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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 22. 1930. Rev. and Mrs. Dickson To Take Extensive Trip Rev. and Mrs. Alvin IL Dickson will leave Monday, May 26th, for a three weeks trip to points in Washington, Oregon, and California. They expect to visit in particular Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon, and Oakland and San Francisco in California. Mr. Dickson has a number of old friends that he has not seen in years that he expects to visit in Washington, and in Oakland a former District Superintendent, new retired, of his denomination. While in San Francisco they will attend the aniuujneeting of the California Conference of the Methodist Church which meets early in June. paint, oil, glass, and chinaware, etc. For several years we engaged in the shipping of grain, hay, fruit and potatoes, reaching distant markets even on the border of the Rio Grande at Corpus Chris te and many other Texas markets. We supplied also about 350,000 sacks annually to' our members during harvest season. During those balmy days we paid eleven consecutive dividends aggre- gating 126,353.46. In ilay 1915 our board saw fit, under prosperous times, to expand and for eight years we operated a store at Brigham City and also made investments in buildings and some real estate, and operated a meat and grocery store for the same length of time at Tremonton. Then both these stores were discontinued providing no surplus with a sudden change in merchandise and methods of merchandising, with fluctuating markets we experienced a set back that few escaped merchants, bankers, liveOwing to the misplacement of a stock interest and a great many number of lines in r the following farmers likewise felt the depressions. Some implement manufacturers bearticle, written by Mr. Holmgren and published in the last issue of the came insolvent and closed their factoriesothers sold out, or changed Leader, is being republished here. On June 1st, 1930, it will be twenty, ownership and some lines of implethree years since the1 writer was en- ments were taken off the Western gaged by the Directors of the Far- market As a result of these dismers' Cash Union to manage that "co- asters we had four complete implencern and it is only fair- and reasonable ment lines to close out which entailed to expect from him a; statement upon considerable loss. The lumber market, retiring that might reach some of the too, advanced and retarded about 40 stockholders, many of whom have and the Calcutta bag market admoved to various cities of the United vanced 250 and receeded within the States from Portland to Chicago and year to a normal market, this with Los Angeles to Peoria and some to $15,000.00 bags on hand did not 6pell several cities of Utah and Idaho. profit with bulk wheat shipments rollIn January 1907 the writer pur- ing as they had never done before and chased from the C.'W. & M. Co. the bags remained unsold. vacated property of that firm for .This, then, becomes the first intro$2000.00 and secured a deed for same duction to borrowed working capital signed by Joseph P. Smith, President on which- about $2000.00 of the firm. interest became payable for a term of That winter will never be forgotten years wlueh has been promptly paid due to the inclemency of the weather quarterly or and these accompanied with a great scarcity of Learnings were called "interest" in coal churches and schools closed for stead of "dividend". As a result no lack of it and many suffered. surplus or working capital with which Thirteen members of the organiz- to properly discount bills or operate ation then in effect signed a telegram the business had been accumulated demanding immediate shipment of over the interest paid during the past coal with a result that seven car loads ten years. some 250 tons arrived by the next Among two or three hundred stock train from Corinne to Fielding, all of holders owning one or more shares which was unloaded in a few hours. diversified ideas and opinions might The writer, then acting secretary, be expected, some commendable and had a draft drawn against his per- others, less informed by lack of sonal account for $1300.00 in payment patronage or personal contact, would of this coal. Immediately there after offer criticism and accus the organization was incorporated ation, all- of which was anticipated, under the same name and they pur- for this reason records have been kept chased the original property at cost that are open to inspection to those to which valuable additions had been interested to know how, when, and in made. what manner the manager's combine, The late C. W. Richards was the harvester, thresher, header, mowers first President. The C. W. & M. Co. or other agricultural implements were stocked us with implements, and our paid. This would show not only what first order of shelf hardware would had been purchased but also all what only fill the shelves" of a good sized was sold as various crops through the company and would incidentally cast our inventory exceeded $50,000.00 In some light on the question as to who implements, coal, lumber, hardware, paid $4,930.00 for three automobiles Retiring Manager Gives Out Business Summary , that were used and worn out during; fourteen years of service for the com- pany. Personal checks covering these items should satisfy any critic. With all this taken in good part I desire to thank the hundreds of friends and patrons who have given their moral and practical support, most of the directors have given loyal council and support, and the employees have been true, energetic and trust worthy, and in concluding may I bespeak for my successor, Mr. C. J. Dewey, the same loyal, and practical support, bearing in mind it is your institution, and upon your patronage depends its success quite as much as upon the efforts of the manager or his employees. Mr. Dewey has been a director of the company for more than fifteen years, during that time has assisted in taking inventories and statements of the business and is qualified to assume the position as manager. My resignation having been accepted by the board, I wish to assure them and the new management my good will, patronage and support and I see no reason why this store should not continue to hold a prestige and popular place among other . business institutions of the valley. years Having spent twenty-thre- e from the center of man's allotted time, which is invarably the best part U. with a of life, I leave the F kindly feeling and wish all success. Respectfully, David Holmgren ; .a NOTICE NOTICE State of Utah, ' County of Box Elder, ss. Injhe Rawlins Precinct of said county, 1 have in my possession the followi ing described estray animal, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sol dat public auction to the highest cash bidder at My Corral, in Rawlins Pecinct, on the 26 day of May, 1930, at th hour of 1 P. M. Description of Animals One bay bald face saddle horse, branded on left jaw, SU on neck and O-- on left thigh. Said estray was taken up by me in said precinct on the 15 day of May, I 1930. EZRA HARRIS, Poundkeper of Rawlins Precinct. NOTICE OF CREDITORS Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Tremonton, Utah, on or before the 20th day of June, A. D. 1930. Carl A. and Augusta Stenquist, Executors of the estate of Selma Catherine Stenquist, Deceased. Lewis Jones, Esq. Attorney of Executors. Date of first publication, April 17, - Date of last publication. May 15, Furthermore, notice is hereby given 29 at 10 A. M., 1930, has been fixed by the Board of Education as a day on which will be held a public hearing on" said budget to which patrons and tax payers are invited. Dated this 14th day of May, 1930. 1930. Service v . MIM. 15, 1930. Last publication, May 22, 1930. Ernest P. Horsley, Clerk. f BM. .' First publication May D. White, President, By LeRoy ' HEARTOF, 11 io BOARD OF EDUCATION, BOX ELDER SCHOOL DISTRICT, inTthb, ( III io that Thursday, May - simi-annuall- y, In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Stake ot Utah, in and for Box Elder County. , In the matter of the application of Joshua Hawks for a conveyance by the District Court of title to lands held in trust NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is herebv riven that JoKfcna. Hawks has filed his petition alleging; inai ne is tne owner ol: Lot 1, Block 11, Portage Townsite Survey, situated in Box Elder County, Utah, together with two hours of water in the Canyon Stream in West Portage, Box Elder County, Utah. And asking that the Hon. Melvin CL Harris as judge of the above entitled court and trustee of said premises to said petitioner as provided by law. All persons interested in said premises are notified to appear before said court on Monday, the 9th day of June, A. D., 1930 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the court room of the county court house at Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, and show cause, if any there be, why said conveyance should not be made MELVIN C. HARRIS, trustee District Judge and for the occupants of Portage Town-sit- e. TENTATIVE SCHOOL BUDGET AND CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with law, the Superintendent of Schools for the Box Elder School District submitted his annual school in budget for the fiscal year 1930-3- 1 tentative form to the Board of Education on May 9, 1930 and that said board gave this matter its thorough and detailed attention, taking into consideration the funds necessary to meet the needs of the district in each and every department of the school system. The said tentative budget, as modified, is now on file at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education where it may be examined by any tax paper or school patron who may be interest A. D. 1930. If (I NOTICE OF HEARING ed. Estate of Selma Catherine Stenquist, semi-annu- al - PAGE FIVE - II (rf ' ,1' - Don't Lcoo This DloMc? Only When You Are." We would rather lose a sale than a E want all our f rinds and customers to know that we value and appreciate the patronage that has been given us. You have centaintly been gererous in giving us your loyal support and we are mighty grateful. If you stay with us, We assure you we'll stay with you. Our policy from the start has been "A Square Deal and One Price to Every Farmer" and our motto is "We Are Satisfied customer. Our work is to help you make and save money. Evidently this poilcy has been mighty popular, because business gets better and better. New faces appear at our place of business every day, and not one day goes by but that we make another sale and a new friend. Bear River Valley Implement Co., S. B. Watland, Manager. Equipment for Box Elder County Farmers McCbrmick-Deerin- g BccatIM M 70a do lose out flam an drsa. and tiufi molt oortant if yon want to cat the best washing and easing service in towjv Sor experience, equte ment and reaaonaofa prices have won a fepjh Mccormick tation for us. Try m on your next jobl - deering tractors McCormick Deering Genuine Mowers High-Li- ft SPECIAL! BLUE LIGHT STATION SO. 9 Adam Imthurn, "The Gas Man", Prop. Phone 102 Tremonton, - How are you fixed for grinding your mower knives? We can offer you a simple McGormick-Deer-inKnife Grinder which fastens onto the mower wheel or bench and grinds the knives rapidly and uniformly. The grinding stone is shaped to grind two surfaces at once. Ask us to show you one of these grinders. g 0 0 AND TYPE Famous for their smooth, steady, vibrationless, 10-2- 15-3- valve-in-he- ad engines. Triple power belt, drawbar, or power take-ofBall and roller bearings at 29 important points reduce friction and wear. Economical, durable, and powerful. You can't get a better tractor at any price. A?viI DUTY fi0B?gS " e cast frame. Roller bearings. Improved clutch. Patented, d steel automatic pitman. cutter bar. Improved, extra-hig- h lift drop forged knife head, with case hardened ball and socket connection. Improved hitch and better guards. Steel ledger plates with serrated edges and many other fine features. One-piec- Heat-treate- One-piec- e, f. ies a HEAVY It 5 a 7 JtXi $5.50 Complete McCORMICK- Guaranteed HARVESTER and a Just out record-breakin- - DEERING THRESHERS - "Once over and its Save as much as 20 cents per bushel on all grain crops. Three types and cut prairie combines and the No. 7 Hillside Harvester-Threshe- r. all-ove- g ot Value at these 12-fo- ot prices 6 PLY HEAVY DUTY i 29 x4.40,.... JUST 30 x 4.50 ARRIVED m 1 8.30 $10.25 Fronk Chevrolet Co. and Marble's Texaco Station the se FARM ALL tractor is built especially for row-cro- p clearance. steering. Short turn. line of Farmall tractor machines and attachments. 80-in- ch Semi-automat- ic work. High Also a full If You Want Quick Delivery and Quality, call BEAR RIVER VALLEY IMPLANT CO. 19 June Home 20 Talent Chautauqua Big Enter Contests .Before June 5th "Z v" f ; " P. V |