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Show J lg BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1932 Leland Capener and Wm. Butler, of Riverside, Mr. Dean Hall, of Garland : and Mrs. Helen Lee, of Salt Lake visited our Sunday evening meeting. Mrs By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussea Roy Capener and Mrs. Leland Capener :x: gave o violin solo. A lovely program Mrs. Orin Mann and Mrs. Franc, of was rendered. Yakinw, Washington, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. EL Wooda last Saturday. . Fridal entertained Mrs. Walter in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Vera Fridal, By Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard of Los Acgeles, California, last.Thurs : x : day. The of farmers this section turned Fred Miller, of Los Angeles and enmasse' to Ed. E. Malouf, of Salt Lake, visited ers Nationalthe meeting of the FarmGrain Growers A&s'n. with Mrs. Abe Hunsaker, Thursday. held the Warehouse at Blue Creek at Mr. and Mrs. Clem Jensen, of Of den Peter Spraynoz-zle- , Wednesday evening. kisited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Radio fame, was the lecturer. of last Friday. V r&reen, was organization and coopMr. and Mrs. Willard Wyatt and His theme erative marketing of wheat to insure were of of children, Logan, guests to the farmer. Mrs. Mary Mortensen, Sunday. Their a better price The first crop hay is all in the stack afreturned with them son. Sterling, and by the looks of the rapidly turnter a visit here. ing wheat fields the farmers of this Sixteen people from here enjoyed section will very soon be harvesting the Temple excursion last Friday. full blast The season is much later Mrs. Amos P. Hansen and Mr. and this year but what wheat is not winMrs. Lawrence Hansen visited rela- ter killed will yield an average acretives at Providence the same day. age. - Nina Larsen is spending a week in Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood went to Logan visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil- Brigham Sunday to meet their daughlis Adams. ter Mrs. Gordon Ipsen and little (laugh Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker had ter Doloras, who arrived from Los AnSalt Lake visitors during the week. to pay an extended visit here geles Don Hunsaker accompanied 17 of with her parents and other relatives. the Boy Scouts and their fathers on Mr and Mrs. Maurice Hart and Miss a trip to Timpinogas during the week. Ida May McGregor, of Ogden were Theyhad a wonderful time. Dob sureguests of Mr. Merlin Wood. Sunday is a scout master knows and good ly Mr. Hansen and family, of Adrian how to show them a good time for little money. They also visited Provo. Brigham have moved into the George Wood home. Mr. Hansen is working n Dorotha Hansen is home from for farmers here. for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffin, of LoMrs. Eiias Anderson was a week end gan, were visitors at the home of Mr. guest at her mother's, Mrs. Hansen, and Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard Friday. of Logan. They came to see EUwyn Reed, the 5 Wanda Anderson left for Salt Lake year old son of the Stoddards, who re Saturday for an indefinite stay. ceived a fractured thigh last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hadfield, Mr. and Mrs. The child is reported to be improving HOWELL fit TREMONTON UTAH Drugs and Fountain SPECIAL Black Leaf Clover $1.25 a pound see Y Horn " By MARY HALE MARTIN Economic Director, Libbf, Neil A Ubby Warm, sultry summer days just naturally turn the housewife's thoughts to toys and means of keeping , out of j:he lsjtchen. She wants her summer dishes to be just as tasty .and nourishing but more quickly and easily prepared, and here is where salmon can play an impor-- 4 tant part in her kitchen affairs. There are really two interesting? bits of news about salmon, both representing economies. r, for First, it's a contrary to what many cooks think, the less fussing, mincing, and mixing she does the better. By the simple trick of serving salmon plain with a little dressing and garnishing, it becomes a dish universally favored on the family table. As it comes fjoro the can, salmon has a rich flavor and a tender, firm "tenure, much of which is lost in mmcmg and stirring. Served just, plain, salmon finds its rightfwl place on the menu in such short time. It is all solid aieat" and needs no HEALTH SALAD Found Can Red Aluka Salmon 1 Sugar Lge. Can 2-l- b. 35c Cocoa Milk Victoria Brand Morning or Sego 25c Pkg 4 Cans Coffee Grade "A" Pound 20c Pound Potato Chips Dinnerette A Pound 19c J Corn ( 49 I 25c & 2 Beans Dinnerette No. 2 Cans .... Salmon No. Can 10c PRODUCE Golden Ripe 25c Cans Pound Large, Local 25c Head Fancy, Solid Dry 25c Mayonnaise 3 Pounds 25c Oranges Beat Foods Pint Jars 4c - Tomatoes Shrimps Pack Cans 5c Lettuce Libbys Pounds 10c Package Prunes 2 Tall Happyvale Bananas Franco 4 1 23c Spaghetti American 3 17c Grapenut Flks Brand Sj 3 Cans Pork 19c Butter Airway Brand Vp 48c Medium Size 25c Dozen ......... 19c Ranging in Prices $59.00 and up Moler Electric REFRIGERATORS The Best In Optometric Service In Northern Utah larre-flake- rose-pet- See Them Now 3 Year Guarantee USED WASHERS Electric and Gas Motors let-tu- se' Parts on all Makes of Service and Unlimited Money to LOAN On Washers MAYTAG SHOP J. A. Pack Representative Tremonton Utah Per 6i Commissions. Irrigated Land. Cent. No al JOHN J. SHUMWAY Phones: B. R. V., 69.a-2- ; Bell, 129 SUIT and EXTRA PAIR of TROUSERS Cleaned and Pressed Mr. J. Peterson and family, of Brigham, have moved into the home formerly owned by L. B. Gunnell. Mrs Vida Gunnel! took her Sunday Schodl class to visit little Ellwyn Stod dard at his home, Sunday morning, where she held her class exercises. The little tots brought cheer to the little bed fast class mate an dafter the usual exercises Mrs Gunnell served ice cream and cake to all present. Mrs. Nell Nessen and Mrs. Hazel Ro berts accompanied the children. :x: The ladies farm bureau was held at the home of Mrs. Macrice H. Rack Saturday of last week. Mrs. James Walton gave a lecture on vegetablestheir preparation and their relation to health. Vegetables were cooked nine different ways under the supervision of Mrs. Walton. WASHAKIE j By Mrs. Joseph Parry I j i :x:- Mr and Mrs. Nephi Perdash drove tin rv.. E. TREMONTON By Mrs. P. E. Ault lor.- ., - ,i the day visiting friends. Rhoda Woansook, Neatze and Amy Broom spent two days in Ogden last week. Enos Pubigee took Mr. and Mrs. George Elk to Brigham where he con suited a doctor. Mose, Jim John and Linford Nea man, with their families, spent the past week in Logan. Howell M. Williams, of the High Council, accompanied by his son, Mif flin, Junior home missionary and his daughter, Marguerite, visited Sunday School and meeting last Sunday. George P. Sam and Thomas Paba wena are employed at Fort Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Crawforth and J T J S1 J AM J il k i two cxuiaren, jBismarK rawiorxn ana JJ were of Rugert, Idaho, jLavern Allred, Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ueo. Brough. Mr .and Mrs. George Bead, Mr .and Mrs. Vernal Johns and Mrs. Oluf Johnson were among those who attended the Temple exoursion to Lo- J gan. Thursday. ' George Abbott and Nick Charnoas 8 left for Monte Cristo, Tuesday. Mrs T fun a AKKrff rahimari Slnflir- day from Farmington, where she had visited her motiher, Mrs. Woods, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. H .Fricfol, Jr. were in Logan Thursday. Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts and son, Rich ard, were guests, Sunday, of her sis ter, Mrs. George Abbott and famny. Mrs. Dot Fridal and children were guests on Saturday and Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mer-rel-l, of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wright of Salt Lake City, Dr. and Mrs. Verne Fridal of California, K. H. Fridal, Sr. and Miss Mae Fridal, returned from their Yellowstone trip, Monday. Mrs. P. E. Ault was a guest of Mrs. Gertie Jensen, of Bear River City on Saturday. Miss Rosa Woodruff who has been taking a nurse traiaing course, in California, came hom Saturday, for a visit. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Shaw and children, of Salt Lake City, were guests of tfieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodruff. Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday Mr .and Mrs. Woodruff entertained with a family dinner, when all the sons and daughters and fam ilies were present. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough, Mrs. George Brough, Mrs. George Abgott and Mrs. Jane Abbott wre Logan visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Jn., had as dinner guesU, Tuesday, Dr. and Mrs. Verne Fridal of Califdrnia; Mrs. Salt LaWe City, and Varren Wright-of $J.OO Utah Oil Station NO. 267 GOOD NEWS After July 1st we can reline your brakes with United Sanitary Cleaners PHONE 37 Raybestos Brake Lining The Best That Money Can Buy Diderickson & Goldsberry When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON Rocky Mountain "Everything To Build Anything Phone 11 Packing Corporation OUi Construction Co. submitted low bid of $112,737 for lining tunnel, gaileries and construe ion of section of road in supplemental highway construction project in Zion National Park. Reynolds-El- y Packers of Twin Peak Peas mm? MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Utah Oil Station 1 10 Pounds WASHERS 4 Fresh Spinaoh 1 ck. Boiled Hard Lettuce. Pimento, French Dressing Leave the salmon in larce flake and marinate lightly in dressing. Arrant a bed of chilled spinach on sincie leaf and place on top a generous meQnd of salmon. Select tenderest lettuce leaves and garnish around spinach. On eath leaf place a she of egg. Pimento slice crossed on top add a touch of color. Serve French dressing or laaion on the side. TOMATO SURWJSE t .Large, Firm Tomatoes .1 Ponad Can Red Alaska Salmon (4 ser flags) 1,800 bland Dressing, Sweet PkUas. Oil res, Lettuo d salmaa Hehtty Marinate Remove tomato eenters m dressing. effect. FiU and cut edges, for generously with salmon, pWee on lettuce, and top with dressing. Add a dash of paprika and serve very said with olives and pickle. rapidly. - Utah Fine Granulated (S-- serving!) time-save- : Ford Garage boning. Another, and, in these days, vital bit of salmon news is show tffat the its cost. Price-list- s finest Red Alaska salmon in i pound cans is nearly 40 per cent cheaper than it was in 1929. Her are two interesting ways of varying "sMnple salmon" recipes. Mc- Try First Home North of ,,t,m'""" f "Xi Ogden Malt Syrui : FRED'S CAFE May Taylor - Balco SERVICE At Reduced Prices . PRICES for SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 : Children's Farm Bureau News AT RIGHT PRICES We urge our readers to read the advertisements in these col umns as well as the larger display ads throughout the paper. Each week some of them will have a special to offer you, W SUMMER DRESSES -- r- PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED And Directory For Clean and Quick IPtarinmacy 134 3 MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE Og-de- PHONE lSxA J THRU Tremonton Business Guide "Simple Satmorf ELWOOD PAGE Utah Tremonton, Phone 21 NO. 268 Winchester Service Ed WINCHESTER, Prop. Tremonton Steam BAKERY Your products are better Our products made from your's makes ours the best. Boost your own products by boosting ours Use in the LEADER Draw Prospects The Want Ad columns in the Leader are the magnet that attracts readers. Keen mindand women in all walka f life, in business and ia private life have learned to use the Want Ads in the Leader, for they know that ed men using them means rapid results whether it is a job, exchange, or buying and selling. Phone 23 Home-Mad- e MIDLAND CAFE Products Bring Your Family And Try Our You'll like them better Sunday Chicken Dinner SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER We have a carload of Grain Bags and plenty of Twine for sewing them SEE US FIRST TREMONT COAL PHONE 9 CO- - FLOUR "PRIDE OF UTAH" "UTAH FAVORITE" All Poultry Mashes TREMONTON-GARLANI- ) MILLING CO. |