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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1932 KOCH SOLVED PLYMOUTH By Mrs. Don R. Lamb GREAT PROBLEf, II x : The celebration on the 4th of July here was a grand success and all who were present had an enjoyable time. There waa a spicy program in the n, morning , Eberhart Zundel, of rendering the oration of the day. In the afternoon there were foot races and calf riding at the ball park, which was enjoyed by all present, after which the ball players over 30 yrs. and Mrs. Leo Lamb in honor of their afcain. j By Miss Annie Hurd j week. Snowville and Buist played ball Saturday. The visitors won with a score of 14 to 9. Miss DeLora Neal had a needle broken off in her arm on Monday July 4th. It was removed at the hospital at Ogden, by Dr. Schaffer. The arm is healing well J. J. Cutler and family motored to Tre-monto- daughter, lone, it being her 12th birthday. A host of her friends were in attendance, also her two grandmothers were there to join in wishing her many happy birthdays in the future. Mr. Wm. Hess, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is home' again and is able to be around SNOWVILLE I Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr. were vacationing at Lava Hot Springs last : of age challenged those under that age in a game of ball, in which the older players were victorious. There was a large attedance at the dance at night at which the famous Plymouth orchestra furnished the music. Miss Evadine Smith was the week end guest of Iva Sorenson, of Willard They motored to Plymouth to spend the afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haws, and son Cregg, of Ogden, spent the fore part of the week with Mrs. Haw's parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marshall. Sherley Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mason, of Ogden, is visiting with her cousin, Ruby Burnett for an indefinite period. Mrs. Lorin Archibald and children who have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Moser, of Danidls, Idaho, has returned here to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mason and children, Burt, Derald anl Ilean were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Lamb during the week. A number of farmers here were in attendance at the wheat growers meet ing Saturday of this week. A very nicely arranged birthday party was given at the home of Mr. I Robert Koch, ths German Doctor Who Discovered th Tubercle Bacillus pOBERT KOCH, a German country doctor, startled the world fifty years ago with absolute proof that tuberculosis Is caused by tiny germs so small that thousands can ride on a speck, of dust. And after some of the most celebrated scientists of the world had Bought unsuccessfully to find the germ of tuberculosis and many had denied the disease could be spread by a germ he devised methods whereby It could be cultivated and studied through a microscope. It was known at that time that many varieties of inflnitestimal 11. Ing organisms had their abode la the body of man. But that some of them caused disease, while others helped man to live, was largely a matter of conjecture. For the first time, he showed the whole scientific world how to separate one of these tiny mites from others not of the same family, Indian Springs for th 4th. Mrs. Golden Peterson entertained relatives from Bear River City on the Fourth. W. T. Robbins and sons Max, Tom, and Grant, of Logan, are spending a few days here. Cleon Jeppsen Suffered a broken leg Sunday, July 3rd, when a horse he was riding fell on him. He was taken to Tremonton where Dr. White dressed the limb. The Glenn family entertained with music at thee meeting Sunday night. Miss Vernell Peterson, of Bear Riv er City and Miss Francessa Wight, of Thatcher are spending a few days her Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robbins, of Burley, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Robbins, Wednesday. t- t ir " Djuui us ucmv'fcu, hostess treated the girls with candy. j. Early the following Wednesday, the :x: girls enjoyed a wiener roast and swim The Happy Niners Gub met at the down by the river, after which Helen home of Miss Beatrice Hawkins, of Thompson served ice cream and cake. Bothwell, Thursday Including the visitors there were seventeen in attenClubs of Tremonton met at The dance. The work of the meeting was the canning of peas. the Tremonton Library, July 13, to orThe South Tremonton Junior Club ganize a community club. The meetheld their meeting July 6th, at the ing was opened by Miss Ruby Harris Church House. Meeting was called to who led in the following songs: Spring order by the girl president, Genevieve time in the Rockies, Clubs, Dear Miller, at 8 o'clock. The two separated for class after the main business, Old State of Utah, and the round of, where the lesson discussed raising a Row, Row, Row Your Boat, after dairy calf. A party was planned to which the officers were elected as follows: Crystal Springs on July 13th. Marjorie Zundel, president; Mabel Christensen, vice president; Ada Scoffield Club leaders of Norhern Mary Supan, The Box Elder, met at the Udy Hot and Ruth Meister, cheer leaders; RichSprings Friday, July 8. Miss Ruby ard Anderson, reporter and Mildred Harris, club song leader, taught sev Thuerer and Margaret Kay, recreation eral club songs. Appointing a doctor leaders. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Crystal to examine the club girls of the north- and Miss Ruby Harris gave talks on after which Marern division to determine the health the meaning of iest girl of Box Elder County was dis jorie Zundel, Mildred Thuerer, Macussed. After a short business meet bel Christensen and Doris Woodward Clubs ing the leaders enjoyed a swim and a gave a talk, telling how the boat ride. The next meeting will be had benefited them. The officers were held August 12 at the Crystal Springs, j then asked to speak, and after deciding to meet July 20, at 7:30, Ruth Meister led in the Parting Song. Alice The Elwood Kitchen Queens Club met at the home of Mrs. Heberl Leavitt led in the club pledge, after Mortensen, Wednesday, June 29th. which the meeting adjourned. Four different varieties of puddings' 4-- H CLUB NEWS 4-- H 4-- H s.; sec.-trea- 4-- H 4-- 4-- H I 4-- H I jimg Xnun IldQ JTSllfl Lost 24 Pounds "Last November I weighed 192 lb. Today, ((February 5th, 1JJ?) I as down t 168 lbs. and full of pe all' day long ehsjee using Krusohea 1 hare not had to uae the laxative that waa customary." Thee. A. C La Fleur, Providence, B. L What do you think of this you men who doubt you stay fat because you want to think that nature made you that way. You're all wrong most fat men were made fat because of their ability to handle a knife and fork in a busi- nesa like manner. Be frank with yourself. Are you too timid to take a safe, harmless conditioner that not only take off surplus fat but is so helpful that it makes you feel years younger? tea- To reduce safely take spoonful of Kruschen in a glass of het water before breakfast every morning cut down on fatty meats; potatoes and sweets. Kruschen is sold by druggists the world over. A jar that costs but a trifle will last four weeks but be sure you get Kruschen your health comes first. (Adv.) one-ha- lf and how to grow them In Incubators. He proved that certain rod-lik- e creatures only one of an Inch long caused tuberculosis. When he had this germ In solitary confinement and gave It food it reproduced millions more all exactly the same kind. And incontestable e wkea these were Injected iato the bodies of healthy animals, tuber culosls always resulted. Without Koch's discovery, announced March 24, 1882, mankind would be without a sure footing In Its battle against the unseen enemy. Koch made It possible to test sputum to learn If a person had tuberculosis: he proved that each case must come from another case, .that tuberculosis doesn't just happen. Today, 50 years after Koch's discovery, tuberculosis associations from coast to coast are engaged In a campaign to find the unknown case which has Infected the known case; to teach the sltk the simple rules of hygiene which prevent infection In others, as well as to help the patients then s lives eet well. h eri-dene- WHISKEY GAS The newest weapon of the rum runner is etherized smoke. It recently enabled a whiskey laden touring car to escape on the streets of the nation's capital from two motorcycle policemen and a radio scout car. The car was manned by two negroes who boldly swept past the officers, apparently confident of the protection of the smoke screen which was released as soon as the officers gave chase. The police testified they were blinded by the smoke and were immediately seized by a drawsiness. The bootleggers' car was later seized by the police who discovered it in a garage where it had been taken for unloading. NcW LoW Prices We Have Reduced th Trices on the Entire Line. Look at the Following and See the Merchandise In Our Windows Bed Room Suite, walnut laid on hardwood; wood carvings; lined decorations with g in two combinations. fQ ONLY Living Room Suite, all hardwood frame; full webb bottom ; covers in 100 percent mohair in d taupe with colorful X JW JU V lUl fTVTF veneer (tQI OX tWO-tonin- ce multi-colore- reverses. UlLTYflr NOT GUILTY oir CQ $1tf-v5- 0 vJtij Mr. Husband, are you guilty or not guilty of allowing your wife to sacrifice her charm and enthusiasm upon the altar of household drudgery? If you are guilty, it is probably because she hasn't complained, (wives and mothers don't do that) and you haven't given the matter erious thought. Don't let the years rob her of her youth! Switch to "ALL ELECTRIC" and open the door to a new freedom for her! NOW Thank You erator a wonderful means of safeguarding the family's health, too. Install a m Pay Your Subscription Solve her problems of food protection tad food saving with a General Electric Refrig- Release her from cooking worries by providing her with an Electric Range a servant that is praised by thousands of housewives in this territory because of its superiority in cleanliness, convenience and Electric Water Heater, and have your household completely fret from the annoyance and uncertainty of hot water supply. care-fre- e The marvelous service of Electric Cooking, Electric Water Heating and Electric Refrigeration can be brought into your home, under our combination step-dow-n rate at a cost no greater than the burdensome methods of bygone days. You can purchase, on a very easy time payment plan, a Hotpoint Electric Range, an automatic Electric Water Heater and a Gen eral Electric Refrigerator, or any of these aids to better living. Think it over! Perhaps you ARE guilty of overlooking these opportunities to bring more home enjoyment to your wife, your family and yourself. If you are, investigate the eaay and we are sure you'll decide to add the comfort and convenway to ience to your home that such service is bringing to thousands of others. "ALL-ELECTRIC- ," Phone us or visit our store. You will receive, without obligation, some interesting ideas the subject of home electrification. Bear River Valley Leader UTAH POWER m HG1T CO. . T |