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Show irv IT 117837 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAT, FEBRUARY TM 1 Old Ace Bill Wins In I I Senate By Majority ftrtnniy mm r ay ' (Continued From Page One) Toss leaders and the sale of mich to cut into products at less than cost merchant. small of the the patronage This bill drew almost unanimous suphouse, port of members of the lower educator and merchant labor, farm, Representative groups supporting Milton Twitchell, Republican, from Garfield casting the only negative vote. Representative Aird of Utah becounty said the practice of selling the down prices beaten cost had low to farmers of the things they raised and sell in the city markets. Selvin of Tooele said the "cut rate" stores made their money by boosting the of Wash prices of other things. Mathis bill was the he if said thought ington against the interests of the thrifty housewife he would be against it, but he knew the evils of unfair trade prac ticca and knew the bill would be bene ficial to the consumer. The house followed action on the fair trades bill by passing Representative Holbrook's bill reducing the yearly license fee of produce dealers from 535 to $25 per year. Final fight over the direct primary bill brought strong opposition from it v IF KUlB' VU R06 1 SNOW I UU1LJ ( V IPOK K0 Classified ;jj i: Ad Column FOR SAL7 4 good Holstein cows. 25. t2. , Leland J. Hansen. 8, FOR SALE Brood sows and pigs. the smaller and more sparcely settled Alvin Curless, Corinne t2p. counties. Senator Wendall Peterson, was one of the leaders who Ferron, Small terrior. LOST Black Scotch the opposition, said he wanted it black dog with long hair. Return to in that the measure was understood Mark Nichols, Garland. Reward sponsored by a 'group within the not by the entire party. FOR SALE Good used separators. party' and of Duchesne said he Senator Billings 8.5-. Will take livestock. Call had been trying for days to find one excuse to vote for the bill but FOR SALE Seed barley and oats. good not it. Senator Snow of had 8 C. Richardson. Phone 67.0-- 2 tf Parowan found said that under the measure , 2-- 2. merit would de1935 ballyhoo rather than PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Stevens Senator winners. the termine Ford V--8 Sedan. Excellent condition was said the of Fillmore legislation Taxes paid. Phone 84.a-not needed and he could see danger considerable harm. Senator Holmes FOR SALE 20 acre farm in East of Box Elder said he was against the of Tremonton. Good buy. Inquire Lead-- : two years ago but had become bill t2 er office or call 77.0-convinced the people want it Senator .j was the only one FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnish-'- - Llndstrom of Carbon counties to outside from the ed modern apartment 3 or 4 rooms. give enthusiastic support to the mea I Mrs. t2p. sure. Senator Frischknecht sought to state Man to sell Idaho dry amend the measure to make the WANTED bear the rather expense county i t!an farm seed potatoes, on commission. of the primaries, but was defeated. ' Box 27, Idaho Falls. Billings, Frischknecht, Peterson, Snow and Stevens voted against the bill. WA$mSD Fat, balky slow horses to Senator G. G. Lindstrom of Carbon ship. Glenn S. Mason, Phone 79. was successful in getting his bill for tf. a junior college at Price, already pasFOR SALE Fresh load young mares sed by the senate, passed by the and Geldings. Glenn S. Mason, house. The measure was passed in indicating ; Phone 79. tf. both houses by a majorityveto should it could be passed over a The measure. overtake such a the fate FOR good draft colts see C. Richard-- , was measure to the only opposition 67.0-Elwood. Phone son, tf based on the thought that a definite CASH PAID for dead and useless program should be worked out for cowa and horses. Call Maple Creek the entire state before more junior colleges were authorized. Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. Representatives T. W. Jensen, Santf. pete, Ephriam P, Pectol, Wayne, and FOR SALE Choice 40 acres. High Frank D. Low, Beaver, lost a gallant productive condition. C, Richardson. fight for their resolution designed to tf. bring about an amendment to the constitution to prevent diversion of gasoline ax funds and auto license reveOU- Rnues to anything other than road purposes. Senator Daniel Stevens of Fill more was more successful with his branch banks bill. The house passed it. This will permit the Milford bank to establish a branch at Beaver. The MAKE GOOD OR WE DO bill of Representative Selvin of Tooele Co. providing for regular paydays for Tremonton, Utah - Phone 28 employees, had some of its 'teeth' ex tracted in the senate and then was tf. 2. ; 1. ; . .I,, so-call- ed Grace-Johnso- : 1. 1. 2. 12-3- 1, ; 493-J-- : 2. 6-- 28 1-- 7, Fronk Chevrolet NOTICE TO FARMERS We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS Just Ring Logan Enterprise 30 This is Our Private Long Distance Number the Operator Understands We That Already Pay for the Call COLORADO ANIMAL BY-PRODUC- TS East of the Sugar Factory FOR ICE Beverages & Goal BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH : 36 era onnnanrAd a utensil shower for the ward kitchen A program, danc ine and refreshments formed the ev ening's pastime. The officers wish to thank those who helped to make the affair a success. The Bee Hive classes enjoyed a pro gressive supper Saturday evening. Friday evening the Sunday School will sponsor a "Married Folk" dance with the orchestra from Bear River City. Free refreshments will be served. (Contlnued From Page One) his vetoes, if he uses the expression 'must' in regard to laws we cease to be a democracy and become a dicta ouc oi torship. If congress plays toward hateful becomes bounds and the toward Supreme and President the Court and refuses to appropriate or tne money for the maintenance court and the executive department, then we become the type of democra cy which the classical writers called a mobacracy. In such case3, fair play is gone. If a third of the Senate plus one member is obdurate with respect a treaty, then a small majority is running the government, and democracy has become a victim of a special group. And if the courts take unto them selves the power of using judicial re view to such an extent that the court becomes a legislative body, contrary to the Constitution, and strikes down laws so commonly as it has been done in the last few months, then the will of the people of the country is over come by a smaller group, still, and we have an oligarchy. "None of these things is going to happen. Fair play is sought and will ' be forthcoming." The Senator criticized the court for a tendency to review cases in the light of decisions-o- f previous cases rather than going back to the original con stitution primarily, and declared that as a result "the difference between the interpretation today and the or iginal words is apparent to all laymen, and a demand for reform must come. Using the example of the sixteenth amendment where .the Constitution says "from whatever source derived," Senator Thomas declared that the supreme court has gone so far as to say that the constitution does not even , an,! tM-- ?1 uncontsitutional as a "growing havf Senator Thomas stated that after t first one, in 1803, so declared more than fifty years before 'anoS act was stricken down. He contrast this with the present tendency RECENT BIRTHS FACKRELL Mr. and Mrs. is Fackrell, of Penrose, a boy, w February 5. WARD Mr. and Mrs. Lra Ward, Fielding, a boy, bom February v of BENNETT Mr. and Mrs. Allen B&. net, of Tremonton, a boy, bom Feb. WESTMORLAND Mr. and Mn B. Y. Westmoreland, a girl, bom Feh 17. Mr. and Mrs. Willartf JOHNSON Johnson, of Penrose, a girl, February 17. Mr. and Mrs. Job. son's baby was stillborn. The er's condition is good. Babies bora at Home KNUDSON Mr. and Mrs. Vera Km son, of Deweyville, a boy, moth- - February 14. More for your money , than ever before. More travel Notice to Creditors conveniences and refinements. More genuine restful enjo- ESTATE OF LOUIS GERMER , v corporation may go to court and obtain an inWtirT top. nine' the effivt nf an .t and delay the wlil of the peopiT adoxically, the people became ti having congressmen seated months after election win . the constitution to seat them T.T "Now," Senator Thomas statS the people were worked up suffSJ? to pass an amendment to overo delay of thirteen months, surely ? are equally desirous of overcomin delay in the courts which mightm! years. It is from matters Uke1 that the President was forced to ommend a reform.'" Characterizing the declaring 0f i nwen Rroueh left Thursday for New York where he leaves for Eng land on a mission. He has spent the past two weeks at the mission school at Salt Lake City. yment. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the" undersigned at Utah, on or before the 12th on June, A. D. 1937. day KENNETH L. GERMER, Administrator of the Estate '.v ':. of Louis Germer. .'. B. H. JONES, First- Nat'l Bank Bldg., ; Brigham City, Utah, , Dew-ewill- e. Union Pacific trcria Just board a fast bound for California, the Pacific Northwest or the be safe be economical East. Be comfortable ed .. . .. and on the - : Date of Attorney for Administrator first publication, February . . . the deluxe 11, A. D., 1937. Date of last publication, March Tourist Coach-Pullma- n sleeping car train between Los Angeles and Chicago are these additional fea- 11, A. D. 1937. Registered Nurse - Stewardess. Special Coach for Women and Children. Enjoy these many advantages at the tures: , lowest regular fares in railroad history. na the bill. The joint committee to investigate state offices asked and got $10,000 minus the amendment, was finally for expenses, opened headquarters in room 329 Capitol building and invited any one who has anything to say for or against any state department to appear and tell what they know. CO We Also Buy HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About iy2 Mile South of Logan SEE passed by that body. After a burst of oratory against communism and violence and for democracy, the senate preceeded to kill Representative Pett's bill designed to repeal Utah's oriminal syndicalism law. The vote was 14 to 7 to stay the measure. Senators Royle of Utah county and Baker of Tooele were proponents of the repeal ineasure while Senator Huggins of Weber led the opposition. Baker said the present law was, like a sick room odor, that it was passed when .the world was 'sick' with war and now we are trying to preserve the odor. He thought it was time to air out the room and wipe the law off the books. Senator Holbrook of Davis introduced two new bills designed to increase state revenue. One is for a use tax of 2 per cent on property. Imported into the state for use or storage and the other is a tax of 1 mill on each dollar of interest bearing bank deposits. Senator Royle of Utah county made a second attempt to .insert occupational disease into'Bonacci's house bill for increased compensation to workmen, but was voted down by a narrow margin of 12 to 11 and the bill, passed by the upper house. Senator Holbrook's liquor control bill brought a battle royal over an effort to earmark $50,000 monthly of liquor revenues for old age pensions. Senator Holbrook led the opposition but a majority inserted the amendment then later deleted it so the bill was finally passed without carrying a fund diversion clause. , Without dissenting vote the house passed Senator Royle's bill giving the industrial commission power of sub-pein settlement of labor strikes. The first chain store bill made its appearance in the house, a measure designed to impose high license fees on chain stores operating within the state. A house memorial designed to give legislative approval of President Roosevelt's plan to change the supreme court was denied immediate consideration but was allowed to be mimeographed and placed on the calendar. The battle of the week in the senate was over the old age pension bill and when the smoke cleared the vote stood 17 to 5 for the measure, Frischknecht, Holbrook, Huggins, Snow and Stewart voting against it. Holbrook and Huggins led the battle against ."TS' ThomasPleadsForSup- Dort of Court Change) THATCHER Roche By Phyllis 4 The Misses Eva and Ardes Adams and Walter Fridal of the M. I. A. Stake board were our visitors Tuesday evening. The Bothwell and Penrose ward joined us in a M. I. A. dance practice following the class work. Mrs. Amelia Anderson Is visiting at Garland as the guest of her daughter, Emma Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nelson entertained a number of friends Saturday : evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Waldron and Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Anderson attended the funeral service of Ervin Coombs at Fountain Green Saturday. Mr. Coombs was a brother-in-laof Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Friday evening the T. W. M. I. A. and Relief Society officers and teach- w rAAS. an extra California imrill to your trip to by seeing Boulder Dam and Late Mead enroute liberal stopover privileges. For further information consul Local Agent TO THE WOMEN WHO TEND STOKERS: It's a rank injustice to you if he won't at least buy you fir t CASTLE GATE DUSPRUF STOKER SLACK THIS BANK WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, FEBRUARY 32ni Utah Fuel Co. e9n Salt Lake City (sommemaration o the 205th fairtfidcuj, o Qeorge "SaiAer o Farmers' Cash tyadm$taj and tfir& lU United tat (Dan jdauntry," o Union Tremonton's exclusive CASTLE GATE COAL BEAR RIVER STATE BANK Dealer LINK BELT We Welcome All New Business Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000 Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor STOKERS i n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 mumMHh n 1 1 1 1 1 m i Hffffi! |