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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1932 PAGE SIX: Utah Can Grow Red Cherries, Say Co. Agent DEWEYVILLE A strip of fruit land near the mountain side from Springville to Honey-vill- e is adaptable to the production of cherries. Some years we have a partial winter-kill and some springs we lose the bloom through frost, but with the :x: adoption of certain practices, I believe, The city that amounts to something we can hold our bloom back in the is the city that makes business for spring fully ten days or two weeks. local concerns its chief industry, -- You who have not availed yourxxxx selves of the opportunity to visit It is said that in ancient China, and some of the cherry orchards, should even in parts of modern China, the do so within, the next two days and head of the family only pays the famsee some beautiful Bings, Lamberts ily physician so long as the houseWindsors, Black Orbs, and other va- hold remains in gooh health. When rieties; you will agree with me that illness prevails or when a patient dies, they are simply wonderful. Drop in there is no paymnt. Not a bad idea, on Alfred Olsen, N. Chris Simonsen, xxxx inthe Christofferson boys, S. Williams, Carrying the gospel of your city inthe Hansen boys, and others who have to new fields, as well as reviving cherries. Call in Eair Anderson's terest in your old ones, is what this packing plant and see him pack some newspaper is doing. of this choice stuff. xxxx With the cooperative effort of all, When the country wa3 faced with it is possible for Box Elder County, the first chill winds of the Economy and other parts of Utah, to some day wave, it was applying the brakes to become one of the greatest cherry the wheels of trade. It is going to sections in the United States. Mr. H. ,take plenty of newspaper advertising S. Meyers of the Consolidated Produce to get them moving avain. Co., on the great Wholesale Terminal xxxx in Los Angeles, told me, when I called day we hear over the radio Every upon him a little over a week ago, 'some orator telling us d that the best carload of sweet cherries in ringing tones about this ana tnat he had ever seen cane from Utah last method of saving our country. When year. He said they were large, well he has exhausted all the words in colored and the quality was exception- his vocabulary to describe all the sins al Mr. Meyers ia a fruit expert, and being committed by the opposition handles more cherries than nartv atrainst the country, he turns any other man on the Pacific coast to his stock of fairy tales and, skill He handles thousands of carloads. fully using thick layers of blarney, exNext Thursday, July 14, is Cherry quisitely renders a picture of his side Day at North Ogden. Lambert, Bing, of the question. They make the misWindsor, Royal Ann, Black Orb, Mont take of not realizing that those who Morenoy, and other varieties of cher- listen to these talks are human; they ries will be exhibited. Professor Fran have ears and minds and they do not cis M. Coe of the Utah State Agriforget the near past and present, cultural College will do the judging. xxxx If you have some choice cherries take likes everybody is man The that an exhibif down and see how they man that everybody likes. the usually The compare with your neighbors. XXXX ' exhiibts must be in place by 10 a. m. Opportunities for great savings are To produce quality cherries, good in the advertising columns of found soil, ample moisture, sunshine, cool this newspaper. and some altitude are nights, proper of the essentials necessary. These Delta Work started on local park great Utah valleys have these and Columbia Welfare Price many other virtues. Robert H. Stewart, completed new recreation build ing at Scofield Reservoir. County Agri. Agent, I I J -- silver-tongue- per-hap- s Subscribe for the Leader $2.00 per year to BASEBALL GAME SUNDAY. JULY 1 7rh TREMONTON vs-LAYTON (At Tremonton) You know it will be a good game when Lavton visit Tremonton L-I-B-E-R-T-Y illTHEATRE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY July 17th - 18th - 19th CONSTANCE BENNETT - BEN LYON ...IN Enthroned in the heart of the world . . . this enchantress comes to us again in her . . love . greatest Playing as only she can the story story of a woman who sought a past to find love! . . . Rich beyond Midas' dreams . . . Yet poorer in love than a shop-gi. . . Men eager for her millions whispered tempting lies . . . But tyer arrae yearned for the man she could not hold. ... de-vi- t :x: :x: Elaine Hansen is visiting friends in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and spent Sunday at Lagoon. Perry Spackman is spending an indefinite period here with his mother. Maurice Mathews of Oakley, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barnard and is visiting with his cousin, Whitney son, Darrel, are visiting relatives in Bates. Wyoming. Vesta Holdaway of Logan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winchester and her parents here for a few days. visited in Ogden Sunday at family Joe Hansen of American all3, vis Ben ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Farmer had as Mrs. Sarah Allen of California, who their dinner guest, Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Chris Simmison and Mrs. Earl is here visiting her daughter, week in the Maud Drew, spent past Bowcutt, of Brigham City. Officers of the M. I. A. had charge Ogden. of the Sunday evening meeting. The Mr. and Mrs. Nate Merkely and following numbers were given, after LoRuth from and Norma, daughters, the usual opening exercises: Slogan, were visitors Mr. of and Sunday, Elmer Lish; talk on Prophet Joseph gan, Geo. Mrs. Quinney. Smith, by Elder Dean Hall of the Garland ward; trio, Mrs. Roma Thor-soThe V. G. F. Club was entertained Mary Hansen and Ethel Morrison the home of Mrs. Golden Frisbey at M. A. I. board Clarence Perry. speech, Wednesday, evening. Mrs. lone Hanmember Parley Christensen made the sen was special guest. remarks. closing Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gittens attendMrs. Dennis Kemps and Miss Lillian ed the funeral of a friend at McCain-moBaer left for their home in Peoria, 111. Idaho. . last after an extended visit Friday, M. G. Mrs. were and Terry Bishop in Tremonton. with relatives in Ogden Friday. A number of folks celebrated at LoMrs. Taylor left Sunday gan canyon, Crystal springs and Tre- for Salt Spencer she will join her Lake where 4th. monton, July Mr. Mrs. and parents, George F. RichMrs. Etta Burgess and Alice Holdain a two week's trip to Calif. ards, week end. in were the Ogden way Mrs. Gene Schibe and children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winzeler enSalt Lake were guests of their par tertained at dinner Monday evening, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fryer. Fri-dJames Rawson and family of Kanes complimenting Dr. and Mrs. Vern of California. Other guests were, pille, visited Wednesday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Watland. of Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry.' Mr. Ben Record is visiting at the Mrs. J. E. Johnson and son, Rayff, home of his son and family here. moved from Salt Lake to have A numktsr of our ward attended the she will make her fuM. I. A. outing at the Hermitage at ture' home. The" Johnsons were forOgden. mer residents of this city. ne rl COMEDY and NEWS REEL FRIDAY SATURDAY July 21st- - 22nd -- 23rd JACK HOLT In Behind The Mask With Boris Karlof f - Constance Cummings to be doomed! To discover . Soul of a friend in the body mystery that will even strike terror in the hearts of the fearless. . . To have people fear him was his due to see them suffer was his pleasure to make them die "thrilled him! He was the man "Behind The Mask." If your heart is weak, don't see Who's "Behind the Mask" he's a fiendish character who practiced horrifying bruTo cross his path is his name is to die! . . of a man. . . A tale of talities. COMEDY and CARTOON ! ' ; op , ' 1 if? Mont Morency Vzg Per Pound And You Pick Them Per Pound 2c n, We Pick Them Call or See Any of the following, in Elwood: Will exchange for grain or livestock. Elias Anderson . 63.0-- Ira Anderson 63.0-1-3- 4 Junius Thompson J. M. Mortensen Kim Mann 65.a-l-- 5 no phone 6.y-- 2 al Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen, Dr. and Mrs. T.'E. Bettehson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Earl returned Tuesday By Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield night from a fishing trip to Vernal. While there they were guests of Mr. Mrs. Eliza Ward is spending the and Mrs. John L. Siddoway at. their week here with her sons, John and summer home in the mountains. RIVERSIDE George. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tubbs of Hoi brook, Idaho, visited with relatives Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edington of Salt Lake, were gdests of their daugh ter, Mrs. Ray Capener, Sunday. Miss Isabell Edington returned home with her parents, after spending two weeks here. Her sister, Margaret, remained at the Capener home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. James Bigler went to Salt Lake Tuesday. Bettf Rae Walker of Pocatello, is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. E. W. Ward, while her mother, Mrs. Glen Walker is recovering from a recent operation at the L. D. S. Hos pital in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Macfarlane were Farmington visitors Monday. Mrs. A. A, Capener, Mrs. H. S. Tin- gey, Russell Capener and Mrs. Helen Lee were Salt Lake visitors Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt, Mrs. Mina Ward and Mrs. Phoebe Ward went to Logan Friday. Mrs. Francis Tubbs and son, Geo. have returned home after a visit to Idaho. Relief Society social was held at the Jesse Davis home with Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Louisa Bigler as hostesses. Special visitors were, Mrs. F. Davis, Mrs. Oliver Davis and Fanny Capen- The Economic Club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kerr, Friday, July 15th. After the meeting is ad- journed all will oi the a good and the weather permitting, enjoy games and social chat lawn. All members come as time is assured. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. C. R. Steffen, Thursday, July 7th at 8 o'clock. A very interesting and instructive address was given by Pres. E. Smith, the subject being "American Progress." Miss Melba Jensen gave a beautiful solo, accompanied by Miss Mary Burns. Mrs. Jvennett Malan sang a beautiful soner entitled "Little Star", which greatly enjoyed. Mrs. D. W. Jenkins gave, m ner most pleasing manner, a short talk on "Membershin." Punrh and cookies were served by the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson of Preston, Idaho, were calling on relatives here Friday. Mr And Mrs. Horace Bigler and son, Glade, returned home Sunday from Tropic, where they had been to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bigler's mother, Mrs. Schow. Mrs. Fanny Capener of East Garland, is a guest at the A. A. Capener home. The Club girls met at the home of Meiva Davis Wehnesday. ....Miss Annie Neddo and her sister, Tremonton, Utah 2 Friday. George Bowcutt and Henry Swenson were fishing up Blacksmithfork canyon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt went to Richmond, Monday. Silvia returned home with them after spending a week at Richmond with her sisters. PrescriptionSpecialists WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST THE FINEST OF FOUNTAIN DRINKS AND LIGHT LUNCHES THIS IS YOUR DRUG STORE Come and Make Yourself at Home I Look For Our rm' n t rr ti Come - Here - To - Shop 0 0 jr 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Coalville Union Bus station moved 0 to new quarters at West South 0 Temple. Onen 77 air dance navillnn being built by local Lions Club at Iwiston First Ward. Tea factorv onenod Smithfiald here. Night Calls 47 THE SAVINGS LISTED THEREIN ARE REPRESENTATIVE OP THOSE THROUGHOUT THE STORE Saturday. Mrs. H. W. Ward was called to Salt Lake Wednesday because of the serious condition of her daughter, Mrs. Rayola Walker, who is at the L. D. S. Hospital. T. R. Welling is making a tour of inspection with the State Tax Commission as. a representative of the State Farm Bureau Tax Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bowcutt went to Montpelier Wednesday to take Alvin Mortensen home. They returned home Phone 47 Q. 4-- H Miss Peg Capener, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield and three daughters, were in Brigham, ft H. G Scott Drug Co. j Ella, of Providence, were guests of THURSDAY . n, er, all of Garland. Miss Ruth Lee of Evanston .returned home last week after a month's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Leland Past Lady With A . TREMONTON By Mrs. Thomas Ault members of the Deweyville choir, quartette, Arthur Peterson and Co. of Hyde Park; solo, CecilNielson, of Mendon; duet, Mrs. A. Erickson and Mr. A of Beaver Dam. Johncon, Funeral services for James C. benediction wa3 offered by Bis-hThe were of held Petersboro, Sr., M. G. Perry and the grave dedica- afternoon in the Deweyville with Elder Chas, J. Dewey of Tre- ted by Elder Joseph I. Dewey. The flowers and many friends from monton. conducting the exercises. The invocation was pronounced by Joseph) far and near bespoke the esteem in which the deceased was held. Burial Gordon, of Logan. took place in the Deweyville cemetery. The speakers were Hyrum Jensen, of Collinston. BishoD M. C. Niblev nf Plans being considered to reconNewton; Bishop Henry C. Sorenson, of old road between Tucker and Mendon. Alma Sonnv. of Loe-annH i struct coal mines in vicinity of Pontown C. J. Dewey. Creek. Emery County Progress, Cas The singing was furnished by the tle Dale. James O Petersen Of ) Petersboro is Burned D t Style, Quality and Price leaves nothing to be desired during these times of fast changing values. We are constantly alert for merchandise that gives you the greatest possible value for your dollar That's why we say, "Compare Our Values. Anywhere." Carefully read all four pages of the Marketeer and you'll agree that you can save here. And remember, this is all new merchandise, and at prices that make a real opportunity. Buy "Tested Merchandise'Vow! QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED SO YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY IP YOU GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 - r |