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Show PAGE THREE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1930. n Passed by the City Council at REPORT , Made to the Bank Commissioner of City, this 2nd day of April, A. D-- , i The State of Utah, of the condition of 1930. JAMES WALTON, Mayor The Tremonton Banking Company, loMrs. Clayton Beck was a Salt Lake cated at Tremonton in the county of (Seal) Box Elder, state of Utah, at the close Attest: Lewis Brenkman, visitor during the week. City Recorder Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler and son of business on the 5th day of April, 1 STATE OF UTAH Glade of Brigham were here Saturday 1930. RESOURCES and Sunday looking after the interest $155,037.67 of their farm. They expect to move Loans and Discounts I, Lewis Brenkman, City Recorder as soon as the Boxelder High School Stocks, Bonds and Securi... 14,832.14 of Tremonton City, Box Elder County, ties, etc .... closes. ; 17.000.00 State of Utah, do hereby certify that Bank House Miss Grace Udy was the week-en- d . and Furniture 3,700.00 the foregoing ordinance, entitled "An Fixtures, of guest of her cousin, Evadine Smith Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Sold Real Under Estate Plymouth. :. ... Contract 14,489.39 Extending and Fixing the Fire DisNorman Tubbs returned to Salt 20,000.00 trict Within Tremonton City, Box Lake City the latter part of the week, Other Real Estate Owned Elder County, Utah, passed by the Due Banks Other from 26,779.75 after a pleasant visit with his parents, Total Cash on Hand . 6,934.98 City council of Tremonton City on the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tubbs. 2nd day of April, 1930, "is a full, true .380.00 Mrs. Mary Tingey of Salt Lake Interest Paid and correct copy of the original ordin16.43 Expenses, the here several at City spent days ance as passed by the City Council of home of her son, Streator. ...........,.... $258,773.93 Tremonton City, Utah, on the 2nd day Total, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Huishand of April, A. D. 1930. LIABILITIES son Junior, were the dinner guests of LEWIS BRENKMAN, $ 25,000.00 Capital Stock Paid in, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tingey, Sunday. . City Recorder 12,500.00 Fund, Surplus Mrs. George Forsberg of Salt Lake Undivided (Seal) Profits, $3,692.83 is visiting with relatives here. 285.76 The Boy Scouts gave a very enjoy- Interest 9.30 able dancing party Wednesday, of last Exchange, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN veek. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ....... ' 3,987.89 Total, Mrs. Rowane Udy, Mrs. R. D. STORING OF COMBUSTIBLES Net Undivided Profits, 3,591.46 and daughter Beth and Mrs. WITHIN TREMONTON, CITY, 623.61 Karl Welling were shopping in Logan Reserve for Depreciation, .. BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH. Due to Other Banks, 15,840.41 Be It Ordained By the City Council of one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Capener of Salt Deposits Subject Tremonton City: to Check, $124,685.03 Lake City spent Monday at the A. A. 1. That Section 277, Chapter 17, Re Cashier's Checks, 3,486.70 . Capener home. Ordinances of the City of Trevised VouMrs. Leland Capener and small Expenses monton, relating to the storing of 20.80 chers daughter went to Salt Lake Cityj Dividends be and the same is herecombustibles 18.00 Unpaid Saturday to remain for a week. to read as fololws: amended by Demand Total 128,210.53 Deposits, Mr. and Mrs. August Forsberg and 2. Sec. 277. Storing Combustibles. children Ruth and Clarence went to Time Certifishall be unlowful to keep or store It cates $15,952.40 Salt Lake Sunday. more than 50 pounds of powder, dynaDeposSavings Mr. and Mrs. George Ward were gasoline, benmite, $38,544.55 its, conference visitors Sunday and Monwithin said other or zine, explosives Total Time Deposits, .... 54,496.95 day. save and except the same 5,000.00 fire limits, Moroni Ward, who is a member of Other Bills Payable, in a manner to be 12,900.00 be kept and stored the B. Y. U. v Glee Club, visited Rediscounts, Town the Building Inapproved by .... 604.29 Wednesday night with his parents, Miscellaneous, Suspense no cirunder that spector, provided 6.68 , Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ward. He return- Cash Over, .... cumstances shall gasoline be kept or ed to Provo Thursday morning. ... $258,773.93 stored within said fire limits except Total, Ruel Eskelson, Who is the Major of for retail sale at the point where so STATE OF UTAH, ) the Utah National Guard at Brigham, stored or kept, and then only on the with his wife and family, were the County of Box Elder j of the Town Buildnig InC. first duly permit Spencer Taylor, being guests of Senator and Mrs. Tracy spector. to sworn law, deposes and according Welling, Sunday. 3. This as amended, shall Miss Donna Mae Davis of Garland says that he is Cashier of the above take effectordinance, on its passage, approval, named bank; that the above and foreis visiting at the Jesse Davis home. and publication. R. T. Shaw of Brigham was a visit- going report contains a full, true and Council at TrePassed the or at the J. H. Ward home during the correct statement of the condition of monton by thisCity 2nd day of April, City, the said bank at the close of business week. A. D. 1930. Howard Kelley of Brigham, spent on the 5th day of April, 1930. JAMES WALTON, Mayor. C. SPENCER TAYLOR, several days at the T. R. Welling (Seal) home. He returned to Brigham, Mon- Correct Attest: Attest: Lewis Brenkman, H. G. SCOTT, day. City Recorder. ,' P. JOHN Senator T. R. Welling and family HOLMGREN, STATE UTAH OF ) EDGAR H. WHITE, moiorea to cnernam. Monday evening--. r SS R. C. HARRIS, ' The family f Ora Hyer and Keith COUNTY OF BOX ELDER ) Directors. and Louis Kjar of Logan and Dr. Lewis Brenkman, City Recorder Subscribed and sworn to before me. of I,Tremonton and Mrs. James S. Allen, of Idaho City, Box Elder County, Falls, were the dinner guests of Mr. This 7th day of April, 1930. c LEWIS BRENKMAN, Notary Publi State of Utah, do hereby certify that and Mrs. J. H. Ward, Sunday. the foregoing ordinance, entitled "An LEWIS BRENKMAN, Mrs. T. R. Welling entertained Ordinance an Ordinance Notary Public, Tremonton, Utah, Relating ToAmendingthirty boys and girls at the birthday the of Combusti Storing party, Tuesday evening in honor of (Seal) bles within Tremonton City, Box ner son JVeil, who was eight years old. My Commission expires the 12 day Elder County, Utah, passed by the The young people enjoyed the bonfire of January, 1932. City Council of Tremonton City on the 1 STATE OF UTAH, very much and especially the roast znd day ol April. 1930" is a full, true Office of Bank Commissioner ) wiennies and marshmallows. correct copy of the orginal ordin I, W. H. Hadlock, Bank Commissioner and ance as passed by the City Council of of the certiState of do Cedar City Plans underway to orUtah, hereby City, Utah, on the 2nd day that the foregoing is a full, true Tremontonganize poultry unit to be fy and correct copy of the statement of ox April, 1 voir. known as Southern Utah Poultry LEWIS BRENKMAN, the above named company, filed in my . City Recorder office this 8th day of April, 1930. s W. H. HADLOCK, STATEMENT OF THE OWNER Bank Commissioner. CURLEW IRRIGATION AND SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULARESERVOIR COMPANY TION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN Principal place of business, Snow-villACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST ORDINANCE EXTENDING AND . . , Utah, FIXING THE FTRR DTSTPinT Notice is hereby given that at "a Of Bear River Valley Leader. DublishWITHIN TREMONTON CITY, meeting of the Directors, held on the ed weekly, at Tremonton, Utah, for tSVX ijLiUSjit COUNTY, UTAH. 29th of March, 1930, an assessBe It Ordained By The City Council ment day April 1, 1930. of 10 per cent was levied on the of Tremonton City: State of Utah ) capital stock in the East Canal, and (1) That Section 266, Chapter 17. r SS. Revised Ordinance of the City of TreCounty of Box Elder J Before me, a notary public in and monton, relating to fires be and the When You Think for the State and county aforesaid, same is hereby amended to read as follows: personally appeared James Walton, (2) . Sec. 266. Fire Limit Boundary who, having been duly sworn accordThe district hereinafter designated to law, deposes and says he is the ing publisher of the Bear River Valley nated shall constitute a fire district "Everything to Build Anything" Leader and that the following is, to within said city and be subject to the Phone 11. the best of his knowledge and belief, a provisions of this chapter. Main Street between the Malad true statement of the ownership, River on the East and the Utah management, etc., of the aforesaid Idaho Sugar Company canal west publication for the date shown in the of the Oregon Short Line Railabove caption, required by the Act of road on the West and extending August 24, 1912, embodied in section 165 feet on the South and 165 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, feet on on; the North from said the reverse of this printed form, street. to wit: (3) This ordinance as amended 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, shall take effect on its passage, and publication. and business managers are: Publisher, James Walton, , Editor James Walton, Managing Editor, Also all kinds of Fire and James Walton, Business Managers, ' James Walton, all of Tremonton, Money Automobile Insurance -1- Tre-mo- - Riverside tS ;$ . . Mac-farla- e, nitro-glycerin- . " an assessment f 15 iwr writ nn the capital stock in the West Canal, payable March 29th, 1930, to Jesse Arbon, Treasurer of the Company at hig residence at Snowville, Utah. Any stock UDOfl Which t.hp.ojk acMcmpntti nmv ra. main unpaid on the 30th day of April, xyju, win Do delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless Davmpnt is mlf hpfnro will tv sold on the 24th day of May, 1930, to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. Wm. Hurd. Snowvillp. TTrjih First publication, April 3, 1930. Last publication. April 24, 1930. County Court House, of Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, all the right title claim and interest of the above named defendants, of, in and to the following described . real property, situated in Box Elder County, Utah, to-wi- t:- Btginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 9, Plat "A" Brigham City Survey, thence running North 4 rods; thence East 3 rods; thence THE FARMER'S CASH UNION OF BEAR RIVER VALLEY, A Corporation Tremonton. Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors of tho farmer's Cash Union of Bear River Valley, a Corporation, held on the second day of April, 1930, an assessment of fifty cents per share was levied on the Capital Stock of said farmer's Cash Union cf Bear River Valley, payable on the first day of May to the secretary at the nrincinal office of said Corporation at Tremon ton, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the first day of May, 1930, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before will be sold on the fifteenth day of May, 1930, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense of QUALITY WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS From the well known VESTAL hatchery, $12.00 delivered large hens and heavy layers. ORDER THROUGH F. B. BARLOW Phone 74 ji-- 2 California. sale. Signed David Holmgren, Secretary, Tremonton, Utah. First pub. April 10, 1930. Last pub., May 1, 1930. IN THE CITY COURT OF BRIG- A HAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH. John Jensen, plaintiff, vs. - I pensive when you consider 4 USE-ft true f lavors. I Store and Factory, corner 3rd S. and Tremonton St j j -- by devoting a small portion of your weekly income to a special vacation savings account. pmmmmammmmmammmum Westmoreland's Extracts and Spices and you will get ex- - VACATION is not too the pleasure and benefits confer- red. It's worth saving for. If you start early enough you can easily afford a splendid vacation Ora A. Figging, personally and as the administratrix ofthe estate of Henry M. Figgins, Deceased, Defendants, SHERIFF'S SALE To Be Sold at Sheriff's Sale, on the 25th day of. April, 1930, at Twelve o'clock noon, at the Front Door of the . tri-coun- ty or direct from Vestal Hatchery, Petaluma, Can You Afford It? ' -- South 5 rods; thence West 3 rods; thence North 1 rod to place of beginning, together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging. Dated this 3rd day of April, 1930. Terms of Sale Cash. John H. undel, Sheriff of Box Elder County, Utah. By Joseph R. Olsen, Deputy. ; First publication, April 3, 1930. Last publication, April 24, 1930. - v Interest Tremonton 1 1 Banking Co. y e, ; , LUMBER THINK WILSON Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate al, Unlimited Utah, That the owner is: Leader Publishing Co., Tremonton, Utah; James Walton, Tremonton, Utah, D. A. Walton, Salt Lake City, Utah, W. S. Muir, Tremonton, Utah; N. Newman Reeves, Los Angeles, Calif, Eldora Reeves, Los Angeles, California, Frank Lester Brigham City, Utah. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: Inter-typ- e Corporation, New York; Western Newspaper Union, Salt Lake City, Utah, J. A. Wixom, Salt Lake City, to 2. LOAN ; Oji Apply Irrigated Land. JAMES BROUGH 6V2 per cent. ' No commissions. JOHN J. SHUMWA1 Phones: B. R. V. 69.a-- 2; Bell, 129 Secretary and Treasurer Garland National Firm Loan Association GARLAND UTAH Utah. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in case where the stockholder security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and "this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so state by him. JAMES WALTON, Sworn to snd subscribed before me this 9th day of April, 1930. LEA DUNN, (Seal) My commission expires, April 6, 1933. Linoleum and Rugs We have just received a large shipment of Linoleum and Rugs. You are sure to find just the color and pattern you wish in our most complete stock. Floor covering priced at $1.25 a yard, and up. Felt base rugs, $7.50 up, for the 9 x 12 size. "Cavalier" Refrigerators priced as low as $13.50. NOTICE Pep Gasoline. Is sold only through the following authorized dealers fit this territory, and is guaranteed by us to be one of the Finest Motor Fuels manufactured in the United States and it is Not Of Bootleg Origin and Not Of Questionable Quality PEP GASOLINE is sold solely upon its Quality Merits, dependable service and by Reliable Dealers, who thoroughly believe in "What Utah Makes, Makes Utah" and Bear River Valley a Better Place To Live In. Adam, "The Gas Man's" Blue Light Station, No. 9 Tremonton Tremonton Winchester's, Blue Light Station No. 10 11 Wise's Blue Light Station, No. ......... Garland Stayner's Garage Hess Blue Light Station Letters' Cash Store Garland .... Plymouth ....... : y Collinston ....... ...... .... Z Earl s Cash Store . J R. Gibbs ....u,.........u.............n.......................n..... Hansen's Cash Store :.;:..............;. :LL ..l Portage Howell Blue Light Gas & Oil Co, ADAM IMTHURN, "The Gas Tremonton, Utah ft Man'Branch Manager Phone 102. |