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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1932 She Reduced 38 j whfle Pnnnrfa TKim Cnfn W,r Malta PLYMOUTH By Mrs. Don R. Lamb Miss Iva school here Sorenson who taught last winter, accompanied with her brother, Howard, were visitors here Sunday of last week, spending the day with old friends and new acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mason, of weie Monday guests of Mr. and , Og-de- n, Mrs. K. L. Mason. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Archibald of Ridgedale, Idaho, were guests of Mrs. Archibald's mother, Mrs. Geo. Smith Tuesday of last week. Miss Shirley Mason, daughter of Mr. John C. Slason, of Ogden, after spending a week's vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Burnett, returned to her home Monday of , 'ou losing it you gun in in vivaaousness you lose fat...where fat is most prominent and . 1 t? "I have been takinr Kruschen at me same time Keep stomacn, uver, . .. functioning kidneys and bowels oaus ror montui and 1 Hunk they naturall ' re wonderful. I am 32 years old . . drugstore m the world will sell and 5 Ft 2 in. U11. I was very faiJ I writhed 165 IKa. ami nnw i wiirh sou a jar of Kruschen for a trifling 127 lbs. and feel fine. If I let up sum take teaspoonful in a taking the Salts one morning I feel riss nf hot watr pvpi-- mornincr eo lazy and heavy . Mrs. Florence iight on fatty meats potatoes and Loftus, Boston sweets. But for your health's sake This is just one of hundreds of let-- j demand and get Kruschen Salts we get every month Kruschen tations are numerous. It's the little not only causes you to loose fat but ' daily dose that does it ...... son-in-la- THATCHER -- i j j. :x: Fred Slater of Salt Lake, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watt from Saturday to Mnnrfav Merrill Oyler of Salt Lake, is a visitor at tne Home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Diderickson, Mr. PViirl- and Mrs. DTnwn. riiHoriflrenri U . J lis Diderickson and Milton Anderson spent rioneer Day in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. K. O Wio4it af Pwn. tello, visited with relatives and friends nere last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Holton and children of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bodily and daughter, Shirley, of Syracuse, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson Sunday. Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom at a dinner in honor of her hmsband. Covers were laid for ten. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. C. Peterson were Salt Lake visitors. Tuesdav. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Peterson of Penrose, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Peterson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, Monday evening. Evard Johnson, Leo Nelson and Floyd Adams returned home Saturday from Grace, Idaho. The boys have employment there. Frank Norberg of Denver, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom, Friday. Mrs. Vivian Archibald and sons, Farrell and Dale, are visiting Mrs. Archibald's mother, Mrs. Anton An- - A 1 FIELDING By Mrs. Thomas Ault By Mrs. Dan Gam :x: :x: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weiland returned Sunday afternoon after a three weeks visit with friends and relatives in Hast tings and Grand Island, Nebraska. During their stay they had the sad experience of attending funeral services for their fathers, both Mr. and -- J- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gibbs of Oakland, California, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Xhoa- VYheatley. Thursday. lhey were enroute to Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Waite of Smithfield, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish over the week end. Mrs. Weiland. ' Thirty-on- e members of the ward en Mr. and Mrs. Orson Godfrey and joyed the Old Folks outing at Lagoon. Mrs. Ed. Gittens visited at the home children of Lehi. spent last week at of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Green in Og- the home of their mother, Mrs. Geo - I rs Godfrey. den. Miss Lydia Marble visited her sisMrs. Elizabeth Hess returned ter, Mrs. Grant Evans at Spanish last FIVE week after spending the past two months in California with her son, Rossel and family. Mr. and Mrs. F, J. Walker and eon, Clifton, of Salt Lake City, are visiting with friends and relatives here. They are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burns. Mr. and Milton Fife and children cf Riverside, California, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr aid Mrs. Fred Coombs. Sunday, in their honor, a dinner was given for the family. Mr- - and Mrs. Coombs of Salt Lake City were home for the occasion. A large number of the Fielding folks spent Monday in Logan canyon and in the evening enjoyed the dancing party at Crystal Springs. Fork. "Tested Quality" Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Justinsen of Mag na, Elwood Penrose and Leonard Thomas of Salt Lake, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. MERCHANDISE V. BATTERIES - - TIRES - - TUBES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS Justesen. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gardner had UTAH TREMONTON I "Compare Our Values Anywhere" I LEA'S SERVICE as their Sunday dinner guests. Elmer Peterson and daughter, Hazel, of Thatcher. Violet and Veda Gardner sDent Thursday at North Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey and children of Brigham City, visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Dew- ey and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser of this place last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Evans of Span-j ; ish Fork were week end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marble. Mr .and Mrs. B. C. Mansen of Magna, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Justesen. Pvellis Wheatley spent Saturday at Clarkston Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss of Salt Lake, were visiting at the home of Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Shirl Tucker of were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble. ; Mr. and Mrs. Milse Mearo and family of Rock Springs were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wheat ley, Saturday. Mrs. Dewey Gardner and little daughter returned home here from a two weeks visit with relatives at Avon. Mrs. Annie Chapman of Salt Lake and Mrs. Frank Dustman of Madson were calling on relatives and friends At PRICES that OFFER a REAL BUYING OPPORTUNITY LEA DUNN. Prop. ! I Full Size Rayon Athletic Suits 29c 2 for 55c Spreads 97c Don't be deceived., by- - the price. This is a guaranteed value- - Very attractive pattern in blue, rose, gold and green. Big, Roomy, Nainsook low Athletic Suits Worth at least 49c. Made of 72 x 80 Nainsook. Back and web snubber. straps Full cut for summer com- 5c Ladies' House Pure sheet rubber. The waist and legs with hemmed elastic bands, flesh color only, in small, medium and large sizes. Dresses 49c New styles, new patterns, You'll wonder how they can make them to sell at this low Va 1c price. Cool and Braided mercerized elastic, - yard. - Men's Rayon , Scott Drug Co. Phone 47 Night Calls 47 PrescriptionSpecialists WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST THE FINEST OF FOUNTAIN DRINKS AND LIGHT LUNCHES THIS IS YOUR DRUG STORE Come and Make Yourself at Home bration was carried out, especially the program and parade. - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and fam MM ily were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen at Logan, Monday, 1 A splendid program and celebration Was enjoyed by our ward on the 24th. Deweyville ward took first place in the special program of ten minutes. Sox crisp for summer frocks. All fast colors Manufacturers surplus of 19c and 25c fabrics. 36 in. wide. yard extra stretch. Buy all you need now at only 1 cent a Printed Batiste 10c yard G. Tremonton, Utah here. Mrs. T. It. Ault spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. John Becker at Ogden. Mrs. Fred Harwood and children of Salt Lake, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. M. A. Lish. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Harwood and children of Ogden, were calling on relatives her Sunday. Mrs. Duett Loveland and children Mr. and Mrs. John Becker of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault motored to Logan Monday. Logan folks are to be congratulated on the way the cele- Elastic Inch fas color prints. E Sla-tersvi- Baby Pants fort. te, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruce and children who have been visiting here with relatives, returned to their home in California, during the week. Mrs. Hannah Hess and son, Ellis and Mrs. Don R. Lamb, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lional Mason. ) imi-te- DEWEYVILLE j i Archibald who has been sp$Viing the week with her daughter, Mrs. Dean Harris, of Nortii Ogden, spent the day in town here and then returned to Ogden for an indefinite The committee that was appointed to check upon the hailstorm suffer ers, have been going over the fields with officials of the Red Cross organi zation with a view of offering assist ance to those who are in need. Mr. Lee Lamb and Jesse Nish are out with their combines going over the wheat fields gleaning what little grain the storm did not destroy and more machines are getting in shape to start the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ferre and daughters, Velda and Leucretia, and sons, Jess and Lorien of Salt Lake City, have been week end guests of Mr. and their daughter and Mrs. Louis Zundel. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rudd, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Rudd, Miss Lorene Archibald, Mr. Leland Archibald and Miss Mira Steed motored to Rockland, Ida-h- a Saturday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Goddard of Malad, Idaho, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Newel Nish, Sunday of this week. Mrs. Janet Pierson and granddaugh Orpha and Ruth, returned from SLiieen, Idaho, where they have been viMmg relatives for the last few j v "',C1 4 V -- A one-ha- lf lat week. s. Khoda period. Miss Erma Pierson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Pierson has gone to California for the summer where she intends to attend school. . PAGE! 2 pairs 25c An Beautiful new patterns. outstanding value at this low price. You have paid 25c for socks no better. Coalville Echo Dam, irrigation pro ject, dedicated. Kaysville 8 carloads cherries shipped from Davis County up to date. Highway from Ogden city limits through Riverdale to new Death Curve road to be widened and resurfaced. Spanish Fork Pea harvest for local cannery underway. Tooele Tooele Fair Board voted to carry on this fall. F mHMJRNl ed FOR ICE Beverages & Coal SEE BESSINGER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH -- : S 36 : derson. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cranier and little daughter of Corinne, visited relatives here Sunday, Mrs. Ethel Jensen and son, Ariel, are home again after an extended visit in Ogden. The most powerful d and most economical truck you can buy , When You Think HARDWARE low-price- THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 truck to meet must be fast, needs. It hauling today's powerful, dependable and economical. Add to these features big capacity and driver comfort, and you have pictured the ideal truck. What's more, you have described the new Chevrolet the most d powerful and economical truck you can buy! It's six cylinders that make this truck so efficient and It takes an exceptional SPECIAL! GENUINE IMPROVED DUART low-price- For Only $3.00 Newest and latest heaterless ultra thermique method of permanent waving. One for $6.50, or Bring a Friend; Get Two for $10.00 A Complete Permanent for $2.00 We do not use inferior solutions. Special for Monday . Tneadav WET FINGER WAVE AND SHAMPOO 50c MILADY BEAUTY PARLORS PHONE 71 - Brigham City -- Chevrolet Truck on 131 whetlbaM wttb bated aid Btn k $700 ChU priced $Q AC hIowm All prica UTw X-to- a bodies smoothness reduces wear on all parts. power and speed make possible bodies with a larger bulk capacity. flexibility gives you a faster power response. Today you can get these advantages at the lowest prices in Chevrolet history so popular. Six-cylind- er Six-cylind- er Six-cylind- er er 1 CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., Detroit, Midi. Dhhioa ot Onanl tfotora model with u low u $ACif "UV M model, wfth battel m low f. o. b. Flint, VOcttfaa. Special equipment extra. Low deBwied prioea and m $ft70 J JLVJ aar O. M. A. C. tanaa. CHEVROLET SIX CYLINDER TRUCKS Fronk Chevrolet Company PHONE 20 TREMONTON UTAH 1i vr |