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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932 PAGE FOUR f:" EAST GARLAND By. Mrs. David Larson -1- - :x: Mrs. Quayle, of Perr', spent the week ead with her daughter, Mrs. Doujrlas Oyler. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover motored to Osrden, Saturday morning for their daughter, Hazel, who had spent a week visiting relatives and friends there. Wednesday evening the Misses Leila Adams, Marie Larson, Helen Atkinson and Verda Johnson enjoyed a swimming party followed by supper at Miss Adams, a slumber party at Miss Larson's and a campfire breakfast Thursday morning on the Bear River. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams announce the marriage of their daughter, Alice, to Miles Goss of Tremon-to- ters (Kiting, June 12th, at the Hermitage. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. King and Mm. Harrison Booth, of Brigham City, were oro-ve-r, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Thursday. Messrs jLav.u. Uaie ana neraiu Steed, oi ciea end and over the 4th wth Mr and Mrs. David Larson ana iamuy. iney returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oyler were made happy Sunday morning when the stork left a fine baby boy in their keeping. Most of the townspeople spent the 4th of July at home or in Tremonton. Races, sports and base ball games took up the major part oi the day at tne town pla ycenter. lhe boy scouts sold refreshments, the proceeds to be used for the benefit of their organipeozation. A number of ple spent the day here with relatives and friends. Members of the F. G. Korth and Edwin Isaacson families spent seeral days including the Fourth, in Blacksmith Fork canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White and children, of Ogden, are spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. PLYMOUTH n. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Wise and little son, Gene, of Ogden, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lafayette Grover, Wed- nesday. Our base ball team won the game with Beaver Dam at that place Saturday. Mrs. Ephriam Petersen and daughter, Yvonne, of Los Angeles, are visiting relatives here. Ralph Stayner, of Garland, represented the stake M. I. A. at conjoint meeting Sunday evening. He urged a good representation to the stake Fathers and sons, Mothers and Daugh canyon and vicinity. 3 NcW LoW Prices We Have Reduced th Prices on the Entire Line. Look at the Following and See the Merchandise In Our Windows Room Suite, walnut veneer laid on hardwood; wood carvings; lined decorations with g in two combinations. Bed two-tonin- for ONLY $31-5- 0 Room Suite, all hardwood frame; full webb bottom; covers in 100 percent mohair in d taupe with colorful multi-colore- reverses. for ONLY $4650 j I period. Miss Elda Fairy, who has been visiting with her sister. Mrs. Louis Zun- del for the last few weeks, returned to her home in Salt Lake City, Fri- day, of last week. Mrs. Carl Jensen of Brigham City, was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Wm. nWfos' Phauntmaic BOTHWELL By Miss Ilia i Perry PHONE 134 :B Mrs. Marion Summers and two week. Miss Clara Estep, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Estep, of Burley, Idaho, is spending the week here visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. Frank Peck and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie, members of the M. I. A. stake ooard, were visitors at the conjoint meeting held here Sunday evening. J. O. Hadfield ' i T IU- -,. SUNDAY MONDAY July TUESDAY 10 th, - 11th, - 12th Joan CRAWFORD, Robert MONTGOMERY "ILctttty LynnttdDim99 This pictuifc will put beautiful Joan and handsome Bob at the top of the heap as the screen's finest romantic pair! Put yourself in her place a girl's dream of love realized only to be menaced by a past indiscretion! It's thrilling it's full of tears and laughs, it rings true because it IS true! Two great stars, surpassing former triumphs. .r&zJt ni i LI V FRIDAY SATURDAY With This Grand Cast: Phillips HOLMES, Walter HUSTON, Anita PAGE, Lewis STONE, Jean HERSHOLT, John Miljan ,Tully Marshall "I am INNOCENT I tell you COMEDY and CARTOONS PRICES for SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 between Stoker crossing in Bountiful and farminbton. Castle Dale More work being done on cut-oroad to Green River. Work on road project progressing, Extensive road buildinrr nrncram in i ff Garland-rivmout- i KA9VAP PAimtiT -- M M gnaaI nnn k.v Corn- - M Fresh Fig Jam 25c Pound Cheese 79c Bag Pound Slices Hewletts Supreme 2 29c Pint Bottle 6 Swimming Lessons Balco UUh Brand Malt Syrup 10c Can 39c Tree Tea Japan 17c Pork & 23c In order to get these swimminjr lessons and rates, each must r a register, either at the Leader " f fir nr aft- ITdvJ lint- Rnrinirn. Pound Libby'a Rosedale Local, Large - 29c Peanut Butter Empire Brand Jar 3 Bunches Size 23c Dozen Bars 19c Lettuce Luna Brand 10 5c Oranges Medium Soap "i 13c Carrots 2 Pound 29c Bacon Sweet Pickles Quart Bottle 25c Swimming Lessons This price does not include suits or towels Package Fancy Sugar Cured No. 21 2 Cans 6 8-o- z- Beans Dinnerette 10c 29c Corn Flakes Pound ADMISSION 12c Yum Grade "A" 16 10c ' Utah Full Cream Pineapple No. Broken Instructor i Mission Brand Butter and Girl to Swim 5c Fig Bars Package Miss Afton McNeil, Red Cross Lift, Saver, of Ogden M ADULTS Tall Cans Tuna Fish 2 Cans From 2 to 5 p. m., each day M CHILDREN 20c Honey Bee Brand 48-l- b. COOPERATING to Morning or Sego Flour and 11 Airway Brand 2 Cans - rr Udy Hot Springs July Milk h Commissioners and State Road mission. Milford News. To Teach Every Boy Coffee Pound 0The American Red Cross ... I never saw the man in my life" It might have happened to you or you! A happy home lovje and then the shadow of the Vice Ring across its lives! For the first time in many months, a new, vital, throbbing idea has come to the screen! A mighty talkie entertainment A woman "framed" by with this mighty parade of stars. a corrupt judge! And Fate that traps the judge himself! i AT RIGHT PRICES EZXZXTYT TTTYY July 14th - 15th - 16th "Night Court" PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Bids asked for eravel surfaced road ! COMEDY and NEWS REEL THURSDAY rcsSK v. sions brothers. Theres and Elzo Mr. and Jllr3. Ira Ward and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Jorgenson and Mrs. E. W. Ward went to McCammon and Mrs. daughter, Hill, of Sunday. Phoebe Ward returned home Logan, and Mrs. EliGeorgiana Sorenson of Salt with them after spending two weks Lake, were Sunday afternoon guests in McCammon with her sister, Lizzie of Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carr of OgMr. and Mrs. J. A. Capener of Salt den, were afternoon and evening Lake and Jex Capener of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sumvisiting here this week. mers, Monday. The ladies of the Farm Bureau met Friday at the home of Mrs. Austin Udy. Vegetable preparation was the project given by Mrs. Leland Capener. Luncheon was served by the hostess to eleven ladies. Mrs. Frank Peck of the stake board. visited the M. I. A. meeting Sunday evening. Ralph Hadfield and Gene B LOT! spent the week end at Clearfield with relatives. 59c Ven-aur- a, ! Hn . 1. S "S? for 1 e, illHMEBE Green Glass Water Tumblers with each purchase of 6 Large Cakes Colgates Big Bath Toilet Soap 6 Og-!de- n, Tuesday evening. Norman Tubbs and Ruby Carlson came up from Salt Lake Sunday and Miss Roma Tubbs returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield and daughters, Doris and Fay, took Joseph Hadfield to Downey, Idaho, Saturday where he will visit with his daughter, visit. xurs. t,. s. vanLeuven for ten davs. In the base ball game at Garland . r 1 i i jmjo. x jaiitis iuuus ana son. ueoree. ..." ! FREE from here. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker of 1 O- catello were here Sunday. Welton and Smith Ward accompanied them home to spend the 4th. They all returned -T-Y Drugs and Fountain week. Clarence Summers and Earl Firth went to Camp Keisel, Thursday with more bedding and provisions for the boys. They remained there until Sun day, when they returned home with the eighteen boy scouts who went Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer and family of Salt Lake, have been visit-- ! ing Mr. and Mrs. George Holliday. Dr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson from and Mrs. Karl Hawkins from California, were visitors of Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins and family. Tues- day evening. A 17H. ttiiu . anKt Tl, naib uiio. ndLA diu, and Cecil, daughter, Minnie, of California, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Watt, former residents of Bothwell, moved away about five years ago. Miss Mary Weaver of Layton, accompanied them. Mrs. Ella Anderson visited her mother, Mrs. Elden Hunsaker, of Honey-villSunday. Mrs. Hunsaker accompanied her daughter home for a week's UTAH TREMONTON chil- J. Hess, Friday of last dren motored to Pocatello, Idaho, where they visited several days last -i- - Also ! yff :x: L-I-B-E-R- I"? Lor-na- By Mrs. y$ $k i 1 i RIVERSIDE ? ,.iu -- 1 ! ao j n t "TtATCIEDUND NEWS I j WASHAKIE W. Brallsford . Mrs. Living C i j Rhodes. Mrs. J. M. Sorensen is improving from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Westergard spent the Fourth here as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Shaffer. A group of F. F. A. boys and Vanguards left Tuesday morning on horses for several days outing up in L?an By Mrs. I A , ! :x: By Mrs. Joseph Parry . A wonderful time was had at tne i i l -- oooplaygrounds last week. Twelve book.x. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Eudd of this . . . wer The a Relief 1S Mr. and Mrs. J"?? Society of Washakie 8afe ar. ftre rejoicinj. over a line oaoy ooy, held ward conference Sundav vninr books and A. B. C. books. These rival of a i lb. baby girl, which made the proud parents ol28th. s to children sent the be to An interesting program was rendered going Tuesday. June home aDI)earance . ... Sunday born Lake City and to oth Salt in , . in heir the members by sacrament and our Hospital the at chorus meeting girls Sunday Mrs. Vera Sederholm of the Relief So- sang two numbers. Mrs. Phoebe er childrens hospitals m tne state, are doing fine at this writing. Mrs. and Smith, Spencer Allen and Miss live folk dances were learned and The Relief Society meeting was well ciety Stake Board, was present As Alice of the Relief Society several interesting games. A baseball Relief Harding our Society. a reorganized attended here Tuesday afternoon by stake were in attendance and team is organized and are planning a first board, Amelia Mrs. Burt; large majority of the members. Mrs. president, Nellie B. Andersen; second gave some timely instructions. swimtrip to the Udy Springs to take Edith Anderson. Mrs. K. H. Fridal and counselor, Amanda A portion of each day lessons. sec. and had the mis ming Jensen; munselor. Tracy Moemberg for stake Mrs. Abbott, members of the as assistant tune to break his arm when a horse is turned to a story hour where very S. board, were in attendance and gave treas.. Mary Anderson; Pearl he was riding fell with him. He wa3 interesting stories are told. At the some very good instructions on Relief fcivira C'hnstensen; organist, urnsten-se- n taken to Malad where Dr. Mabey set end of the playground season an exJ. Lame El chorister, well; work a Society topics, demonstrating hibition is being planned where all and May Anderson; as leaders, his arm. meeting that the society is endeavor- LaVera Hat-ti- e the Timbimboo who has Mrs. been Eva things that are made will be exC. Amy Hailing, Jensen, ing to put over in which many of the hibited. An operetta is being planned ill and R. is the Jensen for Gertrude month, past improving. Hansen, sisters took part. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Pubigee drove to for the last day. William J. Hess who was reported Victoria Johnson. Those being releasA wonderful time is being planned on the sick list last week, in not much ed were Sarah M. Fridal, Lovene Jen- Fort Hall last Saturday. They were On account of his sick- sen, Abby G. Jensen, Ester I. Jensen, accompanied by Mrs. Nannie Moem for this week and the parents are improved. ness in the fore part of the week it Nancy Holmgren, Ida M. Checketts berg and two sons who have been cordially invited to visit at any tiTae. visiting here with relatives for the became necessary to take him to Tre- and Violet N. Jensen. Atch-le- y Daily Program past two months. monton where he could receive better Attorney and Mrs. Shelby H. to 1:00 1:30. free period. visitTimbimboo and is of Moroni spent and Idaho, family Driggs, baby medical aid from the doctors there. 1:30 to 2:30, construction period, It is reported that he is on the im- ing at the home of Mrs. Sina Thorsen the Fourth in Brigham. Everett Neaman dislocated his shoul busy work, making booklets, sewing, prove and will soon return here to his and family. afternoon, Mrs. George der, when the team he was driving, etc Sunday home. 2:30 to 3:00, folk dancing and It is very interesting to know that Gardner entertained at a birthday ran away and threw him out. 's to her Mose Lucille of her returned honor Mrs. in games, children 4 to 6 years. daughter, the Ha;mony boys, consisting of party, 3:00 to 3:30, folk dancing and games was home in 12th The afternoon last Nevada, Saturday. birthday. Edward Ely, Hess, Kose, Wayne Ralph 7 to 9 years. to which in her Her children, Ogmother after and Harton Steed games, spent accompanied playing Nish, Steed, Estep, to 2:30 4:00, folk dancing and games were to refreshments served den. delicious assisted by Eugene Udy, with his steel Mr. and Mrs. Linford Neaman were children, 10 to 14 years. 20 little guests, of all this on are the place, guitar, 4:00 to 4:20, story period, children, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spencer and Brigham visitors last Wednesday. air over KLO at Ogden, on Saturday 6 vears. 4 to Mr. Mrs. of and in returned the Ray Garland, baby evening. They 8:30 o'clock, and are preevenings at 4:20 to 4:10, story period, children, Moore and baby end Miss Carms pared to sing your old favorites if mond Hansen motored to Brigham City on Vernal J. C. Penny Store to move 7 to 9 years. you ask them. 4:40 to 5:15, story period, cnuaren, to new ouarters. Monday. Mound and of Starr Springs Henry Lake Wallwork Miss Doris Salt of F. loP. Fisher. Helper, other farmers in that part of this Castlegate 5:15 to 5:30, free period. cality, are busy fighting grass hop- City was the week end guest of Mi&s received $16,000 contract for gravel Damsel Christensen. 5:30 to 5:35, closing exercises. ing 8.53 miles highway between this pers that are threatening destruction Mrs. Delphia Fife and Miss Lois place and western boundary of county to the seed crops this year, and are The children who would like to go trying to get more of the farmers Bingham of Ogden, are visiting with line. to Udy Springs meet at the Public week. Miss a Harriett for Sorensen interested in community drive to get Ogden Echo Reservoir to be dedi Monday, July 11, at 9:00 Playgrounds, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland are the cated July 13. rid of the pests. Mr. Star claims that will cost 10c for transportam. a. It Sauna Powder House Pony Camp, last year he was successful in saving proud parents of a fine baby girl, born 10c to go in the swimming and tion 19th. June seed which was good and mountain resort, opened. his crop will be an instructor to Smithfield Local pea canning fac- pool. There above the average crops in that neighSunday evening at our conjoint meet diving, etc,, free to teach swimming, borhood, with the expenditure of only ing a very interesting program was tory may open. all the children who wish to take these a few dollars for bran, the arsenic be- rendered, with Counselor Florence Theatre Grand front Logan being lessons. repainted. ing furnished by the County Farm Gardner in charge. Mrs. Mr. and and Frildo Anderson Bureau who are ready to assist any farmer in getting rid of any pests that baby are visiting in Spanish Fork, Utah, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. threaten his crops. Mrs, Rhoda Archibald has gone to Bob Jensen. Tremonton to stay for an indefinite By Mrs. Don R. Lamb out-of-to- BEAR RIVER CITY! ! ! Local Grown 23c Head 3c |