7.3-- 5 Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins CHIROPRACTOR Pound 1 1 JH SALMON "There is one thing that can get In a man's hair without making him mad, and that's a pretty girl's fingers." 2 Pounds OKrt LaJ BACON OAj) & UV Sliced Pound i BEEF ROASTS Also, there's one thing you can buy with the utmost satisfaction and that's Pep '88' Gasoline Choice Cuts Pound 1A BEEF BOIL Pound ... 10 andVico Oil DIDERICKSON & GOLDSBERRY Tremonton, Utah - Pfcon 17 UK' Surety 0J Purity |