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Show PAGE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1932 TOm ELWOOD By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen :x: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller are the proud parents of a son, born Tuesday July lyth. All are doing nicely. Mrs. Van Horn B. Whitney and son, Loraine, Mrs. A. L. Phillips and daugh ter Mauri ne, and Miss Ida burton, all of Salt Lake City, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orwin. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen and daughter, Blanch, of Salt Lake, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hansen. Mrs. Hansen accompanied them back for a week's visit in the The BLACK BOX OF 'capital Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Petersen and Mrs. Walter Fridal were Logan visitors last sj?- - '''' i& ' - & WASHERS Ranging in Prices By Francis Lynde which the author has taken a modern invention as the "hub" of his narrative and done a brilliant bit of story telling. From the opendeing, when Owen Landis, signer of the "Black Box of Silence," dreamer and enthusiast, confides his secret and his fears as to what ignoble be usage his invention may ening. Mr .and Mrs. Kaphel Steed and children and Mrs. Mary Moore of Ogden, visited with Mrs. Abe Hunsaker and Mrs. Ken Hunsaker on Monday. Mrs. Sarah Fridal and daughter, Mrs. Stover and baby, of Salt Lake, also Misses Veda and Luby Rasmus-se- n of Salt Lake, were entertained by Walter Fridal, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen and most exacting reader will be fed to a pleasurable excess on action, climaxes and entertaining dialogue. With it all there is an appealing love story. children of Salt Lake, and Phinix Parmer and Philles Christensen of Preston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen on the 24th. Ira Spencer of American Fork, is a guest at the Able home. Miss Rose Perkin left for Lima, Mon tana last week, after a three week's visit with her brother, Joe Perkins and family. She was accompanied back by Mr. Perkins. Mrs. George Chapman and son, Kenneth and daughter, Garnet, returned Saturday after a week's visit in Rupert, Idaho. Ben Hoopes and son, of Rupert, was week end guest of the Chapman home. Mr. Chapman accompanied Mr. Hoopes back. to Rupert, Monday. I We urge our readers to read the advertisements in these columns as well as the larger display ads throughout the paper. Each week some of them will have a special to offer you. MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE ' ' ft The celebration on the 25th was a grand success. The program was home band, and the was appreciated during the day. The sports were very entertaining. There was a good crowd and all had a very nice time. Veda and Luby Rasmussen spent the week end home from Salt Lake City. H. C. Hansen accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller of Tremonton, to Mink Creek last Sunday where they visited his sister, Mrs. Gertrude Hansen and sons and family. ' Mr. E. H. Cornwall gave a fine talk here on' Sunday relative to Pioneer life.' All enjoyed his sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Dermeson and daughter, of Provo, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen and H. C. Hansen. Deon Christensen returned from Salt Lake, Friday, after a week's visit with her sister, Dortha. Norman Andersen accompanied the orchestra to Park Valley, Monday ev20-pie- ce And Directory fjf SILENCE Friday. ex-cell- Tremonton Business Guide Venus Too Fat? No, Say Docs! AN unusual, 333, J dting, A BUST h l,'&.Z"f t ' ' fy HIPS r ex-X- interest-holdin- g If', l story in ISOLIfl 34" ET WEIGHT " i $59.00 and up - WAIST tfys'GH 14 is- - In Northern Utah 4 ntiuni WEIGHT - ' 35- A'V'f'S put, to his chum, Walter Markham, until the cleverly worked out and altogether satisfactory ending, even the Mi THIGH -- . SB fe fAl I On Cent. II 6 12 J. A. Pack Representative Tremonton Utah Per No Commissions. Phones: B. R. V., 69.a-2- Bell, 129 ; When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Utah Oil Station NO. 267 GOOD NEWS After July 1st we can reline your brakes with OUi Raybestos Brake Lining P7 The Best That Money Can Buy Diderickson & Goldsberry MAKE GOOD OR WE DO RIVERSIDE BOTHWELL I By Mrs. J. O. ! Hadfield I . Fronk Chevrolet Co. BEAR RIVER CITY 1 :x: Rocky Mountain Tremonton Steam BAKERY Packing Corporation Packers of Twin Peak Peas Our Your products are better products made from your's makes ours the best. Boost your own products by boosting ours ' Review d, IPtairmmacy PHONE 134 UTAH Drugs and Fountain SPECIAL Black Leaf "40" $1.25 a pound PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT RIGHT PRICES Miss Norma Barlow of Burlev. Ida ho, has been here visiting with rela- tives. Sterling Macfarlane and Miss Reta Darrington, of Elba, Idaho, are guests at the R. D. Macfarlane home. R. D. Macfarlane family spent Sat urday and Sunday on a fjshing trip up Blacksmith Fork canyon. Leo Macfarlane received a broken collar bone when he was kicked by a horse. He is now recovering nicely. The Boys and Girls Calf Club of South Tremonton. were entertained Wednesday night. July 13 at a swimming party over to the Crystal springs After swimming was enjoyed by every one, ice cream and cake was served. 4-- Phone 21 Tremonton, Utah By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford By Miss Ilia Perry Utah Weekly Industrial TREMONTON MAYTAG SHOP JOHN J. SHUMWAY "Insurance mortality statistics show a marked tendency toward tuberculosis in underweight women up to that age. Thus, the fad of reducing to a streamline figure holds a positive health menace. Past 35, it is better for either man or woman to be slightly underweight rather than overweight" "If Venus was between 20 and 25 and weighed from 145 to 150 pounds as is supposed, she would have been an ideal insurance risk." e- Irrigated Land. Parts on all Makes of Washers LOAN Dr. William H. Muhlberg, medical director of Union Central Life declares. Insurance Company, whose Service and I The Republican women of this city Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward and daughheld a beautifully appointed silver tea W. Mrs. E. Mae and Ward, ter, Edna :x: were shopping in Salt Lake one day on Tuesday afternoon at the home of An interesting Mrs. Sina Thorsen. Mrs. Roscoe Anderson's parents, last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Siegmiller, her program was given under the direc Mrs Glen Walker is at the home of tion of the president, Mrs. Arsen Jen brother, Joe, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Christian and husdand, of St. her mother, Mrs. E. W. Ward, recov- sen and chairman of the program com George, and her sister, Marie, of Pro- ering from a recent operation. Mr. mittee, Mrs. Margaret Johnson. Mrs, vo, came for a several days visit last Walker brought her up from Salt Lake Joseph R. Morrell of Ogden, was the Tuesday. week. guest speaker. At intervals musical Mr. and Mrs. John Ward and daugh- numbers were given by Misses Zula Mr. and Mrs. Ray Priest and chil- ters, Edna Mae and Amanda, and Mrs. and Afton Hansen, Deloris Thorsen dren, of Ogden, were week end guests Ora Hyer, attended the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Johnson and Mrs. Mary The following record of industrial of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunsaker. Donna Stoddard at Lewiston, Monday. Atkins Hansen. Following the proMiss Beatrice Hawkins left Saturactivity lists items showing investserved. Mrs. Sina Thoi was tea gram Miss Margaret Edington of Salt sen and Mrs. Leslie Jensen ment of capital, employment of labor presided and business activities and opportuni- day morning for Logan. She remain- Lake is a guest this week of her sis- at the tea tables. A silver bowl of friends with ed Mrs. for the 24th, visiting Ray Capener. ter, ties. Information from which the parsweet peas and baby breath formed agraphs are prepared is usually from and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tubbs and the center piece with tall red tapers local papers, usually of towns menJunior Anderson, son of Mr. and son, Blaine, of Ogden, spent the week in silver holders placed at each end. tioned and may be considered general- Mrs. Wallace Anderson, while shovel- end Fifty ladies were in attendance. with Mrs. Francis Tubbs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wess of Ogden, anly correct. ing Tuesday, cut his big toe very badThe reunion held was to nounce the safe arrival of a baby boy shovel when Udy the Up family slipped. ly Coalville Echo Dam, irrigation pro date it is getting well enough for him Sunday at the Udy Hot Springs. Those born July 21st. Mrs. Wess was forto walk on and no serious infection from here attending were: R. D. Mac merly Miss Ona Allred of this city. ject, dedicated. farlane family, Mr. and Mrs. Karl She is at the home of her parents, Kaysville 8 carloads cherries ship- has set in. ped from Davis County up to date. Lawrence Sliding left Thursday for Welling and three sons, Mrs. Rowane Mr. and Mrs. Parley W. Allred. Miss Winona Christensen returned Highway from Ogden city limits, a week's visit in Salt Lake with his Udy, the T, J. Udy family and the families of Edmund and Austin Udy, to her home in this city Monday, after through RJverdale to new Death Curve parents. road to be widened and resurfaced. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers and also Mrs. Larry Johnson and children. visiting with relatives in Los Vegas, Spanish Fork Pea harvest for local children visited Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt and Nevada, for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Alired Jensen and cannery underway. in Ogden with Mr. and Mrs. John daughter, Silvia, were Logan visitors Tooele Tooele Fair Board voted to Childs. were shopping in Ogden Satfamily Geo Bowcutt also the Monday, family urday. carry on this fall. The Bothwell baseball team played and Lorella Bowcutt. Work started to construct tempor- Bear River City on the latter's diaMrs. Eliza Hailing attended the Mrs. Helen Lee the week end ary road around south side of Navajo mond, Saturday, and won with a score in Evanston. Mrs.spant funeral services held in the fourth Lee Ed chil and Lake. Cedar City, Iron County Re- of 14 to 3. at Brigham City on dren returned with her Monday and ward chapel cord. over the remains of Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stokes and fam- are Thursday, Leland Capener Emma Lungren. visiting at the Price Thomas Harvey and associa- ily went to Logan Sunday with the te granted permit to construct $7,000 exception of Mr. Stokes and son, Dar-rel- l, home. Monday evening Miss Ruth Burt George Tubbs is visiting at Logan entertained a few of her friends at a filling station and auto camp here. who returned home Monday. They this week. Cedar City Utacal Oil Co., of this will remain a week or ten days visitthe at party Crystal Springs in hon Mr. and Mrs. John Conley of Por cousin. Artell McKnight of or of her city, received contract for furnishing: ing. tage, were calling on friends Sunday. Salt Lake. After a 18,000 barrels road oil to be used in Miss Rhoda Wallace of Salt Lake is plunge in the Mrs. A. A. Capener and daughter, cookies and punch was served seal coat treatments on parts of state visiting Mrs. T. V. Summers. springs TinMr. Mrs. H. and and S. to Artell and Bert McKnight of Salt Mrs. Ruth Summers went to Ogden Margaret highway system in southern Utah. were Brigham visitors Tuesday. Zinck. Hope Ogden Route of Monte Cristo road canyon at Eden on a picnic last week. gey Alvin and Lorenzo Bowcutt return Lake, and to Wilma being relocated, Bishop Marble and family and Miss ed from Boulder, Colorado, Friday of Christensen, Ruth Burt Eleda Jensen Milford Root and McKay leased Zelda Summers spent the 24th up Lo- last week. and to Bobby Archibald, Percy Brails-forClinton Johnson and Richard pool holl. gan canvon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsbere. Miss Milford Site of Sloan apartment John Hawkins left Friday for Salt June Udy, Jack Forsberg and Rudy Christensen. They were accompanied house purshased by L. D. S. Chudch! Lake for business purposes. He reBowcutt went to Salt Lake Saturday to the springs by Mrs. Amelia Burt. as site for proposed chapel. turned home Sunday. Wednesday the Evans Relief Society and returned home Monday night. Mrs. Herald Peterson and children held a quilting bee at the home ef of Salt Lake are spending the week their president, Mrs. Fred Hansen. At one o'clock a delicious hot chicken at the A. A. Forsberg home. was served and at five o'clock dinner Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kennard, Jr., was served to sixteen and children, Gleason, Keith and Gen- a light lunch Mrs. N. R. Homer of Ogden eva of Logan, were guests at the Geo- - guests. and Mrs. Minnie Garlick of Salt Lake Hales home, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hales. Jr. and City, were special guests. Mrs. N. R. Homer and children of children of Belle Fonche, S. Dakota, Ogden, spent the week visiting with were here for two weeks. T. J. Udy went to Grouse Creek friends at Evans. Miss Jane Olsen of Bountiful, Utah Thursday with other members of tha is visiting in this city with her grandroad commissioners. Miss Phyllis Richards is visiting mother, Mrs. Fredricka Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner and with relatives in Burley, Idaho. Miss Ihelma Hendricks has been a son, Darrell, were shopping in Ogden. Thursday. guests of Miss Annie Bowcutt. Mrs. Minnie Garlick of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and was the week end guest of Mrs. City children spent Pioneer Day at Center-vill- e. Moroni Lumberg last week. El Year Guarantee USED WASHERS Electric and Gas Motors Unlimited Money to BBBUB5aBB2aBOBBSBBBBaBBI stock as an ideal of feminine beauty has fallen steadily in this boyish figure - has found a new champion in physicians. The doctors take issue with artists who have declared Venus too bulky to comply with modern beauty standards holding that Miss 1932 is generally too frail for the real beauty of health. More than that, they are inclined to view with alarm the modern tendency away from Venus' buxom curves. "Up to the age of 35, it is risky for a woman to be too slender, ' it 1 ii; c',. V "L'S The Venus de Melos, merit will appear serially in these columns. It means a real treat for our readers, and m urga all to read - t! Air lint This story of exceptional 1 IBS I201BS i'.1 1 S S". See Them Now 3 It 'lh W' Moler Electric REFRIGERATORS The Best In Optometric Service B. f - 40 8" b yryl ':?' ? ' """"" ""' Use Home-Mad- e Products Utah Oil Station You'll like them NO. 268 bctp Winchester Service MIDLAND CAFE Ed WINCHESTER, Prop. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER Bring Your Family And Try Our I Sunday Chicken Dinner FLOUR "PRIDE OF UTAH" "UTAH FAVORITE" All Poultry Mashes TREMONTON-GARLAN- D MILLING CO. Farmers Housewives Laborers You can suply your every need at this store. Your Dollar Has Purchasing Power HERE! THE LEADER Farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah |