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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY pag3 t::. 9, 1936 A "Natural" Sharpshooter ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS HAPPENINGS THAT AFFECT I THE DINNER PAILS, DIVIDEND J CHECKS AND TAX BILLS OF 1 EVERY INDIVIDUAL. NATIONAL AND INTERNATION- AL PROBLEMS INSEPARABLE FROM LOCAL WELFARE I On at least one point opponents of the Roosevelt Administration are in -- 1 agreement with its principal strate- gest When James H. Farley opened the campaign for the Democrats at Philadelphia he said that there was hut one big issue at stake the New Deal. Mr. Farley is unquestionably right and he might have gone a step e jssue IS aai(j yjat farter President Roosevelt Mr. Roosevelt is the New Deal and his personality, L his ODinions anrt his record are infin- Jtely more important in this campaign than is the Democratic platform or the speeches of the Chief's lieutenants. hx Whatever drinks you like best, or your guest like best, will taste twice as smooth if they're made with whiskies or girts from Hiram Walker. Seventy-eigh- t years of distilling experience certainly makes a difference I ; A Lr ISHlSSlIillM 0 HIRAM WALKER'S m TEN HIGH II BOURBON WHISKEY at the convention as at the Republican conclave a fortnight "before followed a definite pattern. ine keynote aaaress or senator tsar-Ttle-y termed by H. L. Mencken the longest keynote speech since the fall of the Roman Empire was well delivered, carefully thought out, highly oratorical. Even as Republican Key- Speeches evil in Democrats and nothing but y virtue in Republicans, Keynoter found that the Administrations of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover were 100 per cent bad and that the Administration of Roosevelt was 100 per cent good. A similar attitude was expressed the next day when the Senate Majority Leader, Robinson of Arkansas, took over as permanent chair-ma- n and delivered an address prais- Ing Roosevelt to the skies and tearing his detractors, including The Li- - Ten High has the flavor and smoothness of much more 1 expensive whiskies because it is made with precision- control in the world's largest and most modern distillery. 90 proof. Pint Code No. Ill Quart Code No. 110. dm Bar-kele- dent Hoover. Grand finale was the renomination by acclamation of Roosevelt and Gar ner (marking only the second time in ' the party's history that a candidate has been nominated without going through the formality of calling the! roll of delegates) and the President's acceptance speech. In this speech, which was short, pointed and delivered in his best manner, Mr. Roosevelt declared war against what he termed "economic tyranny," said that his party and Administration were follow ing the mandate of the people and v RECONDITIONED We Have the Following .. STUDE BAKER Tradeins, All Reconditioned . " and Ready to Go .... 11936 v CHEVROLET Cannot be told from new. Master Sedan. 11934 11933 FORD V-- 8 Sedan. FORD V-- 8 Coach. 1 1931 BUICK Sedan- - 2 1930 FORD Coaiches. 11929 11934 HUPP Sedan. n HIRAM WALKER'S DISTILLED - - . FIVE O'CLOCK 8hootlng a seven on a pair o blank dice at 20 feet Is Carol Hughes' method of bidding for the air rifle marksmanship honors of the movie colony In Hollywood, where target practice Is all the rage. were fighting to save democratic government, said that governments and presidents can make mistakes but "better the occasional faults of a gov ernment that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistant omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference." Mr. Roosevelt's speech was received with tremendous applause, as were every mention of his name by other orators. Most important item in Mr. Roosevelt's speech was a clearing up of the much talked about question of whether, in view of the Supreme Court's abrogation of so many of his major legislative acts, he would go frankly on record in favor of a new amendHe did, ment to the Constitution. though he did not define precisely what kind of an amendment he wanted. And he said that he stood squarely by the platform. It is inevitable that there will be much comparing of this platform with that adopted by the Republicans. Neither document can be honestly called great. Neither is unequivocal. Both leave plenty of room for evasion, and both prefer generalities to specific declarations of policy. Both are full of what acidulous commentators on the political scene call "weasel .. COCKTAIL GIN building, lauds the TVA, and pledges itself to the advancement of rural electrification. It favors the extension of the merit system (civil service) in government jobs, and pledges itself to the maintenance of all our civil liberties. On the immensely important question of finance, it says the Administration has stopped deflation and restored values, declares that the national credit was never better, pledges a balanced budget and a reducel national debt as soon as possible. In few planks are there any great differences between the Republican and Democratic platforms. The great difference is in the candidates in their backgrounds, opinions, philosophies, and theories of what government should do and be. It is this difference that will determine the elec- Utah's biggest selling gin! Distilled from 100 grain spirits, together with the finest fruits, herbs and berries. Always uniform in flavor. 85 proof." Fifth Code No. 446 Also Hiram Walker's Distilled London Dry Gin. Distilled from grain by the exclusive Controlled Condensation process, which insures 90 jproof uniform flavor Filth Code No. 421 Pint Code No. 422 HIRAM WALKER'S ROYAL OAK BOURBON WHISKEY and many other LOWER PRICED CARS AND TRUCKS to choose from UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. Tremonton, Utah tion. Pint Code No. Quart Code No. Utah Men Register For Month At Citizen's (9557I 66 127 bourbon or Scotch, you'll, like Canadian Club. Aged 6 years and bottled in Canada under Government supervision. 90.4 proof. Pint Code No. 322 Quart Code No. 321 C 1 iiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB- Military Training Camp Utah has the largest representation at the Citizen's Military Training Camp at Fort Douglas, which opened words." Monday, July 6, the preliminary regisBig cleavage in the two platforms tration showed 130 Utah men acceptoccurs in the" relief planks. The Re- ed for the month's training. Approxpublicans favor return of relief to the imately 200 men have been accepted states the Democrats defind and for the camp. Douglas has issued a general invitacontinue to favor the administration tion to civic groups, parents of the been made has Every preparation of relief by the central government, in advance for the reception of the men enrolled for the and all as has been done the last four years. trainees. Skilled army cooks had be- interested citizens to training visit the camp also The Democratic platform gun the preparation of food when the at any time. praises the Administration's farm youths began to arrive. Medical Of- In a welcoming message to the program, says it has saved agricul ficers were on hand to examine each General Sweeney said: "We trainees, ture from ruin, promises a continu- i applicant for admission and to super-- ! want you to appreciate that your atance of the policy of retiring submar-gonvise camp sanitation Chaplains who at the C. M. T. Camp is at land, encouraging cooperatives, are ordained priests or ministers and tendance of the Government and the expense and "soil conservation." who have been selected by their var- costs you nothing and that in return . to Administration It pledges the ious religious bodies and recommendowe it to the Government to put "vigorously and fearlessly" enforce ed to the War Department, have set you you have into your work anti-tru- st monto everything break and laws the a recreation hall where here and get everything you can out spacious up comopoly wherever it exists. Most and other reading mater- of it. mentators regard this as a new phase newspapers is available without charge to the ial t, "Take pride in yourself, your of the New Deal, In that such a law trainess. The Chaplains also provide dress. and work your as the NRA necessarily fostered mon- suitable your programs for the entertainopoly, required the temporary abroga- ment of the camp personnel and con- j" "We want you to stay with us dur- anti-trulaws. tion of the duct religious services which every ing the entire period of the camp. The The platform praises the party's is urged, but not compelled to length of time you remain, however, trainee acts on behalf of labor, and says it is entirely in your hands. If any boy will continue to protect the worker attend. is sent home it will be because he SweenG. Walter General Brigadier ' both as a wage-earnand consumer-I- t " wants to go or because his conduct Fort at of home- - ey, Commanding General favors con-duc- st has been such as to compel us to send him. "You are welcome to Fort Douglas, we want you to enjoy the time you spend here. We want you to find it profitable in making yourself a better man physically, morally and men- tally." Utah counties are represented as follows in the preliminary camp registration: Salt Lake, 67 enrolled; San Juan, 4; Weber 12; Sanpete, one; Beaver, 6; Carbon, 15; Cache, 5; 4; Davis, one; Utah, Tooele, 2; Box Elder, Millard, one; Summit, Sevier, 2; Iron, 3; Kane, one; 3; Wasatch, 2; one. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER RADIO SERVICE TUBES AND ACCESSORIES TESTING FREE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AND WASHING MACHINES SERVICED AND REPAIRED GENE HOLLADAY Tremonton, Utah PHONE - - 14C and 7.3-- 5 j THE EXTRA FEATURE er SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOTEL Hew and Used Sacks We Have a Complete Stock of TWINE HOTEL TEMPLE Highest Prices Paid for YOUR GRAIN SQUARE RATES $1.50 TO $3.00 - It's a mark of Distinction to Stop at EftliffesT m ' HIRAM WALKER'S CANADIAN CLUB STRAIGHT WHISKEY Whether you favor rye 130 encouragement i 1 Made from the finest Ameri ' 1 can grain by Nature's own. process, kept under scien tific control. 90 proof. al CHEVROLET, 157" Truck. Pint Code No. 447 this Smart Hotel C 0n,E3,GenraI Manar Sparton Refrigerator FEATURES.... Exclusive Antifrost Clock. 20 to 30 Greater Economy. More Ice Cubes. Extra Space Baskador. Vegabin - Added Storage. Positive Ice Tray Release. -- SPARTON BRINGS SATISFACTION TO A PROWLING APPETITE DAY OR NIGHT! COLD AND SILENT AS A WINTER NIGHT only 129.50 EASY TERMS Erm Stohl Elevator nc3.Phcns9.Ki-- 2 GfficePhone41 up " : i |