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Show PAGE TIIREI BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1933 Notice to Creditors In the Matter of CHARLES A. ANDERSON. In Proceedings for a Composition or Extension ESTATE OF H. LYMAN MARBLE, DECEASED To the creditors of Charles A. Anderson, of Mantua in the County of Box Elder ,and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933 the petition of said Charles A. Anderson praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay his debts under section 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, L. D. S church on the 18th day of July A. D. 1933, at 11 o'clock in the (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING forenoon, at which time the said crediOF CREDITORS JN PROCEED- tors attend, prove their claims, may INGS UNDER SECTION 75.) examine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come In the District Court of the United before said meeting. States for the District of Utah JAMES WALTON, Conciliation Commissioner. ' In the Matter of LORIN E. ARCHIBALD (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING In Proceedings for a Composition or OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) Extension Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Brig-haCity, Utah on or before the 25th day of September, A. D. 1933. LEWIS JONES, Brigham City, Utah Atty, for Executor. B. H. JONES, Executor of the Estate of H. Lyman Marble, Deceased. Date of first publication, July 13, A. D. 1933. . of last publication August 10, m fi1 .133. To the creditors of Lorin E. Archibald, of Plymouth, in the County of Box Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1933 the petition of said Lorin E. Archibald praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay his debts under section 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the second meeting of his creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, L. D. S. church on the 17th day of July A. D. 1933, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims examine the debtor and trans-ac- t s3f.ii other business as may properly come before" said meeting. JAMES WALTON, Conciliation Commissioner. " (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah In the Matter of LONDY HARRIS In Proceedings for a Composition or Extension To the creditors of Londy Harris, of Tremonton, in the County of Box Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1933 the petition of said Londy Harris praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay his debts under section 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, L. D. S. church on the' 17th day of July A. D. 1933, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors majj attend, prove their claims, amine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. JAMES WALTON, Conciliation Commissioner. (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah. In the Matter of W. A. ADAMS Extension UNDER SECTION 75.) To the creditors of W. A. Adams, of E. Garland in the County of Box In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah In the Matter of MRS. SARAH H. GARFIELD In Proceedings for a Composition Extension To the creditors of Mrs. Sarah H. Garfield, of Tremonton in the County of Box Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933, the petition of said Mrs. Sarah H. Garfield praying that eh&be afforded an opportunity to efte9l a composition or an extension of time to pay her debts un- - In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah In the Matter of GEORGE SCOFFIELD In Proceedings for a Composition or Extension To the creditors of George Scof field, of Tremonton in the County of Box Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933 the peti Harris like-Vino- l. I Frorik Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 21 FOR ICE Beverages & Coal y, : M V Kel-le- RIVERSIDE - -- EXCEgfNJ CAFE and up Mrs. H. S. Tinge y, Mrs, A. A. Cap- ener and daughter, Peg and Mrs. Leon Hales went to Brigham Tuesday. Mrs. Hales remained to visit for a few days with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Her- L. D. S. church on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933 ,at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said cred- ii xxx x x x i x x x xx xx xxxs; M :EE M H H . , . M For Your Requirements in LUMBER AND BUILDM HARDWARE M ING MATERIAL - - PAINTS AND OILS H. G. Scott Drug Co, PHONE 47 . . . TREMONTON, UTAH II 1 M III 1 Prescription Specialists FINEST OF FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES This is your drug store, come and make yourself at home COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Ileal! MwmM M M X M M M Vanity - Chest - Bed Mattress - Spring M GLASS AND CHINA WARE ti AND SUNDRIES My $445 FISHING and HUNTING LICENSE Displayed In Our Window ii M SEE Farmers' Cash Union BESSINGER BROS. "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" TUEMONTON, UTAH : 36: , I y. - MAKE GOOD OR WE DO FIELDING Mrs. Dan Gam . Bertie Grove, age 12, was badly un:x:- derweight. After taking Vinol (iron :x: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Anderson were tonic) she gained ten pounds. It gave A party was given by. Miss Opal Salt Lake visitors Sunday. They were her appetite and rosy cheeks. Chil- Wood at her home Friday evening in Scott Drug Co., Tre- honor of Miss Iva Wilcox of Salt Lake accompanied by Mrs. Anderson's moth- dren er, Mrs. E. H. Cornwall, who was monton, Utah. (Adv.) City. Twenty young people were prescalled to Salt Lake by the serious illent and enjoyed the evening playing ness of her mother. a variety of games. Refreshments Miss Elizabeth Robinson of Salt were served. , EAST TREMONTON Lake City, is the house guest of her Misses Lyla Coombs, Adele Hansen, Mrs. P. E. Ault sisters, Mrs. C. W. Summers and fam-ilMadge Skinner and Fay Standing gave , a shower at the home of Mrs. A. W, j. :x:- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pollock and chilHansen Monday evening ia comply Mrs. M. Corneilson of Bancroft, Ida- ment to Mr. and Mrs. Rees Roundy dren of Boulder City, New, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Pollock's ho, was a guest of Mrs. Chas. Peter- who were recently married.. Games son, Monday. featured the evening. A late supper mother, Mrs. J. J. Newman. Mrs. 0. A. Seager spent the fore- was served to thirty-si- x About 51 members of the Thomas guests. Many and James Summers families attended part of the week with her daughter, beautiful presents were received.' . the Peterson family reunion held in Mrs. Harry Furse of Salt Lake City. Mrs. J. H. Smith was hostess to the Mrs. 0. L. Brough had her nephew members of the Social Development Liberty Park, at Salt Lake City, Sunday. The day was spent in visiting Oscar Jones of Salt Lake City, as club Thursday afternoon. President and renewing old acquaintances and guest, Monday. Mrs. Grand Snow presided and conMr. and Mrs. C. F. Toone and daugh ducted the program. Allen Cannon enjoying a splendid lunch. The trip was made in Leland Hansen's van. ter, Leah of Pleasant ,Grove and Mr. gave an interesting talk on his trip to They all report enjoying the day very and Mrs. Zelf Erickson of Mantua, the world's fair and the various places were guests of Mr .and Mrs. 0. I of interest he had visited during his much. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clayton of Bur-le- Brough, Wednesday! recent trip to- - the Eastern States. George Abbott and son, J. Tn left Grant Smilh gave a humorous readIdaho, were 4th of July guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. New- Friday to spend several days in Logan ing, Coleen Packer sang two numbers. man. The ladies are sisters. Luncheon was served to twenty memcanyon. Mrs. George Abbott and Mrs. Jane bers and special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson and Mra. Elmer Coombs was hostess to children, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris, Abbott were hostesses to the Ladies Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Watt, Miss Farm Bureau at the home of Mrs. the members of the Clio Club. SixMaurine Marble, Frank Hawkins and George Abbott, Friday afternoon; .Af- teen were present. Cards were played Jule Harris enjoyed the 4th of July in ter the business meeting and social with Mrs. Glenn Mason winning high hour, the Misses Rae and Katherine score and Mrs. Ross Rhodes receiving Logan canyon. Mr .and Mrs. Wilford Watt re- Abbott served a delicious luncheon. the prize for the low score. LunchAn outing to Logan canyon was eon was served. The hostess was asturned to their home in Ventura, Calsisted by Mrs. T. F. Coombs. . ifornia, Thursday evening, after a planned for the near future. Mrs. Venna Hoklo and children of week's visit at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Gene Halliday and son, Max, Watt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Price, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dodd of of Ogden, are spending the week with Harris. Harper, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gam. Elie Anderson and sons, Keith and Brough motored to Providence, ThursMiss Louise Mason of San Frany Verl, Heber Summers and Don Hom- day and spent the day with Clara cisco, Calif., arrived Saturday for a and family. few days visit with her parents, Mr. er, are enjoying a fishing trip to Clear Mrs. J. 0. Garfield and son, Irvine, and Mrs. J. L. Mason. They left WedCreek. Maurine Anderson returned from were Salt Lake City visitors, Monday. nesday with Miss Mary Mason for a Dr. Verne Fridal of Los Angeles, is trip to the World's Fair, to Canada, Henefer, Monday evening ,where she has visited friends for the past two visiting relatives here this week. through the Canadian Rockies and weeks. K. H .Fridal and family and broth- down the Pacific coast to Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. I. Burnhope spent Sun er, Dr. Verne Fridal, spent Monday Ralph Larson and Mr .and Mrs. in Logan canyon. A. V. Smoot of Farmington, were Sunday at Lorin Farr Park in Ogden. Mrs. Warren Wright and children of day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 1. Salt Lake City, are visiting this week Coombs. . with her sister, Mae Fridal and brother, Dr. Verne Fridal. Mrs. J. 0. Hadfjield Miss Marion Covey of Ogden, is the Mrs. Ervine Jones and children, Mel house and a ba guest of Miss VernL Martin for left Murray, Saturday :x:this week. The Seventies of the Garland and few weeks visit with relatives in Salt Lake City and Provo. Fielding wards were the speakers at Gertrude Laub of Fielding, was a the Sunday meeting. A ladies trio from Garland gave two musical num- guest of Dona Brough on Thursday. bers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt, Mr. and vin Bunderson. Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt and son, Alvin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadfield and daugh returned home Saturday from Rapid Doris and Fay, spent Tuesday ters, City, S. D. where they went to attend in Brigham. a funeral. Jesse Davis and children returned Mrs. Ray Capener and small son re- home from Whitney, Idaho, Saturday. turned from Salt Lake Tuesday where Alvin Bowcutt was a Salt Lake visthey have been visiting for two weeks. itor over the week end. Her sister, Margaret Edington came Welton Ward and Mrs. Glen Walkback with her and will visit here for er and daughter, Betty, went to Loseveral weeks. John Edington is also Mrs. Phebe Ward ac gan Thursday. QUALITY - FOODS a guest at the Capener home. them to to Willard attend companied Mrs. Herald Peterson and children a funeral. When in town dine at the ;.. of Salt Lake are visiting at the AugMr. and Mrs. Karl G. Welling atust Forsberg home. MIDLAND tended the Richards reunion Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, Mr. and and Sunday at the Girls' home in A Trial Will Convince You Mrs. Glen Engles of Centerville and Mrs. Eva Gail of Ogden, were Sunday-guest- s Brigham canyon. Mrs. Helen Lee has returned from Meals ...... 25c at the A. A. Capener home. Salt Lake to spend the summer with Edna Allen of Portage is spending her daughter, Mrs. Leland Capener. the week with lone and Nina Udy. Mrs. Ezra itors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. To the creditors of Moses P. Jorgen-se- n JAMES WALTON, of ,of Tremonton in the County Conciliation Commissioner. Box Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933 the petition of said Moses P. Jorgensen praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay his debts under section 75 of the Bankruptcy ast, was approved by this court as properly filed The Best la Optometrk Serrict under said section; and that the first la Northern Utah meeting of his creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, M ouu (NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah. or YOUNG GIRL TAKES IRON GAINS TEN POUNDS BOTHWELL -- (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 75.) tion of said George Scoff ield praying In the. District Court of the United that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension States for the District of Utah, of time to pay his debts under section In the Matter of HEBER N. STOHL 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approvthis court as properly filed uned In Proceedings for a Composition or der by said section; and the second meetExtension. ing of his creditors will be held at TreTo the creditors of Heber N. Stohl, monton in Conciliator's office, L. D. D. of Tremonton in the County of Box S. church, on the 18 day of July, A. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at 1933, and aforesaid. district Elder, Notice is hereby given that on the which the said creditors may attend, 17th day of July, A. D. 1933 the pe- prove their claims, examine the debtor as tition of said Heber N. Stohl praying and transact such other business meetsaid come before may properly to he be afforded an opportunity that . effect a composition or an extension ing. JAMES WALTON, of time to pay his debts undersection Conciliation Commissioner. 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the second (NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS IN PROCEEDmeeting of his creditors will be held INGS UNDER SECTION 75.) at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, L, D. S .church, on the 17th day of July A. D. 1933, at 3 o'clock in the In the District Court of the United States for the District of Utah afternoon, at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor and transact such In the Matter of other business as may properly come EPHRAIM N. STOREY before said meeting. In Proceedings for a Composition or JAMES WALTON, Extension Conciliation Commissioner. To the creditors of Ephraim N. (NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF Storey, of Eden, Utah, in the County CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS of Weber, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the UNDER SECTION 75.) 17th day of July, A. D. 1933 the peIn the District Court of the United tition of said Ephraim N. Storey praying that he be afforded an opportunity States for the District of Utah to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay his debts under section In the Matter of ANES L. UDY 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approvIn Proceedings for a Composition or ed by this court as properly filed unExtension der said sction; and that the second meeting of his creditors will be held of L. of Anes creditors To the Udy, at Tremonton, Utah in Conciliator's Plymouth in the County of Box Elder office, L. D. S. church on the 17th day and district aforesaid. of July, A. D. 1933, at 9 o'clock in Notice is hereby given, that on the the forenoon, at which time the saia 1933 D. the 18th day of July, A. peti creditors may attend, prove their tion of said Anes L. Udy praying that claims the debtor and trans,exaraiije to ef he be afforded an opportunity such other business act as may propfect a composition or an extension of come before said meeting. erly time to pay his debts under section JAMES WALTON, 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approvConciliation Commissioner. ed by this court as properly filed un der said section; and that the first (NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF meeting of his creditors will be held CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS Conciliator's in Tremonton office, at UNDER SECTION 75.) dtf L. D. S. church, on the 18th day 1 the o'clock D. in A. 1933, at July In the District Court of the United afternoon, at which time the said credStates for the District of Utah itors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come In the Matter of MOSES P. JORGENSEN before said meeting. JAMES WALTON, In Proceedings for a Compasition or Conciliation Commissioner. Extension OF FIRST MEETING OF In Proceedings for a Composition or (NOTICE CREDITORS IN PROCEEDINGS Elder, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1933 the petition of said W. A. Adams praying that he be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension f time to pay his debts under section 75 of the Bankruptcy act, was approved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the second meeting of his creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, O. S. church on the 17th day of rA. D. 1933, at 5 o'clock in the Mternoon, at which time the said cred itors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. JAMES WALTON, Conciliation Commissioner. der section 75 of the Bankruptcy act, wa sapproved by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at Tremonton in Conciliator's office, L. D. S. churA, on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1933, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. JAMES WALTON, Conciliation Commissioner. Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah CXXXXXXIXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXX M |