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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1936 the ward and organized into groups of different activity. Twelve people from here attended the temple excursion last Wednesday. Leslie Andersen has been released from his missionary labor in the Southern States and is expected home this week. , Miss Margery Hunsaker spent the week end home from college. Mrs. M. W. Hansen and son, Carlos, went to Logan Sunday to visit her son, Niels, who is attending college in Logan. Their daughter,- Gertrude, is still confined to her bed. Her many friends wish for her speedy re- ELWOOD By Mrs. P. H- - lfawmiif The organization gave a program and party on Thursday in the recreational hall. County Superintendent Bunderson, and County Supervisor Miss Hendersen, were the principal speakers at the pro gram, after which all joined in some lively games. A tray luncheon waa served to about 40 parents and teachers. All enjoyed the evening very Parent-Teache- rs PAGE SEVEN Diesel Tractors Satisfactory For Wide Temperature Range I "V L. .I 5VVVS: f. II. 1 M" I ..J. I . - ' much. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Romer and son, Merlin, returned Thursday from covery. a three week's visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Junius Thompsen atand friends in California. . tended a birthday party in honor of ' They were surprised to come home Rast Petersen's birthday in Bear Rivand find twin grandchildren, a boy er City last Sunday. and girl, born to Mr. and Mrs. Sey- mour Hill. All are doing nicely. Mrr, Verla Miller of Los Angeles, EAST California, came home Thursday to By Mrs. David Larson her She 11 ; , j j I j GARLAND attend parent's anniversary. is spending this week visiting relatives and friends before returning. The 60th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs J. P. Chris tensen was a grand success. A very fine program was rendered and the dance was enjoyed by a large crowd of relatives and friends. Punch and wafers were enjoyed at the dance by the crowd. At the afternoon many old friends and relatives called at their home to wish them happiness and many more anniversaries. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Johnsen and children of Payscn returned home on Sunday after attending the celebration and visiting other relatives and friends here. Frances Romer spent the weekend home from SnowviHe where she teach es school. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum dristcr.scr. 's went to Hooper to visit Mrs. sister, Mrs. Aleen Hansen and family last Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Richardsen just returned from a visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Taylor of Willard. Chiis-tensen- Hunsaker left Tuesday for Salt Lake City to visit their son, Reginald and see him leave ' for his mission. The Elders made a visit through . The monthly Relief Society work and business meeting was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Larson. Following the business of the meeting Mrs. Ida Rhodes gave splendid instructions on first aid with suggestions and discussions from the members. Miss Bessie Korth pleased with accordian solos. A social hour followed at which refreshments were served to twenty-tw- o guests. Mrs. Essie Petersen and Mrs. Bernice Petersen were assisting RECREATIONAL HALL hostesses. Mr. Golden Fine left Ogden Friday evening for her home in Berkeley, Calif. She was called here by the sudden pasdng of her father, J. L. Atkinson, and remained with the family for two weeks. Among those attending the stock show last week were Messrs E. S. and W. E. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and J. W. Larson. J. M. Sorensen and brothers attended funeral services for a cousin iii Sanpete last week. F. B. Barlow and Mrs. I. J. Taylor of the M. I. A. stake board, visited the local association Tuesday evening. Mrs. Taylor introduced the dances for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Petersen and daughter, Yvonne, visited Saturday Diesel-equippe- OPEN FOR BUSINESS d Under New Management WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE FOR BOWLING or BILLIARDS FOR SOCIAL RECREATION and ENJOYMENT oil-typ- e. heat-treate- PATHFIHDER ONLY publication with the knowledge, experience and inside information which courage to give you every week the first-hanis positively necessary for you to have. It is the ONE publication which is under no obligations to the big moneyed interests or Czars of trade with the selfish cliques who gamble in tbevery none of those fatal tie-ulife blood of the people. That's why the Pathfinder is in a position to tell 1 d International Harvester tractor plowing its way 2 Lumbering in the lowlands of Georgia through Ontario snowdrifts. International Harvester tractor. 3 Bohnalite with a piston which bears the brunt of this heavy duty work the same alloy is used In many passenger automobile pistons because of its enduring1 qualities and its freedom from trouble due to heat. to the tropics Harvester Company of America FROM the arctics tractors are which are shown in widely vary rendering heroic service. This rap- ing climes engaged in widely difidly growing type of powerplant ferent tasks, in the accompanying is performing miracles in the con- illustrations, Bohnalite alloy pistons quest of natural obstacles. Wheth- are employed. This aluminum aler it be plowing a roadway in zero loy piston is fitted with silchrome weather through towering drifts of inserts in top. The pistons are snow in Northern Canada or lum- equipped with special rings both The pins bering hi the swamps of Georgia compression and with the temperature at 100 in the are full floating, that is, they are free to turn in either the piston shade, makes no difference.- The Diesel engine is at its best or the connecting rod to assure when the going is tough and the complete freedom of action for throttle is wide open most of the these working parts. The piston time. Naturally it must be built pins are electrically from parts that can "take it." The and machined to the closest liny pistons of a Diesel engine as well its of accuracy. as any internal combustion engine The Bohnalite alloy with the silare the primary factors in convert chrome inserts provide a heavy duing the power in the fuel into use- ty type of piston which meets the ful work. On the Diesel tractors rugged requirements of this typd manufactured by the lnterr-.ttr-- ,' o work Diesel-equippe- ' uini is the one and where they took the bus for Loa Angeles, Calif. They have rpent the holi! days with their parents and friends. Erwin Sutherland and wife were in Pocatello, Friday on business. The Social Development Club held their regular club meeting at the .Wilfortf Farnsworth of Richfield, is home of Mrs. Frank Cannon Thurrr visiting with his mother, Mrs. Belle Farnsworth, and hjs brother and famday afternoon. After the club busiMr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth. ness was taken care of, Mrs. D. A. ily, Wallace Bourne and Mrs. Vem Cannon entertained the group with a Bourne were in Saturday, visreport of her recent trip to Kentucky. iting with Vern Ogden who is conBourne, Mrs. Lorin Peterson rendered a piano valescing in the Dee Hospital, where solo, and Barbara Welling- - gave two he recently underwent an operation. vocal numbers. Luncheon was served At this writing he is reported to be by the hostess. getting along as well as can be Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Petersen have as their guests for a few days, Mr. Peterson's sister and husband, from When you want to reform your Manti, Utah. neighbor you may think you have reA party was given by the M. Men when you are forever di: satisligion; and Gleaner Girl- - Wednesday evening fied with your own moral and spiritat me nome of Eben Wilcox, in honor ual growth you may be quite sure reof Dale Wilcox who leaves soon for is beginning to get yon. ligion a mission to Africa. A large group was present, and the evening was enThe mind may render a decision if joyed by all. Many useful gifts were you wait long enough but the aroused presented to Dale by his friends. heart will get action which may nulMr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth aclify or make unnecessary the logical companied their two daughters, Faye decision and nine times out of ten the and Carmen, to Ogden Thursday, heart is right. FIELDING By Enid Welling Wm. Kroksh d Erland Thompsen MIDLAND HOTEL BASEMENT PHONE 88 J d, ps you the unvarnished facts in the plainest possible English. Yea can depend on every word it says and there is no substitute for reliability. mess Washington, d. c. uszti. ivex ihe news center of the entire world. It is the" one YfaLhigLcii is ixow j.lzzs in tlie c car. try where a strictly unbiased and reliable publication can be ::ruc:!. Th:.t fs why the Pathfinder is located there. The same clerr right"-- vision which' led to the selection of the National Capital as the home of the Pathfinder over 40 years ago is the backbone of every cmgle issue oMhe Pathhmler today. It is our privilege for a limited time to offer you at a greatly reduced bargain price V" cTciueat and most popular national week-jho PATHFINDER together with THIS PAPEH, bolh a fuJl year 52 weeks for ! . vl ggBTW II U m .j ill Mil 3? $225 Enjoy with Mrs. Petersen's father, Joseph Sorensen, ui Bear River City. A shower and dance was given Friday evening in the ward house by BE SURE AND READ THE ADS - Mr. and Mrs. Theron Wood complimenting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Cheney, recent newly-wed- s. Friends and relatives were pres ent from Cache Co. and surrounding towns. Twenty or more residents from the ward attended the funeral services held for Mrs. Laura Oleson in the Brigham City third ward Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Oleson had visited with her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Hansen and family and in ward gatherings so frequently in the past twenty-fiv- e years that she seemed as one of our members. The services were typical of her beautiful character. Mrs. R. L. Shaffer returned last week from an extended stay in Salt Lake City. Recently she had the misfortune to slip on the ice and sprain her ankle. The Sunday school officers and conteachers attended the vention in Garland Sunday which necessitated substituting teachers here. David Larson acted for the superin- tendency. The scout: recently conducted a sparrow contest. The losing side gave a supper to the winning side in the basement of the ward house, Saturday evening at which a jolly time was had. Mrs. J. W. Larson has her nephew, Del Ray Bjorkman of Logan, staying with her for several weeks. " ; " ill tri-sta- by using PETROLEUM CARBON Sigrid Undset says, "He was not made for climbing the tree of knowledge." Some men have too much practical common sense to bother with soma frilled-otree of knowledge. They call such climbing, "monkey business." The WONDER Fuel F.or House-Heatin- 23 ut g New Power New Economy New Dependability! MORE HEAT Petroleum Carbon is the hottest solid fuel known... It has more heat units than ordinary fuel and is 99 burnable. ICAHtWtoRK-- l MY nxAw n i SPlltTlN6'. NO ASHES You can burn Petroleum Carbon all long without once having the back-breakin- dust-stirri- of the house. M filKA KZW KSRCTT2D BTDHAUUC BBAJTXS winter g, lweyt eqvalbed for quick uewvingjf fUaigJut line job of hauling ashes out ng eR NO SMOKE Smoke is an unhealthy nuisance and wastes your money. Petroleum Carbon makes no smoke whatever. NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY Your present furnace will take Petroleum Carbon without any alterations or Why not order a trial ton or two now? ALBERT BESSINGER COAL CO. Tremonton, Utah How many times has a Head ache ruined your day's work-spo-iled your evening's pleasure? Users of say that gives unusually prompt and effective relief from Headache. Try for Acid Indigestion, Fatigue, Muscular, Rheumatic, and Sciatic Pains. contains an analgesia for pain relief. Its vegetable and mineral nlkalizers correct the cause when due to ex- acid. At yew drag store soda fountain and In N and N cent peck ages lot Alka-Seltz- Alka-Seltz- Alka-Seltz- er er (Acetyl-Salicylat- er Alka-Seltz- er mzw ruu- - ii.DELUXE CASS TSXMMXD ID !with You are looking at the most powerful truck in all Chevrolet history ; . . and the most economical truck for duty ; ; i Chevrolet for 19361 Chevrolet has made three major improvements in these new 1936 Chevrolet trucks: (1) It has increased power. (2) It has reduced operating costs to a new record low. And (3) it has modernized track design and construction in every important part and feature. Buy one of these new Chevrolet trucks, and up tall go power and down will come costs on your delivery or haulage jobs. . all-rou- CHEVROLET MOTOR KB msa-cctfnxm- CO., DETROIT, MICH NEW GREATLY REDUCED GMJLC TIME PAYMENT PLAN instrument panel j ESICCn with Increased honepowet, increased torque, greater economy In gaa and oil rULL-FlOATIN- clear vision sa VALVZ-Sf-EXA- D OTImUmmtlmmintemtinC.M.A.Chimry. O BEAB AXLE with barrel type wheel Lcariuga i to Uievrolet a e) Tremonton, Utah 3 20 |