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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 13, PAGE TWO SEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Poetofflce at SNOWVILLE Tre-maat- Utah, as Second Class Ma- tter. James Walton. Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton. Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates Dm Year, ia advance Eiz Months, in advance Fhree Months, in advance SATURDAY SPECIALS Horton Hurd was injured in a runaway at his farm Monday. The team became freightened and ran patching him between a post and a hayrack. One arm was badly bruised and a thumb nail torn off. He went into Tremonton for a doctor's care. Mr .and Mrs. Edmund Hurd and daughter, Glenn,a motored to Ogden, $2.00 .. $1.90 - .50 July 15 Free to Public Wi cl!o biaa. wm m Fra iH or product caa beWained TK aol "placo in tka U. S. aufcrattuiB mattfer Miss Annie Hurd Lge. Pkg. and Itom ojf WHbout Jadoatrwl Library. OMisabon U dU Manor lor yea ar Witt AiKrtuui( jalaiinleJ in; mux. wiil bapromptlyforwatdao- - Awmi Potato Chips 9c . JUSEIICXI IIBSSTKIIL LIB1MY fflrUiBmiUUA, CUaa,UUai Lge. Pkg. 9c Corn Flakes To Ybar Town as well as to your Country PATRONISE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS Can 9c Golden Corn Fresh "Milk Maid" Loaves 3 Lge. 9c Bread Peanut Butter Mrs. Thomas Ault REMEDY REMOVES CAUSE day night. Leon Peterson of Salt Lake City, vis OF STOMACH GAS ited his parents here Thursday. weeks Mrs. K. Allen spent three Most stomach GAS is due to bowel in Ogden. While there she had the poisons. For quick relief use Adler-ikmisfortune to slip in a bathtub, breakOne dose cleans out body wastes, ing a rib. tones up your system, brings sound Mrs. H. J. Robbines and children Bleep. Scott Drug tympany, iTemon-toare visiting Mrs. Robbin's sisters in Utah. (Adv.) Salt Lake City. Snowville and Buist played baseball here Saturday, July 1st. Tne score was one in favor of Snowville. When You Think On Saturday, July 8th Arbon ball LUMBER team came to play. The score was 20 to 16 in favor of Arbon. WILSON Mrs. A. L. Peterson returned home Build Anything" To "Everything Saturday after visiting her daughters Phone 11 in Salt Lake City for several weeks. She was accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Arvella Maylen and daugh ter, Elaine, who returned home next day. Mrs. J. J. Cutler is visiting her moth er at Idaho Falls. Miss Harriet Larkin returned home Sunday from a visit to relatives in Logan and vicinity. YES we will - THINK SPECIAL VELZOR a. DUART n, Newest and Latest Methods W r3 $3.00 GENUINE COMBO RINGLETTE or 2 for $4.50 $3.00 Done by Experts HODGES BEAUTY SALON Formerly Milady Beauty Salon Bngham City Phone TIRES! the 4th of July at Lava Hot Springs. Mr .and Mrs. Stiff Keeter and daugh Mr. and Mrs. David Holmgren mo ter, Geraldine, of Ogden, spent the tored to Ogden Sunday to visit with week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Roy their new granddaughter, born July Showell. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Stoddard. Fire of unknown origin completely Mrs. Stoddard will be remembered by destroyed the Chevrolet roadster be her friends here as Winifred Holm longing to Charles Peterson, Wednes gren. trade for your old ones Associated Gasoline and Oils LEA'S SERVICE LEA DUNN, Prop. . . TREMONTON UTAH Jar b. DEWEYVILLE I Monday. W. T. Robbins of Logan ,is nere at the home of his son, Harvey. Mrs W. C. Nelson motored to Salt Lake City on business, Monday. On July 1st and 2nd the Curlew stake quarterly conference was held. Elder Joseph F. Merrill of the council of the twelve, was in attendance. He was accompanied by Mrs. Merrill. Mrs. Maggie Arbon of Salt Lake City, visited her sisters and brothers here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sorensen spent lira 22c :x: Mr. and Mrs. LeBter Perry of were visitors here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gardner and family of Yulson, Idaho, spent a few days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnard are very proud of theor new son, born July 4th. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nielson of Brig liam City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble on Tuesday. The Sunday school enjoyed their out ing at the Preston Valley camp in Logan canyon on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gardner announce the arrival of a boy born on Pleas-.antvie- w July 2nd. Virginia Perry and Fern Dewey, teachers of the Old Testament Sunday fechool class, entertained their pupils at the home of Bishop M, G. Perry. Games were played on the lawn. Refreshments were served to 15. Eddie Muir and Homer Marble spent the week end at Mendon. Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Perry, daughter, Virginia, and son, Myrle, and Alta Marble were inj Ogden Monday afternoon. Mrs. Duett Loveland and son, Dar- xell, and daughter, Mildred Jean, and Mrs, Walter Sudsbury and daughters, Helen and. Dorothy, spent Sunday af ternoon at Logan. Misses Luella and Barbara Lish spent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Peter Jensen at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. John Becker of Ogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault on the 4th of July. Jeff Barnard, teacher of the New Testament class of the Sunday school, entertained the class at the Crystal Springs, Wednesday night. Nineteen enjoyed a swim and luncheon. Miss Thora Dewey returned from a two week's trip in Idaho. William Fererson, Iver Germer and Irving Germer returned from Yellowstone Tuesday afternoon. Mr .and Mrs. Axel Hassel entertained at their home in honor of C. P. Jensens birthday, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Arlen Dewey and sons spent a few days with relatives in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Harwood and children of Ogden, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burch and sons spent the 4th of July at Soda Springs. - Quality Meats in Our Sanitary Market -- - - Market Specials Per Lb. Young Pork Roasts 8c Per Lb. Vedl Roasts 8c Per Lb. Veal Chops 13c SUMMER Per Lb. Sausage 20c - Per Lb. SALT Bacon 12c mAnsmoRTOYou n0WTPveR bcrm - " ' mbbJ r r CLRSKAGGS STORES ing for the Yellowstone Park Those r, leaving in the company were Reed Max Johnson, Dale Rhodes, Russel Sorenson, Lawrence Adams and Leroy Atkinson. Mrs. W. A. Adams entertained Friday afternoon at a birthday party for her daughter, Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Watt returned Monday evening from a trip to Yellowstone Park where they motored after their marriage in the Logan temple. Mrs. Watt was farmerly Miss Louise Atkinson. They will make their home in Layton, Utah. Twelve little friends enjoyed a pleas ant afternoon Thursday when they met at a birthday party given by Mrs. J. W. Rhodes in honor of her son, Blaine. Mrs. Myrle Crowther and children and Miss Bessie Young of Perry, are spending several days as guests of Miss Eva Adams. There were quite a number from here who went to the Logan temple Wednesday. Lafayette Grover took the group in his van. Oy-le- -- PLYMOUTH At today's low prices, the investment value of Electric Servants is greater than it has ever been. To the who desires to have something tangible, beneficial and of lifetime service, there is nothing more home-dwell- er attractive. Electric Cooking and Electric Refrigeration not only add materially to the joy of living, but pay substantial and continuous returns in the cost of the food you save! Electric Water Heating provides still another step toward complete home enjoyment. Mrs. Don R, Lamb J EAST GARLAND :x: Mrs. Sarah E. Thornton whose home is in Los Angeles, is here spending the week with her mother. Mrs. Lucv :x: E. Lamb. She is accompanied with Ida-Jio Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Nielsen of her two daughters, Maxine and Falls, visited with relatives here Sunday. Master Ralph Holman who lias been visiting for the past twe Miss Erma Pierson who has been weeks at their home, returned with spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Bruce, in California, is them. ' home again. Miss Mavis Hansen is spending the Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Miller of week with relatives in Ogden. .were visitin here with Mr. and Miss Eula Rhodes entertained at a chicken dinner Sunday at her home. Mrs. Phines Pierson during the fore SThose enjoying the repast were: Mes- part or tne week. srs. Gam Capener, Mark Wood, Don 4 Harris, Theron Wood and Miss Jessie McFarMiss of Beth Garland, Bishop lane of Riverside, Miss Neta Cheney of 1 Mrs. David Larson . Mrs. Donna K el low and son, Paul, Los Angeles, were guests of Mr. WANTED Saleslady, to sell Excelcis and Mrs. Alva Rhodes last week. products. Apply, C. E. Hall, 440 N. A social was given at the home of 4 East, Logan, Utah. t2p. Miss June Rhodes Monday evening who left Tuesday morn HOUSE FOR RENT Call Mrs. Gil- Sot the boys bert Tarkcr, phone 76.0-- cf tf 2. Wanted Animals Dead or Alive If dead notify us at once. Phone Logan 49 and Reverse Prompt Service Charges Colorado Animal cts step-dow- -- ; Material costs are increasing, which indicates an early upward trend in prices of the finished products. Now is the time to invest in a Hotpoint Electric Range, a General Electric Refrigerator and an Electric Wat?? Heater, or at least one of these appliances as a start toward your home. "All-Electri- c" Take advantage of our easy payment budget plan; or, if you desire to make a cash purchase, a liberal discount brings you a still greater saving. ...WANTXOLUMN.. East Garland. Bi-Produ- In addition to the present lower initial investment, you also secure the benefit n of a very reasonable operating cost through our combination rate, ' of increases. use which decreases as your v electricity Co. WILL BUY live useless horses. Ricy Anderson, Tremonton. tell you more about the idea? It will be a pleasure to give you complete information and you will in no way be obligated. Phone us. May we All-Electr- ic See FREE Estimate on paintine and paperhanging. Our guarantee is real. Call August Nussbaum, phone 77.0-1- . 6 U. 7-- FOR SALE OR TRADE Good second hand John Deere dump hay rake. Call Jas. Walton at 23 or 39.a-- l CASH PAID Fer Dead and Useless Cvws and horses. Reverse call tf41 Brigharn 493J2 tlTAHtCWRKIICHTOT EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE f 7ir |