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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY AGEiTWO LEAfiTtfUft&DAY, JULY 71932 purchasing power lowered to a fraction of former levels. The inevitable result has been an equivalent drop in our export business. Many factories, By Mrs. Thomas Ault n. Eotered at the Postoffke at employing thousands of Americans, Utah. as Second Class Mat- - whose principal trade has been with :x: other lands, have closed their doors. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gardner have circuin There is not enough gold as their guests, Mrs. Lucy Godfrey of lation to carry on the business of the Ogden. minds economic are The best world. Publisher and Jainet Walton. Editor Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble. Mr. and working for the establishment of a Mrs. Glen Marble spent the week end practical ratio between the values of here from their farm at Pocatello Val gold and silver. If they succeed we ley. on Utah, Tremonton, at Published will have taken a long step toward reMiss Hazel Johnson of Otrden. is week. Itursday of each storing prosperity. visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. ooo BEAR BTVTB VALLEY LEADER ill DEWEYVILLE Tre-mocto- Subscription Rates Year, in advance.- Ou ftii Months, in advance Caree months, in 12.00 $1.00 .50 advnce. To Your Town as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS Free to Public km catalog and (Tin only pUea in & U. S. ny Iom ei bwinMi axtvotinuc utter forerun tor product can be 'obtained Free and Without kduttrUl Library. Obligation i the Aneiican '"Write for Bueinese Advertieing Matter you nteroMed in; warn will be promptly forwarded. LIBRARY J.MERICAR IRDOSTIIAL Eaclneerint Building, Ckloago.Illiaol PUBLIC SERVICE FROM RELIEF EXPENDITURES HOLLAND for President" PETE" the slogan of some party in 1972. For the youngest page in the House of Representatives, Charles L. Holland, 12, of Illinois, has announced his candidacy for the Presidency forty years from now. Apparently impressed with the number of recent books dealing with the business career of Mr. Hoover, this precocious candidate says that he intends "to give the people plenty of time to look up my record, and bring to light all the secrets of my public and private life." The biggest bomb which has hit the capitol in many a day was the "I will not" of Senator Borah when asked if he would support President Hoover on the Chicago platform. The question was put during his discussion on the Senate floor of the Republican wet or dry plank. We shall soon expect to hear that Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler will bolt the ticket; in fact we often wonder whom he voted for in 1928. Faced by years of wrangling over le gal theory, we may well envy our neighbors in the Republic of Columbia. Thi3 South American Republic adopted partial prohibition, tried it for ten days, decided it wouldn't work, abolished it immediately by presiden tial decree. The day after the United States Tarriff Commission reported to the Senate that the fall in prices had resulted in raising the specific tariff du Act 20 per ties in the Hawley-Smocent over their 1930 levels, the Argentine Government inaugurated a policy of tariff preferences for British goods. The first reduction was 50 per cent on whiskey. Another national convention will be held in Cleveland in July. A Third Party will be launched. At least so we are told by Dr. John Dewey, philosophy professor at Columbia Univer sity and chairman of the League for independent roimcal Action. We are sympathetic, but doubt if there are enougn voters wno can rememDer tne name of the League to make up a party. It received thre inches of space in the capital's only liberal jour nal, The Washington Daily News. ot an outlet for labor, highAS ways offer thesurplus best opportunity inasmuch as they are about the onlv thing that can be produced with' out glutting the market, according to the president of the American Association of State Highway Officials. Some 5,000,000 American farmers are still situated on roads that become impassible in winter, preventing them from marketing their goods at the most advantageous time, from sending their children to school, from receiving quick medical attention when needed, from keeping social contacts, etc. The expenditure of a road dollar serves a double purpose, in that it puts money in circulation while actually providing something we need, and so is not to be confused with "relief" appropriations that put money into circulation but do little permanent good. Placing a man to work on a road means that we provide another one with work somewhere else supplying materials. It is said that the country could build a hundred thousand miles of jtood roads now and make use of every mile. That is something worth striving for. Every state and every county must do its part. Modern developments which have made it possible to build fine weatherproof, highways for a very few thousand dollars a mile, allow us to do needed road work without plunging ourselves into debt. ooo bpackman. Geneva Gardner, Lydia Marble and Edith Marble and Emma Gardner gave two musical numbers at the regular Sunday evening meeting at Field ing ward. Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry had as their dinner guests, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Steven ePrry of Slatersville. Mrs. James Gardner and her Trail Builders of the Primary, had a early breakfast on the hillside Friday. Saturday, Deweyville ball team were victorious over the Tremonton nine, the score being 10-Thursday, Mrs. D. B. Marble entertained at a quilting party at her home. Nine ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault of Deweyville and Mr .and Mrs. John Becker were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ault at Logan. Sunday. Mrs. Bert Stegell visited relatives in Salt Lake the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer return- ed from their visit at Twin Falls, Bur-- ! ley and Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Farmer and sons attended the funeral services of Laurence Bowcutt held at Brigham City on Saturday afternoon. Miss Alta and Edith Marble were in Ogden Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gittens have as their guest their grandson, of 3. Idaho. Fred Farmer visited relatives at Preston, Idaho over the week end. A wedding breakfast was held at Logan canyon for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nielson, who were married in the Logan Temple, Tuesday morning. Covers were laid for seventeen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Harwood and children of Salt Lake, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burbank and children were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook at Ogden, Monday. The following families enjoyed an outing and fishing trip in the Blacksmith Fork canyon: Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, Mr. and" Mrs. Lloyd Lish, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr. Barbara Lish visited her aunt, Mrs. Wallace Waits at Smithfield over the Tremonton Business Guide ELWOOD By Mrs. H. P. Rasinussen ) i Out-ot-to- We urge our readers to read the advertisements in these evening. Kenneth Chapman spent the week end at Rupert, Idaho. Colleen VaNey of Preston, Idaho, is spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Ira Anderson and family. H. P. Hoopes of Rupert, Idaho, Lee Johnsen, Ray Hogan and the Misses Florence and Nora Hoopes of Gentile Valley, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and Mr. Henry Fredrickson of Salt Lake City were Sunday guests of H. C. Hansen He entertained at a Sunday dinner in honor of the Salt Lake visitors. Miss Luby Rasmussen spent the week end home visiting her parents. She returned on the evening of the 4th of July. The Misses Norma Andersen and Garnet Chapman spent the 4th in Og den. Mrs. George Chapman visited with friends at Pocatello last Monday, re SHOPPTNG GUIDE For Clean and Quick Children's SUMMER DRESSES : At Reduced Prices see May-Taylo- Try V : FRED'S CAFE r First Home North of Ford Garage WASHERS Ranging in Prices $59.00 and up Moler Electric REFRIGERATORS The Best In Optometrk Service In Northern Utah Unlimited Money to LOAN See Them Now 3 Year Guarantee USED WASHERS Electric and Gas Motors Service and Parts on all Makes of Washers MAYTAG SHOP J. A. Pack Representative Tremonton Utah On Irrigated Land. 6'2 Per Cent. No Commissions. JOHN J. SHUMWAY Phones: B. R. V., 69.a-2- ; Bell, 129 SUIT and EXTR PAIR of TROUSERS Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 Utah Oil Station NO. 267 GOOD NEWS After July 1st we can reline your brakes with United Sanitary Cleaners PHONE 37 Raybestos Brake Lining The Best That Money Can Buy Diderickson & Goldsberry When You Think HARDWARE th WE'RE ALL INTERESTED col- umns as well as the larger display ads throughout the paper. Each week some of them will have a special to offer you. MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR Soel-ber- week end. Monday, J. W. Ault and wife and Mrs. Maggie Greenwell and Mr. and Mrs. William Pardington of Logan, :x: Can you who read these lines go called an Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault and to church next Sunday? We believe family. Andrew Gardner of Idaho, is visit turning the same day. a large per cent of the people of Tre monton and vicinity could attend ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spencer Harris of Layton, was a church at the hours each particular Gardner. of Lrma Hansen last Monday, guest Frank Chick was calling on friends'! Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen and denomination has set apart for worMonday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Munns ship, if they would arrange to do so here family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser have and children all went to Garland Sun as carefully as they make plans for other things. Suppose every man, as their guest, their mother, Mrs. day to celebrate their mother's, Mrs, woman and child who could do so at Heusser, of Weston, Idaho. Annie Mifnns birthday anniversary. of Mr.a nd Mrs. Vernon Hansen, who tended service one least at worship full-widnext Sunday! The effect would be mon by the pastor dealing with pres is attending the U. of U. in Salt Lake beyond words and space to record ent day conditions and religion, "Hard City, spent the week end home here, Do you dare try it? We bid you Times and Soft Religion." The sen and at Bear River City. come. Christ bids you come. "Let him ior choir will furnish special music Miss Pearl Mortensen went to Lothat is athirst come." When all else Alvin R. Dickson, Pastor. gan, Saturday. She was accompanied ooo fails you still have God, and He will back by her nephew, Sterling Wyatt, help you if you give Him a chance. who visited with his grandmother for The following hours of worship are awhile. CLUB NEWS observed for the convenience of all: Miss Rose Perkins of Preston, IdaTen to eleven o'clock every, Sunday is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe ho, mnrnino--. SlinHnv KrHnnl" tn ulpvon :x: Perkins. wno tnose live outside the min eleven thirty. Junior church, a sen-icThe Happy Miners Club met with The Apres Midi Club was held at rjiu ing states the silver problem may 'for all youth and adults. Story ser- - the local Farm Bureau, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Erma Miller last seem a very remote matter, with- - mon: "Like A Bee." Special number the home of Mrs. Isaac Burnhope. Friday. She had as her special guest, I out locel importance. Seven to eight Twenty-si- x ladies and crirls were in Mrs. by the Junior choir. Roskelley, of Califor In truth, however, debased silver af-- 1 p. m., Epworth League. All young attendance. Four demonstrations were nia andSpencer Miss Nina Larsen. fects us all. In the near past half1 people are invited to this service, given by the club trirls for the benefit H. P. Larsen and visited with the people of the world have had their Eight to nine, service of worship. Sor- - of the farm bureau members. Rolls Mr. and Mrs. Elsiefamily of Willard, Sunwere made by Beatrice Hawkins. A day. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen had one dish meal was prepared and serv as their dinner guest on Monday, Mr. ed by Dorothy Summers and Maurine and Mrs. George Brough of East TreMarble. Cocktails were demonstrated monton. Maurine Hansen spent the week end in Logan, visiting friends. Sam Mortensen and son. Fov. went horse back up Cold Water Canyon, as far as possible, then they proceeded on LAWYER foot to the top where they viewed the beautiful vallies of Cache and Bear OFFICES Methodist Church And Directory :x: Last Thursday Nina Larsen was hostess to a shower given in honor of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Adams of Lo gan, a bride of last week. A very lovely afternoon was spent by W Rueats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larsen... Progressive games were played, after which a dainty luncheon was served. Iihe bride was then kept busy for one hour unwrapping the beautiful gifts received. g guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John of Oakland, California. Mrs. Job Adams and daughter, xMarie oi Logan; Mrs. Ray Catron, of Ogden; Mrs. Lyndon Barkle oi Providence; Mrs. Sholer and Mrs. Leonard Larsen of Tremonton; Misses Ethel and Nor ma Jensen of Brigham City; Miss Aleen Hansen of Bear River City.. The bride was the recipient of many beau tiful guts and good wishes for a hap py future. Milton Anderson, a Iirst year stu dent at the U. S. A. C, just received his last report and we find he has haD 100 per cent in all his studies during the school year, or all A's. We wish to congratulate him and hope he stays on top. He was a Logan visitor of the 4th of July. Bishop and Mrs. V. L. Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Fri- dal and children, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen and family attended the Anderson reunion just organized last Saturday in the old Jacob Hansen home at Bear River City. Hyrum Han sen was named president with Victor L. Hansen vice president, and Agnes Hansen secretary and treasurer. Out-o- f the 83 living descendants, 62 were present, even from California, Colorado and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagstaff and children of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wagstaff and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff and son, Arthur of Perry, surprised Mrs Wm. Peterson and family Saturday THINK WILSON Rocky Mountain "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Packing Corporation 4-- e Kennett H. Malan For Unemployed WANTED River. Salesmen and Salesladies on Specialty work. Only Bonif ide Residents Need Apply PHONE Lumber Implements Paints and Oils - MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Utah Oil Station The Happy Miners Club met at the home of Mina Eberhart, Thursday. Nine girls were present FOUND Pair of spectacles. Owner The second year Club Girls, of may have same by describing them Bear River City, held their second 7 tl.- meeting at the home of their leader, and paying for this ad. Miss Norene Checketts. The subject was simple deserts. Various dishes FOR SALE Sour cherries, 2ic per were made and served. pound. Call Kim Mann, phone 6.y-- Tremonton, Utah Phone 21 NO. 268 Winchester Service Ed WINCHESTER, Prop. Mina Eberhart, and a table setting demonstration was given by Edna Christensen and Ruby Hunsaker. Light refreshments were served. ...WANT COLUMN.. J tS Packers of Twin Peak Peas by Leila Stark and 133 - - TREMONTON Call at address below You can Paint up, Clean Up and Build Up for less money than ever before Hardware Over Bank, Tremonton 1208 1st Nafl Bank, Ogden OU Tremonton Steam BAKERY Your products are better Our products made from jour's makes ours the best. Boost your own products by boosting ours Use MIDLAND CAFE Home-Mad- e Bring Your Family And Try Our Products You'll like them better Sunday Chicken Dinner SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER 4-- H 7-- 2. 7-- tl. 7 Wednesday afternoon the Crystal Club Girls met at the home of Cleo Marble. The time was spent in sewing. Games were played later in the afternoon. Thursday morning at 6:30 this same club accompanied by Club girls their leaders and the and their leader. Mrs. Lei and Crystal of Tremonton, left on a hike to Cold Water canyon. 4-- H FOR SALE Good hand washer, cheap Also good Guernsey cows, some fresh, others to freshen soon. Call 7 15, Maytag Shop. tl 7-- We have a carload of Grain Bags and plenty of Twine for sewing them SEE US FIRST 4-- H Farmers' Cash Union LOST "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" FOR RENT Three apartments, mod ern, One furnished. See Mrs. Nephi Phone 35 Tremonton. Utah KOBQfaaatnBM BATTERIES TIRES TUBES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS - - -- LEA'S SERVICE TREMONTON UTAH LEA DUNN. Prop. Bunch of keys on ring. Finder return to this office. Reward, tip The 3rd year Cooking Club of South Tremonton, held a meeting at Nessen, Tremonton. the home of Beth Allen, June 22. Songs were sung, led by the song FOR SALE Choice building lots, 70 leader. Bread was made, Parkerhouse x 300 ft. Inquire James. Walton, rolls, luncheon rolls, clover leaf rolls, Phone 23. Sold on installment plan, all turned out good. no down payment. 4-- H TREMONT COAL PHONE 9 CO- - f. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cowa and horses. Reverse call t.f41 Brigham 493J2 FOR SALE Good building: lime 112.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o &igar Co., Garland, Utah 18tfd FOR SALE Lloyd baby buggy, in very good condition. Cost $40. Will take $10. tf. When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" rhone 11 FLOUR "PRIDE OF UTAH" "UTAH FAVORITE" All Poultry Mashes TREMONTON-GARLANMILLING CO. D |