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Show FAGS FIVE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1936 DEWEYVILLE I By Mrs. Tbonias Ault I 4r-- I Tomato Juice Gains Popularity I : I as Food, Drink"and Appetizer Mrs. Lorln Burbank attended the merchants luncheon at the Ben Lomond Hotel in Ogden on Friday. Mrs. A. E. Samuelson of Bounti- rfHLw ful was a dinner guest on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Mr. andd Mrs. Rudy Scholler and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vincent spent two days of last week at Bear Lake. Miss Lois Allen returned home on Thursday after an extended visit in ma Ogden. Sunday, Mrs. Lewis Christensen was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Ezra Lewis of Preston, Idaho, who has been very ill, but is improv spent Sunday here with her parents, - . Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Becker of Ogden called on Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault Friday. Mrs. Ault accompanied them home. Lois and Dewey Pierson spent a few days in Ogden as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown. Mrs. M. A. Lish accompanied Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble to Logan where they visited Mrs. A. F. Love-land- ,. Mr, and Mrs. David HoldawayHave .;moved in their new home. Monday, Mrs. Jeter Jensen of Logan, visited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Lish and family. Cleone Hunsaker and M. M. Gardner took some of the boy scouts to Camp Keisel on Monday. Scout Master Horace Lish, Jr., and wife and little daughter, Ann, spent the first day (Monday) with the scouts at Camp Keisel. Eagle Scout Bert Wheatley, and Odell Burbank will take care of the Bcouts going from Deweyville. Alvin Norr is building an addition to his home here. r, Mrs. Myrtle Knudson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tingey and son, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fredrickson and little daughter; enjoyed a canyon trip Saturday and Sunday. . . De-vo- PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS LANTERN-JAWE- ing at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vincent and children of Boulder City are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. J. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Christensen and Mrs. Oscar Christensen were in Og- PEOPLE ARE D NOT ALL LIGHT-HEADE- FIELDING By Enid Welling Mr. and Mrs. Arch Edington of Salt Lake City spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Owens. Wednesday they left for Yellowstone with Mr. Bolton Owens of this city, accompan-in- g them. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith and daughters, Virginia and Nona, and son, Harold, left for California Friday for. an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Job Welling visited in Farmington Wednesday with relatives. Miss Sybal Thompson of Clarkston spent the week with Mr. and Mrs John Owens. Dwight Smith of Logan, spent Sun day visiting with his grandmother, ii rs plain or with spices and condiments added, it makes an ideal before- dinner drink to whet the appetite. It is always wise to have a bottle of tomato juice in the refrigerator, to serve as a beverage when unexpected guests arrive, for an after-Soo- n of bridge, or in the evening when informal gatherings require refreshments. Tomato juice, used in connection with the baby's food, under the direction of your doctor, is one of the finest adjuncts to baby's diet. A bottle of tomato juice contains Vitamins A, B, and C, needed by children for growth and health Tomato Juice brings Vitamin A. wlj!rh helps, build resistance to infection, and because of the proportions of a natural sugars and acids, makes refreshing drink. If you are accustomed to serving tomato Juice with canapes when yon entertain, you will wish to jot down some of the following combinations which make delicious spreads: , " -- v v'- Mr. and MrsT Marve Welling and family spent Saturday at Bear Lake. The New Testament class spent Wednesday night at the Udy Hot Springs. A wiener and marshmallow roast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashby were chaperones. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth spent the 4th of July in Malad City and St. John, Idaho. Leukemia Similar to Cancer Luekemia Is characterized by an excessive number of immature white cells in the blood. In leukemia, as in cancer, the cells that multiply with such disastrous effect are malignant cells with characteristics of their own that form a new and abnormal growth. The disease further resembles cancer in that it can arise from a variety of causes, the form it takes depending on various factors. Orpheum Theatre Tremonton, Utah FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - JULY 10th and 11th Laurel and Hardy .. in "The Bohemian Girl" Hoot Gibson .. in "Frontier Justice" SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - JULY 12th, 13th, 14th Clark Gable - Jean Harlow - Myrna Loy .. in GARLAND Geo. A. Beal Miss Marion Johnson of the nurse corps at the Dee hospital in Ogden, spent a part of the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Capener and Mrs. H. V. Trunnell were Ogden visitors Monday. Dr. and Mrs. T. W Innes visited Mrs. Innes' brother, Dr. Leland Grover and family on Thursday. The Misses Beth and Bobbie Innes spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. The Misses Alissa and LaVera Manning came up from Salt Lake City and spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Garland. Bob Kirkham spent the Fourth of July in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen and Miss Melba Kirkham have gone on a trip.' They will visit friends and relatves in Nevada and California. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Johnson and family spent July 4th in Logan canyon. . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and son, Elmer, and daughters, Olive and Edith, returned Sunday from a trip to Yellowstone Park. Miss Mary Baijey returned Mon- day evening from a pleasant visit at the home of her parents in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite and family have returned to their home in Los Angeles after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Hunter Gaddie and daughter, Barbara, have gone to California to visit with relatives. Hunter Gaddie, Dorothy and Junior uiywmie and Mr. and Mr T.vnn Hodges spent the weekend in Bear ..t' Mi I I "M"M M M 1 1 1 1 I II II H nil Tiny penrl onions. Slices of tomato, radish or pickle. Halves of salted almonds or pecans. Maraschino cherry circles. A new height of savoriness may be obtained when serving tomato jnice by preparing either of the seasoned appetizers listed below. Tomato and Orang Cocktail ' 3 cups tomato Juice Vi cup orawte Juice Juice lemon tablespoons lVj IVt teaspoons sugar 2 teaspoons chopped onions A Utile salt, pepper and paprika Combine the Ingredients : mix thor. nughlv si. J i ftaml In refrigerator for Then strain through nt hat 0. c ce'i.v:-;r a'.'i pour over crushed ice - in vcc a r..u.s ' ".. Appetixtr ' Cocktail 1 oilcn. finely chopped 1 4 "ii's tomnto Juice juice to taste A! one onion, finely chopped. U chill thoroughly! i:e tomato juice; n fMnfwIer? add lemol .1, before serving K iiji just ji.lc i'-- . - 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 'M I ..'''.' in Logan Canyon. Ross West of Pleasant Grove, also a former resident here, visited his relatives, the W. A. and Delos Adams families, Sunday, as he was returning 1 rem M 1 i 1 I Saturday Bargains her sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brain, H. J. Hal-toMrs. B. A. Sears, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brain and daughter, Mary, Lloyd Hust and Miss Norma Blake of Salt Lake City, were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Nels An- n, 8 Doz. JAR RINGS derson. Sunday evening Miss Ruby Ander son entertained at a supper at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson. Six guests were present and the evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Jorgensen and daughter of Logan, were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Miss Phyllis Summers returned to her home Friday after a week's visit .. 101 Do. KERR LIDS 10 KERB AND ZINC Doz. CAPS 1: 19 ... A Refreshing Drink FLAVOR-AD- E S Fkgs. 10 FRUIT JARS Gallon - case $L05 Quarts - case ....... . .. 73 Pints - case ....... . ... 59 y2 in Salt Lake City with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Anderson and daughter, Sherril, are visiting in Foun tain Green with Mrs. Anderson's par- . j . .. Lake. Jovce and Diane Bierelow of Salt jLAKe uuy are guesis una weeK at uie home of their aunt, Mrs. C. H. Hales. Mrs. P. C. Peterson and daughters, Florence, Mary and Charline, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers and son, Don, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moore at their home in Ogden canyon. Ernest Dee of Salt Lake City visited at the home of his uncle, P. C. Peterson, on Tuesday. The Misses Ruth and Helen Johnson were Ogden visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mason spent the Fourth of July as guests of Mrs. Mason's mother, Mrs. Oscar Harris. Mrs. Vernon Hess and daughters, Bert Firth. Carol and LaVon of Denver are guest Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hawkins of Can this week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Provo, were visitors at the home of 5 Munns. Mrs. Hess is a sister of Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins Sunday. Munns. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Hallin of Grover, CRYSTAL WHITE 10 Bars Wyo., and Joseph Thompson of Glenns 29 Ferry, Idaho, were visitors of Mrs. T. ' I CITY I V. Summers Tuesday.ten of the STJNBRITE s Cans boy Monday morning i By Mrs. C. W. Brailsf ord scouts of the ward accompanied by w9 Marble and Lowell Summers, Bishop 7 Lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andersen are left for Camp Keisel in Ogden canthe proud parents of a baby boy, bora yon where they will spend the week. 25 at their home July 3rd. work Miss Valeria Andersen who is SLbS. Heber Hailing and son, Shuman, of FRESH, FANCY tag in Los Angeles, Calif., is spend- this city, spent Sunday at Bear Lake. TOMATOES . .......... 10 ing two weeks in this cley visiting Bishop and Mrs. Charley Checketts with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-lar- d and family spent Saturday, July 4th, Lb. H. Andersen and family. in canyon. Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen :. . ..12 left Mrs. Mr. Delbert and .. Holmgren Clevefamily spent the week end in Ander- Wednesday evening by auto on a trip - 17rfr land, Idaho, visiting with Mrs. to Los Angeles, Calif. r sen's mother, Mrs. Hannah Smith, alMr. and Mrs. Merle Wankier and Lb. so with other relatives. spent July 4th in Blacksmith family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson V2 13 Fork canyon. two daughters spent Tuesday in OgEarl Petersen, Milton Reese, NorLb. den. man Andersen, Richard Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dugan and son, and on Archibald left 17V2 Monday Doyle Gerald of Brigham City, Mr. and Mrs. a ten day trip to Yellowstone Park. S Lbs. Mrs. Johanna Johnson returned to vis after home her evening Saturday 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 25 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I II iting for a week in Salt Lake CIty ; Lb. with her sons, Alvin, Norman and La, SLICED Rue Johnson and their families. ...I;.;. .:.;... ........ 29 WHEATIES . an , CORNED BEEF FANCY 6AKES PINEAPPLE . .16 DILLWOKLES... SOAP BEAR RIVER . CLEANSER NEW SPUDS POT ROASTS and . lad . VEAL ROASTS VEAL CHOPS ill HAMBURGER 1 WE ARE HAVING A CLEARANCE OF OUR SUMMER DRESSES AN ALLURING DISCOUNT ON OUR COMPLETE STOCK that Dress Shop Tremonton Utah tU a vish wun reiauves in loano. Among those from here who motored to Logan and the canyon on the Fourth were, Mr. and Mrs. John Oyler Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benton, June Rhodes, Roy Barnard, Homer Marble and Miss Leila Adams. Miss Helen Atkinson spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Salt Lake City. ents. Mr. and Mrs.. Mathew Wallace and 2Pkgs family of Salt Lake City, are visiting 21 with Mrs. T. V. Summers, Mrs. Wallaces mother. Save the tops Boys and Girls Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Summers and of Wheaties and win a complete Mrs. T. V. Summers were visitors in Base Bail Set. Salt Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sears of Muliner Idaho, were weekend guests at the! ... 16 home of Mrs. Sears' parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Ellis. SOLD) PACK 2 ! Ccn Mrs. James Summers, Mr. and Mrs. :.. TOMATOES 10 Eli Hawkins, Mrs. Rhoda Mills and Herman Eberhardt, Sr., attended a Lb. session at the temple in Logan. Mrs. J. C. Childs, Mrs. Eugene 19 Jones of Ogden and Mrs, Kate Shupe 2 Can of LosAngeles, Calif., spent the 4th BROKEN SLICED of July visiting at the home of Mrs. You've Wanted v aienune I I I I.I hard-cooke- d Come Early and Select "Navy Born" I 1 1 Following is a list of suggested garnishments for your canapes: egg whit. Finely chopped Mr-an- Our July Special WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - JULY 15th and 16th t - AaasuB is - den on business Thursday. Miss Athlene Mills returned home from Logan Saturday morning where she has been taking a music course. Wednesday, the C. C. club met at the home of Miss Nedra Summers. The leader. Miss Zelda Summers conducted all business matters of the meeting, after which a variety of open face sandwiches were made. The next meeting will be held at the home of Zelda Summers. Layd Hust, Miss Norma Blake, Mel-vi-n Brain, Miss Jean Blake and Merlin Miller were last week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Summers. Mrs. Ervin Summers and new baby son returned home from the hospital Friday evening. .Miss LaVera Summers, Mrs. Ruth Summers and Mrs. Eli Anderson attended the farm women's luncheon, sponsored by the chamber of commerce merchant's division, held in Hotel Ben Lomond in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Uorter Johnson of Provo, were visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins Friday. They were returning to their home in Provo after an extended trip to Californa. Thomas Stark and Miss Delia Stark were visitors in Willard, Friday. Their mother, Mrs. George Stark, returned home with them after visitng with , By Mrs.. "Wife vs. Secretary" ueiurn or Jimmy ' . Vitamin Content Maktt Tomato Julco Valuabt Addition to Growing Children's Diet Llverwurst mashed to a paste, sea as a beverage to soned TOMATO Juice neal with chill sauce. social and at every Cream cheese mixed with' minced . a phenom- onion. gatherings has enjoyed Chicken or tuna lish blended with enal rise in popularity during the mayonnaise. few years. past Chopped olives blended with mavoa Many people enjoy tomato juice noise. Deviled ham or deviled tongue. best as a "pick up" in the morning, eggs seasoned with mustard Chopped with finds favor it equal although and chill sauce. sandwith many, when served Pennut butter with lemon Juice. wiches and salads, as it adds just Peanut butter with chopped pickle. Peanut butter, chopped bacon, ' and the sest needed to complete a light, lemon juice. tasty repast As a cocktail, either day and returned home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson, Sr., and family, spent Monday in Avon canyon at the annual reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart and chil dren and Mrs. N. J. Hodges of Gar den city, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Uel Garn. Bud Earl spent the weekend in Lo gan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reese spent Saturday in Loganl on business. Mrs. Theron Farnsworth, Misses Carmen and Fay Farnsworth and Paul Jones, all of Los Angeles, are visiting here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Leo Farnsworth and family. Jones and Mrs. Farnsworth returned home Monday. Carmen and Fay will visit here for a month. Miss Rheumina Udy, who has been visiting relatives in Salt Lake has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grover and family spent Saturday visiting in Logan.- ' m it tut.-..- Mrs. Alice Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Southerland and family left for Yellowstone Fri- .HMi.Hi.HHM'.tH"M'4 X By Phyllis t) Marble. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Perry, Mrs. J. W. Spackman, Bishop and Mrs. Marion G. Perry vsiited S. W. Perry, who is a patient at the Dee hospital in Ogden. Mrs. Albert Thorsen is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hoist at Brigham City. Miss Vesta Holdaway of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Holdaway. Phyllis Eliason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eliason of Brigham City, and Kenneth Germer, son of Mrs. Louis Germer were married in the Logan temple Wednesday,' July 1st. A number of our community attended the celebration at Logan July 4th. The boy scouts and their scout masters of this ward left early Monday morning to enjoy a week at Camp Keisel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudsbury of this place and Mr. and Mrs. George Couch of Garland, spent a few days in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank ac companied the scouts to Camp Keisel ' Monday. Lowell Burbank spent the weekend as a guest of Marion Harwood in Salt Lake City and at Logan where Mr. Harwood is employed. Relatives from Colorado and Ogden were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardner and B. P. Gardner during the week. Peral Record returned home to Salt Lake City after spending a pleasant week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fererson. She was a guest of Miss Doris Fererson. Mrs. Arlen Dewey and children of Preston, Idaho, are spending a few. days- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey. . Walter Fererson, Ray Loveland, Ernest Hansen and Renea Lish spent a week in Yellowstone Park Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Germer are spending a few days in the National cation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller visited relatives in Penrose, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson of Gar- land, and Mr, and Mrs. Leo Oyler and family spent the Fourth at the Girls' home in Logan canyon. Mrs. Maggie Barnard, mother of Mrs. Alva Rhodes, spent the Fourth with her daughter's family. Bishop L. M. Holman is improving from m severe iUness whlcB hU many friends are glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Rhodes returned Tuesday from an extended trip east They passed over into Canada and visited points of interest enroute to Michigan. They drove home In a new large truck and brought a smaller truck and house trailer for others. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer James of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dee of d Magna, were weekend guests of Mrs. Paul Larson. s Mrs. John Oyler, Jr. and daughter. Norma, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oyler and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Davis in Perry. Mrs. Edwin Isaacson is improving at the Valley hospital from her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Northman and family of Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson and their house guests spent the "4th" BOTHWELL Summers IWIIHIIHIIIIHIHI IIIIM MUM IIMMI III ! BACON EAST GARLAND By Mrs. David Larson Vernon Shaffer, who was so pain fully injured at Tremonton a week ago, while helping in repairing the foundation of the Lars Anderson build ing, has been removed from the Val ley hospital to his home where he is improving. The Misses Rhoda,. Marie and Clarissa Larson came up from Salt Lake City to spend the Fourth of July va J. RASPBERRIES and DEWBERRIES at Lowest Market Price t. - WOO Wit Surety. (i 0 Purity |